
Month: 2022-05



cai 23:26:43
這篇是進化版嗎 😅
只是想要有合理的理由買酒ㄅ (欸
cai 23:26:43
這篇是進化版嗎 😅
只是想要有合理的理由買酒ㄅ (欸


github2 13:00:00

<|Comment on #484 Upgrade node and npm packages>

Personally I don't know why this would change XD For DOM elements, `{true}` and `"true"` are probably identical

github2 13:00:00

<|Comment on #484 Upgrade node and npm packages>

Personally I don't know why this would change XD For DOM elements, `{true}` and `"true"` are probably identical

github2 13:10:50

<|Comment on #433 Bump lodash from 4.17.19 to 4.17.21>

Dependabot tried to update this pull request, but something went wrong. We're looking into it, but in the meantime you can retry the update by commenting `@dependabot rebase`.

github2 13:10:50

<|Comment on #433 Bump lodash from 4.17.19 to 4.17.21>

Dependabot tried to update this pull request, but something went wrong. We're looking into it, but in the meantime you can retry the update by commenting `@dependabot rebase`.

github2 13:10:50

<|Comment on #429 Bump ssri from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2>

Dependabot tried to update this pull request, but something went wrong. We're looking into it, but in the meantime you can retry the update by commenting `@dependabot rebase`.

github2 13:10:50

<|Comment on #429 Bump ssri from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2>

Dependabot tried to update this pull request, but something went wrong. We're looking into it, but in the meantime you can retry the update by commenting `@dependabot rebase`.

github2 13:10:50

<|Comment on #435 Bump hosted-git-info from 2.8.4 to 2.8.9>

Dependabot tried to update this pull request, but something went wrong. We're looking into it, but in the meantime you can retry the update by commenting `@dependabot rebase`.

github2 13:10:50

<|Comment on #435 Bump hosted-git-info from 2.8.4 to 2.8.9>

Dependabot tried to update this pull request, but something went wrong. We're looking into it, but in the meantime you can retry the update by commenting `@dependabot rebase`.

github2 13:10:54

<|Comment on #421 Bump y18n from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2>

Dependabot tried to update this pull request, but something went wrong. We're looking into it, but in the meantime you can retry the update by commenting `@dependabot rebase`.

github2 13:10:54

<|Comment on #421 Bump y18n from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2>

Dependabot tried to update this pull request, but something went wrong. We're looking into it, but in the meantime you can retry the update by commenting `@dependabot rebase`.

github2 13:11:02

<|Comment on #446 Bump immer from 8.0.1 to 9.0.6>

Dependabot tried to update this pull request, but something went wrong. We're looking into it, but in the meantime you can retry the update by commenting `@dependabot rebase`.

github2 13:11:02

<|Comment on #446 Bump immer from 8.0.1 to 9.0.6>

Dependabot tried to update this pull request, but something went wrong. We're looking into it, but in the meantime you can retry the update by commenting `@dependabot rebase`.

github2 13:11:03

<|Comment on #478 Bump url-parse from 1.4.7 to 1.5.10>

Dependabot tried to update this pull request, but something went wrong. We're looking into it, but in the meantime you can retry the update by commenting `@dependabot rebase`.

github2 13:11:03

<|Comment on #478 Bump url-parse from 1.4.7 to 1.5.10>

Dependabot tried to update this pull request, but something went wrong. We're looking into it, but in the meantime you can retry the update by commenting `@dependabot rebase`.

github2 13:11:03

<|Comment on #459 Bump next from 9.3.2 to 11.1.3>

Dependabot tried to update this pull request, but something went wrong. We're looking into it, but in the meantime you can retry the update by commenting `@dependabot rebase`.

github2 13:11:03

<|Comment on #459 Bump next from 9.3.2 to 11.1.3>

Dependabot tried to update this pull request, but something went wrong. We're looking into it, but in the meantime you can retry the update by commenting `@dependabot rebase`.

github2 13:11:03

<|Comment on #482 Bump urijs from 1.19.6 to 1.19.11>

Dependabot tried to update this pull request, but something went wrong. We're looking into it, but in the meantime you can retry the update by commenting `@dependabot rebase`.

