
Month: 2022-11


n0ah 04:23:04
@noah226 has joined the channel
isabelhou 04:24:08
@isabelhou has joined the channel
Ricky Wang 04:24:08
@fatfingererr has joined the channel
mashbean 豆泥 04:24:08
@mashbean has joined the channel
Jacky 04:24:08
@taipeicity.eth has joined the channel
Vivian Chen 04:24:08
@viviantp6 has joined the channel
billy3321 04:24:08
@billy3321 has joined the channel
Stamford 04:24:08
@stamford.hwang has joined the channel
n0ah 04:25:40
Hi <!channel> created a new channel so we can have better conversations, this was suggested by @taipeicity.eth and I thought this would help, we can try it out and see how this work, and we can always delete this channel later if we think this interferes with transparency
🔥 3
n0ah 04:25:40
Hi <!channel> created a new channel so we can have better conversations, this was suggested by @taipeicity.eth and I thought this would help, we can try it out and see how this work, and we can always delete this channel later if we think this interferes with transparency
n0ah 20:48:33
@fatfingererr @isabelhou 我們今天 incentivize g0v 會議後可能得找個時間收斂,我猜可能會要到兩個小時,你們什麼時間點比較好?
Ricky Wang 2022-11-08 20:52:18
我時間應該都好配合, 除了周四晚上和周二, 以及(明天下午1-3pm沒辦法)
Ricky Wang 2022-11-08 20:53:22
好,那等 @isabelhou
@isabelhou @fatfingererr 會議邀請寄出囉
我們這先根據這次的會議沈澱消化一下,@isabelhou 如果有看不懂的可以問我 https://g0v.hackmd.io/@da0/ryTgKjHHj
n0ah 20:48:33
@fatfingererr @isabelhou 我們今天 incentivize g0v 會議後可能得找個時間收斂,我猜可能會要到兩個小時,你們什麼時間點比較好?
Ricky Wang 2022-11-08 20:52:18
我時間應該都好配合, 除了周四晚上和周二, 以及(明天下午1-3pm沒辦法)
Ricky Wang 2022-11-08 20:53:22
好,那等 @isabelhou
@isabelhou @fatfingererr 會議邀請寄出囉
我們這先根據這次的會議沈澱消化一下,@isabelhou 如果有看不懂的可以問我 https://g0v.hackmd.io/@da0/ryTgKjHHj
n0ah 20:51:25
@billy3321 @taipeicity.eth @fatfingererr 我們這幾個坑的對話都慢慢開始了,鼓勵大家持續推動維持頻道動能,這樣需要人力的時候才找得到人

@vivian.chen @stamford.hwang 我們頻道現在比較安靜,但我想啟動會議後應該會好很多,提醒一下如果不動太久我怕後期動員力會不夠,but of course this is just a reminder

@mashbean 🤣 about time!
n0ah 20:51:25
@billy3321 @taipeicity.eth @fatfingererr 我們這幾個坑的對話都慢慢開始了,鼓勵大家持續推動維持頻道動能,這樣需要人力的時候才找得到人

@vivian.chen @stamford.hwang 我們頻道現在比較安靜,但我想啟動會議後應該會好很多,提醒一下如果不動太久我怕後期動員力會不夠,but of course this is just a reminder

@mashbean 🤣 about time!
Vivian Chen 20:51:30
@vivian.chen has joined the channel
mashbean 豆泥 22:08:29
n0body 蠢蠢欲動,我來組建六人小組
mashbean 豆泥 22:08:29
n0body 蠢蠢欲動,我來組建六人小組
💯 2 ❤️ 2 1


