【十真一假】Matters博客交流 - 小K的十真一假 (Liker ID: kitrewq000) - Matters
小K也是剛剛開始加入Liker行列,也慢慢開始認識了不少朋友,非常感謝@宗本衝 @DrThankYouC,小K會慢慢努力,繼續寫一些優質的文章給大家看!以下是我的【十真一假】我非常喜歡看書,每天最少看2-3小時。
LikeCoin hackathon 讚客松
《Matters 社區基金配捐提案:LikeCoin 狂想曲》完滿結束 + 報告 + 另一個新開始 - Matters
談個人或小單位、小組織脫離社群網站及建立獨立網站之必要!(並結合Likecoin) - Matters
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And Republic of Liker Land
LikeCoin API uses OAuth2.0 flow for API authorization, please refer to `Authetication` section before you use any API. Production endpoint: `<>` Development endpoint: `<>` Please contact `team[at]<|>` for OAuth client id/secret and scope/redirect_uri whitelist. Endpoints marks with a padlock requires authorization with ``` Authorization Bearer {{access_token}} ``` Please refer to `Authetication` section below to learn how to obtain `access_token` for an user.
#6 Initial ISCN specifications based on ISP #1, #2, #3, #4, #5
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LikeCoin - Republic of Liker Land
Idea is cheap. 想法很便宜?點子很廉價?想得很多,做得不夠多?本週三線上會議我們來談談 DApps ideas on LikeCoin chain。 去中心化應用程式 DApps(Decentralized Application)是區塊鏈應用的重要一環,如何撘建及實踐相關功能實際並不困難。就讓我們與你一起聚合在 LikeCoin chain 上各種 DApps 構思,為 #讚客松...
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LikeCoin API uses OAuth2.0 flow for API authorization, please refer to `Authetication` section before you use any API. Production endpoint: `<>` Development endpoint: `<>` Please contact `team[at]<|>` for OAuth client id/secret and scope/redirect_uri whitelist. Endpoints marks with a padlock requires authorization with ``` Authorization Bearer {{access_token}} ``` Please refer to `Authetication` section below to learn how to obtain `access_token` for an user.
``` source,name,name_en,description,description_en "default",待確認,,, "infra",政治,,, "infra",媒體,,, "infra",法律,,, "infra",開放資料,,, "infra",環境,,, "infra",g0v,,, "infra",社會議題,,, "infra",科技與工具,,, "infra",健康與醫療,,, "infra",教育,,, "infra",語言,,, "infra",生態,,, "infra",能源,,, "infra",交通,,, "infra",藝術,,, "infra",經濟,,, "infra",農業,,, "infra",財政,,, "infra",社群活動,,, "awesome-g0v",g0v基礎建設,g0v Infrastructure,"g0v 基礎建設", "awesome-g0v",開放政府,Open Data,, "awesome-g0v",法制與政府組織,,立法及法律、政府架構與人事、司法及判決, "awesome-g0v",課責,,選舉罷免、預決算與財政收支、政風與課責, "awesome-g0v",政府運作,,區域劃分與統計、法人基本資料、採購資訊與委外營運服務明細、國防與外交, "awesome-g0v",公共安全,,公共檢查及違法事項、犯罪與事故、環境與災害, "awesome-g0v",公營服務,,基礎建設、健康與醫療、教育與研究、服務要求與陳情, "awesome-g0v",經濟活動,,生產及各類執照、不動產與金融、國際貿易, "awesome-g0v",社會參與,Social Engagement,, "awesome-g0v",新媒體,Media,, "awesome-g0v",政策共筆,Policy Feedback,, "g0v_db","AI",,, "g0v_db","NPO lab",,, "g0v_db","g0v Summit",,, "g0v_db","中國",,, "g0v_db","事實查核",,, "g0v_db","人口",,, "g0v_db","人權",,, "g0v_db","健保",,, "g0v_db","健康",,, "g0v_db","備份",,, "g0v_db","兒少",,, "g0v_db","公務員",,, "g0v_db","公投",,, "g0v_db","公有地",,, "g0v_db","公民參與",,, "g0v_db","公益",,, "g0v_db","共享",,, "g0v_db","剩食",,, "g0v_db","動物",,, "g0v_db","勞動",,, "g0v_db","勞工",,, "g0v_db","區塊鏈",,, "g0v_db","原住民",,, "g0v_db","國會",,, "g0v_db","土地",,, "g0v_db","地圖",,, "g0v_db","地政",,, "g0v_db","地震",,, "g0v_db","居住",,, "g0v_db","工具",,, "g0v_db","工業",,, "g0v_db","建築",,, "g0v_db","心理",,, "g0v_db","性別",,, "g0v_db","性別平權",,, "g0v_db","投票",,, "g0v_db","政府採購",,, "g0v_db","政策",,, "g0v_db","文典",,, "g0v_db","文字",,, "g0v_db","新住民",,, "g0v_db","新聞",,, "g0v_db","歷史",,, "g0v_db","民主參與",,, "g0v_db","民意",,, "g0v_db","氣象",,, "g0v_db","災害",,, "g0v_db","生活",,, "g0v_db","生育",,, "g0v_db","疫情",,, "g0v_db","監督",,, "g0v_db","知識",,, "g0v_db","矯正",,, "g0v_db","社會",,, "g0v_db","社群",,, "g0v_db","社群媒體",,, "g0v_db","福利",,, "g0v_db","空汙",,, "g0v_db","紀錄",,, "g0v_db","統計",,, "g0v_db","翻譯",,, "g0v_db","街友",,, "g0v_db","視覺化",,, "g0v_db","議會",,, "g0v_db","議題",,, "g0v_db","貪汙",,, "g0v_db","資料庫",,, "g0v_db","資訊戰",,, "g0v_db","轉型正義",,, "g0v_db","通訊錄",,, "g0v_db","遊戲",,, "g0v_db","選舉",,, "g0v_db","都市",,, "g0v_db","都市計劃",,, "g0v_db","醫療",,, "g0v_db","開放文化",,, "g0v_db","黑客松",,, ```
如何當一個好的區塊鏈驗證人?Forbole 的分享及建議。 - Matters
區塊鏈驗證人 (validator) 是驗證節點的經營者,他們將在由區塊鏈構成的下一代互聯網中扮演不可或缺的角色,前景秀麗。本文分享我們 (@Forbole) 從 2017 年底加入 Cosmos 生態以來作為驗證人...