github2 13:11:03

<|Comment on #482 Bump urijs from 1.19.6 to 1.19.11>

Dependabot tried to update this pull request, but something went wrong. We're looking into it, but in the meantime you can retry the update by commenting `@dependabot rebase`.

github2 13:11:07

<|Comment on #475 Bump ajv from 6.10.2 to 6.12.3>

Dependabot tried to update this pull request, but something went wrong. We're looking into it, but in the meantime you can retry the update by commenting `@dependabot rebase`.

github2 13:11:07

<|Comment on #475 Bump ajv from 6.10.2 to 6.12.3>

Dependabot tried to update this pull request, but something went wrong. We're looking into it, but in the meantime you can retry the update by commenting `@dependabot rebase`.

github2 13:11:07

<|Comment on #474 Bump systeminformation from 4.21.1 to 4.34.23>

Dependabot tried to update this pull request, but something went wrong. We're looking into it, but in the meantime you can retry the update by commenting `@dependabot rebase`.

github2 13:11:07

<|Comment on #474 Bump systeminformation from 4.21.1 to 4.34.23>

Dependabot tried to update this pull request, but something went wrong. We're looking into it, but in the meantime you can retry the update by commenting `@dependabot rebase`.

mrorz 14:54:09
TFC 發了報告
👀 1


6-935 04:50:09
@zhoulitong53 has joined the channel
github2 11:04:26

<|Comment on #482 Bump urijs from 1.19.6 to 1.19.11>

OK, I won't notify you again about this release, but will get in touch when a new version is available. If you'd rather skip all updates until the next major or minor version, let me know by commenting `@dependabot ignore this major version` or `@dependabot ignore this minor version`. If you change your mind, just re-open this PR and I'll resolve any conflicts on it.

github2 11:04:26

<|Comment on #482 Bump urijs from 1.19.6 to 1.19.11>

OK, I won't notify you again about this release, but will get in touch when a new version is available. If you'd rather skip all updates until the next major or minor version, let me know by commenting `@dependabot ignore this major version` or `@dependabot ignore this minor version`. If you change your mind, just re-open this PR and I'll resolve any conflicts on it.

github2 11:15:24

<|Comment on #478 Bump url-parse from 1.4.7 to 1.5.10>

Dependabot tried to update this pull request, but something went wrong. We're looking into it, but in the meantime you can retry the update by commenting `@dependabot rebase`.

github2 11:15:24

<|Comment on #478 Bump url-parse from 1.4.7 to 1.5.10>

Dependabot tried to update this pull request, but something went wrong. We're looking into it, but in the meantime you can retry the update by commenting `@dependabot rebase`.

kelvinho84 16:22:00
cai 22:52:29
晚上否決分類一直碰到 `An unexpected error has occurred.`
好的我看看 local 是否可以重現
我懷疑是 next.js 升級的問題
upvote / downvote 現在也會整個頁面閃爍
cai 22:52:29
晚上否決分類一直碰到 `An unexpected error has occurred.`
好的我看看 local 是否可以重現
我懷疑是 next.js 升級的問題
upvote / downvote 現在也會整個頁面閃爍


cai 01:00:52
沒有換,背景跟衣服都有找到,但是在tiktok 那頻道找不到跟被說是黃立民那部終局之戰相同的影片
@iacmai 找到原始影片真的很厲害 👍
LINE 轉傳者邏輯:男性粗框眼鏡有法令紋=黃立民
cai 01:00:52
沒有換,背景跟衣服都有找到,但是在tiktok 那頻道找不到跟被說是黃立民那部終局之戰相同的影片
@iacmai 找到原始影片真的很厲害 👍
LINE 轉傳者邏輯:男性粗框眼鏡有法令紋=黃立民
mrorz 18:46:19
我懷疑是 next.js 升級的問題
upvote / downvote 現在也會整個頁面閃爍


cai 13:46:50 這個縮網址點開是嚇人的圖片跟很大聲的音樂
cai 21:09:49
cai 21:09:49
cai 21:10:17
想找紓困4.0 結束日期的資料找不到 🤔
cai 21:10:17
想找紓困4.0 結束日期的資料找不到🤔



mrorz 12:28:07
從看他回應、對其他人的 feedback (有在拉人加自己 ID) 與 comment 看不出來⋯⋯

Community Builder

Web site created using create-react-app

ID 不存在可能是被檢舉刪掉了?
mrorz 12:28:07
從看他回應、對其他人的 feedback (有在拉人加自己 ID) 與 comment 看不出來⋯⋯
ID 不存在可能是被檢舉刪掉了?
cai 14:56:00
鹽水漱口這系列可能要觀察 🤔