n0ah 10:30:00
<!channel> 協作層這邊把日曆都制定好了,方便所有新舊參與者可以直接訂閱,會議連結都已經改成你們目前自己設定的,幾個提醒
• 如果會議連結有修改,直接跟我說即可,我可以來做修正
• to all 這週應該會有幾個 da0 整體會議的設定(ex. town hall, roundtables)先跟大家說一聲
@vivian.chen 你目前的會議只先排了一場,da0 日曆裡的 Hack & Show 未來雙週會議的連結目前都是用這一個,如果你之後需要修正再跟我說
@taipeicity.eth 我看你的會議已經都改成台北時間晚上 11 點,只是跟你確認是否沒有問題,雖然怕對部分人來說會太晚,但只要你們沒問題就沒問題,你跟 @vivian.chen 的會議時間不同,如果誰需要修正再跟我說
@mashbean 你們有訂下固定時間再跟我說
@billy3321 12/9 目前還沒有細節,有細節的時候可以再跟我說,我可以再加上
@stamford.hwang @fatfingererr 我們目前應該沒什麼太大問題,如果有再跟我說
Vivian Chen 2022-11-09 11:57:59
mashbean 豆泥 2022-11-09 21:14:45
n0ah 10:30:00
<!channel> 協作層這邊把日曆都制定好了,方便所有新舊參與者可以直接訂閱,會議連結都已經改成你們目前自己設定的,幾個提醒
• 如果會議連結有修改,直接跟我說即可,我可以來做修正
• to all 這週應該會有幾個 da0 整體會議的設定(ex. town hall, roundtables)先跟大家說一聲
@vivian.chen 你目前的會議只先排了一場,da0 日曆裡的 Hack & Show 未來雙週會議的連結目前都是用這一個,如果你之後需要修正再跟我說
@taipeicity.eth 我看你的會議已經都改成台北時間晚上 11 點,只是跟你確認是否沒有問題,雖然怕對部分人來說會太晚,但只要你們沒問題就沒問題,你跟 @vivian.chen 的會議時間不同,如果誰需要修正再跟我說
@mashbean 你們有訂下固定時間再跟我說
@billy3321 12/9 目前還沒有細節,有細節的時候可以再跟我說,我可以再加上
@stamford.hwang @fatfingererr 我們目前應該沒什麼太大問題,如果有再跟我說


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Vivian Chen 2022-11-09 11:57:59
mashbean 豆泥 2022-11-09 21:14:45
❤️ 4 1 👌 3
Jacky 11:54:34
Oh mine is meant to be same time at 10, probably cuz of daylight savings it automatically updated!! Will change back
Jacky 11:54:34
Oh mine is meant to be same time at 10, probably cuz of daylight savings it automatically updated!! Will change back
Vivian Chen 11:56:33
普天同慶一下 @stamford.hwang 下禮拜要回來台灣了,該喝喝了吧
🍹 2 🍷 2 🍺 1 🍻 1 🍸 1 🥃 2 🥂 1
Vivian Chen 11:56:33
普天同慶一下 @stamford.hwang 下禮拜要回來台灣了,該喝喝了吧
Vivian Chen 11:57:11
不知道該發在哪個 channel 怕史丹佛想搞神秘,但我現在要盡量杜絕這種行為
Vivian Chen 2022-11-09 11:57:26
(cc @taipeicity.eth ^__^)
很了我~ 🥰
Vivian Chen 11:57:11
不知道該發在哪個 channel 怕史丹佛想搞神秘,但我現在要盡量杜絕這種行為
Vivian Chen 2022-11-09 11:57:26
(cc @taipeicity.eth ^__^)
很了我~ 🥰
n0ah 11:58:15
n0ah 11:58:15


n0ah 12:21:47
Dear friends, a couple of things
@taipeicity.eth are you back???
@stamford.hwang are you too???
如果你們回來了我請你們喝酒🍻 don’t ghost us 🤣

<!channel> 上週三的會議有稍微跟大家激盪一下 Roadmap 怎麼做,也看了 BZD 跟 FAB DAO 的作法,會議筆記在這 https://g0v.hackmd.io/@da0/HyuB1agBs 在給大家最大的彈性發展與彈性時間下把我們綁在一起的還是 Supercharge g0v 這個任務,另外如果各坑有對齊的話,我們在有限時間內可以完成的事情就更多,but yes there are a couple of things we need to do together

