Funding the Commons: Taipei 2023 · Luma
Taipei is known as the land of digital democracy. Located in the center of Asia, Taipei presents itself with traditional sceneries. It is also home to g0v, the civic tech community that plays a...
Nomad Matters 遊牧者計畫啟動:實踐一種負責任的數字遊民生活 - Matty (@hi176)
大疫之後,全球生活與工作秩序重組。華文用戶在全球移居、流動、遊牧也越來越多。去中心化創作平台 Matters 攜手 4Seas 四海社區共同啟動「遊牧者計畫」,提供初始基金、發表平台、社群以及在地資源支持,希望鼓勵更多人帶著觀察的眼睛上路,探索世界,反思自身。 11月 28 日 20:00(東八區)將舉辦線上說明會。
Funding the Commons: Taipei 2023 · Luma
Taipei is known as the land of digital democracy. Located in the center of Asia, Taipei presents itself with traditional sceneries. It is also home to g0v, the civic tech community that plays a...
All Week c0w0rk|da0 x Bu Zhi DAO · Luma
[ 華語在下方 ] A co-working event organized by da0 and BuZhiDAO, bringing together web3 community partners and online friends who usually meet virtually. Bring your laptops and join us to work...
All Week c0w0rk|da0 x Bu Zhi DAO · Luma
[ 華語在下方 ] A co-working event organized by da0 and BuZhiDAO, bringing together web3 community partners and online friends who usually meet virtually. Bring your laptops and join us to work...
[English below] 最近各種活動緊鑼密鼓,這個週六就是大松了! 八月在大松提案的<|FOSS and Open Data Playground>,將於週六 11:30~12:15 舉辦「`數位公共財哥來投票之QV平方投票`」的活動,並邀請各坑主分享階段性成果。 :ballot_box_with_ballot: 投票資格: 凡<|報名大松>並實體到現場的參與者,都可以在報到時領取獨一無二的投票QRcode, 一同支持數位公共財打造計畫。 參與Playground的七個專案也已經將成果放到線上,歡迎有興趣的人點入連結觀看, 然後週六就來大松欣賞<|實體成果發表>、開坑、填坑、投票吧! :space_invader: 線上成果展: 1. <|Desci - Open Science BioFabrication Project> 2. <|DeSci -DARTA> 3. <|立法院大小聲> 4. <|Thaubing ESG 開放企業永續資料庫> 5. <|Cofacts> 6. <|Shoutout> 7. <|disfactory> :video_camera: 11:30~12:15的成發,會同步在 <|Founding the Commons Taipei>的松菸會場播放,將各坑成果分享給同樣關心數位公共財議題的國際友人。:nyan-parrot::nyan-parrot::nyan-parrot: ---- Between 11:30~12:15 on Saturday, there will be a presentation of <|The FOSS and Open Data Playground> and a <|quadratic voting> event. Participants who have successfully <|registered for the g0v hackath59n> and attended in person can receive a unique voting QR code on site. Join us to support digital public goods projects! :tada: Check out the projects online: 1. <|Desci - Open Science BioFabrication Project> 2. <|DeSci -DARTA> 3. <|立法院大小聲> 4. <|Thaubing ESG 開放企業永續資料庫> 5. <|Cofacts> 6. <|Shoutout> 7. <|disfactory> :film_frames: The presentation from 11:30~12:15 will be broadcast at <|Founding the Commons Taipei>. ---- Credits to contributors : <@U049T974GDQ> <@U0T4N1FT4>!!! :nyan-parrot::nyan-parrot::nyan-parrot:
