
Month: 2020-05


daYuan 18:34:11
Image from iOS
daYuan 18:35:05
daYuan 18:35:51
感謝 @contact834 頭香
daYuan 18:39:47
目前 0.6.1 阿發版還還在審查 QQ


Ella 13:29:39
@dhjk65493 has joined the channel
👋 3
bafu 15:09:03
@dhjk65493 welcome!
😀 1
Sherry Chung 18:02:54
@sddivid kick-off 囉
bafu 19:14:21
@sddivid 好奇一問:app 識別碼從 `tw.mydata.mylog14` 改成 `tw.mydatatw.mylog14` 是什麼原因呢
daYuan 19:27:00
他不給用,可能被註冊過了 mydata 之類的app?
bafu 19:29:03
@sddivid 好的感謝,PR #110 & #111 我有留一些 comments 再麻煩你更新了

不給用的訊息可以分享給我嗎,我補充一下 comment 就把 #109 收掉
daYuan 19:29:42
我翻一下記錄XD 有點久
🙆‍♂️ 1
daYuan 19:39:05

但是無法上傳後我就撤掉 `tw.mydata.mylog14` 的 id &證書 (因為這是前幾個月就建的)
```No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier 'tw.mydata.mylog14' is correct.```
改用`tw.mydatatw.mylog14` 就可以正常進行
🙆‍♂️ 1
bafu 19:52:32
@sddivid PR 108 & 109 已收,110 & 111 更新完再麻煩 ping 我一下感謝!
daYuan 19:53:14
daYuan 20:08:00
pr 110 是要把 pr 108 的變更移出嗎?
因為 108 已經進 `develop` 了,你可以先 pull `develop` 更新一下,只要確認沒有 merge conflict 即可
🙆‍♂️ 2
daYuan 20:08:33
@bafu PR 111
wiasliaw 20:42:55
@leewei48750 has joined the channel
daYuan 20:55:13
@leewei48750 welcome!
wiasliaw 20:55:44
daYuan 20:55:58
wiasliaw 20:58:17
daYuan 20:58:43
wiasliaw 20:58:54
Tammy 21:00:02
Tammy 21:00:20
(只是單純路過加入一下 XD
daYuan 21:06:20
wiasliaw 21:07:27
可以糾百六團了 XD
bafu 21:14:58
@leewei48750 welcome! (大元這樣也能遇到認識的人XD)
daYuan 21:17:30
NO!! 住手!!
daYuan 23:19:15
@bafu 抱歉有點晚了還標你,
PR #111 已修正
我已檢查 pr #110 沒有 merge conflict
另外剛剛開了 RP #113 #114
3 2
bafu 23:20:38
ok der 感謝!
daYuan 23:24:03
都檢查過衝突惹,可以準備 release beta 1



daYuan 02:08:55
我剛剛開了一個 issue ,手上有唉鳳的可以測試看看切換到其他語系是否正常顯示

#115 [Todo] ios switching languages from Japanese display bug

<|image> `感謝 Dixon 發現問題`

😂 3
daYuan 15:29:11
分享好用 css 遮罩 工具
3 👀 3
bafu 19:00:59
@sddivid 有個問題確認一下,issue #100 中

> 2. Fix that the lower part of the countdown animation overlap with the dividing line
是指 14-day counter 最下方被微切的問題嗎?如果是的話,我記得它是之後更新動畫會一併修?
bafu 19:02:40
因為 PR #111 提到已在 PR #110 修正,但 PR #110 的描述沒有包含它
daYuan 19:41:51
@bafu 抱歉回得比較晚,我有切邊的問題是動畫本身,所以有重出一版了
bafu 19:43:54
@sddivid 那我會把這個動畫開成單獨的 issue,這樣才能先把 PR #111 收掉
bafu 19:44:24
另外 PR #113 & #114 我有留 comments,也再麻煩你看一下囉
daYuan 19:44:41
了解 👍 我馬上處理
👍 1
daYuan 19:51:29
@bafu Hard-coding Mandarin will cause an i18n display issue.
bafu 19:52:53
@sddivid 文字直接寫死中文的話,其他語系的使用者也會看到中文,而不會看到語系的翻譯?
daYuan 19:53:32
bafu 19:54:42
> 無法取得地址資訊
這句現在在我的 app 裡會顯示中文,但我的手機是英文語系
daYuan 19:55:31
了解,這個我會開成新的 issue ,因為目前沒有其他語系的翻譯
daYuan 19:56:26
已添加到MyLog14 多語系的 sheet
bafu 19:57:56
daYuan 20:02:08
1. 在 PR #110 中有替換了新的動畫檔 `Fix that the lower part of the countdown animation overlap with the dividing line`
所以目前是要將 issue #100 分拆成兩個 issue 對吧?
1. 因為在 PR #111 中有修正 `Center the Main Header title`

#100 [Todo] Style adjustment for daily-overview page

*Issue description* 1. Center the Main Header title 2. Fix that the lower part of the countdown animation overlap with the dividing line

bafu 20:03:40
嗯嗯對,我正在拆 issue #100 part 2,然後就會把 PR #111 收掉 👍
daYuan 20:04:03
感謝大大 🙇‍♂️
bafu 20:04:27
daYuan 20:06:17
1是 known issue 提到的白框
2是 畫面會停留在照片預覽的頁面 沒有收掉的問題

#113 Feature photo info

Add view photo page • Show a view photo page when clicking on the photo • Show the date and time on the header of the page • Click on the "Delete" button on the top right corner to delete the photo <|image> *### Known Issue* • Deleted photos will still show a white frame <|image>

1 1
bafu 20:07:26
daYuan 20:08:02
我原本是想在 beta 3修掉,如果在這次修掉你可以明天早上再幫我 review一次嗎?
bafu 20:09:00
bafu 20:09:05
daYuan 20:09:10
我想更改 model 的做法,會花上一點時間
daYuan 20:10:30
那 PR 呢?

#114 add text

增加了提示文字,在按鈕bar上.. 不知道是否有更好的辦法.. <|image>

bafu 20:11:10
「新增體溫」也是有 hard-coding 中文的問題,希望能至少先支援中英
😂 1
daYuan 20:12:39
那我吧這個 PR 延到 beta 3 ,這個目前是最難處理的…..
🙆‍♂️ 3 2


bafu 11:27:10
@sddivid 今天 @sherry376@scott355 會跟你確認 app beta2 的狀況,因為原本排定上週要 release,先提醒你有這件事
bafu 18:15:14
@sddivid PR #111 有個語系問題喔,也再麻煩更新一下感謝
bafu 18:19:21
@sddivid 你提到 beta2 已經上傳到各平台提供測試,兩個問題確認一下

1. beta2 的 commit 是哪一個呢?
2. beta2 == 0.6.2?
daYuan 18:21:03
bafu 18:24:29
beta2 我可以先協助上 tag,但需要知道是哪一個 commit
😱 1 🤔 1
bafu 18:30:14
@sddivid 另外 milestone beta3 已經開好了,也要麻煩你更新 beta2 issue list,確認修了哪些以及哪些要搬到 beta3

beta2 issue list:
bafu 23:14:36
@sddivid 我在等 beta2 commit 喔要貼 tag,有遇到什麼困難嗎
daYuan 23:21:03
@bafu 我有先推一個 上去,不知道是不是你要的
bafu 23:45:45
@sddivid 有兩個小提醒

1. release 盡量從 `develop` 產生 (beta2 基於還沒被收的 feature-bt-display)

2. 送 PR 前確保 feature branch 是基於當下的 `develop`,自己測試時就能提早發現是否有 regression (看到 `feature-photo-info` 落在 `develop` 後面了)

任何 PR comment 有修正完需要繼續 review,再麻煩你 ping 我一下,這可以協助我不用去 check github,感謝!
daYuan 23:49:59
PR #114 的問題都修完了

#114 add text

增加了提示文字,在按鈕bar上.. 不知道是否有更好的辦法.. <|image>

2 2


daYuan 15:42:47
Sherry Chung 15:51:47
@sddivid 我沒意見(我很沒美感)
Tammy 16:13:23
想使用但還沒有註冊測試 ID 的 iOS 捧油, Sherry 協助建立了一個 iOS demo 影片可以搶先看

需要大家一起協助散佈 MyLog,讓更多人知道且下載 Android 版本!!!!


Demo of MyLog beta1 version on iPhone

應該是下載 iOS 版本?
我沒看懂,什麼意思? XD
就是... 你前面說這是 iOS demo 影片,但後面說讓更多人知道且下載 Andriod 版本? 只是不知道重點要放在 iOS 的影片說明還是 Android 的散播? XD
喔,就是兩段分開的意思,給 iOS 的朋友看影片,但只有 Android 可下載,所以請散佈給朋友下載 Android,這樣
soga,那是我誤會了 XD
bafu 16:15:16
@tammy079 @sherry376 app 上傳的 zip 中,image record 現在的格式有問題,已開 issue 等詹姆士回來看XD

#142 [Bug Report] App fails to upload zip containing image byte strings