*Supercharge Talks Every 4 Months*
• 既然目標是 supercharge g0v 那我們溝通與負責的對象就是 g0v,最好與 g0v 溝通的場合是每兩個月一次大松,我們以四個月為單位向社群發表一次各坑在做的事(下次應該是二月),每個坑只需要做三分鐘的簡報(萬一人不在應該是影片也可以),跟社群溝通過去四個月做的事與未來四個會將做的事,在大松可以讓社群理解我們的方向與做法,讓 g0v 信任 da0,這樣我們未來做什麼都會比較順利
*da0 HMWs*
• 我們得保持每個坑與我們達成的共識目標確實對齊,才能讓我們在有限時間裡發會較大綜效,所以我們需要大家回答這四個月中我們各自會達成什麼,如果已經有答案了可以寫下來,如果還沒有都可以在這丟出來討論
◦ How might da0 global comms supercharge g0v in these 4 months?
◦ How might da0 hack & show supercharge g0v in these 4 months?
◦ How might da0 learning supercharge g0v in these 4 months?
◦ How might incentivize g0v supercharge g0v in these 4 months?
◦ How might n0body pfp supercharge g0v in these 4 months?
◦ How might da0 armory supercharge g0v in these 4 months?
• again 某些坑現在一定會比其他人更清楚自己要做些什麼,如果還在掙扎的話 don’t worry,I’m here with you every step of the way
• 如果大家有用過 OKR 的話會知道他們的格式是
◦ 目標
▪︎ 關鍵結果一
▪︎ 關鍵結果二
▪︎ 關鍵結果三
◦ 我不要求大家一定要做這個架構,但 OKR 的好處是在關鍵結果上他們會確實且初要達成的目標,譬如說 Hack & Show 可能就是『舉辦一次 FtC 台灣場』等,越清楚的溝通越有效
• So yes 請大家丟出自己的想法我們可以開始討論
*Painting a Possible Future*
• 我們在週三會議也有提到對外的 Roadmap 溝通,我們要如何吸引新人,或是在找資源的時候有個願景可以溝通,我這邊每四個月會跟 Ted 一起出一張圖,這圖就是畫出 g0v/da0 未來可能的圖,三分鐘講一下願景的更新(應該週三可以看到一個範例,看 Ted 進度)
*da0 Alignment*
• 最後坑之間的溝通目前仍保持彈性,我有持續的在跟各坑做彈性的 1-on-1s,以配合大家的時間,看坑當時的任務狀況有時常有時頻率較低,但每個月我們應該都能獨自講到一兩次話才對
• 若是各坑之間有需要配合的地方,我們 Either 在這個頻道溝通或是我會另開群組,當然希望大家還是能以此溝通為主
• 我目前還不想定下一個確切的時間坑主開會,以免佔去各位太多開會時間,所以我們盡量做好在此的異步溝通
當然如果有問題我們還可以討論,大家可以從自己這四個月的 HMW 開始

Bright future ahead and let’s charge forward my friends
@taipeicity.eth @stamford.hwang what’s your availability like?
n0ah 12:21:47
Dear friends, a couple of things
@taipeicity.eth are you back???
@stamford.hwang are you too???
如果你們回來了我請你們喝酒🍻 don’t ghost us 🤣

<!channel> 上週三的會議有稍微跟大家激盪一下 Roadmap 怎麼做,也看了 BZD 跟 FAB DAO 的作法,會議筆記在這 https://g0v.hackmd.io/@da0/HyuB1agBs 在給大家最大的彈性發展與彈性時間下把我們綁在一起的還是 Supercharge g0v 這個任務,另外如果各坑有對齊的話,我們在有限時間內可以完成的事情就更多,but yes there are a couple of things we need to do together

*Supercharge Talks Every 4 Months*
• 既然目標是 supercharge g0v 那我們溝通與負責的對象就是 g0v,最好與 g0v 溝通的場合是每兩個月一次大松,我們以四個月為單位向社群發表一次各坑在做的事(下次應該是二月),每個坑只需要做三分鐘的簡報(萬一人不在應該是影片也可以),跟社群溝通過去四個月做的事與未來四個會將做的事,在大松可以讓社群理解我們的方向與做法,讓 g0v 信任 da0,這樣我們未來做什麼都會比較順利
*da0 HMWs*
• 我們得保持每個坑與我們達成的共識目標確實對齊,才能讓我們在有限時間裡發會較大綜效,所以我們需要大家回答這四個月中我們各自會達成什麼,如果已經有答案了可以寫下來,如果還沒有都可以在這丟出來討論
◦ How might da0 global comms supercharge g0v in these 4 months?
◦ How might da0 hack & show supercharge g0v in these 4 months?
◦ How might da0 learning supercharge g0v in these 4 months?
◦ How might incentivize g0v supercharge g0v in these 4 months?
◦ How might n0body pfp supercharge g0v in these 4 months?
◦ How might da0 armory supercharge g0v in these 4 months?
• again 某些坑現在一定會比其他人更清楚自己要做些什麼,如果還在掙扎的話 don’t worry,I’m here with you every step of the way
• 如果大家有用過 OKR 的話會知道他們的格式是
◦ 目標
▪︎ 關鍵結果一
▪︎ 關鍵結果二
▪︎ 關鍵結果三
◦ 我不要求大家一定要做這個架構,但 OKR 的好處是在關鍵結果上他們會確實且初要達成的目標,譬如說 Hack & Show 可能就是『舉辦一次 FtC 台灣場』等,越清楚的溝通越有效
• So yes 請大家丟出自己的想法我們可以開始討論
*Painting a Possible Future*
• 我們在週三會議也有提到對外的 Roadmap 溝通,我們要如何吸引新人,或是在找資源的時候有個願景可以溝通,我這邊每四個月會跟 Ted 一起出一張圖,這圖就是畫出 g0v/da0 未來可能的圖,三分鐘講一下願景的更新(應該週三可以看到一個範例,看 Ted 進度)
*da0 Alignment*
• 最後坑之間的溝通目前仍保持彈性,我有持續的在跟各坑做彈性的 1-on-1s,以配合大家的時間,看坑當時的任務狀況有時常有時頻率較低,但每個月我們應該都能獨自講到一兩次話才對
• 若是各坑之間有需要配合的地方,我們 Either 在這個頻道溝通或是我會另開群組,當然希望大家還是能以此溝通為主
• 我目前還不想定下一個確切的時間坑主開會,以免佔去各位太多開會時間,所以我們盡量做好在此的異步溝通
當然如果有問題我們還可以討論,大家可以從自己這四個月的 HMW 開始

