
Month: 2023-06


pm5 22:23:17
今天把 #clickhouse 和 Telegram 群組連起來了。設定的過程有點隱晦,我再來整理一下筆記。

忽然變成來做這件事了。開了一個 gateway 把 Telegram <|> channel &lt;--&gt; g0v Slack clickhouse channel 連起來。

pm5 22:23:17
今天把 #clickhouse 和 Telegram 群組連起來了。設定的過程有點隱晦,我再來整理一下筆記。

忽然變成來做這件事了。開了一個 gateway 把 Telegram <|> channel &lt;--&gt; g0v Slack clickhouse channel 連起來。


suavepei 19:06:42
@suavepei has joined the channel


chewei 16:13:02
#facing-the-ocean 頻道,有觀察到「圖片」,在另外兩個 slack 頻道無法顯示出圖片
原 PO
也提醒 @rschiang ~
Image 035.png
Image 033.png
Image 034.png
1MB 滿嚴格
📁 1


chewei 02:45:43

[thread]: <@U0384RCFD> I've made an issue about g0v and cfj's Slack connection as the channel is ready! <> One question: can we make the connection for the Korea team to the parti slack workspace instead of Code for Korea? <|View original message>

chewei 02:45:43

[thread]: <@U0384RCFD> I've made an issue about g0v and cfj's Slack connection as the channel is ready! <> One question: can we make the connection for the Korea team to the parti slack workspace instead of Code for Korea? <|View original message>



pm5 08:31:43 這個有需要看一下嗎?
pm5 08:31:43 這個有需要看一下嗎?

#17 Cannot find opensantnucsie on Discord

When starting the bridge, Discord reports that it cannot find the server for NTNUCSIE Student Association cc <|@skyhong2002> ``` time="2023-06-10T03:16:05Z" level=error msg="could not find Discord server "1100463831085498509"" prefix=discord time="2023-06-10T03:16:05Z" level=info msg="Possible server values:" prefix=discord time="2023-06-10T03:16:05Z" level=info msg=" - (none found)" prefix=discord time="2023-06-10T03:16:05Z" level=fatal msg="Starting gateway failed: Bridge discord.opensantnucsie failed to start: could not find Discord server "1100463831085498509"" prefix=main ```

pm5 08:48:46
eh... 整個忘掉。這個現在還是不通嗎?
pm5 08:49:47
threading 支援真的是相當的破碎...
pm5 08:49:47
threading 支援真的是相當的破碎...