看起來是大紀元系統的,主要在 channel 裡面推廣自然療法
鹽水漱口是我爸的絕招欸XD 以前出什麼事情都要用鹽水漱口
天哪是超愛鹽水漱口的Mark Chen嗎
> 一個人回完一連串系列文後(每篇都是單獨回),又出現多個沒看過的已登入帳號按讚按同一系列回答讚
在社團提報 coordinated inauthentic behavior 如何
協同的回應 + 按讚行為
他的回應裡面跟 COVID 相關的只有 India Times 那篇報導
cai 14:56:00
鹽水漱口這系列可能要觀察 🤔


看起來是大紀元系統的,主要在 channel 裡面推廣自然療法
鹽水漱口是我爸的絕招欸XD 以前出什麼事情都要用鹽水漱口
天哪是超愛鹽水漱口的Mark Chen嗎
> 一個人回完一連串系列文後(每篇都是單獨回),又出現多個沒看過的已登入帳號按讚按同一系列回答讚
在社團提報 coordinated inauthentic behavior 如何
協同的回應 + 按讚行為
他的回應裡面跟 COVID 相關的只有 India Times 那篇報導


4000 21:26:42
原來文字版是 5/1 就在傳了
三總謝醫師假冠名則是 5/5
不同喔 這次的錄音是不要在外脫口罩跟內用
mygopen 的音檔是居家照護不給藥
而且 mygopen 的聲音檔有提到三總
還是不要內用的是 5/1 開始傳的那些文字版而已
三總那個是 mygopen 的音檔?
`還是不要內用的是 5/1 開始傳的那些文字版而已`
`三總那個是 mygopen 的音檔?`
`還是不要內用的是 5/1 開始傳的那些文字版而已`
`三總那個是 mygopen 的音檔?`
就是 4000 提供的音檔
而 MyGoPen 的截圖裡面也有長度,但是是 2:26 的版本
突然想起自己可能有加過一個有長輩的群組 果然沒令我失望XD
越南超級秘方是啥 XDD
我努力在 media manager 加把勁好了,希望儘早可以收這些檔案進資料庫 QQ
👍 1
cai 21:38:09
對方所在地點2000 電話5000
可以偽造的位置竟然還要2000金幣 😆
真好賺 隨便講就好了 我在月球XD
cai 21:38:09
對方所在地點2000 電話5000
可以偽造的位置竟然還要2000金幣 😆
真好賺 隨便講就好了 我在月球XD
2 2


github2 13:34:14

<|Comment on #421 Bump y18n from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2>

OK, I won't notify you again about this release, but will get in touch when a new version is available. If you'd rather skip all updates until the next major or minor version, let me know by commenting `@dependabot ignore this major version` or `@dependabot ignore this minor version`. If you change your mind, just re-open this PR and I'll resolve any conflicts on it.

github2 13:34:14

<|Comment on #421 Bump y18n from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2>

OK, I won't notify you again about this release, but will get in touch when a new version is available. If you'd rather skip all updates until the next major or minor version, let me know by commenting `@dependabot ignore this major version` or `@dependabot ignore this minor version`. If you change your mind, just re-open this PR and I'll resolve any conflicts on it.

github2 13:34:15

<|Comment on #429 Bump ssri from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2>

OK, I won't notify you again about this release, but will get in touch when a new version is available. If you'd rather skip all updates until the next major or minor version, let me know by commenting `@dependabot ignore this major version` or `@dependabot ignore this minor version`. If you change your mind, just re-open this PR and I'll resolve any conflicts on it.

github2 13:34:15

<|Comment on #429 Bump ssri from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2>

OK, I won't notify you again about this release, but will get in touch when a new version is available. If you'd rather skip all updates until the next major or minor version, let me know by commenting `@dependabot ignore this major version` or `@dependabot ignore this minor version`. If you change your mind, just re-open this PR and I'll resolve any conflicts on it.