Bright future ahead and let’s charge forward my friends
@taipeicity.eth @stamford.hwang what’s your availability like?


零激盪廣場第三次討論會議 - HackMD

# 零激盪廣場第三次討論會議 時間地點簽名 時間:2022/11/9 9PM Taipei time 會議連結:<https://meet.google.com/gft-ytiy-wjj> 參與者簽名

Jacky 12:24:51
Any thought on the format?
❤️ 3 1 1 1 💯 1
Jacky 12:24:51
Any thought on the format?
n0ah 22:59:20
<!channel> 任何覺得不合適,不合理的也丟出來討論,especially us 我們需要一起推磨坊才會慢慢開始轉
n0ah 22:59:20
<!channel> 任何覺得不合適,不合理的也丟出來討論,especially us 我們需要一起推磨坊才會慢慢開始轉


mashbean 豆泥 19:32:41
關鍵結果一:將 Ronny 的資料整理視覺化,為 NFT 做準備
關鍵結果二:創造大於 10 個坑坑主與成員參與的遊戲
amazing thank you
豆泥目標是啥 🤣 寫了關鍵結果沒寫目標哈哈哈哈哈
mashbean 豆泥 2022-11-15 11:53:02
我等等傳個影片到 incentivize g0v,你看過後我們可以再過一次,保持這樣也沒有問題
mashbean 豆泥 19:32:41
關鍵結果一:將 Ronny 的資料整理視覺化,為 NFT 做準備
關鍵結果二:創造大於 10 個坑坑主與成員參與的遊戲
amazing thank you
豆泥目標是啥 🤣 寫了關鍵結果沒寫目標哈哈哈哈哈
mashbean 豆泥 2022-11-15 11:53:02
我等等傳個影片到 incentivize g0v,你看過後我們可以再過一次,保持這樣也沒有問題
billy3321 21:35:50
da0 learning
@billy3321 其實第一個就是目標了,通常會考慮以這四個月為目標,你覺得這樣如何

da0 learning
4-month Goal : 為 Web3 與社會人文領域,尤其是經濟民主領域年輕參與者的交流奠定長期交流的格式基底

billy3321 21:35:50
da0 learning
@billy3321 其實第一個就是目標了,通常會考慮以這四個月為目標,你覺得這樣如何

da0 learning
4-month Goal : 為 Web3 與社會人文領域,尤其是經濟民主領域年輕參與者的交流奠定長期交流的格式基底

n0ah 22:07:14
Key result 1
Key result 2
Key result 3
n0ah 22:07:14
Key result 1
Key result 2
Key result 3
🙌 1


