# 零激盪廣場第17次討論會議 時間地點簽名 時間:2023/3/1 9PM Taipei time 會議連結:<https://meet.google.com/gft-ytiy-wjj> ##
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Real-time meetings by Google. Using your browser, share your video, desktop, and presentations with teammates and customers.
★★★★☆ · Cafe
# 零激盪廣場第17次討論會議 時間地點簽名 時間:2023/3/1 9PM Taipei time 會議連結:<https://meet.google.com/gft-ytiy-wjj> ##
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g0v infrath22n 第貳拾貳次基礎建設松 - HackMD
g0v 揪松團定期舉辦 g0v 基礎松,揪碼農、筆農一起長期耕耘,希望透過常態經營基礎建設專案,能讓多中心的分散式工作更有效能。
哈囉大家~ 上個禮拜 ETHDenver 剛結束,沒有機會參加的朋友可以去他們的 <https://www.youtube.com/@ETHDenver|youtube 頻道>逛逛,裡面有很多狠厲害的 presentation ,以下也給各位推兩個不錯的聽聽: • <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-szn6codPOk|The Collective DAO Archives> (<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eawsta5kJm3ikY8U8ImbPrO0Dodk-amL/view|簡報>) by <https://twitter.com/lalalavendr|Justine Humenansky> ◦ 總攬目前 DAO 運作的模式,簡報做得非常 insightful,並也提出幾個不同的要素 (voting, accountability, organization, etc.) 給未來的 DAO 參考,推薦給對 DAO 治理有興趣的朋友看看 • <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoboTd6OI-E|Why DAOs will change the world> by <https://twitter.com/karmaticacid|Lauren Luz> ◦ 提倡嘗試非營利組織轉型為 ImpactDAOs,然後以 (1) identify stakeholders, (2) distribute reputation $token, (3) implement voting system, (4) launch regenerative economies 的模式執行 What keeps me going is seeing all these amazing presentation and smart people working to innovate for a better and more equitable future! 回歸正題,這周我們會討論 <https://hackmd.io/0bFK0HlwR_WRglRmbvw1Mg|School 42 與 arm0ry 的文章> (<@U01KF1H4NVC>) 以及<https://hackmd.io/@audsssy/Skfe7LBAi|任務的模板> :v::skin-tone-3: 另外,這周的會議會由 <@U02230231Q8> & <@UHAU3915H> 來帶~ 大家要記得來打招呼喔~ :wave::skin-tone-3: 會議連結:(請 <@U02230231Q8> 或 <@UHAU3915H> 再幫補上連結 :pray::skin-tone-3:) 會議共筆:<https://g0v.hackmd.io/@da0/main/https%3A%2F%2Fhackmd.io%2F%40audsssy%2FH167bLrAj>
哈囉大家~ 上個禮拜 ETHDenver 剛結束,沒有機會參加的朋友可以去他們的 <https://www.youtube.com/@ETHDenver|youtube 頻道>逛逛,裡面有很多狠厲害的 presentation ,以下也給各位推兩個不錯的聽聽: • <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-szn6codPOk|The Collective DAO Archives> (<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eawsta5kJm3ikY8U8ImbPrO0Dodk-amL/view|簡報>) by <https://twitter.com/lalalavendr|Justine Humenansky> ◦ 總攬目前 DAO 運作的模式,簡報做得非常 insightful,並也提出幾個不同的要素 (voting, accountability, organization, etc.) 給未來的 DAO 參考,推薦給對 DAO 治理有興趣的朋友看看 • <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoboTd6OI-E|Why DAOs will change the world> by <https://twitter.com/karmaticacid|Lauren Luz> ◦ 提倡嘗試非營利組織轉型為 ImpactDAOs,然後以 (1) identify stakeholders, (2) distribute reputation $token, (3) implement voting system, (4) launch regenerative economies 的模式執行 What keeps me going is seeing all these amazing presentation and smart people working to innovate for a better and more equitable future! 回歸正題,這周我們會討論 <https://hackmd.io/0bFK0HlwR_WRglRmbvw1Mg|School 42 與 arm0ry 的文章> (<@U01KF1H4NVC>) 以及<https://hackmd.io/@audsssy/Skfe7LBAi|任務的模板> :v::skin-tone-3: 另外,這周的會議會由 <@U02230231Q8> & <@UHAU3915H> 來帶~ 大家要記得來打招呼喔~ :wave::skin-tone-3: 會議連結:(請 <@U02230231Q8> 或 <@UHAU3915H> 再幫補上連結 :pray::skin-tone-3:) 會議共筆:<https://g0v.hackmd.io/@da0/main/https%3A%2F%2Fhackmd.io%2F%40audsssy%2FH167bLrAj>
Real-time meetings by Google. Using your browser, share your video, desktop, and presentations with teammates and customers.
# 零激盪廣場第十八次討論會議 時間地點簽名 時間:2023/3/8 9PM Taipei time 會議連結:<https://meet.google.com/gft-ytiy-wjj> ##
相信世代 University Cafe · 105台北市松山區民權東路三段153巷4弄No. 3號
★★★★★ · 共同工作空間
書名:沒有人是一座孤島:運用「社會性基礎設施」扭轉公民社會的失溫與淡漠,原文名稱:Palaces for the People: How Social Infrastructure Can Help Fight Inequality, Polarization, and the Decline of Civic Life,語言:繁體中文,ISBN:9789862358832,頁數:352,出版社:臉譜,作者:艾瑞克.克林南柏格,譯者:吳煒聲,出版日期:2021/01/09,類別:人文社科
或是財閥亂鬥 智能合約工程師與政治哲學的思想家在未來會變得很重要,以平衡極端的資本主義 沒有思想的技術沒有意義,別做科技智障主義者 DAO 的重點最終還是人,大量討論形塑共識比投票更重要 Collective intelligence project <https://cip.org/|https://cip.org/> 在未來必須成為社會的力量
*Kleros* <https://kleros.io/|Kleros> is an open-source, decentralized court. It's a community of people that promise to resolve disputes using a jury system. They use smart contracts and game theory to devise a system that incentivises the jury to act honestly. *ConstitutionDAO* This was a group of people that used a smart contract to raise funds for a collective goal. They raised $47m in an attempt to buy a copy of the US constitution. Their bid was rejected for legal reasons and they refunded all the donations. <https://www.theverge.com/22820563/constitution-meme-47-million-crypto-crowdfunding-blockchain-ethereum-constitution|More detail here> *PoolTogether* <https://pooltogether.com/|PoolTogether> is a decentralised lottery game. It sounds trivial but its actually quite a simple and interesting example. It allows anyone to spin up a lottery that runs automatically without needing a centralised party to handle and distribute the funds. *TornadoCash* <https://learn.bybit.com/defi/what-is-tornado-cash/|TornadoCash> is a smart contract that lets you send cryptocurrencies in an opaque manner which makes it difficult to trace the source of funds. It's like a vault that can be used to launder money or just a tool to preserve privacy. The US government banned this smart contract and arrested one of the open source developers. (although it still exists as you can't remove smart contracts from the blockchain) Let me know if this was interesting/helpful/if you want me to elaborate further :slightly_smiling_face: The main use case I see for civic tech is the ability for people to coordinate and collectively pool their finances towards a goal. Smart contracts can securely hold funds in escrow, allow them to be spent if a certain condition is met (e.g minimum target) or refund all the funds otherwise