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〔快訊〕師生戀 x 姐弟戀 x 老婆生的三個小孩都不是親生的 x 童子軍治國 法國總統出爐 馬克宏出生: 1977 年 12 月 21 日(39 歲) 法國史上最年輕總統(法蘭西第五共和 第八任總統) 老婆大24歲,原戲劇老師。 (有空再補文字) #上標籤 #台灣人最近都在幫補習班老師上標籤 #也在幫男人上標籤 ---- 馬克龍:法國最年輕的新總統 發表時間 07-05-2017...
沒人能阻止他誕生!母去年裝...男嬰一出生「手握避孕器」問罪 | ETtoday國際 | ETtoday東森新聞雲
美國一名婦女為了避孕,去年裝上避孕器仍意外懷孕,日前她剖腹產子,男嬰居然手握避孕器,照片迅速在網路上引發討論。不過這名婦人事後解釋,兒子和避孕器一起「出生」沒錯,但手握的姿勢事實上是加工處理過的。(Lucy Hellein,)
Newborn photographed with mom’s IUD in hand
This embed is invalid The photo of a newborn holding his mother’s IUD has gone viral. Two weeks ago, Lucy Hellein posted to Instagram, saying she became pregnant despite having an IUD. Back in December, I found out I was already 18 weeks pregnant. “How did you not know you were pregnant?” Well my dear, that’s because I still have a Mirena IUD. I was given a due date of May 4th…even my OB said The Force is Strong with this one. This boy was definitely a HUGE surprise. Apparently I’m part of the 1% who end up with a viable mirena pregnancy. I took this belly pic the other day, 37 weeks and 1 day. I will be having a scheduled csection to find the mirena and close down the baby factory. Both Dave and Faye are excited about baby brother. The Force Awakens April 27th, 2017. Baby bump! Back in December, I found out I was already 18 weeks pregnant. "How did you not know you were pregnant?" Well my dear, that's because I still have a Mirena IUD. I was given a due date of May 4th…even my OB said The Force is Strong with this one. This boy was definitely a HUGE surprise. Apperantly I'm part of the 1% who end up with a viable mirena pregnancy. I took this belly pic the other day, 37 weeks and 1 day. I will be having a scheduled csection to find the mirena and close down the baby factory. Both Dave and Faye are excited about baby brother. The Force Awakens April 27th, 2017. Coming soon, more Curly Kitty crochet baby cuteness!!!! #knockedupaf #mymirenafailed #mirenababy #thatsnomoon #thelastjedi #blessing #curlykitty A post shared by Lucy Hellein (@curlykittycrochet) on Apr 16, 2017 at 10:08am PDT “My doctor believes I may have gotten pregnant about three weeks after it was placed,” Hellein told WTLV. After giving birth to her son, Dexter Tyler, a doctor found Hellein’s IUD behind her placenta, she said on social media. Hellein told WTLV that a nurse placed the IUD in her son’s hand as a sort of tongue-in-cheek nod to conceiving while having an IUD in. She shared a picture of the moment on Facebook, which has since gone viral. My baby boy! Dexter Tyler 27 April 2017 @ 0840 9lbs 1oz 21.5in Mirena found behind my placenta ❤ #littlejedi #mirenababy #mirenafail #blessing #theforceisstrongwiththisone A post shared by Lucy Hellein (@curlykittycrochet) on Apr 27, 2017 at 3:39pm PDT Now, many are questioning the effectiveness of IUDs, which are said to be 99.9 % effective at preventing pregnancy, WTLV reports. “I mean it’s next to impossible {to get pregnant}. You have a better chance of winning the lotto,” Planned Parenthood nurse practitioner, Laura Ghasseminia said. Ghasseminia said Hellein is lucky the IUD did not disrupt the blood flood to the placenta, which could have led to a miscarriage. Hellein told WTLV that Dexter is a miracle baby. “He’s going to be a week old tomorrow and actually tomorrow was his original due date, which is May 4, which is known as Star Wars Day,” she chuckled. “So, the doctor was like, ‘the force is strong with this one.'”