mashbean 豆泥 11:53:02
💯 1
張寶成 13:55:50
@yszhang has joined the channel
Jacky 15:19:37
I’ve got a couple of reminders hahaha
Vivian Chen 2022-11-15 15:43:27
Jacky 15:19:37
I’ve got a couple of reminders hahaha
Vivian Chen 2022-11-15 15:43:27
Vivian Chen 18:16:56
Vivian Chen 18:16:56
n0ah 18:17:43
n0ah 18:17:43
n0ah 18:17:53
Jacky 的好像是十一點
n0ah 18:17:53
Jacky 的好像是十一點
Vivian Chen 18:18:11
但 Jacky 現在應該來台灣了,可以改回 10 點對吧
Vivian Chen 18:18:11
但 Jacky 現在應該來台灣了,可以改回 10 點對吧
n0ah 18:19:08
n0ah 18:19:08
Jacky 18:20:47
Jacky 18:20:47
n0ah 18:22:48
移?oh shit 是 da0 calendar 沒改
n0ah 18:22:48
移?oh shit 是 da0 calendar 沒改
n0ah 18:23:07
下次改時間跟我說一下 💪 我這邊在一起改動
n0ah 18:23:07
下次改時間跟我說一下 💪 我這邊在一起改動
Jacky 18:23:30
啊~有分兩個 cal 了嗎~
Jacky 18:23:30
啊~有分兩個 cal 了嗎~
Jacky 18:23:36
我以為是同步的 sorry
Jacky 18:23:36
我以為是同步的 sorry
Jacky 18:24:01
那可以把坑主的 meeting 都給這個 共用 cal 同步
Jacky 18:24:01
那可以把坑主的 meeting 都給這個 共用 cal 同步
n0ah 18:24:05
對因為我開了一個共同的讓大家 subscribe
這有連結嗎? sorry 之前沒跟到
It’s pinned on web3 channel too
n0ah 18:24:05
對因為我開了一個共同的讓大家 subscribe
這有連結嗎? sorry 之前沒跟到
It’s pinned on web3 channel too
n0ah 18:24:21
n0ah 18:24:21
n0ah 18:24:27
n0ah 18:24:27


n0ah 00:17:48
n0ah 00:17:48
Vivian Chen 00:18:55
我現在沒有太大挑戰,但整體來說覺得在發想階段卡有點久,好像沒有趕快 build 些東西 momentum 會掉。
💯 1
Vivian Chen 00:18:55
我現在沒有太大挑戰,但整體來說覺得在發想階段卡有點久,好像沒有趕快 build 些東西 momentum 會掉。
Vivian Chen 00:19:20
Perfect floor is yours 💪💪💪
Vivian Chen 00:19:20
Perfect floor is yours 💪💪💪
Jacky 11:44:51
Rough Idea:

• Goal: Bridge da0 with global web3 communities to import knowledge, build relationships, and export progress.
• Key result 1: Export 1 da0 article per month
• Key result 2: Grow twitter/substack/matters followers to 500/50
• Key result 3: ??? (maybe will discuss in pod meeting)
Jacky 11:44:51
Rough Idea:

• Goal: Bridge da0 with global web3 communities to import knowledge, build relationships, and export progress.
• Key result 1: Export 1 da0 article per month
• Key result 2: Grow twitter/substack/matters followers to 500/50
• Key result 3: ??? (will crowdsource all these in pod meeting!)
❤️ 1 💯 1 1
Vivian Chen 20:11:49
星期五晚上活動還有大概 8 個名額,今天也想要請大家想想有沒有適合邀請來的人!
Vivian Chen 20:11:49
星期五晚上活動還有大概 8 個名額,今天也想要請大家想想有沒有適合邀請來的人!
n0ah 23:38:02
@stamford.hwang 週五晚上會來吧,結束喝個酒?
n0ah 23:38:02
@stamford.hwang 週五晚上會來吧,結束喝個酒?


Stamford 08:12:24
Sounds good ✌️🏼
Stamford 08:12:24
Sounds good ✌️🏼



Jacky 10:29:08
那天後來走之前跟 Evan, @isabelhou, tofu 有聊到 hyperCerts actual application use case, 其中一個 idea 是 using hyperCerts to plan public events / conference,剛好結合現在遇到的一些痛點 for BZD & g0v jothon

有稍微把想法記下來,理想上感覺蠻符合,Evan 也覺得有趣 specifically for proving hyperCerts has a use case that is not "securities" 但我自己也不是很確定這是不是 feasible or have product market fit or have enough resources/bandwidth to actually build it 但想把 brainstorm 的筆記丟出來 open source 歡迎任何人 加入 ideation,這 idea 感覺也很符合 @vivian.chen 的 hack/show 坑 也歡迎直接 adopt 去使用,就算最後沒有人動手去做感覺也是一個好玩的 thought experiment 開腦洞運動 for potential use cases / applications for hyperCerts!