*Description* Logboard fails to display images because an image record fails to contain image byte string. *Steps to Reproduce* 1. Generate a body temperature record. 2. Generate an image record. 3. Click the sharing button and confirm. 4. Copy the returned link and open by browser. *Expected behavior* • Expected: Show Logboard with correct photos. • Actual: Show Logboard without the expected photos. *Logs* ``` notebook $ adb shell phone $ run-as tw.mydata.mylog14 # go to /data/data/tw.mydata.mylog14 phone $ cd files phone $ grep jpg * ``` An image record will look like ``` { "timestamp": 1589268962858, "symptoms": { "list": [ { "name": "coughing", "present": false, "note": "" }, { "name": "runnyNose", "present": false, "note": "" }, { "name": "nasalCongestion", "present": false, "note": "" }, { "name": "sneezing", "present": false, "note": "" }, { "name": "shortnessOfBreath", "present": false, "note": "" }, { "name": "malaiseOrTiredness", "present": false, "note": "" }, { "name": "lossOfTasteOrSmell", "present": false, "note": "" }, { "name": "diarrhea", "present": false, "note": "" }, { "name": "abdominalPain", "present": false, "note": "" }, { "name": "vomiting", "present": false, "note": "" }, { "name": "chills", "present": false, "note": "" }, { "name": "muscleOrJointSoreness", "present": false, "note": "" }, { "name": "soreThroat", "present": false, "note": "" }, { "name": "sputum", "present": false, "note": "" }, { "name": "fever", "present": false, "note": "" } ] }, "photos": [ { "filepath": "file:///data/user/0/tw.mydata.mylog14/files/1589268972708.jpg", "webviewPath": "<http://localhost/_capacitor_file_/data/user/0/tw.mydata.mylog14/files/1589268972708.jpg>", "timestamp": 1589268962858, "locationStamp": { "latitude": 24.9959839, "longitude": <tel:121.5104647|121.5104647>, "accuracy": 18.263999938964844 } } ] } ``` *Environment* • MyLog: beta2 • OS: Android 10

bafu 16:15:53
另外建了 issue template,大家開 issue 時有個 rule to follow 應該比較輕鬆...吧XD
Sofia 16:51:01
應該是下載 iOS 版本?
Tammy 16:55:01
我沒看懂,什麼意思? XD
Tammy 18:52:31
喔,就是兩段分開的意思,給 iOS 的朋友看影片,但只有 Android 可下載,所以請散佈給朋友下載 Android,這樣
😆 2


SHC 14:19:35

另外建了 issue template,大家開 issue 時有個 rule to follow 應該比較輕鬆...吧XD

1 2 2 1 1 2 2


SHC 13:53:45
@bafu 我把 nginx max client body size 先改成 10G 了(原本是預設值 1MB ,沒發現是這問題卡了一個上午 orz)
😂 2
bafu 17:26:52
@tammy079 @sddivid @shc261392 PR #144 (顯示版號) 會移到 beta4,因為目前的實做被 product team reject,我們要討論一個符合 UI/UX 的方式

#144 add test version

add test version <|image>

😂 1
SHC 17:27:19
bafu 17:33:48
@sddivid PR #113 (刪除圖片後會殘留顯示空間) 看起來還沒修完,今天會修完嗎還是需要移到 beta4?

#113 Feature photo info

Add view photo page • Show a view photo page when clicking on the photo • Show the date and time on the header of the page • Click on the "Delete" button on the top right corner to delete the photo <|image> *### Known Issue* • Deleted photos will still show a white frame <|image>

daYuan 17:39:06
@bafu PR113我有請 @shc261392 協協助,可以移到 Beta 4
🙆‍♂️ 1
daYuan 17:40:07
我現在看哪裡還有昨天 Sherry 提到的按鈕要修
bafu 17:40:54
@sddivid PR 143 有 regression,例如 row 18 變回「協助政府降低防疫追蹤的成本」
@sddivid 不好意思 Sofia 更新了 term 的 JSON file,要麻煩你再更新一版感謝!
@bafu 我拿到的應該是最新版了吧? (CC @sofia
@sddivid 我剛才在內文有發現幾個問題,請 Sofia 又更新了一版喔
@sofia 可以直接告訴我行數嗎?
@sddivid 你有舊版的 json 嗎可以傳給我,我來幫忙改
@bafu 感謝
bafu 17:41:10
@sddivid 再麻煩跟 @sofia 確認一下內容喔
daYuan 17:41:21
bafu 17:41:53
一樣改完再麻煩 ping 我一下,我就會繼續 review,感謝!
Sofia 17:45:26
@sddivid 請使用這個~
bafu 17:49:05
@sddivid PR 145 (加上「集點下方 + 以新增資料」) 有 hard-coding 中文的問題,英文語系檔裡的說明也誤植為中文

#145 Add a guide text on the daily-overview page

i18n 缺乏文字,且已在pr#111中整合i18n ,待之後有文字另開PR更新(包含pr#111) <|image>

@sofia 方便幫我想這邊的翻譯嗎?
@sddivid "Click + to log new data"
感謝 @sofia
@sddivid PR 145 內容沒問題了感謝!

但有 merge conflict 再麻煩更新了

> This branch cannot be rebased due to conflicts
> Rebasing the commits of this branch on top of the base branch cannot be performed automatically due to conflicts encountered while reapplying the individual commits from the head branch.
@bafu 你是在loacl 遇到衝突嗎?因為我這裡看沒有,我有更新成新的 develop分支了
@sddivid 我是在 GitHub 頁面上看到的
@sddivid yes 我用 firefox & chrome 開都一樣喔
@bafu 可是我拉下來還是沒有衝突….還是我搞錯了什麼?
有可能是 GitHub 有問題,待會我本地端 merge 看看
SHC 17:56:09
@bafu PR 113 需要移到 beta4 ,今天應該趕不上
bafu 17:59:33
@shc261392 好的 PR 113 我已經移到 beta4 囉
bafu 18:02:49
@sddivid PR 146 也有 hard-coding 中文的問題

之後如果你發現沒有英文,可以直接請 @sofia 提供給你,這樣就可以避免出現語系的問題

1. 需要新增文字但發現沒有英文 -> 找 Sofia 拿英文
2. 中英以外的語系沒有文字 -> app 自動 roll back 回英文 (尚未實做,目前會直接顯示程式變數)

#146 Add intro guide


🙆‍♂️ 1
bafu 18:03:37
PR 146 還蠻酷的!
daYuan 18:04:57
@bafu 這邊目前直接先放了 svg 沒做 i18n 文字 ,因為還有分享跟台灣頁面還沒出來
Tammy 18:50:48
@sddivid @bafu 我這邊會認為 policy 應該是: 如果沒有同時英文與中文的支援,寧可不支援這個 feature
😱 1
Tammy 18:51:25
假如我是一個英文使用者,打開使用然後看到一半中文一半英文,其實這個 App 就是未完成品
bafu 18:51:53
@tammy079 先統整目前 on-going 的 PR

確定進 beta3
143: 更新使用者條款 - @bafu
145: 顯示「點擊下方 + 以新增資料」,須解決 merge conflict - @sddivid

確定移到 beta4
113: 點擊照片顯示大圖
144: 在 app 中顯示版號
146: App tutorial,目前只支援中文
Tammy 18:52:02
其實我希望可以擴張到日文,因為歐洲語系 (例如法文) 可以用英文擋一下,但是日文沒得擋
Tammy 18:52:39
@bafu 那請把 `146: App tutorial,目前只支援中文` 延期到 beta4 (cc @shc261392 @sddivid)
🙆‍♂️ 1
Tammy 18:54:06
@bafu 然後像 `如果沒有同時英文與中文的支援,寧可先不支援這個 feature` 的 product request, 我應該加到哪裡比較好? 開一個 doc 嗎? (我知道了,它是一個 blocker)
Tammy 18:54:14
(我會加入 blocker list)
bafu 18:54:44
@tammy079 PR 143 & 145 目前只有中英,這樣要進 beta3 嗎
Tammy 18:55:51
@bafu 如果中文跟英文都有,可進 beta3
Tammy 18:56:17
我現在加在 blocker list 的敘述是 `語言顯示 (至少可切換中文與英文,非中文且非英文的 i18n 如有缺漏則顯示英文)`
Tammy 18:56:33
cc @scott355 @sherry376 ^
bafu 19:03:38
@tammy079 這樣只有 145 可以進 beta3,143 雖然有中英,但在非中英時不會顯示英文

@sherry376 這樣是否要 release beta3?更新將包含

111: 症狀紅色驚嘆號改為黃色、「BT」文字顯示改為「體溫 / Body Temperature」
114: 輸入體溫欄位最上方,新增「新增體溫」文字顯示
143: 更新使用者條款
Tammy 19:45:08
@bafu 我這邊交給 @sherry376 決定這版是否要進測,取決於她那邊測試的 efforts
Sherry Chung 19:50:02
@bafu 請問這樣是否代表 beta3 跟 beta2 相比只有 111 & 114 兩個更新而已?
> @tammy079 這樣只有 145 可以進 beta3,143 雖然有中英,但在非中英時不會顯示英文
Sherry Chung 21:52:05
如果只有這幾個更動的話,那我 prefer beta3 就跳過,合併到下一次 release 一起。
🙆‍♂️ 1
bafu 22:44:02
好的我會貼 release tag 當做紀錄,但不會 release for testing
Paul Wang 23:52:39
@paul has joined the channel
👍 2
Sherry Chung 23:53:56
Hello @paul
bafu 23:55:17
@paul welcome!
Paul Wang 23:56:15
Hello everyone. Nice to "see" you again. Thanks for your welcome
Paul Wang 23:56:59
In 4 minutes, there is this online sport session
Hi @paul nice to see you in here 😀 ❤️

I will join the online exercise session!
Paul Wang 23:57:41