LikeCoin 社群會議紀錄 - 2020.05.04 - Matters
是次會議最主要的成果,是討論出提案增加有效驗證人數目至 25 位的共識。往後的社群會議將維持在每月第一個星期一 1800,GMT +8社群會議主要討論 LikeCoin 生態治理,完全開放,如無修改,會與此鏈接舉行:ht...
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使用 JavaScript 為你的網站添加讚賞鍵
``` const style = document.createElement('style'); style.innerHTML = ` .likecoin-button { position: relative; width: 100%; max-width: 485px; max-height: 240px; margin: 0 auto; } .likecoin-button > div { padding-top: 49.48454%; } .likecoin-button > iframe { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } `; document.body.appendChild(style); const elements = document.querySelectorAll('.likecoin-embed.likecoin-button'); elements.forEach((div) => { const likerId = div.getAttribute('data-liker-id'); if (!likerId) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error('Cannot get data-liker-id attribute from LikeCoin button element'); return; } let href = div.getAttribute('data-href'); if (!href) { href = window.location.href; } href = encodeURIComponent(href); const src = `<${likerId}/button?referrer=${href}`;> // Inject a spacer for maintaining the aspect ratio for the `<iframe/>` div.appendChild(document.createElement('div')); const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.setAttribute('src', src); iframe.setAttribute('frameborder', 0); iframe.setAttribute('scrolling', 'no'); div.appendChild(iframe); }); ```
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做個具有likecoin讚賞功能的泛播客app - Matters
LikeCoin 狂想曲 | LikeCoin永恒的生命之树终极计划! - Matters
这永恒的生命之树,永久存在于区块链!各位马特市市民好, 智白非常荣幸,在两天前被社区活动的川办人 @Daisy 提及到我的名字。经过了两天两夜的思索,我想出了这么一个Likecoin狂想曲:“Likecoin永恒的生...
Concepts before accessing LikeCoin chain
``` export async function getCosmosAccountLIKE(address) { ```
LikeCoin API uses OAuth2.0 flow for API authorization, please refer to `Authetication` section before you use any API. Production endpoint: `<>` Development endpoint: `<>` Please contact `team[at]<|>` for OAuth client id/secret and scope/redirect_uri whitelist. Endpoints marks with a padlock requires authorization with ``` Authorization Bearer {{access_token}} ``` Please refer to `Authetication` section below to learn how to obtain `access_token` for an user.
LikeCoin API uses OAuth2.0 flow for API authorization, please refer to `Authetication` section before you use any API. Production endpoint: `<>` Development endpoint: `<>` Please contact `team[at]<|>` for OAuth client id/secret and scope/redirect_uri whitelist. Endpoints marks with a padlock requires authorization with ``` Authorization Bearer {{access_token}} ``` Please refer to `Authetication` section below to learn how to obtain `access_token` for an user.
LikeCoin API uses OAuth2.0 flow for API authorization, please refer to `Authetication` section before you use any API. Production endpoint: `<>` Development endpoint: `<>` Please contact `team[at]<|>` for OAuth client id/secret and scope/redirect_uri whitelist. Endpoints marks with a padlock requires authorization with ``` Authorization Bearer {{access_token}} ``` Please refer to `Authetication` section below to learn how to obtain `access_token` for an user.
LikeCoin API uses OAuth2.0 flow for API authorization, please refer to `Authetication` section before you use any API. Production endpoint: `<>` Development endpoint: `<>` Please contact `team[at]<|>` for OAuth client id/secret and scope/redirect_uri whitelist. Endpoints marks with a padlock requires authorization with ``` Authorization Bearer {{access_token}} ``` Please refer to `Authetication` section below to learn how to obtain `access_token` for an user.