Taipeicity Notion on Notion

Planning public events with HyperCerts application brainstorm


@taipeicity.eth great pitch doc, I need to steal this process from you, such a good way to communicate with people

So many questions were racing in my head, I have two thoughts that might or might not be good starting point
• I think we should start from only one area of the conference that is most open, ex. Speakers, and evaluate based on talk attendance, less complication this way. This way we avoid the resistance of more traditional partners like venue or food providers, and we avoid functions that require more unified leadership and collaboration with others which makes measurement of outcomes harder
• Looking from the sideline I think both BZD (too big too complex) and j0thon (not trying to incentivize 遍地開花, I know in a sense it is, I can explain), do you think it’s possible for us to create a small conference (maybe an unconference) that’s more suitable for this format?
• With PoC I think we might not need to go to the product side yet, we should find a conference format that hypercerts fit the most before building a front end,
Just providing thoughts as a conference layman, what do you think?
Oh totally, breaking event/conference planning down and only using it for one small low risk area is def a better way to go!
do you think speaker invites is the area we should go into first?
Yes can even add quadratic funding to this too to use to decide the impact cert prize
Perfect marriage of 2 tools?
100k to give for speaker, and everyone votes to decide where the funding goes to which speaker, perfect way to engage attendees and speakers to market for themselves too
Looking at MeetTaipei’s live QF scares me a little to be honest hahahaha, what’s on your mind what would be a good way to do QF without too much complication for attendees?
(As an example)
Definitely can’t do it live
got it
Meet Taipei voting is so hard live
that was not a good experience unfortunately yea
Will be a long process leading up to the conference, but there is risk of 灌票 also
well it happened
Need to perhaps only let people who pay to vote, so people with tickets can vote
But that increases barrier and have the cold start problem
hmm can we make paying and voting the same action?
quick call?
Haha I’m at lunch, let’s save it for Wednesday maybe?
sounds good
So more ppl can chime in - but might be also hard to discuss with big group?
yes, I’ve always think big group is for divergence not for convergence, if we use it the right way it’d be productive, but it’s not the best way to boil down to an idea that would work
Let me do a quick iteration on designing a conference format specifically for the sake of proving hypercerts can work

Free public entry unconference
• Open to anyone to apply to speak, screening process would be based on a couple general guidelines
Let me do a quick iteration on designing a conference format specifically for the sake of proving hypercerts can work

Free public entry unconference
• Open to anyone to apply to speak, screening process would be based on a couple general and transparent guidelines (ex. have sth to do with social innovation) of course tighter guidelines can ensure higher quality
• Anyone can come to the event free of charge, making it a public good
• Audience can choose to buy hypercerts of the speaker they’re listening to, I assume there’d be QR codes on the screen or sth
• Sponsors of the event would then choose the talks to buy hypercerts from based on a certain standard (if by number of hypercerts purchased by attendee then it’d be QF basically)
When and if this or any other format is successful, we can then apply this on BZD and g0v, what do you think
love it! shouldn't speaker demand be determined prior to the conference to allow time for travel planning and make sure the most wanted speaker speaks and get paid?
@noah226 any new ideas you have, can you “堆疊” on the notion? 🤣
Oh shit of course
4 💯 4 ❤️ 4
Jacky 10:29:08
那天後來走之前跟 Evan, @isabelhou, tofu 有聊到 hyperCerts actual application use case, 其中一個 idea 是 using hyperCerts to plan public events / conference,剛好結合現在遇到的一些痛點 for BZD & g0v jothon

有稍微把想法記下來,理想上感覺蠻符合,Evan 也覺得有趣 specifically for proving hyperCerts has a use case that is not "securities" 但我自己也不是很確定這是不是 feasible or have product market fit or have enough resources/bandwidth to actually build it 但想把 brainstorm 的筆記丟出來 open source 歡迎任何人 加入 ideation,這 idea 感覺也很符合 @vivian.chen 的 hack/show 坑 也歡迎直接 adopt 去使用,就算最後沒有人動手去做感覺也是一個好玩的 thought experiment 開腦洞運動 for potential use cases / applications for hyperCerts!