github2 13:34:15

<|Comment on #433 Bump lodash from 4.17.19 to 4.17.21>

OK, I won't notify you again about this release, but will get in touch when a new version is available. If you'd rather skip all updates until the next major or minor version, let me know by commenting `@dependabot ignore this major version` or `@dependabot ignore this minor version`. If you change your mind, just re-open this PR and I'll resolve any conflicts on it.

github2 13:34:15

<|Comment on #433 Bump lodash from 4.17.19 to 4.17.21>

OK, I won't notify you again about this release, but will get in touch when a new version is available. If you'd rather skip all updates until the next major or minor version, let me know by commenting `@dependabot ignore this major version` or `@dependabot ignore this minor version`. If you change your mind, just re-open this PR and I'll resolve any conflicts on it.

github2 13:34:16

<|Comment on #435 Bump hosted-git-info from 2.8.4 to 2.8.9>

OK, I won't notify you again about this release, but will get in touch when a new version is available. If you'd rather skip all updates until the next major or minor version, let me know by commenting `@dependabot ignore this major version` or `@dependabot ignore this minor version`. If you change your mind, just re-open this PR and I'll resolve any conflicts on it.

github2 13:34:16

<|Comment on #435 Bump hosted-git-info from 2.8.4 to 2.8.9>

OK, I won't notify you again about this release, but will get in touch when a new version is available. If you'd rather skip all updates until the next major or minor version, let me know by commenting `@dependabot ignore this major version` or `@dependabot ignore this minor version`. If you change your mind, just re-open this PR and I'll resolve any conflicts on it.

github2 13:34:16

<|Comment on #446 Bump immer from 8.0.1 to 9.0.6>

OK, I won't notify you again about this release, but will get in touch when a new version is available. If you'd rather skip all updates until the next major or minor version, let me know by commenting `@dependabot ignore this major version` or `@dependabot ignore this minor version`. If you change your mind, just re-open this PR and I'll resolve any conflicts on it.

github2 13:34:16

<|Comment on #446 Bump immer from 8.0.1 to 9.0.6>

OK, I won't notify you again about this release, but will get in touch when a new version is available. If you'd rather skip all updates until the next major or minor version, let me know by commenting `@dependabot ignore this major version` or `@dependabot ignore this minor version`. If you change your mind, just re-open this PR and I'll resolve any conflicts on it.

github2 13:34:17

<|Comment on #450 Bump tmpl from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5>

OK, I won't notify you again about this release, but will get in touch when a new version is available. If you'd rather skip all updates until the next major or minor version, let me know by commenting `@dependabot ignore this major version` or `@dependabot ignore this minor version`. If you change your mind, just re-open this PR and I'll resolve any conflicts on it.

github2 13:34:17

<|Comment on #450 Bump tmpl from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5>

OK, I won't notify you again about this release, but will get in touch when a new version is available. If you'd rather skip all updates until the next major or minor version, let me know by commenting `@dependabot ignore this major version` or `@dependabot ignore this minor version`. If you change your mind, just re-open this PR and I'll resolve any conflicts on it.

github2 13:34:17

<|Comment on #459 Bump next from 9.3.2 to 11.1.3>

OK, I won't notify you again about this release, but will get in touch when a new version is available. If you'd rather skip all updates until the next major or minor version, let me know by commenting `@dependabot ignore this major version` or `@dependabot ignore this minor version`. If you change your mind, just re-open this PR and I'll resolve any conflicts on it.

github2 13:34:17

<|Comment on #459 Bump next from 9.3.2 to 11.1.3>

OK, I won't notify you again about this release, but will get in touch when a new version is available. If you'd rather skip all updates until the next major or minor version, let me know by commenting `@dependabot ignore this major version` or `@dependabot ignore this minor version`. If you change your mind, just re-open this PR and I'll resolve any conflicts on it.

github2 13:34:17

<|Comment on #474 Bump systeminformation from 4.21.1 to 4.34.23>

OK, I won't notify you again about this release, but will get in touch when a new version is available. If you'd rather skip all updates until the next major or minor version, let me know by commenting `@dependabot ignore this major version` or `@dependabot ignore this minor version`. If you change your mind, just re-open this PR and I'll resolve any conflicts on it.