Or this one at 6pm CET (in 3 minutes)
Paul Wang 23:58:23
As I was telling @sherry376 I sometimes attend two in parallel, in the hope of burning double calories, but unfortunately that sadly never worked
As it is very late in Taiwan, I don't think I have energy to attend both 😆 . I have to choose one.
I meant that was taking two classes at exactly the same time in two separate windows


Paul Wang 00:05:03
It's in French (you will get used to) you can follow the moves. See you online
Really interesting to join French exercise 😆
Bienvenue au cours de français!
Paul Wang 00:05:31
Paul Wang 00:51:05
Hope u all enjoyed the gym class in French
Paul Wang 00:51:57
Nice pie!!! I had some very interesting experience with French exercise. First experience 😆
you can attend now the GRIT and burn even more calories : tomorrow is Saturday!
👍 3
Paul Wang 00:52:37
Friday fruit tart calories
Wish you a nice start of weekend
Sherry Chung 00:56:56
Exercise for more delicious food 😝
Paul Wang 00:58:12 The next one in 3 minutes for some of you if you are still up to some more friday evening - saturday morning class

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Paul Wang 01:00:25
GRIT class - High Intensity!
Sherry Chung 01:04:05
🏋️‍♀️ I’m going to call it a day. sweating~~~
Paul Wang 01:04:32
Sean Wu 02:20:28
@seanwu1105 has joined the channel
bafu 02:43:59
@seanwu1105 welcome!
❤️ 2


Paul Wang 17:59:50
Good evening everyone
Good evening
Paul Wang 18:01:01
in case you want to attend
Paul Wang 18:01:08
High Intensity now @holmesplacecityzurich
Paul Wang 18:16:31
Anyone alive and online with the class? Enjoy
It's Sunday evening, so I am going to have dinner with family ❤️ , will skip this one. Enjoy!
Dinner at midnight? Wouah nice. Send some nice yummy food and party picture
It's 6pm in Taipei now 😆 , the dinner time. W
oh yes.... Messed up with timing.... Ooops


SHC 16:00:29
@tammy079 忽然想到一個問題,因為按照現在的資料結構照片是一筆 record 的一部分,所以刪除照片的話該筆紀錄要重新上 ledger 嗎
剛剛想說為什麼刪一張照片要好幾秒,然後發現因為 record 更新了所以重新 register hash
SHC 16:41:00

#113 Feature photo info

Add view photo page • Show a view photo page when clicking on the photo • Show the date and time on the header of the page • Click on the "Delete" button on the top right corner to delete the photo <|image> *### Known Issue* • Deleted photos will still show a white frame <|image>

bafu 17:27:42
@shc261392 好的感謝!
Tammy 17:47:38
@shc261392 從資料的 traceability 來說我覺得需要,但這個可以背景做嗎

<@UVDECHVUJ> 忽然想到一個問題,因為按照現在的資料結構照片是一筆 record 的一部分,所以刪除照片的話該筆紀錄要重新上 ledger 嗎 剛剛想說為什麼刪一張照片要好幾秒,然後發現因為 record 更新了所以重新 register hash

SHC 18:01:33
可以是可以但那樣要改到的東西比較多,像現在紀錄也可以背景做,但那其實以 task size 來說都算是另外一個 feature 了
Tammy 18:03:33
@shc261392 那就先維持現狀,列為 performance issue,之後某個 sprint 集中起來一起改善
SHC 18:03:43
SHC 18:04:19
而且我覺得 UI 上要有地方告訴 user 正在 sync 或是 syncing progress 比較合理(至少我是 user 的話我會想看道)
Tammy 18:24:17
Agreed 我自己覺得應該是統一 UX,用一個 pop-up 來顯示
SHC 18:28:23
@sddivid 你可以幫我看一下 beta4 的 issue 裡面,目前 assign 給你的項目裡面在明天 release 之前可以完成嗎
如果會有困難的,可以幫我在 issue 上留言目前遇到什麼問題 & ping 我
daYuan 18:37:38
OK 我等等來看
daYuan 18:47:03
SHC 原本請 bafu Reviewers 的PR 要換成你嗎?
daYuan 19:15:41
@sofia 可以請你協助提供以下的文字翻譯嗎?
Tammy 19:17:30
@sddivid 之前 @sherry376@scott355 有個 spreadsheet 紀錄翻譯,可以請你幫忙記上去嗎,因為也不只英文要處理,有 spreadsheet 才能繼續滾動到其他語言

(Sherry, Scott 再請你們提供給 Dayuan)
@sddivid 你可以幫忙把中文打上去,跟 Sofia 說緊急要翻譯的 row numbers,會加速進行(我剛剛本來要幫忙,打開看到一大堆就迷失了 XD,不知道那個最重要)
GUIDE 「日期」顯示模式
GUIDE 「類別」顯示模式
GUIDE 一起灌溉台灣!(Coming soon)
GUIDE 新增一筆健康資料可以獲得一滴水滴,一起為台灣注入水滴,讓大家知道你也正在為台灣加油!
GUIDE 關心每天的健康狀態也是愛自己的一種方式呦!
GUIDE 時常記錄自己的健康狀態,就是給防疫人員最大的打氣!
GUIDE 無法取得地址資訊 x
@sddivid 處理好英文跟法文了,請參照 `Current` Sheet, row 45-54
@sddivid 欸是說,這是哪邊的文字?有「防疫」欸,降被抓到是不是又會被下架?
Dixon Siu 20:29:12
@dixon.siu has joined the channel
Sofia 20:29:23
@dixon.siu is here!!
2 3 2 2
Dixon Siu 20:32:29
OMG, 金城武 is in one of the card. Hahaha!!
Dixon Siu 20:32:56
😆 2
bafu 21:29:49
@shc261392 PR 113 (delete image) & 153 (b64 prefix) have been merged into `develop` 🎉
👍 4
ichieh 22:10:27
@chiehg0v has joined the channel
ichieh 22:12:02
Hi 大家好,我是 g0v 揪松團的以婕~ 有在 Covid19 看到你們也會一起在週六參與大松,如果有想要再招兵買馬或是宣傳一下你們的專案,記得趕快到提案列表登記喔,明天中午提案就截止了!!

【g0v 第參拾玖次又在家黑客松 Stay Home Hackath39n】
💡 時間 Date:2020/5/23 Sat. 9:20 - 18:00 GMT+8
💡 提案列表 Proposal
💡 報名頁面 Register for participants:
💡 活動共筆 Note:


g0v Hackath39n - 第參拾玖次又在家黑客松 - HackMD

g0v 線上百人黑客松用線上揪松(jothon online) + g0v 協作工具,讓您在家也能參加黑客松!


g0v Hackath39n - 第參拾玖次又在家黑客松 - HackMD

g0v 線上百人黑客松用線上揪松(jothon online) + g0v 協作工具,讓您在家也能參加黑客松!


g0v Hackath39n - 第參拾玖次又在家黑客松 - HackMD

g0v 線上百人黑客松用線上揪松(jothon online) + g0v 協作工具,讓您在家也能參加黑客松!

👍 2 2 2
Sofia 22:51:15
@sddivid 欸是說,這是哪邊的文字?有「防疫」欸,降被抓到是不是又會被下架?
daYuan 23:07:16
daYuan 23:07:22
Sofia 23:14:23
Sofia 23:15:11
Tammy 23:17:20
@sofia 是這邊的文字,在做 tutorial
Sofia 23:21:32
@sddivid 我可以看全圖嗎?這樣我還是不知道這個會被放在哪邊,使用者什麼時候會看到啊😂
Sofia 23:24:04
Tammy 23:27:33
(幫回)我不確定有沒有 XD 的檔案,我知道的是來自這個 UI/UX 提案 (page12)
Sofia 23:33:22
喔喔 難怪我覺得如此陌生😂 那我明天要一併修一下中文喔
daYuan 23:48:51


Sofia 10:58:25
大松提案完成囉~ 我們報了 5 分鐘成果報告第二順位,會由 @sherry376 全英文介紹 MyLog 和 LogBoard~ (台北時間 17:05,所以瑞士的朋友應該是剛起床,可以一起參與~)

We just applied the 5-mins presentation of g0v stay home hackthon39n, @sherry376 will do the English presentation to introduce MyLog and LogBoard! It's 5/23 17:05 TPE time (I think it's the weekend get up time in Switzerland 😛, welcome to join!! @paul)


g0v Hackath39n - 第參拾玖次又在家黑客松 - HackMD

g0v 線上百人黑客松用線上揪松(jothon online) + g0v 協作工具,讓您在家也能參加黑客松!

OK, will join after my sun salutation morning yoga session
daYuan 11:52:24
[Todo] Add a guide text on the daily-overview page #99
`Add a guide text on the daily-overview page #145`

[Todo] Add intro guide #98
`Add intro guide #146`

[Todo] add test version in ui #138
`add test version #144`
```因為目前的實做被 product team reject,我們要討論一個符合 UI/UX 的方式```
這邊是我原本早上要提出來討論的….:joy: (CC @sherry376

