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Taiwan’s 2030 goal to become a bilingual nation
In December of 2018, the Executive Yuan approved a blueprint drafted by the National Development Council to develop Taiwan into a bilingual nation by 2030, with the aim of raising the level of English proficiency among the public and improving the country’s overall national competitiveness. The plan lays out four concepts for achieving the goal of a bilingual Taiwan: organizing a demand-driven push to strengthen the English-language abilities of all people, using digital technology to narrow the gap between rural and urban areas, furthering the policy of bilingualism in conjunction with developing mother-tongue culture, and equipping a new generation of workers and professionals with the skills they need for success. Rollout strategy ◆ An integrated platform of English learning and translation resources: English learning and translation resources from both the public and private sectors will be brought together to construct an integrated database platform. ◆ A shared strategy for all government ministries and agencies: 1. English-language versions of all government websites will be created, and government open data will be translated. 2. Bilingual versions of documentation and regulations relevant to an international audience will be made available. 3. Public service providers will offer bilingual frontline assistance, and English-language services will be provided at cultural and educational facilities. 4. Civil servants will hone their ability to communicate in English. 5. Skill-certification exams for the nation’s technical personnel can be administered in English, and bilingual licenses issued. ◆ Tailored strategies for government ministries and agencies based on the needs of those they serve: 1. A thoroughly bilingual environment will be introduced into the education system, including by means of legal changes to allow for more flexible and creative instruction, and a rapid embrace of more energized and immersive teaching methods. 2. The government will promote the establishment of an exclusively English-language television station, and both TV and radio broadcasters will be encouraged to produce English-language programming. 3. Authorities will foster a bilingual environment for tourism, and attract investment by creating English-friendly environments in science and industrial parks. 4. Government procurement documentation and materials related to public-private partnerships will be bilingual. 5. The government will provide English-language summaries of filings in major cases and lawsuits involving foreign individuals and companies in Taiwan, and recommend that the Judicial Yuan do likewise for important judgements. 6. English proficiency among laborers, financial industry personnel, military service people, medical staff and social workers will be strengthened, and English-language marketing skills in the agriculture and fishing industries will be improved. 7. Bilingual exchanges as part of youth and cultural activities will be encouraged. 8. The proportion of English-language subjects on civil service exams for positions in international affairs (such as business and diplomacy) will be increased.
Taiwan's largest and most active Taiwan-oriented global online community in English
State of the Internet's Languages Report. How many of the more than 7000 languages in the world can we fully experience online?