
Month: 2024-08


chewei 20:31:55
g0v シビックテックプロジェクトとコミュニティの手引き

Hi everyone! The Japanese version of the *g0v Civic Tech Project &amp; Community Handbook* online page is now complete! Feel free to check it out and share it with anyone who might be interested.:jump-g0v::sparkles: <https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/ctpbook_jp>

chewei 20:31:55

Hi everyone! The Japanese version of the *g0v Civic Tech Project &amp; Community Handbook* online page is now complete! Feel free to check it out and share it with anyone who might be interested.:jump-g0v::sparkles: <https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/ctpbook_jp>