#144 add test version

add test version <|image>

🙆‍♂️ 1
Sherry Chung 11:58:31
@sddivid QA team 的需求就是 `QA team 要有辦法知道現在正在測試的版本` 。至於應該怎麼做才可以不影響目前的 UI/UX 而達到 QA team 的需求。麻煩 @shc261392 @sddivid (cc @bafu ) 再討論一下囉。
SHC 12:01:21
如果只是為了 QA 用,我覺得可以考慮比如說連點五次設定才會彈出顯示之類的
SHC 12:03:08
點上面的 Mylog14 五次好像好一點
🙆‍♂️ 1
daYuan 12:03:22
之後的版本應該會藏在設定頁面吧? 現在用model好像是 `不影響目前的 UI/UX` 之蝦比較好的做法
SHC 12:03:52
daYuan 12:04:43
ion-toast 好像更適合現在
SHC 12:06:16
都可以 但 toast 的話用 button dismiss 應該比較好
🤔 1
Sofia 12:23:36
@sddivid 我改完了~ 不過.. 水滴那邊我們會留著嗎? 水滴的象徵有點太高 XD 而且如果要 global 都能用的話,傾向把台灣都拿掉,但不確定現在 UI 是怎樣
daYuan 12:25:26
不確定,之後可能我們這邊自己決定吧… UI 支援也快結束了😱
Sofia 13:21:17
@sddivid 日文有再更新喔!
daYuan 13:21:28
SHC 14:14:14
這個 release 完之後我想整理一下現在的 code
🙆‍♂️ 1
daYuan 14:22:54
@sofia 不好意思,我有遺漏掉 `Current` Sheet, row 51 ( GUIDE|Share data|分享資料 )
Sofia 14:52:51
@sddivid 好了
1 🎉 1 🎊 1 1
SHC 14:57:36
這版本 App version 不加 i18n support 應該可以吧(這 feature 目前只是為了 QA 使用)
SHC 15:00:41
@sherry376 我目前先做成連點三次 header 就會跳出 app version 你覺得如何
Sherry Chung 15:08:16
@shc261392 哪一個 header 啊? 一開始的 MyLog 圖?
daYuan 15:08:50
SHC 15:08:57
畫面最上面的 MyLog14
Sherry Chung 15:09:24
SHC 15:09:48
SHC 15:15:55
@sddivid 目前 PR #145 #146 你還在改嗎
daYuan 15:16:42
#146 剛改完正在測
daYuan 15:17:07
daYuan 15:17:37
我還沒堆,稍等 給我5 分鐘
SHC 15:20:44
daYuan 15:45:16
146 調整svg css
daYuan 15:48:00
😭 2 1
SHC 16:05:32
@sddivid 145 是不是目前無論有沒有資料都會顯示 guide text
daYuan 16:05:49
daYuan 16:06:25
SHC 16:07:39
daYuan 16:08:18
SHC 16:10:29
@tammy079 @sherry376 確認一下這 UI/UX 跟你們認知的版本是一樣的嗎(無論有無資料,都會在所有 card 最下面顯示「點擊下方新增資料」)
截圖 2020-05-19 下午4.07.20.png
Sherry Chung 16:19:54
@shc261392 我不太有印象上次是否有確認這件事情,要詢問一下 UX/UI team
SHC 16:20:51
如果我們沒有確定的話,那我建議就先照現在版本 release 好了
SHC 16:26:37
@sddivid 146 是改完了嗎?
daYuan 16:27:08
daYuan 16:27:28
目前已知 Iphone xs max 看起來會怪怪的
Sherry Chung 16:29:40
@shc261392 (from Lily) 這一行字只會出現在沒有資料的時候~
daYuan 16:30:17
SHC 16:30:40
好喔,但是因為現在已經 release delay 了,這個要列入 known issue 還是要修完再 release
SHC 16:30:52
Is it critical
Sherry Chung 16:31:27
我覺得非 Critical
Sherry Chung 16:31:35
列入 known issue
Tammy 16:35:47

如果我們沒有確定的話,那我建議就先照現在版本 release 好了

SHC 16:47:00
為什麼有那麼多重複的 issue 😭
daYuan 16:48:56
因為有 scott Dixon 還有我…..會開issue
不過@bafu 有連接相關的 issue 了
Sherry Chung 16:54:37 @paul g0v is holding a stay home hackathon on this Saturday 5/23 9:15 ~ 18:00 taipei time (3:14 AM ~ 12:00 PM CEST time 😂).
If you are interested in, you can register via
We will have a progress report on 17:00 taipei time to introduce MyLog & LogBoard (the dashboard of MyLog). Welcome to join us.
Tammy 17:34:09
@shc261392 請問一下你的建議
下個 milestone (beta5) 我想著重在 form change and update 這個 feature
A. 上架
B. 轉為其他的 health or logging App
這個 feature 是兩週可以做完的嗎?
(同時也會把 MyLog Sprint 恢復為兩週)
SHC 17:35:08
這是指之前討論的改成可以選取不同紀錄 template 的 feature 嗎
Tammy 17:35:43
yes, 就是上次聊到說可能需要把 symptom 記錄先縮限為 3-4 個
看起來不太像 COVID-19 App,才有機會上架
SHC 17:36:14
如果要做完整一點的話 UI 上可能會有一些地方要修改或是需要新的設計
SHC 17:36:29
功能上,兩週 sprint要做完沒問題
Tammy 17:37:32
因為目前的 UI/UX 支援差不多要結束了,所以可能會改為討論、然後請 @sddivid 直接做簡單的圖
@sddivid 你覺得呢?
SHC 17:46:13
SHC 17:47:21
不過像一些 mylog14-specific 的功能都要改一改
SHC 17:47:33
daYuan 17:48:20
Sherry Chung 17:58:17
dev release 是……… QA release 的意思嗎?

