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天津大爆炸後接近 24 小時後天津、北京、上海一帶的空氣已全部陷入災難性污染,全是毒氣及劇毒煙塵,爆炸的煙塵更吹向海面。
pm25 - PM2.5 Detector and Feedback
pm25 - PM2.5 Detector and Feedback vs kiang | line chart made by Miaoski | plotly
Miaoski's interactive graph and data of "<|> vs kiang" is a line chart, showing <|> vs kiang; with time in the x-axis.
Sensly - A Smart, Portable Pollution Sensor For Your Home
Sensly detects air pollution levels using its onboard gas sensors, before feeding the information to your smartphone.
激光 PM2.5傳感器 灰塵 數字 顆粒物濃度 攀藤 G3 粉塵激光傳感器
淘寶台灣提供激光 PM2.5傳感器 灰塵 數字 顆粒物濃度 攀藤 G3 粉塵激光傳感器圖片,價格,國際轉運費用等詳細產品信息,同時推薦更多熱賣3C數碼配件產品:激光 PM2.5傳感器 灰塵 數字 顆粒物濃度 攀藤 G3 粉塵激光傳感器,由支付寶提供擔保交易(先收貨後付款),安心享受購物樂趣!
pm25 - PM2.5 Detector and Feedback
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Seeed Studio Bazaar
Sensor is to create Digital (Lo Pulse) output to Particulate Matters (PM). Lo Pulse Occupancy time (LPO time) is in proportion to PM concentration. The output is for PM whose size is around 1 micro meter or larger. We can use the sensor to detect the dust in clean room. For
激光 PM2.5傳感器 灰塵 數字 顆粒物濃度 攀藤 G3 粉塵激光傳感器
淘寶台灣提供激光 PM2.5傳感器 灰塵 數字 顆粒物濃度 攀藤 G3 粉塵激光傳感器圖片,價格,國際轉運費用等詳細產品信息,同時推薦更多熱賣3C數碼配件產品:激光 PM2.5傳感器 灰塵 數字 顆粒物濃度 攀藤 G3 粉塵激光傳感器,由支付寶提供擔保交易(先收貨後付款),安心享受購物樂趣!
拉夫多西Lab on ThingSpeak: Open source data platform and API for the Internet of Things.
pm25 - PM2.5 Detector and Feedback