github2 13:34:17

<|Comment on #474 Bump systeminformation from 4.21.1 to 4.34.23>

OK, I won't notify you again about this release, but will get in touch when a new version is available. If you'd rather skip all updates until the next major or minor version, let me know by commenting `@dependabot ignore this major version` or `@dependabot ignore this minor version`. If you change your mind, just re-open this PR and I'll resolve any conflicts on it.

github2 13:34:18

<|Comment on #475 Bump ajv from 6.10.2 to 6.12.3>

OK, I won't notify you again about this release, but will get in touch when a new version is available. If you'd rather skip all updates until the next major or minor version, let me know by commenting `@dependabot ignore this major version` or `@dependabot ignore this minor version`. If you change your mind, just re-open this PR and I'll resolve any conflicts on it.

github2 13:34:18

<|Comment on #475 Bump ajv from 6.10.2 to 6.12.3>

OK, I won't notify you again about this release, but will get in touch when a new version is available. If you'd rather skip all updates until the next major or minor version, let me know by commenting `@dependabot ignore this major version` or `@dependabot ignore this minor version`. If you change your mind, just re-open this PR and I'll resolve any conflicts on it.

github2 13:34:18

<|Comment on #478 Bump url-parse from 1.4.7 to 1.5.10>

OK, I won't notify you again about this release, but will get in touch when a new version is available. If you'd rather skip all updates until the next major or minor version, let me know by commenting `@dependabot ignore this major version` or `@dependabot ignore this minor version`. If you change your mind, just re-open this PR and I'll resolve any conflicts on it.

github2 13:34:18

<|Comment on #478 Bump url-parse from 1.4.7 to 1.5.10>

OK, I won't notify you again about this release, but will get in touch when a new version is available. If you'd rather skip all updates until the next major or minor version, let me know by commenting `@dependabot ignore this major version` or `@dependabot ignore this minor version`. If you change your mind, just re-open this PR and I'll resolve any conflicts on it.

github2 14:49:05

<|#486 Cannot downvote categories>

Found in <|20220504 pre-release check> and can be reproduced easily on production.

github2 14:49:05

<|#486 Cannot downvote categories>

Found in <|20220504 pre-release check> and can be reproduced easily on production. Related incident report on slack: <|>


mrorz 01:44:54
Cofacts 網站跟 chatbot 都仰賴 google 的 universal analytics
結果 ua 明年 7 月就不能用了囧

Universal Analytics will be going away - Analytics Help

Last updated: March 16, 2022. Visit this page in the coming months for the latest information. Google Analytics 4 is our next-generation measurement solution, and it's replacing Universal Analytics.

• 目前用到 GA 的東西
• 升級 GA4 時要考慮的 mapping

目前是連到底要開幾個 GA4 property、幾個 data stream、chatbot 資料流怎麼接,都還沒有決定⋯⋯
😢 1 😂 1
mrorz 01:44:54
Cofacts 網站跟 chatbot 都仰賴 google 的 universal analytics
結果 ua 明年 7 月就不能用了囧
• 目前用到 GA 的東西
• 升級 GA4 時要考慮的 mapping

目前是連到底要開幾個 GA4 property、幾個 data stream、chatbot 資料流怎麼接,都還沒有決定⋯⋯
cai 13:16:26
為什麼5/6 回報的是3/12小聚XDD
這個使用者大概兩個月來從來沒跟 Cofacts 說過話
cai 13:16:26
為什麼5/6 回報的是3/12小聚XDD
這個使用者大概兩個月來從來沒跟 Cofacts 說過話


github2 13:35:52

<|Comment on #486 Cannot downvote categories>

<|圖片> Root cause TBA

github2 13:35:52

<|Comment on #486 Cannot downvote categories>

<|圖片> Root cause TBA

github2 14:22:16

<|#487 Fix downvote dialog by proper null handling>

Fixes <|#486>. Root cause please see <|#486 (comment)> . I roughly checked other return value of `useQuery()`; other access of `data` prop are all properly guarded by `?.`. <|圖片>

:white_check_mark: All checks have passed

👌 1
github2 14:22:16

<|#487 Fix downvote dialog by proper null handling>

Fixes <|#486>. Root cause please see <|#486 (comment)> . I roughly checked other return value of `useQuery()`; other access of `data` prop are all properly guarded by `?.`. <|圖片>

