
Month: 2023-03


Slackbot 02:30:13
Reminder: Reminder: Weekly post-hacknight ORGANIZING HUDDLE thread Feel free to respond with: gratitudes! props! challenges! speedbumps! noticings! `:party_parrot:`s!
Slackbot 02:30:13
Reminder: Reminder: Weekly post-hacknight ORGANIZING HUDDLE thread Feel free to respond with: gratitudes! props! challenges! speedbumps! noticings! `:party_parrot:`s!


patcon 00:21:14
Notes about booking Space4, for anyone curious
they were particularly interested about the event serving ppl in the islington community, as their building is provided with support of islington council
they heavily leaned on looking at our twitter to decide if we seemed values-aligned
they wanted to know who was managing the twitter account
they are booked up with a Founders & Coders meetup in their main room for the Tuesdays we need, but have a large conference room free. it'll be a little cosier than newspeak, but doable
they offered that we can consider them to be our backup for March, and it's no hard feelings if we find another place (though not very likely at this late date)
they're willing to host us for a full month in the future, but seemed to want to understand us better. the person working with me was busy when we were talking and so i couldn't get a commitment on April
patcon 00:21:14
Notes about booking Space4, for anyone curious
they were particularly interested about the event serving ppl in the islington community, as their building is provided with support of islington council
they heavily leaned on looking at our twitter to decide if we seemed values-aligned
they wanted to know who was managing the twitter account
they are booked up with a Founders & Coders meetup in their main room for the Tuesdays we need, but have a large conference room free. it'll be a little cosier than newspeak, but doable
they offered that we can consider them to be our backup for March, and it's no hard feelings if we find another place (though not very likely at this late date)
they're willing to host us for a full month in the future, but seemed to want to understand us better. the person working with me was busy when we were talking and so i couldn't get a commitment on April
👍 1


patcon 02:30:02
🏡 VENUE update!

I've messaged Theo Bass, an ex *Nesta UK* researcher who co-authored the big digital democracy report that featured vTaiwan/Polis. He's going to get back to me to scheme about who at Nesta would be eager to *help us get venue sponsorship* for a month
patcon 02:30:02
🏡 VENUE update!

I've messaged Theo Bass, an ex *Nesta UK* researcher who co-authored the big digital democracy report that featured vTaiwan/Polis. He's going to get back to me to scheme about who at Nesta would be eager to *help us get venue sponsorship* for a month


Ian Davis 22:25:44
@ian869 has joined the channel


Slackbot 02:30:01
Reminder: Reminder: Weekly post-hacknight ORGANIZING HUDDLE thread Feel free to respond with: gratitudes! props! challenges! speedbumps! noticings! `:party_parrot:`s!
Slackbot 02:30:01
Reminder: Reminder: Weekly post-hacknight ORGANIZING HUDDLE thread Feel free to respond with: gratitudes! props! challenges! speedbumps! noticings! `:party_parrot:`s!


Slackbot 02:30:09
Reminder: Reminder: Weekly post-hacknight ORGANIZING HUDDLE thread Feel free to respond with: gratitudes! props! challenges! speedbumps! noticings! `:party_parrot:`s!


Slackbot 02:30:13
Reminder: Reminder: Weekly post-hacknight ORGANIZING HUDDLE thread Feel free to respond with: gratitudes! props! challenges! speedbumps! noticings! `:party_parrot:`s!


patcon 22:15:11
Fixed the DNS record to redirect to meetup more robustly! cc @ian869


ael 21:40:58
We are going to have a co-organiser meeting at 7 pm Thursday, 30 March London time offline in Newspeak House


Slackbot 01:30:17
Reminder: Reminder: Weekly post-hacknight ORGANIZING HUDDLE thread Feel free to respond with: gratitudes! props! challenges! speedbumps! noticings! `:party_parrot:`s!
ael 07:32:28
The discussion on g0v and open source

昨天 開了第一次 co-organizer meeting 。其中有一個想跟大家分享的是,有人擔心歐美人用了 g0v 的名字開新社群會有文化挪用(culture appropriation)的問題,就是白人亂代言不尊重台灣文化。我和 <@U2PUXG69E> 都覺得還好,我則是說,我一直覺得 g0v 該是世界性的,不限於台灣,我認為用了 g0v 的名字,但是不開放參與,open-washing ,才是真的剝削代言這個文化。 <@U2PUXG69E> 則提出在討論 的價值時,在場的人有提到了openness and open source,大家還有沒有其他想到可以 add to the list ~針對開放性和開源,書漾則是問說,重點只是開放/開源嗎?(我粗糙摘錄的版本,<@U2PUXG69E>原話已補在上方)~ 不知道大家怎麼想呢? 會議記錄: <|>


James Cattell 03:17:59
I've asked Jason Chao if he'll (re)record his talk (we only got the last 1/3)
patcon 03:21:10
My phone unfortunately died near the end of Divya talk :/
patcon 03:24:45
Sorry, that kinda sucks 🙏🏻 but unlike another speaker who might be giving their first talk ever at a hacknight, I don't think she'll get much value out of our _very_ casual recording with our production value :) so it's maybe not much loss for her. And I suppose it still helps us promote and build momentum to have it in the playlist, even if not complete...!


James Cattell 16:55:20
Hello @aelcenganda @patcon Hannah(?) Harris(?) @sylin @zf 🙂

You have expenses to be reimbursed

Please private message me with your preferred method to receive funds (including cash) and I’ll arrange the payment.

I’m on Signal and WhatsApp at <tel:+447706935931|+447706935931> if you prefer to message me there.