[English below] 最近各種活動緊鑼密鼓,這個週六就是大松了! 八月在大松提案的<|FOSS and Open Data Playground>,將於週六 11:30~12:15 舉辦「`數位公共財哥來投票之QV平方投票`」的活動,並邀請各坑主分享階段性成果。 :ballot_box_with_ballot: 投票資格: 凡<|報名大松>並實體到現場的參與者,都可以在報到時領取獨一無二的投票QRcode, 一同支持數位公共財打造計畫。 參與Playground的七個專案也已經將成果放到線上,歡迎有興趣的人點入連結觀看, 然後週六就來大松欣賞<|實體成果發表>、開坑、填坑、投票吧! :space_invader: 線上成果展: 1. <|Desci - Open Science BioFabrication Project> 2. <|DeSci -DARTA> 3. <|立法院大小聲> 4. <|Thaubing ESG 開放企業永續資料庫> 5. <|Cofacts> 6. <|Shoutout> 7. <|disfactory> :video_camera: 11:30~12:15的成發,會同步在 <|Founding the Commons Taipei>的松菸會場播放,將各坑成果分享給同樣關心數位公共財議題的國際友人。:nyan-parrot::nyan-parrot::nyan-parrot: ---- Between 11:30~12:15 on Saturday, there will be a presentation of <|The FOSS and Open Data Playground> and a <|quadratic voting> event. Participants who have successfully <|registered for the g0v hackath59n> and attended in person can receive a unique voting QR code on site. Join us to support digital public goods projects! :tada: Check out the projects online: 1. <|Desci - Open Science BioFabrication Project> 2. <|DeSci -DARTA> 3. <|立法院大小聲> 4. <|Thaubing ESG 開放企業永續資料庫> 5. <|Cofacts> 6. <|Shoutout> 7. <|disfactory> :film_frames: The presentation from 11:30~12:15 will be broadcast at <|Founding the Commons Taipei>. ---- Credits to contributors : <@U049T974GDQ> <@U0T4N1FT4>!!! :nyan-parrot::nyan-parrot::nyan-parrot:
Bring your project to life. Build and fund your projects all in one place
Bring your project to life. Build and fund your projects all in one place
Hi All, :two_party_parrot::two_party_parrot::two_party_parrot::two_party_parrot: 感謝大家於 12/9 參與 `FOSS and Open Data Playground` 於竹北大松舉辦的平方投票!以下為本次投票與資金分配結果: • 投票人數(線上線下)/ 總發出投票連結: *76/ 133* ◦ 投票率為 57.1% • 下圖為本次根據得票數算出的資金分配結果 • playground 將於接下來三天與各坑的訪談時段中於線上進行資金分配,詳細說明請見<|此文件說明>。 • 若有任何人關心這個回溯型公共資助的實驗專案成果,也可以私訊 <@U02230231Q8> !了解更多資訊。 最後再一次恭喜大家獲得更多資源挹注,應該有幾個月的小聚餐費不用擔心了!:jump-g0v::jump-g0v::jump-g0v: <@U04FCLTTECE> to <@U049T974GDQ> <@U0T4N1FT4> for the mechanism design
Hi All, :two_party_parrot::two_party_parrot::two_party_parrot::two_party_parrot: 感謝大家於 12/9 參與 `FOSS and Open Data Playground` 於竹北大松舉辦的平方投票!以下為本次投票與資金分配結果: • 投票人數(線上線下)/ 總發出投票連結: *76/ 133* ◦ 投票率為 57.1% • 下圖為本次根據得票數算出的資金分配結果 • playground 將於接下來三天與各坑的訪談時段中於線上進行資金分配,詳細說明請見<|此文件說明>。 • 若有任何人關心這個回溯型公共資助的實驗專案成果,也可以私訊 <@U02230231Q8> !了解更多資訊。 最後再一次恭喜大家獲得更多資源挹注,應該有幾個月的小聚餐費不用擔心了!:jump-g0v::jump-g0v::jump-g0v: <@U04FCLTTECE> to <@U049T974GDQ> <@U0T4N1FT4> for the mechanism design
Real-time meetings by Google. Using your browser, share your video, desktop, and presentations with teammates and customers.
Real-time meetings by Google. Using your browser, share your video, desktop, and presentations with teammates and customers.
書名:權力與進步:科技變革與共享繁榮之間的千年辯證,原文名稱:Power and Progress: Our Thousand-Year Struggle Over Technology and Prosperity,語言:繁體中文,ISBN:9786263554993,頁數:684,出版社:天下文化,作者:戴倫.艾塞默魯,賽門.強森,譯者:林俊宏,出版日期:2023/11/30,類別:商業理財
Real-time meetings by Google. Using your browser, share your video, desktop, and presentations with teammates and customers.
Real-time meetings by Google. Using your browser, share your video, desktop, and presentations with teammates and customers.
Real-time meetings by Google. Using your browser, share your video, desktop, and presentations with teammates and customers.