<@U1D6J6UL8> <> dev release

bafu 17:59:11
@sherry376 yes 已改名感謝提醒
Sherry Chung 17:59:48
好的….麻煩請儘量用跟固定的代名詞稱呼它們 (很困擾)
bafu 18:00:19
@sherry376 晚點我會把上午的 release flow 文件補齊,再請大家 review
bafu 18:02:02
@sddivid 那再麻煩你推 CB 到 Google Play & TestFlight,讓 QA team 從 store 安裝 & 測試了感謝
👌 1
daYuan 18:04:04
SHC 18:04:31
daYuan 18:04:37
SHC 18:05:02
@bafu 我的認知是我發 dev release ,然後 release manager @bafu 發 QA release ?
@shc261392 Release Manager 應該只會負責 External official release (等七天沒事會自動升級的那個 ),所以你(Release Engineer)release 的東西就是 QA release
Ok (果然需要 SOP
SHC 18:05:53
因為我貼的是 dev 版號,對 dev 以外的人來說應該是不需要看這個 release 的,故叫 dev release
bafu 18:06:35
開完 UI/UX 我再補說明喔
SHC 18:08:35
我忽然想到我忘記換 app 版號
SHC 18:57:37
@bafu 版號改好了,我重貼了 v0.8.0
👍 2
Tammy 20:34:26
@shc261392 Release Manager 應該只會負責 External official release (等七天沒事會自動升級的那個 ),所以你(Release Engineer)release 的東西就是 QA release
Tammy 20:40:31
所以 Release Engineer 這邊就已經要可以上架到 TestFlight 跟 Android beta program 了
SHC 21:25:44
所以我還是不會壓 product tag 對吧
只壓 semantic versioning tag 就好
bafu 22:41:13
@shc261392 嗯嗯對只要壓 semantic versioning tag 就好


Tammy 15:37:49
(轉發,message from @scott355

mylog14-v0.8.0 測試完 也確認 bata4 github issue 修復有上labels " fix verified " 也有測到一些新的問題寫在 test plan 的其他測試問題中
Tammy 23:01:39
(From Sofia)

欸不知道放哪邊,但想說一下我剛剛更新了 iOS 到 0.8.0 版本,然後因為我都沒有刷新重計,所以已經超過14天... 然後什麼資料都記不進去耶😂😂😂 這應該... 算蠻重大的 issue?
Tammy 23:04:47
@shc261392 這個問題我有看到 @scott355 回報,原本沒有太在意,但想想覺得滿嚴重的,應該要被列為 blocking issue。如果明天把 Spring meeting 延期到週五,有機會修好然後重新 release 嗎?


SHC 10:13:02
@tammy079 這其實不是 issue ,是 by design ... (最初限定在 14 days only 時的產物)
如果重新 release 時間訂明天的話機會比較大,今天的話會很趕
Tammy 10:24:51
@shc261392 了解,不過滿早就針對這點有重新定位過,要讓 App 可以在疫情後繼續用,可能是沒溝通到。那就先安排明天囉!
🙆‍♂️ 1 1


Tammy 02:41:07
@sofia 好像不少人在 MyData slack 都反應無法註冊大松 😂 ,想說麻煩你再看看還有什麼能協助的,Jay 看來已經要放棄了...

或是不要管註冊,我想,如果大家能在大松的時間參與 slack 應該也是不錯吧
Sofia 09:55:02
不知道是不是太多人註冊系統 gg 了 XD,不過我覺得參與 slack、看看直播就可以了,只是可能無法跟大松其他人互動
ronnywang 16:15:08
@ronnywang has joined the channel
ronnywang 16:15:32
Hello,感謝協助!因為是另一個社群 slack 的人,所以我把對方的訊息貼在這

我再研究看看,不然就換帳重新加入g0v slack再報名試試XD

chrome無痕、Microsoft edge都一樣結果🙄放棄~

這位朋友目前還是失敗中,所以無法來 slack
Another member is @paul, here is the problem he encountered

First step done, the rest, I am not able to see the "Allow" button

You may ping him directly to get more details 😀
Yes, thanks @tammy079 and @ronnywang I would appreciate if you have any tips related to my registration, how I can go to step number 2
@tammy079 同意揪松小幫手會空白的部份,我看錯誤訊息有看到一個 William 和 Jay 好像是因為同帳號的關係所以第二個進來的註冊失敗,我剛剛調程式,允許同樣帳號的人也可以註冊了,如果你說的朋友是這兩位的話可以幫我請他們再試試看
@ronnywang 好的,不過 ^ Paul 可能是另一個問題,他中文不是很好,所以可能要麻煩你使用英文跟他溝通了。感謝協助
😁 Indeed, I use google translate to translate what you wrote. If there is indeed a possibility to use the same registration that would be great. Just can't find the "Allow" button. I am using Chrome. Or maybe shall I use Edge?
@paul you can go to and click “登入 Sign In” on the top.
And then sign in with your slack account and password
Allow is here
Yes, now it worked, the steps have changed . Thanks a lot
I'm in
👍 1 1
Paul Wang 18:30:47
I posted 3 bug reports on github, all of them related to the French version on Android, v.0.6.1, including screenshots
❤️ 4 3


Dixon Siu 08:24:34
Good morning!! Everyone ready to hack?
Dixon Siu 09:11:30
@sherry376 @sofia
Do we need to register (5 minutes suggestion) here?


g0v Hackath39n - 第參拾玖次又在家黑客松 - HackMD

g0v 線上百人黑客松用線上揪松(jothon online) + g0v 協作工具,讓您在家也能參加黑客松!

Sherry Chung 09:22:12
@dixon.siu good morning! we already registered (see row 38)
👍 2
Dixon Siu 09:31:10
How about the 8 minutes one?
Tammy 10:43:27
@dixon.siu good morning!
Dixon Siu 10:47:16
Good morning, Tammy! What is the tasks for today?
Tammy 10:48:47
@dixon.siu The task for today will focus on the documentation. I am hoping we can finish the first version of MyLog whitepaper.
Dixon Siu 10:49:29
Great! What is the link again? I forgot.
Tammy 10:49:42
Let me check
Tammy 10:54:46
<!channel> for those who are online for the hackathon today! Let's have a 30min call at 11:30 Taipei time to sync the tasks?
👍 4
Tammy 10:56:18
We are hoping to create some materials for the whitepaper draft ofMyLog/LogBoard
@pei4.cats has joined the channel
Dixon Siu 11:10:47
@dixon.siu set the channel topic: MyLog White Paper
參與 MyData Taiwan 討論
MyLog14 協作手冊
👍 2
bafu 11:25:49
@pei4.cats welcome!
👋 2
Tammy 11:29:17
Goal of the hackathon today
• LogBoard Devpost -- Sofia
• LogBoard translation (ch, jp, fr) -- Sherry
• LogBoard language switch feature -- Dixon, Bofu
• Whitepaper outline and graphs
• LogBoard video subtitle (en, jp, fr) -- collaboration on YouTube, add video translation to Spreadsheet => jp on github -- Dixon, Bofu
Tammy 11:29:40
@sherry376 will you host the Zoom?
Tammy 11:31:25
Let's use my Zoom <tel:7845221562|784-522-1562> (000000)
👍 1
Sofia 11:32:40
<!channel> ^
Sofia 11:32:52
welcome to join~
Sherry Chung 11:44:38
sorry I missed the message
Tammy 11:45:20
@sherry376 you can join now
Tammy 12:07:50
Whitepaper discussion~~~ same number
Dixon Siu 12:34:15
set up a reminder “Sync meeting in 15 minutes” in this channel at 4:15PM today, Japan Standard Time.
Tammy 12:36:11
<!here> Next sync: 15:30 Taipei time
@dixon.siu will provide the Zoom number
Dixon Siu 12:39:37
set up a reminder “Sync meeting in 15 minutes. Zoom URL:” in this channel at 4:15PM today, Japan Standard Time.
bafu 12:42:59
@dixon.siu for the multi-lang support of LogBoard, I will ping you after the tech infrastructure is ready, and then you can help translate the japanese version. how do you think? 😃
Great! If you need to talk about idea, we can chat too. Or help out with converting the html to "template".
daYuan 13:09:47
😁 6
daYuan 13:19:25
🤣 5
Tammy 13:39:02
(reuse EUvsVirus slides
Sherry Chung 14:07:06
@sofia LogBoard 影片使用的 slides 跟 video script 我可以在哪裡找到?
Sofia 14:07:38
@sherry376 video script 要跟繼娟要喔
Sofia 14:08:05
slide 在這
防疫松slides (1).pptx
Sherry Chung 14:26:48
@tammy079 待會的 slides, 我先報名
Sherry Chung 14:29:15
@sofia 幫我想個中文題目 XD
Tammy 14:35:09
自己的資料自己記 - 後疫情時代我的症狀日記
Sofia 14:36:12
Sofia 14:37:00
(^覺得我們可以開始淡化大家已經不怎麼在意的疫情 XD,導向後續的健康紀錄應用)
Sherry Chung 14:41:26
@sofia Tammy 的題目跟我的 Slides 脈絡比較接近,我來不及改講法了 XD
Sofia 14:43:46
可以啊,後續可以慢慢改口,往到院前的資料提供(我的健康日記之類的),避免一直綁著疫情,台灣人已經快要無感 XD
Slackbot 15:15:08
Reminder: Sync meeting in 15 minutes. Zoom URL:
Dixon Siu 15:15:58
Saw that you are rearranging the structure of the white paper. Please tell me when is the good time to start editing.
Tammy 15:18:05
@dixon.siu no problem! almost done
👍 1
Sherry Chung 15:23:11
混亂的講完了 8 分鐘分享 (需要休息一下)
4 3
Sofia 15:32:59
有要 sync 嗎?
bafu 15:33:01
@dixon.siu The 1st version of the i18n tech infrastructure is ready.

