
Month: 2017-10


hsiao-a 03:40:14
這個issue 求解
超怪的 是aws還是domain provider的bug


Opening issue in Chrome · Issue #4 · national-treasures-tw/landing-page

When I directly type "<|>" in url in Chrome, it will automatically add random characters such as <|>. Then it can't open properly.

Jerry 04:22:16
can’t reproduce this issue on my chrome >“<
hsiao-a 04:23:04
It seems to only happen on computers that never visited our site before
hsiao-a 04:24:02
So it's likely to be a domain redirect issue
wildjcrt 11:02:48
I add some screenshots in this issue for more information.
ael 18:26:23
@hsiao-a that's not true. I have visited the website several times
acechen 23:42:57
I feel it's cloudfront cache. Only the first query responds the weird header, the following requests are okay. If I try it 7 secs later, it repeats.
hsiao-a 23:46:25
hsiao-a 23:46:35
Looks like somebody hits bingo
wildjcrt 23:52:25
@hsiao-a not exactly. It can reproduce by terminal every several minutes.
give this a try
$ curl -I
hsiao-a 23:54:55
Oh oh...
wildjcrt 23:56:34
I've uploaded my screen shots on github issue.
hsiao-a 23:56:37
I set a domain redirect from to https://www.
But I don't not seen this bug before
hsiao-a 23:56:45
Yes I saw the screenshots thank you!
wildjcrt 23:57:07
nice! hope that help.
wildjcrt 23:58:11
>I set a domain redirect from to https://www.
where did you do this?
wildjcrt 23:58:26
Did you set up in server nginx config?
wildjcrt 23:59:46
I recommend to checkout server nginx log first. 🙂


hsiao-a 00:00:51
I set it in domain DNS
hsiao-a 00:01:17
there's no server I hosted statics on S3
wildjcrt 00:04:39
hmm, interesting…
wildjcrt 00:05:13
where is the domain name server?
hsiao-a 00:05:34
Domain is godaddy
wildjcrt 00:07:32
@hsiao-a aha! just googled some others meet same problem!

GoDaddy Community &amp; Forums

My domain name not resolving correctly, 6 random characters are being added to the path

My problem started yesterday (24/08/17). When I open a browser it is configured to my homepage hosted on my ISP and the name I have configured with godaddy resolves to the name my ISP gives me. This has worked fine for the past 8+ years. Now what is happening when I open a browser the resolved url n...

hsiao-a 00:12:08
wildjcrt 00:12:42
OMG… it looks an ongoing issue on GoDaddy.
I would recommend to use Cloudflare as your domain name server.
wildjcrt 00:12:46

Cloudflare Support

How to add a DS record to GoDaddy

NOTE: GoDaddy only supports DNSSEC with algorithm 13 for the following TLDs: .com, .net, .org, .info, .cc, .tv, .uk, .<|>, .<|>, .<|>, .<|>, .<|>, .<|>, .<|>, .<|>, .me, .xxx,...

wildjcrt 00:14:53
It may takes several days to update domain name server info in the world, but I believe it's worth to do.
hsiao-a 00:16:57
👍👍👍 thanks I'll look into it
hsiao-a 00:17:04
Stupid godaddy 😡
wildjcrt 00:17:54
super 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
wildjcrt 00:18:09
good luck!


fly 15:31:18
@leo424y has joined the channel