小禎驚爆想跳樓 胡瓜不捨:過幾天就是母親節.... - 自由娛樂
這新聞我覺得算是有來源了,因為他有寫圖片來自 instagram, 而且也有給出帳號,只是標題很農場
ronnywang: 如果寫「誤導性標題」或「標題有誤導之嫌」這樣呢?(確實是被誤導了XD)
標準的標題殺人法,被拒絕和之後換學校是因為名額滿了,跟她的智商高低無關好嗎? ~跟記者的智商高低倒是有密切關連就是了
Newborn photographed with mom’s IUD in hand
This embed is invalid The photo of a newborn holding his mother’s IUD has gone viral. Two weeks ago, Lucy Hellein posted to Instagram, saying she became pregnant despite having an IUD. Back in December, I found out I was already 18 weeks pregnant. “How did you not know you were pregnant?” Well my dear, that’s because I still have a Mirena IUD. I was given a due date of May 4th…even my OB said The Force is Strong with this one. This boy was definitely a HUGE surprise. Apparently I’m part of the 1% who end up with a viable mirena pregnancy. I took this belly pic the other day, 37 weeks and 1 day. I will be having a scheduled csection to find the mirena and close down the baby factory. Both Dave and Faye are excited about baby brother. The Force Awakens April 27th, 2017. Baby bump! Back in December, I found out I was already 18 weeks pregnant. "How did you not know you were pregnant?" Well my dear, that's because I still have a Mirena IUD. I was given a due date of May 4th…even my OB said The Force is Strong with this one. This boy was definitely a HUGE surprise. Apperantly I'm part of the 1% who end up with a viable mirena pregnancy. I took this belly pic the other day, 37 weeks and 1 day. I will be having a scheduled csection to find the mirena and close down the baby factory. Both Dave and Faye are excited about baby brother. The Force Awakens April 27th, 2017. Coming soon, more Curly Kitty crochet baby cuteness!!!! #knockedupaf #mymirenafailed #mirenababy #thatsnomoon #thelastjedi #blessing #curlykitty A post shared by Lucy Hellein (@curlykittycrochet) on Apr 16, 2017 at 10:08am PDT “My doctor believes I may have gotten pregnant about three weeks after it was placed,” Hellein told WTLV. After giving birth to her son, Dexter Tyler, a doctor found Hellein’s IUD behind her placenta, she said on social media. Hellein told WTLV that a nurse placed the IUD in her son’s hand as a sort of tongue-in-cheek nod to conceiving while having an IUD in. She shared a picture of the moment on Facebook, which has since gone viral. My baby boy! Dexter Tyler 27 April 2017 @ 0840 9lbs 1oz 21.5in Mirena found behind my placenta ❤ #littlejedi #mirenababy #mirenafail #blessing #theforceisstrongwiththisone A post shared by Lucy Hellein (@curlykittycrochet) on Apr 27, 2017 at 3:39pm PDT Now, many are questioning the effectiveness of IUDs, which are said to be 99.9 % effective at preventing pregnancy, WTLV reports. “I mean it’s next to impossible {to get pregnant}. You have a better chance of winning the lotto,” Planned Parenthood nurse practitioner, Laura Ghasseminia said. Ghasseminia said Hellein is lucky the IUD did not disrupt the blood flood to the placenta, which could have led to a miscarriage. Hellein told WTLV that Dexter is a miracle baby. “He’s going to be a week old tomorrow and actually tomorrow was his original due date, which is May 4, which is known as Star Wars Day,” she chuckled. “So, the doctor was like, ‘the force is strong with this one.'”
Taiwan government to block Google's public DNS in favor of HiNet's
Claims it's for cybersecurity – but whose security exactly?
2017-05-20/第五次新聞松 x 媒觀/(第6回合舉辦新聞黑客松)
從目的上會分幾種 1.這新聞內文沒問題,但標題很誤導,我希望讀者把內文也讀一下,否則請讀者不要看了標題就認為知道了一個新聞。 2. 這新聞是轉述其他來源,但是找到原始來源後發現與新聞寫的有落差,希望讀者了解有落差存在,如果你認為這新聞對你有價值或有關,你也應該去把原始來源讀一下
ronnywang: 覺得分成這兩大類還滿清楚明瞭的
[圖借來的] 大家看看,前兩天才爆出中國時報一堆業配,今天自由時報就有Harman Kardon「吸毒器具」的業配……。
<https://www.facebook.com/thefredjame/posts/1745487042409404> XD
這陣子TVBS做了一則「日本廢水處理太乾淨,竟致慢性海苔荒」的報導。看到標題的瞬間,小編P眉頭一皺,發覺案情不單純,於是立馬用關鍵字「海苔減產」去日本雅虎搜尋。 首先發現海苔欠收已經好多年了,今年初有一篇新聞(*1)採訪佔日本全國一半產量的有明海域漁業協會,漁協表示會變成這樣的最大原因是「生產海苔的漁師減少了」。 ...
【熱門點閱,再次分享!】 早上7點15分左右,隨著列車駛進車站,附近的平交道響起了警示鈴聲。在這個零下10度的天氣中,從無人車站的月台上車的只有一名女高中生...