Cosmos Network
Cosmos Network - Internet of Blockchains
The interoperable, scalable blockchain network. Built for developers.
LikeCoin - the content protocol
LikeCoin is a public blockchain for content monetization, attribution and distribution.
:fire: 下載 Liker Land,掌握收入明細,領取 Matters 推薦奬勵 :moneybag: <> 在 Matters 寫作的你,想要更瞭解每日收入明細嗎?Liker Land 統計功能上線囉!立刻下載,讓你一鍵查詢每天/每週收益,也可以看到你支持了哪些作者喔~ 慶祝新版 app 上線,從今天起為期一週(5月20日至5月26日),Matters 作者只要...
【支持創作者,也幫自己賺鼓勵!】LikeCoin╳方格子推薦奬勵金放送 大家是否感覺到,最近看文章時,越來越多作者在文末加入了LikeCoin讚賞鍵呢?因為LikeCoin是一種最新的支持作者創作方式,他是一種虛擬貨幣,只要你願意給創作者「拍手Like」,對方就可以獲得LikeCoin ,並過虛擬貨幣交易所轉換成真實的現金。 ...
讚客松精神召集熱衷於解決問題、克服限制的人。希望大家透過這次活動能夠動起手來把一些想法實現並做出來。踏出 comfort zone 去發問,交流和找協作。黑客松文化Hackathon 即黑客松文化在程式設計界由來以久,通...
Hello, I'm Dixon from Tokyo. 1. 與你有關的三個關鍵字 / Give us three keywords about yourself: personal data, MyData Taiwan, MyLog14 2. 怎麼知道 g0v 的 / How did you know about g0v?: I learnt about g0v from MyData Taiwan 3. 平常從事的職業或熟悉的領域、專長/ What do you do? Software engineer specialize in personal data store & data privacy 4. 有興趣的議題 / Issues you care about: personal data store, data economy, contribute to society 5. 怎麼聯絡 / Leave your contact here: Twitter - dixon_siu, LinkedIn - dixonsiu, FB - dixon.siu 6. 想說的話或想做的事 / Anything you want to say: 人人為我,我為人人。
《Matters 社區基金配捐提案:LikeCoin 狂想曲》完滿結束 + 報告 + 另一個新開始 - Matters
And Republic of Liker Land
LikeCoin is a public blockchain for content monetization, attribution and distribution.
And Republic of Liker Land
LikeCoin - the content protocol
LikeCoin is a public blockchain for content monetization, attribution and distribution.
Join a WebRTC video conference powered by the Jitsi Videobridge
Join a WebRTC video conference powered by the Jitsi Videobridge
LikeCoin: reinventing the Like. Rewarding contents by Proof of Creativity.
OwnCube - Cloud hosting since 2012
#8 The sample demo in codesandbox get error
1. <|> <|image> 2. <|> After clicking the button, the browser got below. <|image>
在 Matters 市集開張之前,先來搭建「M 市集查詢頁面」 - Matters
如果你想在 Matters 賣東西(提供商品或服務),一定要看這篇,然後在查詢頁面內留下你的資訊:) 前陣子 @高重建 提到 Matters 市集 的概念之後,我就蠢蠢欲動想接力寫一下我的想法,今天終於逼自己把這篇文章生出來了!
在遊戲中模擬LikeCoin讚賞的機制。 [粉絲向非官方自製3D冒險探索RPG遊戲《噗浪社區》](<>) DLC《偷偷說防衛戰》開發製作中。
An interconnectable open source PDS (Personal Data Store) server envisioning world wide web of protected data APIs.
OwnCube - Cloud hosting since 2012
Announcing the Cross-Chain Hackathon Winners
The Cross-Chain Hackathon, hosted by Gitcoin, started as a way to involve developers from around the world and give them ample time to…
Google Docs
歡迎非技術和程式開發人員參加。只要你對 LikeCoin 應用場景有想法又想把它實現出來,便是這次讚客松的適合人選。無論你是有新想法、在現有的項目上做拓展或整合又或是想消磨一下在家的時間,我們都無限歡迎。 1) 請先閱讀有關黑客松的簡介 (Link: <>) 2) 有興趣入坑/ 跟團隊聊天的請加入 g0v #likecoin 的Slack 社群 (Link: <> 3) 了解更多LikeCoin (Link: <>)
讚客松 Likerthon 2020 - LikeCoin 狂想曲後續 - Matters
讚客松 Likerthon 2020自去年跟 Matters 深度整合引入讚賞鍵後,Matters 社區發起了好幾次跟 LikeCoin 有關的活動。#Matters X LikeCoin 的一百種玩法、Matters...
讚客松精神召集熱衷於解決問題、克服限制的人。希望大家透過這次活動能夠動起手來把一些想法實現並做出來。踏出 comfort zone 去發問,交流和找協作。黑客松文化Hackathon 即黑客松文化在程式設計界由來以久,通...