You can start to translate this Japanese language file! 😀

Note: If you are ready to send a PR, please help choose the `develop` branch as the merge target. Thanks for the great help!


``` # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. # Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR &lt;EMAIL@ADDRESS&gt;, YEAR. # #, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-23 07:16+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME &lt;EMAIL@ADDRESS&gt;\n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE &lt;;\n" "Language: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" #: applications/archives/templates/dashboard/dashboard_detail2.html:99 #: applications/archives/templates/dashboard/dashboard_detail2.html:108 msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "" #: applications/archives/templates/dashboard/dashboard_detail2.html:100 #: applications/archives/templates/dashboard/dashboard_detail2.html:179 msgid "Photodiary" msgstr "" #: applications/archives/templates/dashboard/dashboard_detail2.html:109 msgid "Body Temperature" msgstr "体温" #: applications/archives/templates/dashboard/dashboard_detail2.html:113 msgid "Locations" msgstr "" #: applications/archives/templates/dashboard/dashboard_detail2.html:120 msgid "Symptoms" msgstr "症状" #: mylog14Dashboard/ msgid "Traditional Chinese" msgstr "" #: mylog14Dashboard/ msgid "Japanese" msgstr "" ```

@dixon.siu you are the MAN!
Dixon Siu 15:33:37
saw it but could not find it from master. strange!
Tammy 15:34:04
<!here> You are welcome to add comment, question, suggested edit to MyLog Whitepaper

The purpose of this Whitepaper is to describe how MyLog/LogBoard can become the basic infrastructure of MyData Operators and describe some details of tech, working model and incentive mechanism behind.

More introduction of MyData Operator (and the infrastructure) see
Dixon Siu 15:34:10
wait, it is develop branch.
Tammy 15:34:30
<!here> let's quickly sync the current status.
Tammy 15:34:36
@dixon.siu number?
Sherry Chung 15:34:43
我電腦重開機中 你們先開始
terrence 15:49:13
@terrence has joined the channel
Paul Wang 15:54:50
Good morning everyone sorry joined later
🌅 4
Paul Wang 15:55:25
Will also review the white paper
Tammy 15:57:15
@sherry376 I think it is good to have a short (2-3min) summary intro for MyLog and LogBoard
even if it is too rush to write new script for your talk later, we can still initiate one~
Paul Wang 16:09:07
Any further logboard translation into french needed ?
Sherry Chung 16:23:51
<!channel> Here is the slides & script for later presentation (Sill work in progress).
Some of the materials are still in Chinese QQ
Tammy 16:29:12
@paul yes! @dixon.siu and @bafu are working on the translation, they may help provide more details
Paul Wang 16:30:17
OK, please point me directly on the translation document, if that's the Excel where I can provide input. In the meantime, I'm reviewing, editing and correcting the english whitepaper now
Sofia 16:35:54
<!channel> the introduction of LogBoard in Zh/En

^need review in Zh/En, and translation in Fr/Jp 🙏
Translation of LogBoard into French done! Good luck finalizing and submitting it. The French expressions are usually longer than the English ones. Tried my best. Good night
Thank you Paul!!! You’re the best!!!
👍 1
Paul Wang 16:38:08
ok. Will also translate. Which one is currently priority: a) white paper b) slide script presentation pitch c) logboard d)others? I believe the slides?
Yes~ please start from b)
Tammy 16:38:34
@sherry376 I made a shorter version. The original one is too long, I am afraid your cannot fit into 5min.
Tammy 16:38:43
If you need, we can Zoom to talk, faster.
Sofia 16:40:25
Yes~ please start from b)
Paul Wang 16:40:48
On it now, while you are typing
Sherry Chung 16:41:18
@tammy079 I saw you recommend to skip all LogBoard slides. I can quickly talk to you
Tammy 16:41:33
@sherry376 my number
Paul Wang 16:43:41
I truly believe LogBoard slides are valuable and should be kept. Important points are:
1. why MyLog14 and its objectives
2. why LogBoard and its objectives
3. why they fit MyData Governance Framework
4. to what audience they are addressed
5. from reaction to proactive action
👍 1
Tammy 16:47:32
(we are here Zoom <tel:7845221562|784-522-1562> (000000)
Tammy 16:49:02
@sofia can you quickly send me the logo without 14
Paul Wang 16:50:26
At some points in time, you may be asked why you decide to split into MyLog and LogBoard and wh
Sofia 16:51:09
mylog logo for app-01.jpg
👍 3
Paul Wang 17:05:13
congratulations @sherry376! Top pitch
Paul Wang 17:05:23
Perfect timing!
Sherry Chung 17:05:44
結果我 4 min 就講完了 …. 中間還超卡 XD 不小心有中文跑出來 😝
💯 4
Tammy 17:08:06
@sherry376 good job~~~
Tammy 17:09:55
我覺得沒有很卡啦~ 放不出全螢幕有點可惜
雖然最後一分鐘才改好,中間你還被我超臨時安插一頁 XDDD

但大致都滿順了,感謝你又成功幫 MyLog 以及所有團隊成員成功報告一次

Thank @paul’s support!!! It helps a lot~
👍 1 1
Paul Wang 17:10:08
Paul Wang 17:11:30
Current priority and deadline: a) white paper c) logboard d) others?
It looks good!
Is there a specific deadline for submission of
a) white paper
c) logboard translation

a) we aim to finalize the first version and share with MyData Global 14 days later, so.. the due for internal review will be the end of 31st May
b) no hard due, but it will also be good if we finish by 31st May
Ok so no urgency to finish today then?
@paul there will be three stages for the whitepaper

a. initial draft (due today)
b. internal review and second draft (due 31st May)
c. final version to show MyData (two weeks later)

I will collect as many comments as possible and finish a). Any suggestion is more than welcome! However, if you don't have time to review today, you can also join stage (b), which will be the internal review by members of Mydata Taiwan Hub and g0v #mylog14 😀
OK, today, meaning what time taiwan time?
If the task is `due today` , it normally means that we will only process the next step tomorrow after 9am Taipei time 😆
My first review and modification of the white paper is done. You should expand and develop more on the LogBoard, as I raised a few points of concern about the control of shared data, the purposes, the validity (72 hours) and how the medical staff will be able to make use of the data after it expires. Will the medical staff be able to export the results of the analysis or so?
Tammy 17:11:35
The interesting thing is, "Pandemic is eased" << this is not a typo or something, but the true feeling people have in Taiwan 😂.
I learn from the news that in many countries, COVID-19 pandemic is still a very serious problem. However, the daily visit to #covid19 channel of g0v slack has dropped significantly...
Sherry Chung 17:12:21
@paul You can still add your comments to the presentation. We will reuse it several times. It’s too rush today.
That's true! this is the first time we present MyLog App and LogBoard all together. The script and slides will be super useful.
OK, will do so
I am adding a few terms in reference of the MyData Governance Framework in order to add privacy compliance themes
Slide 6:

LogBoard helps medical staff to see the data users shared. It uses one-time URL and all data is deleted automatically after 72 hours.

Users manage and give consent to share their data to medical staff. Medical staff can analyse, review, [export?] data for analytical and research purposes. _[Please correct or adapt]_

_[Paul]: You should probably describe:_
• _why LogBoard has been created_
• _what LogBoard achieves_
• _what’s the purpose for medical staff_
• _to which audience it is addressed_
• _in compliance with MyData Governance Framework_
• _maybe also an aspect related to the consent given by the users to Medical staff to access their data (or that may be too long)_
Sherry Chung 2020-05-23 17:34:44
@paul 💯
Sherry Chung 2020-05-23 17:36:01
Thank you so much~~~
Paul Wang 17:14:28
That's why from a global perspective, so as not to open the borders too early, situation is still dramatic, about 100000 daily new cases worldwide and south america as well as middle east level is extremely critical. Russia numbers have skyrocketed. That's the reason when we - as a community - think, we need to think globally
Yes, totally agree. It is going to be a long war for the world to fight against the virus.
Any case in any country can threat the economy and health of other countries in the world.
Paul Wang 17:17:14
The giant rent-a-car Hertz has filed for bankruptcy
😫 1
Sherry Chung 17:31:21
@bafu 想問一下 g0v 分享的 sheet 裡的專案授權 (LIcensing),我現在寫的是 `CC-BY` ,但我看到滿多人寫 `Content: CC-BY Code: MIT` 。
請問 Bafu 大大我要修改嗎?
daYuan 17:34:28
```MyDataTaiwan/mylog14 is licensed under the