大概幾個星期前有一則新聞在網路上感動了許多人。這則新聞描繪日本北海道的上白瀧車站(上白滝駅,かみしらたきえき)因為地點偏僻乘客不斷減少,原本的貨運路線也已經停止,日本 JR 北海道準備關閉這個車站,直到他們注意到有位女子高中生每天都搭乘這班車上學。為了照顧這名女子高生,鐵路公司甚至調整車次,讓停靠這車站的時間剛好配合女孩的上下課時間,並決定保留這條路線直到女孩高中畢業為止,而該女高中生將於 2016 年畢業,故上白瀧車站也將於今年廢止。 這一故事充滿了戲劇和感動的要素,一名通學的女子高中生,一條不計成本而確保她能上學的鐵路,女孩的孤獨身影搭配雪白的車廂,大雪紛飛,襯托在無人的寂寥北國大地更讓人深受感動。這一新聞不僅在臺灣,後來在韓國與中國都引發討論,不少韓國或中國網路鄉民指出「雖然不喜歡日本,但大公司不計虧損為了一個女孩的上學,這真的要學習」、「日本對於自己的國民真的充滿愛護,反觀我們的國家實在差太遠了..」 這確實是一個令人感到溫馨的佳話故事;不過,這個只為一名女子高中生服務的上白瀧車站逸話是真的嗎? 上白瀧車站是位於紋別郡遠軽町石北本縣的車站,1932 年 10 月為了作為貨運延伸從中越到白瀧之間地區而開通的車站,但隨著居民外移、貨物輸送需要降低, 1978 年 3 月停止貨物運輸,1983 年停止交際行李托運後車站無人化(根據日本車站的規定,車站無人化的條件除了每天使用乘客的數量外,更主要的原因是該車站是否提供行李托運接收之服務),並於 1986 年時刻改正以來三十年間,都維持了除了星期六日和假日以外,每天只有一次來回的路線停靠站。如果細部去耙梳追查,我們會注意到這件「鐵路接送情」的原貌和推移的發展過程: 一、這是件由日本起始,但卻由中國媒體發佈擴散到全球後,再逆回銷去日本的新聞 關於上白瀧車站為一名女子高中生停駐服務之新聞,最初是由日本推特中散播,然後記者去採訪製作成新聞;但是造成轟動卻是由 1 月 8 日的中國中央電視台 CCTV 面向全球的英文版粉絲頁面中介紹(參見下圖),而這則新聞又引用了某關注日本新聞的中國微博。然後由於故事感人,很快的整個故事就散播到全世界各地去,不管在中國、韓國或臺灣等各國媒體中都稱讚起這個溫馨的故事。 圖檔(A)、(B)、(C)來源|CCTV-<https://goo.gl/AHfqGv> ,Twitter|<http://goo.gl/dWvrZQ> 之後這則新聞因為爆紅而引發中國、韓國或臺灣媒體的引用後才再度轉回日本國內發酵引發討論,在一些日本媒體的引用中,也明顯寫到:「這是一則海外媒體報導的消息」。其中一個理由是這些對日本沒有太多好感的國家因為這的偏僻的車站和女孩而對日本有了好感和敬意(參見下圖) (圖檔 D) 來源|<http://www.excite.co.jp/News/chn_soc/20160110/Recordchina_20160110011.html> 二、這名通車的女孩叫做原田華奈,17 歲,真的有這個人。 這個故事是真的,目前這個遠輕町的舊白瀧地區只剩下 18 戶不到 40 個人居住著,所以使用火車使用率非常的低。翻開舊資料,距今約七十年前,這裡因為林業開墾而有外來人口移入,為了確保學生和工人通勤的手段而設立了車站,而車站也是用這個地區砍伐下來的木頭所建造而成,泛黃古老的照片歷歷在目,訴說著這些往事。 華奈和她的父親喜一郎都非常喜歡這個車站,來到這裡等車,前往十幾公里外的遠輕高中通學已經是她三年來固定的旅程。雖然這是個無人車站,每天早晨也幾乎看不到其他乘客,但得知這個車站即將廢棄時,依舊感到無比的難過。所以在 2016 年 1 月 1日,華奈和父母也一起來到了車站進行初詣,表達感謝之意。華奈畢業後想要成為護士,所以必須離開家鄉前往大城市就讀護理學校,這個偏僻到被稱為密境的車站,也將成為他高中三年的永恆回憶。 三、那問題在哪邊?車站搞錯了、不是只為華奈一人,也不是只有一條路線,更不是因為她畢業而廢線。 如果注意看日本的資訊中,我們會注意到:日本的資訊說:原田華奈是在一個叫做「舊白瀧(旧白滝駅,Kyu-Shirataki)」的車站通勤,而非 CCTV
好萌!中鋼股東會 今年送這個紀念品... - 財經 - 自由時報電子報
新聞小幫手 Newshelper
1. 把「親密性」等同於「保守性道德」,明顯謬誤。親密性可指婚姻中生活的親密、情感的親密,將其等同於「保守性道德」乃是無據之詞。 2. 「性傾向不可改變論是一道雙面刃,它遊說還在法權周圍的人們,要嘛成為一個同性戀、要嘛成為一個異性戀」邏輯錯誤:雙性戀者仍是雙性戀者,無法人為改變,其他性傾向者即使處於「曖昧不明的認同」,仍然無法人為改變,而非等於所謂「要嘛成為一個同性戀、要嘛成為一個異性戀」的荒謬論述。 3. 「不婚成為不正常」錯誤:婚姻被認為是可以穩定社會的制度沒錯,但不能以此推導出「不婚成為不正常」。
The News Lens 關鍵評論網
為什麼要殺死健康的長頸鹿去餵獅子?動物園園長:自然界可不像迪士尼卡通 - The News Lens 關鍵評論網