@taipeicity.eth great pitch doc, I need to steal this process from you, such a good way to communicate with people

So many questions were racing in my head, I have two thoughts that might or might not be good starting point
• I think we should start from only one area of the conference that is most open, ex. Speakers, and evaluate based on talk attendance, less complication this way. This way we avoid the resistance of more traditional partners like venue or food providers, and we avoid functions that require more unified leadership and collaboration with others which makes measurement of outcomes harder
• Looking from the sideline I think both BZD (too big too complex) and j0thon (not trying to incentivize 遍地開花, I know in a sense it is, I can explain), do you think it’s possible for us to create a small conference (maybe an unconference) that’s more suitable for this format?
• With PoC I think we might not need to go to the product side yet, we should find a conference format that hypercerts fit the most before building a front end,
Just providing thoughts as a conference layman, what do you think?
Oh totally, breaking event/conference planning down and only using it for one small low risk area is def a better way to go!
do you think speaker invites is the area we should go into first?
Yes can even add quadratic funding to this too to use to decide the impact cert prize
Perfect marriage of 2 tools?
100k to give for speaker, and everyone votes to decide where the funding goes to which speaker, perfect way to engage attendees and speakers to market for themselves too
Looking at MeetTaipei’s live QF scares me a little to be honest hahahaha, what’s on your mind what would be a good way to do QF without too much complication for attendees?
(As an example)
Definitely can’t do it live
got it
Meet Taipei voting is so hard live
that was not a good experience unfortunately yea
Will be a long process leading up to the conference, but there is risk of 灌票 also
well it happened
Need to perhaps only let people who pay to vote, so people with tickets can vote
But that increases barrier and have the cold start problem
hmm can we make paying and voting the same action?
quick call?
Haha I’m at lunch, let’s save it for Wednesday maybe?
sounds good
So more ppl can chime in - but might be also hard to discuss with big group?
yes, I’ve always think big group is for divergence not for convergence, if we use it the right way it’d be productive, but it’s not the best way to boil down to an idea that would work
Let me do a quick iteration on designing a conference format specifically for the sake of proving hypercerts can work

Free public entry unconference
• Open to anyone to apply to speak, screening process would be based on a couple general guidelines
Let me do a quick iteration on designing a conference format specifically for the sake of proving hypercerts can work

Free public entry unconference
• Open to anyone to apply to speak, screening process would be based on a couple general and transparent guidelines (ex. have sth to do with social innovation) of course tighter guidelines can ensure higher quality
• Anyone can come to the event free of charge, making it a public good
• Audience can choose to buy hypercerts of the speaker they’re listening to, I assume there’d be QR codes on the screen or sth
• Sponsors of the event would then choose the talks to buy hypercerts from based on a certain standard (if by number of hypercerts purchased by attendee then it’d be QF basically)
When and if this or any other format is successful, we can then apply this on BZD and g0v, what do you think
love it! shouldn't speaker demand be determined prior to the conference to allow time for travel planning and make sure the most wanted speaker speaks and get paid?
@noah226 any new ideas you have, can you “堆疊” on the notion? 🤣
Oh shit of course
n0ah 11:56:05
@taipeicity.eth @vivian.chen 週三我們開會會給兩位時間講一下進展,可以準備一下,如果還沒完全確認也可以先跟我說,免得我把你們推入火坑哈哈哈
n0ah 11:56:05
@taipeicity.eth @vivian.chen 週三我們開會會給兩位時間講一下進展,可以準備一下,如果還沒完全確認也可以先跟我說,免得我把你們推入火坑哈哈哈
Matt 12:50:17
@matt594 has joined the channel
n0ah 12:51:25
Hi <!channel> @matt594 會幫忙大家開啟 da0 的 email 也協助日曆及會議時間的設定,再請 Matt 幫忙 follow up~ 感謝~~~
n0ah 12:51:25
Hi <!channel> @matt594 會幫忙大家開啟 da0 的 email 也協助日曆及會議時間的設定,再請 Matt 幫忙 follow up~ 感謝~~~
Matt 14:03:56
<!channel> 我已經把da0的Calendar權限開給各位囉!各位的Email是:
Jacky > taipeicity.eth@gmail.com
Noah > noah@lostutopias.tw
Isabel > isabel.hou@gmail.com
Vivian > vivian.chen@girlsintech.org
豆泥 > mashbean@gmail.com
Billy > billy3321@gmail.com
Stamford > audsssy@gmail.com
Ricky > fatfingererr@gmail.com
仕東 >shihtung.lo@gmail.com
寶成 >kandalarecords@gmail.com

各位可以直接在上述Email的Calendar上編輯或者新增da0的 Calendar,有訂閱da0 Calendar的朋友就會直接看到!
新增Calendar 點選這就可以選擇da0
mashbean 豆泥 2022-11-21 14:05:22
@mashbean 已新增~
@mashbean 仕東好像還沒加入群組的樣子
🙌 5
Matt 14:03:56
<!channel> 我已經把da0的Calendar權限開給各位囉!各位的Email是:
Jacky > taipeicity.eth@gmail.com
Noah > noah@lostutopias.tw
Isabel > isabel.hou@gmail.com
Vivian > vivian.chen@girlsintech.org
豆泥 > mashbean@gmail.com
Billy > billy3321@gmail.com
Stamford > audsssy@gmail.com
Ricky > fatfingererr@gmail.com

