
Month: 2024-10


caleb 08:59:45

An illegally parked car killed the police officer that confronted the driver
caleb 08:59:45

An illegally parked car killed the police officer that confronted the driver

中央社 CNA

土城清水派出所長遭衝撞拖行身亡 警逮持毒女嫌犯 | 社會 | 中央社 CNA


😫 1
Jasmine Ta 15:54:47
@jasta0927 has joined the channel
caleb 18:03:14 要是我們大家一起用這個網站告訴政府路上的問題,我們可能會說服政府把路改善
caleb 18:03:14 要是我們大家一起用這個網站告訴政府路上的問題,我們可能會說服政府把路改善
caleb 18:03:37
caleb 18:03:37
caleb 22:25:08
Saw on the news today that there's huge lines of cars waiting to park in garages because their cars are normally parked at the riverside.

It would be fun to make a video where we hold up signs or give out flyers to these people with phrases like "if you sold you car you'd never have to wait in this line again"
👍 1
caleb 22:25:08
Saw on the news today that there's huge lines of cars waiting to park in garages because their cars are normally parked at the riverside.

It would be fun to make a video where we hold up signs or give out flyers to these people with phrases like "if you sold you car you'd never have to wait in this line again"


陳馥寧 Sylvia 13:50:31
I can help record the vid or make flyers!
陳馥寧 Sylvia 13:50:31
I can help record the vid or make flyers!
❤️ 2
caleb 14:08:45

If you find a scooter or car parked illegally like this, put a cone on it and take a picture! I'll add it to the Instagram
caleb 14:08:45

If you find a scooter or car parked illegally like this, put a cone on it and take a picture! I'll add it to the Instagram
👀 1


caleb 19:30:45
有時我站著不動,汽車就會用後視鏡撞到我。 我不知道我們是否可以得到發生在我身上的清晰視頻,我們可以將其作為行人交通事故向警方舉報嗎? 這可能會引起這些粗心司機的許多注意。

sometimes I stand still and the cars hit me with their mirrors. I wonder if we can get a clear video of this happening to me, we can report it as a pedestrian involved traffic collision to the police? that might draw a lot of attention to these careless drivers.
Ku龜 . 台文外交龜(Tâigí TWese Diplomat of Formosan) 2024-10-08 02:52:58
Will the cop shrug it off or get annoyed? Unless you gonna sue the driver and the argument with the driver is inevitable, it may also get on the news... 🤔
🥲 1


Ku龜 . 台文外交龜(Tâigí TWese Diplomat of Formosan) 02:42:41
❤️ 1


陳聿薇 18:07:14
@sendtovivians has joined the channel