GNU General Public License v3.0```
a-chioh 17:45:18
@a-chioh has joined the channel
Sherry Chung 17:48:44
hello @a-chioh , welcome
Tammy 17:50:30
lulucheng 17:55:31
@yilu1113 has joined the channel
a-chioh 17:59:26
daYuan 17:59:52
a-chioh 18:03:21
a-chioh 18:04:10
看到我國旗就好奇了:P 🇫🇷
Tammy 18:05:04
@a-chioh 你是法國人嗎?
Sherry Chung 18:05:38
誠徵:UI designer / UX designer / 推廣大使 / ~翻譯員~ 多國語言支援 / 文件管理支援
Tammy 18:05:51
我們的法文是 @paul 協助的 ❤️ 🇫🇷
a-chioh 18:06:16
🎣 6
daYuan 18:09:45
@yilu1113 Welcome~
😆 1 🎉 1
daYuan 18:12:34
我在 #designer 也有發了XD

MyLog 專案召募對於*個人健康管理應用*有興趣的設計師們,歡迎各路大大加入 <#C010K6VCTPH|mylog14>  一同討論如何讓App 與 dashboard 變得更好~ (只要你有興趣都歡迎,*新手友善、轉職友善、歡迎貢獻*,也歡迎來聊天 &gt;W&lt; ) 目前 APP 將推出1.0版本,後台也有初步的 UI ,不過目前協力的 UI &UX 大大礙於工作繁忙於本週結束了支援:sob: 希望能有更多人加入一起完善功能與介面,目前每週 sync 一次 ,有興趣想詢問都可以提出~

3 💯 2 4
Sherry Chung 18:14:56
歡迎今天大松加入的新成員 ~~ @a-chioh @yilu1113 @terrence @pei4.cats
可以自我介紹一下讓大家多認識你們嗎 😄

Welcome the new members joined from g0v hackath39n! 👏 You can do a brief introduction about yourself.
😆 1
a-chioh 18:16:30
在法國我們比較愛討論 contact tracing 的問題,我實在不是很相信這邊的人可以接受
我不喜歡 contact tracing,馬上 sample +1 😆
之前看 BBC 好像英國確定要導入 contact tracing,不知道實際狀況如何
@paul shared with us that it is not an easy task to convince people to use contact-tracing in Switzerland 😂
Not easy indeed but getting political and engineering traction
A law has just passed this week in Switzerland
I just send the link on the legal framework related to the swiss usage of contact Tracing
I think it's even harder in France
MyData Global community is pushing a new project which is similar to MyLog but with a bigger data-source coverage. I think they aim to provide an alternative solution to contact-tracing.

I hope we can convince them to just extend the support of MyLog, haha 😆
至於全民的contact tracing我是反對啦,這部分可以透過保持社交距離和戴口罩來達成防疫目的,更加降低全民contact tracing的必要性。
如果有自主參與且保護個資的contact tracing工具,樂見其成🤣個人自由選擇。
歐洲要推動的 contact tracking 應該是針對健康者,而不是確診者,這是我的理解,但訊息瞬息萬變,不確定現在還是不是這樣。

我個人的意見來說,也同意「確診者」應該要接受接觸史調查,這個比喻可能還不夠好,但我覺得有點像:受到詐騙報案的時候,要告知如何被詐騙 => 是為了公共利益以及自己未來的利益,所以接受調查。特別是有健保的地方,因為確診者使用的是全民公有的醫療資源,所以我的意見是應該要調查,除非不使用健保 😂
a-chioh 18:17:55
好, 我是以前住台灣的法國人,很早就參加g0v的活動特比是跟萌典有關的,但是我目前就是卡住在巴黎
你好!歡迎加入。我們大部份是從 MyData 社群過來的,所以是「個人資料權」的同溫層 😆 ,MyData 是歐洲發起的 NGO,也因此社群有幾個歐洲來的朋友,現在法語的朋友至少有三位, 住在瑞士、 @paul也住瑞士,還有一位 Quentin 不在這個 slack,是在台灣的比利時人,含你就四位了,看來 MyLog 有法語的緣分 😆
真的,好神奇 😆
Happy to be part of the adventure
👍 7 🇫🇷 2
因為想找地方貢(ㄌㄧㄢˋ)獻(ㄍㄨㄥ),聽說這邊需要UIUX所以加入的~ 之前待過#libot(現在解散了),目前在#herstory幫忙中英翻譯和UI design
因為喜歡法文音樂劇所以學過一年法文,但是還不到能翻譯的程度QQ 只能說說 ça va, merci 😅
歡迎!!(到底是什麼法文緣 XD)
我是 MyLog 的 product manager,我們大部份的 UI/UX 合作會由我協調、然後 @sddivid 實作
@pei4.cats 歡迎大大
👍 5 🙌 2
Paul Wang 18:53:03


Government provides legal basis for SwissCovid contact tracing app

The Swiss government has adopted the legal foundation for the coronavirus contact tracing app, sending it to parliament for a vote.

Paul Wang 18:55:11
Edit: it's not yet a law but a legal framework proposition that still needs vote
stella 20:48:21
@stella has joined the channel
daYuan 21:12:11
@stella 歡迎👏
Paul Wang 23:09:24
My first review and modification of the white paper is done. You should expand and develop more on the LogBoard, as I raised a few points of concern about the control of shared data, the purposes, the validity (72 hours) and how the medical staff will be able to make use of the data after it expires. Will the medical staff be able to export the results of the analysis or so?
Thank you!! Will reply in the document
❤️ 3 👍 3
Paul Wang 23:10:50
Will pursue the (c) logboard translation tomorrow
Tammy 23:28:24
Thank you!! Will reply in the document
lulucheng 23:36:50
hihi 我是Lulu 目前是接案的UI/UX designer,看到有dashboard的設計覺得好玩,今天第一次入坑,來找找看有沒有可以幫忙的地方~🙋‍♀️
daYuan 23:38:44
@yilu1113 非常歡迎🎉 ,還請大大手下留情🙏
請多多指教 我不是大大啦XD


Tammy 12:28:26

大家早 (?) 安,很高興有新夥伴的加入!


