
Month: 2024-04


chewei 19:33:48

幫友代 po(他今天早上突然接到他們合作公司的電話,說想組一個訪學團來 g0v 社群跟大家一起玩) <https://www.z-koushikai.or.jp|https://www.z-koushikai.or.jp> Now we are planning a study trip to Taiwan and please kindly allow us to request a courtesy visit to Minister Audrey Tang <@U02L29KSW>. Upon arrangement of this trip, we are told that several years ago, Audrey gave a speech to Koushi-kai members. The purpose of this courtesy visit is to express our gratitude for Minister’s speech and respect for Taiwan’s success on digital practices. Our study group focus on mutual communication between public and private, including issues on countering disinformation and fake news, and the ideal cycle of policy requests from citizens and government feedbacks; if possible, we also would like to interview Minister upon this topic.

chewei 19:33:48

幫友代 po(他今天早上突然接到他們合作公司的電話,說想組一個訪學團來 g0v 社群跟大家一起玩) <https://www.z-koushikai.or.jp|https://www.z-koushikai.or.jp> Now we are planning a study trip to Taiwan and please kindly allow us to request a courtesy visit to Minister Audrey Tang <@U02L29KSW>. Upon arrangement of this trip, we are told that several years ago, Audrey gave a speech to Koushi-kai members. The purpose of this courtesy visit is to express our gratitude for Minister’s speech and respect for Taiwan’s success on digital practices. Our study group focus on mutual communication between public and private, including issues on countering disinformation and fake news, and the ideal cycle of policy requests from citizens and government feedbacks; if possible, we also would like to interview Minister upon this topic.