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20230524 da0 hack & show 會議共筆 - HackMD
# 20230524 da0 hack & show 會議共筆 ###### tags: `web3` > hack & show 復活第一次討論! ## :memo: 時間地點簽名 時間:
20230524 da0 hack & show 會議共筆 - HackMD
# 20230524 da0 hack & show 會議共筆 ###### tags: `web3` > hack & show 復活第一次討論! ## :memo: 時間地點簽名 時間:
Real-time meetings by Google. Using your browser, share your video, desktop, and presentations with teammates and customers.
Google Docs
ABCD (Genesis) Gathering :sparkles:
Hi there! A group of DAO friends is visiting Taiwan in June. The goal of this event is to bring together a more intimate discussion, setting the tone for the Asian DAO alliance. There will be around 20 spots open for participation, with 6+ friends from Korea, Turkey, Africa, NZ and Japan. :alarm_clock: Date : 10am - 6pm, June 10th - 11th :round_pushpin: Venue : TBD (If you have a recommendation, let us know!) :raised_hands: Format : The 2-day event will be in person with 1-2 online sessions. :money_with_wings: Cost : There will be cost to cover the event and food. (The organizing and facilitation are gifted.) :point_right: Join us for more info :