
Month: 2024-09


minexo79 16:53:50
@minexo79 has left the channel


chewei 00:13:28

我正在考慮一個新的行人權利項目,但可能已經存在一個類似的項目,但我沒有註意到,因為我總是誤讀項目 :P 我的整體想法是多方面的: 1. 收集並辨識行人痛點位置。例如:人行道缺少護柱、行人穿越道計時器太快、緊鄰非常繁忙的道路的人行道太小等。 2.圍繞政治壓力組織力量解決這些痛點。 3. 組織圍繞法律直接行動和公民抗命的行動,例如放置交通錐以減緩人行道和人行道周圍的交通,或遊擊交通違規舉報工作。 我知道 "Vision Zero Taipei",但除了他們的抗議之外,我不知道他們採取了更直接的行動。 如果我的專案會重複另一個團隊的工作,請告訴我,這樣我就可以把時間交給他們。 我的用詞很奇怪,請隨時要求我澄清我寫的任何內容。

chewei 00:13:28

我正在考慮一個新的行人權利項目,但可能已經存在一個類似的項目,但我沒有註意到,因為我總是誤讀項目 :P 我的整體想法是多方面的: 1. 收集並辨識行人痛點位置。例如:人行道缺少護柱、行人穿越道計時器太快、緊鄰非常繁忙的道路的人行道太小等。 2.圍繞政治壓力組織力量解決這些痛點。 3. 組織圍繞法律直接行動和公民抗命的行動,例如放置交通錐以減緩人行道和人行道周圍的交通,或遊擊交通違規舉報工作。 我知道 "Vision Zero Taipei",但除了他們的抗議之外,我不知道他們採取了更直接的行動。 如果我的專案會重複另一個團隊的工作,請告訴我,這樣我就可以把時間交給他們。 我的用詞很奇怪,請隨時要求我澄清我寫的任何內容。


chiuchengliang 11:41:44
@chiuchengliang has joined the channel
linmangue_slack 14:12:25
@linmangue_slack has joined the channel
linmangue_slack 14:28:59
Do we have a Facebook fanpage or a Threads account?
We're working on creating the organization Threads account, which will also be an FB organization account.

We have a website now thougH:
linmangue_slack 14:28:59
Do we have a Facebook fanpage or a Threads account?
We're working on creating the organization Threads account, which will also be an FB organization account.

We have a website now thougH:
💡 1
Ku龜 . 台文外交龜(Tâigí TWese Diplomat of Formosan) 15:27:08
@flippytzmtw has joined the channel
Ku龜 . 台文外交龜(Tâigí TWese Diplomat of Formosan) 15:29:36
Ku龜 . 台文外交龜(Tâigí TWese Diplomat of Formosan) 15:29:36
Robin Fischer 15:31:18
@robin.fischer2 has joined the channel
David Fang 15:36:43
@pridavidfang has joined the channel
David Fang 15:36:45
@pridavidfang has left the channel
David Fang 15:36:45
@pridavidfang has joined the channel
陳馥寧 Sylvia 16:40:10
@cfn123012 has joined the channel
xing 16:47:14
@huanglingsing790 has joined the channel
caleb 20:17:42
If we just spend an hour in my neighborhood we can get 10 videos like this
Woah it added auto subtitles and understood my shitty mandarin
🥲 1
Ku龜 . 台文外交龜(Tâigí TWese Diplomat of Formosan) 22:19:43
Just impressed by the post I saw this morning which was about the action to increase the right awareness in Tâitiong(Taichung) for the recent traffic deceased victim 🙏

@caleb I wasn't mean to question you about the "why" part though, just curious to know that when you aware of the situation.

(I first heard about the related issue in the recent years by the people critiqued the unbalanced right of two wheels and four wheels with their actions to bring the change, then the discussions/activism for the pedestrian right float to the surface.

(I was in the winter of Købahven this Jan and amazed by their biking way of living, especially the Christiania bike, but their city has less population density than us for sure though, no need to mention that TW/Formosa didn't have democracy under the roChinese colonial totalitarian ruling for like half century so I highly doubt about the traffic design of that time, and the people who profited from that 😔.

還路於民 Vision Zero Taiwan

[活動側記] 今天台中單車臨界量順利結束。 這次的集合地點選在逢甲大學校門口,緊鄰夜市,在集合時,標語也引起許多民眾的關注。 這次單車臨界量騎行前,我們為日前在台中斑馬線上罹難的東海大學默悼一分鐘,參與者有 #中科工程師、#兩個高中生,還有 #來自東海大學的老師,也有 #在東海附近醫院服務的醫師。...

Oh no worries man. Yeah I think people are expecting an answer like "because someone died" but for me it's more like "over time I got more and more frustrated."

Maybe for me it was when I realized that the police were throwing away people's reports that I knew that people have to start doing direct action.
❤️ 1
Charlie 22:38:12
@aaronhsieh1997 has joined the channel