各位可以直接在上述Email的Calendar上編輯或者新增da0的 Calendar,有訂閱da0 Calendar的朋友就會直接看到!
新增Calendar 點選這就可以選擇da0
mashbean 豆泥 2022-11-21 14:05:22
@mashbean 已新增~
@mashbean 仕東好像還沒加入群組的樣子


s9733115 18:12:00
@s9733115 has joined the channel
n0ah 18:14:52
Dear amazing 坑主s @vivian.chen @taipeicity.eth @stamford.hwang @mashbean @billy3321

我們先來做個 survey,incentivize g0v 的 PoC 目前代幣分數會讓坑主自行分發(給坑主權力及工具去激勵),但有幾個可以參考的數據,主要想先來問你們給分數時是否會參考下列方式,如果不會我們就先不做,以加快速度,選項如下
• A : 不參考,直接進行分數代幣分發
• B : 參考每個人收到的 emoji 數量
• C : 使用任務分配制度,給每個任務發配分數,並等待他人領取
留言直接回答我 ABC 會用哪些即可,盡量早點跟我們說這樣 @s9733115 這比較能計畫完整~ 感謝各位
@s9733115 #incentivize-g0v 給你定?
不懂 A 什麼意思
A 是靠自己判斷發代幣的意思,坑主覺得誰該拿多少就給多少
我個人偏向 用自報時速比例分 簡單好懂 假設每份工作價值同等的公平性 但這種誠實機制可能比較適用於已經有信任的小群體 不一定能 scale
Perfect,我們傾向讓坑主自己決定怎麼分配,這個作法實際上是用什麼工具? @taipeicity.eth
In case anyone else want to use this tool, let’s say it’s D
@noah226 結合 @taipeicity.eth 的想法,或許#incentivize-g0v 讓大家在 trello 接 Task 後自己定義該 Task 的時數,然後一分鐘貢獻可得 1 代幣,這樣如何 ? (C的變形?)
Perfect 💪💪💪
+1 what @taipeicity.eth shared
Tools: excel then smart contract to batch mint/disperse tokens
@taipeicity.eth perfection
@vivian.chen @billy3321 你們也說一下喔~
Vivian Chen 2022-11-24 09:17:49
C的變形 +1
n0ah 18:14:52
Dear amazing 坑主s @vivian.chen @taipeicity.eth @stamford.hwang @mashbean @billy3321

我們先來做個 survey,incentivize g0v 的 PoC 目前代幣分數會讓坑主自行分發(給坑主權力及工具去激勵),但有幾個可以參考的數據,主要想先來問你們給分數時是否會參考下列方式,如果不會我們就先不做,以加快速度,選項如下
• A : 不參考,直接進行分數代幣分發
• B : 參考每個人收到的 emoji 數量
• C : 使用任務分配制度,給每個任務發配分數,並等待他人領取
留言直接回答我 ABC 會用哪些即可,盡量早點跟我們說這樣 @s9733115 這比較能計畫完整~ 感謝各位
@s9733115 #incentivize-g0v 給你定?
不懂 A 什麼意思
A 是靠自己判斷發代幣的意思,坑主覺得誰該拿多少就給多少
我個人偏向 用自報時速比例分 簡單好懂 假設每份工作價值同等的公平性 但這種誠實機制可能比較適用於已經有信任的小群體 不一定能 scale
Perfect,我們傾向讓坑主自己決定怎麼分配,這個作法實際上是用什麼工具? @taipeicity.eth
In case anyone else want to use this tool, let’s say it’s D
@noah226 結合 @taipeicity.eth 的想法,或許#incentivize-g0v 讓大家在 trello 接 Task 後自己定義該 Task 的時數,然後一分鐘貢獻可得 1 代幣,這樣如何 ? (C的變形?)
Perfect 💪💪💪
+1 what @taipeicity.eth shared
Tools: excel then smart contract to batch mint/disperse tokens
@taipeicity.eth perfection
@vivian.chen @billy3321 你們也說一下喔~
Vivian Chen 2022-11-24 09:17:49
C的變形 +1
🙏 2

