The Taipei Hackerspace is an open and public workshop to do any kind of DIY projects, from electronics to 3D printing, from urban farming to clothes hacking.
g0v: Sociometric Badges - HackMD
g0v: Sociometric Badges - HackMD
The Taipei Hackerspace is an open and public workshop to do any kind of DIY projects, from electronics to 3D printing, from urban farming to clothes hacking.
g0v: Sociometric Badges - HackMD
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the...
testing a <|message>
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the...
testing a <|deeplink message> :google:
<<> Ipsum is simply dummy text of the...
<|Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the...>
<|Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the...>
<|Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the...>
<|Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the...>
<|Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the...>
<|Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the...>
<|Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the...>
<|Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the...>
<|Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the...>
<|Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the...>
<|Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the...>
<|While the polar bear is mostly carnivorous, and the giant panda feeds almost entirely on bamboo, the>
<|test line 1. test line 2.>
<|this: this channel #general-en and then this channel #general now this channel ...>
<|@ asdasdasd>
<|@patcon testing>
<|@patcon @bridgebot-patcon testing>
<|@brian @brian0729>
<|@brian0729 @thepearldreaminc>
<|@brian0729 @brian>
<|@brian @brian0729>
<|@bridgebot-patcon testing>
<|@bridgebot-patcon testingf>
<|@bridgebot-patcon testing>
<|@bridgebot-patcon testings>
<|hey @bridgebot-patcon>
<|hey @bridgebot-patcon>
<|@liming @l>
<|@liming @l test>
<|testing this thing>
<|testing this thing>
<|testing this thing>
<|I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing here to get an unreliable answer.>
<|what is thsis thing that tI'm doing here>
<|this is a test>
<|what is going on with this thing>