我是 Tammy,正職是新創公司主張數據 Numbers 的創辦人
也是 MyLog 主要的 `product` manager,負責 MyLog 的 feature 規劃與資源協調

另外跟大家介紹一下兩位很重要的 `project` manager
@sherry376 -- 負責管理 MyLog App 的開發進度與測試
@scott355 -- 負責管理 LogBoard 的開發進度與測試
有 MyLog 相關的疑難雜症都可以找他們~~~

我整理了一個開發相關資料的 Q&A

MyLog 的 `Feature Kickoff` 會議是在單週的星期二晚上 18:00
下週剛好沒有 :joy:
不過!我會利用 `下週二 (5/26) 18:00` 來跟新夥伴們介紹目前的開發流程
如果方便的話請要加入開發的新夥伴盡量連進 Zoom 來

MyLog 團隊的關鍵字是:快速開發、直接溝通、互相尊重

由於這次比較偏向招募 UI/UX 的新夥伴
這是之前合作的 UX Chloe 寫的文章,也提供參考


如何在家舉辦一場線上工作坊? - 兼顧防疫與隱私的資料紀錄行動 App

大家好,我是一位 Junior 使用者經驗研究員,今天想分享工作之外,最近正在與非營利組織 MyData Taiwan 共同進行的 Si

我週二 (5/26)ok🙋‍♀️
2 🌻 1
Paul Wang 16:23:58
Good morning everyone. To followup on the introduction made by Tammy earlier this morning, an introduction from myself.
I am Paul Wang, born in Taipei, grew up in Switzerland. Computer engineer, active in humanitarian aid and crisis management, I'm more focused on governance, strategy, privacy, compliance, merging technology and business requirements. 20+ years of consulting in Cyber security, Forensics, Investigation, I have recently participated as mentor to #CodeVSCovid19 with #MyDataTaiwan, #VersusVirus and #EUvsVirus hackathons in the contact tracing as well as human empowerment, I am contributing in the review of the strategic model, compliance with regulations and technical requirements to address the needs of public, private stakeholders of mylog14. Fluent in French, German, English and spoken Mandarin, I interact regularly with medical and government authorities. Twitter: @paulwanggva / Linkedin:
Good morning Paul! I achieved a small milestone: doing 30min Yoga for continuous three days!
😁 3 2 ❤️ 3


a-chioh 00:33:29
讀完white paper囖
a-chioh 00:34:35
那跟 contact tracing 是 完全不一樣
a-chioh 00:37:13
@a-chioh 是的~ MyLog 跟 contact tracing 完全不一樣 😆
我也同意你你的角度,醫院以及 CDC 的關係是很重要的
daYuan 23:53:09
我 logboard 更新後長這樣正常嗎😨 我記憶中不是這樣的….
我覺得可以維持critical粉紅色底,但是把critical的線和MAX的線去掉,保留真正的體溫記錄線條就好。(剛剛已補在dashboard spreadsheet上)


SHC 10:35:07
應該是少了 `python3 collectstatic`
Sofia 11:45:09
Thanks for @paul, we have French version video now 😄!


MyLog14-Together, We Log (FR.)

Sofia 11:52:05
LogBoard 的 logo 投票中喔~ 投票到今天晚上 11:59,然後我們就會決定用哪個了~
🅰️ 3 🅱️ 1
SHC 15:07:18
@sddivid 問一下你知道目前 MyLog icon 是有放到哪個 branch 還是都還沒推上去嗎
daYuan 15:12:27
我剛測完 現在推上去
daYuan 15:14:35
在 `feature-update-splash`
SHC 15:18:10
@sddivid 首頁的 icon 有新的嗎,還是目前只有原本有 14 小字的版本
daYuan 15:18:40
daYuan 15:18:46
SHC 15:18:50
daYuan 15:19:01
SHC 15:19:03
daYuan 15:20:32
@shc261392 等我一下 iOS 有一張沒換到
SHC 15:20:39
daYuan 15:24:33
daYuan 15:26:39
daYuan 15:27:22
SHC 15:27:42
我 PR 就直接自己收掉了因為東西都滿小的,而且要 release 了
👍 2
daYuan 15:27:50
SHC 15:28:02


😂 1
SHC 16:13:23
@sddivid 我 keystore 密碼還是失敗,這個 release 可能也要先麻煩你幫忙 build & 推上去
daYuan 16:13:53
daYuan 16:25:43
@shc261392 你有更新你的AS或是NDK嗎?
daYuan 16:26:03
SHC 16:26:35
daYuan 16:29:08
daYuan 16:45:42
🎉 1
daYuan 17:10:31
大約半小時前都更新了 給大平台一點兒時間
SHC 17:26:11
daYuan 17:58:31
這次會議的LINK可以分享一下嗎XD 有新人加入
🙋‍♀️ 2
Tammy 17:59:59
Tammy 18:00:16
@sherry376 請問連線號碼?
Tammy 18:01:22


Real-time meetings by Google. Using your browser, share your video, desktop, and presentations with teammates and customers.

daYuan 18:01:26
另外針對 UI 我也有準備了快速上手文件,如果有使用XD可以提供一下Adobe 的 email
哇 太感謝了 但我沒用XD
Sherry Chung 18:01:50
<!channel> 請連 Zoom 284-173-319 密碼是 000000
Tammy 18:02:19
XD 那就用 Zoom
Tammy 18:02:24
請忽略我的 Google Meet
Sherry Chung 18:02:41
@tammy079 我已經開好 Zoom 囉~~
Tammy 18:03:16
Tammy 19:11:35
抱歉我接完狗了 😂
Tammy 19:12:15
Paul Wang 20:03:20
I love the french dubbing version. Thanks for mixing up. I had pleasure as well as fun to listen to it. I think you probably played it at 105 or 110% speed, that's why my tone is rather high (almost girly.....) I am laughing at myself now hearing my voice.
Sherry Chung 20:16:55
@sddivid 剛剛分享的 board 頁面可以 share 給我嗎? 我要準備一些 material
daYuan 20:56:00
daYuan 21:07:16
👍 3


Paul Wang 16:42:23

This is now, if you are interested in attending the current conference on SwissCovid (DP^3T project) - a proximity-tracing app
❤️ 2
Paul Wang 16:42:59
Paul Wang 16:45:23
Paul Wang 16:47:46
Paul Wang 17:03:11
Paul Wang 17:06:34
Paul Wang 17:47:25
I am asking the following question during the current conference:
Paul Wang 18:06:03
Asking a second question that can also be helpful for mylog:
Paul Wang 20:18:05
French version comics of SwissCovid
SwissCovid Comic Slide 1.jpg
SwissCovid Comic Slide 2.jpg
SwissCovid Comic Slide 3.jpg
SwissCovid Comic Slide 4.jpg
SwissCovid Comic Slide 5.jpg
SwissCovid Comic Slide 6.jpg
SwissCovid Comic Slide 7.jpg
SwissCovid Comic Slide 8.jpg
SwissCovid Comic Slide 9.jpg
SwissCovid Comic Slide 10.jpg
👍 2
Paul Wang 20:18:57
SwissCovid Comic Slide 11.jpg
SwissCovid Comic Slide 12.jpg
SwissCovid Comic Slide 13.jpg
SwissCovid Comic Slide 14.jpg
SwissCovid Comic Slide 15.jpg
SwissCovid Comic Slide 16.jpg
SwissCovid Comic.jpg
Paul Wang 20:19:11
Swiss PT.jpg
Although, I cannot understand French, I do like the UI design!
Paul Wang 21:28:19 Here is the english version website
Paul Wang 21:28:29
for the comis
Paul Wang 21:28:31
for the comics
Paul Wang 21:31:12


This is a COVID-19 tracing client using the DP3T Android SDK.



scott_yan 12:53:26
mylog app v 0.8.2 測試完並記錄在
1. Android 版本沒有 blocking issues  , 有一個動畫log 還是 mylog14  其餘已確認logo 修正完成
2. ios 版本有一個 blocking issues 舊版(v.0.8.1)的照片無法在新版(v.0.8.2)的顯示出來 但體溫症狀資料有出來  跟 james 討論過後目前這個 issues 需要時間確認 所以需要討論此 sprint 是否 release ios version
👍 2
scott_yan 16:25:34
歡迎新進的朋友們加入喔 麻煩各位撥空幫忙填寫一下你個人的 contact collection
link :
另外由於之後會做一頁MyLog社群牆,社群牆主要目的是讓使用者知道這次 MyLog 所有參與者。所以會收集大家的大頭照 如果不想露臉的也可以給一張自己喜歡的照片 麻煩新加入的朋友以及尚未提供相片的舊朋友提供一張美美的照片 檔名改為您的名字( ex: scott.jpg )放入以下連結即可

❤️ 6