:white_check_mark: All checks have passed

github2 14:24:06

<|Comment on #487 Fix downvote dialog by proper null handling>

<|Coverage Status> Coverage remained the same at 75.531% when pulling *<|149ab49> on fix-downvote* into *<|5326cca> on master*.

github2 14:24:06

<|Comment on #487 Fix downvote dialog by proper null handling>

<|Coverage Status> Coverage remained the same at 75.531% when pulling *<|149ab49> on fix-downvote* into *<|5326cca> on master*.

github2 15:06:16

<|#488 Don't show loading if article is already loaded>

Currently after up-voting or down-voting a reply, the whole article page will become "Loading...". It seems that in @apollo/react-hooks v3.1.5 the `loading` state behavior is slightly different from 3.0. This PR avoids "Loading..." page after an article is already displayed on screen. <|upvote-downvote>

希望今天可以上線 run 一天,明天小聚使用
github2 15:06:16

<|#488 Don't show loading if article is already loaded>

Currently after up-voting or down-voting a reply, the whole article page will become "Loading...". It seems that in @apollo/react-hooks v3.1.5 the `loading` state behavior is slightly different from 3.0. This PR avoids "Loading..." page after an article is already displayed on screen. <|upvote-downvote>

:white_check_mark: All checks have passed

希望今天可以上線 run 一天,明天小聚使用
github2 15:07:45

<|Comment on #488 Don't show loading if article is already loaded>

<|Coverage Status> Coverage remained the same at 75.531% when pulling *<|1898fb0> on avoid-flicker* into *<|affe465> on master*.

github2 15:07:45

<|Comment on #488 Don't show loading if article is already loaded>

<|Coverage Status> Coverage remained the same at 75.531% when pulling *<|1898fb0> on avoid-flicker* into *<|affe465> on master*.

github2 20:34:03

<|Comment on #488 Don't show loading if article is already loaded>

This is deployed to staging: <|> Everyone can test it out on staging article page above. We can deliver it to production on Saturday to see if anything breaks. This should help the editor's meetup on Sunday as well.

github2 20:34:03

<|Comment on #488 Don't show loading if article is already loaded>

This is deployed to staging: <|> Everyone can test it out on staging article page above. We can deliver it to production on Saturday to see if anything breaks. This should help the editor's meetup on Sunday as well.

mrorz 23:52:09
• 目前用到 GA 的東西
• 升級 GA4 時要考慮的 mapping

目前是連到底要開幾個 GA4 property、幾個 data stream、chatbot 資料流怎麼接,都還沒有決定⋯⋯

Cofacts Google Analytics 4 migration - HackMD


mrorz 12:06:35
希望今天可以上線 run 一天,明天小聚使用
mrorz 23:52:11
就是如果我在 article page 從旁邊的相似可疑訊息裡面點選一篇
他在 load 新訊息的時候,不會進入 loading state
mrorz 23:52:11
就是如果我在 article page 從旁邊的相似可疑訊息裡面點選一篇
他在 load 新訊息的時候,不會進入 loading state

<|#488 Don't show loading if article is already loaded>

Currently after up-voting or down-voting a reply, the whole article page will become "Loading...". It seems that in @apollo/react-hooks v3.1.5 the `loading` state behavior is slightly different from 3.0. This PR avoids "Loading..." page after an article is already displayed on screen. <|upvote-downvote>

mrorz 23:52:32
真煩 w
mrorz 23:52:32
真煩 w


cai 00:56:37
1. 有點懷疑是上次講的協同
2. 舊文的分類可以正常按否決~~
1 --> 應該是協同
1. `Alan` 與 `Mango` 在同一天先後註冊,均使用 Twitter 註冊
2. 兩個帳號的 email 前 7 字雷同
3. 一個帳號用 Android 手機、另一個帳號用 iOS 手機,IP 不同
cai 00:56:37
1. 有點懷疑是上次講的協同舊文的分類可以按否決
1 --> 應該是協同
1. `Alan` 與 `Mango` 在同一天先後註冊,均使用 Twitter 註冊
2. 兩個帳號的 email 前 7 字雷同
3. 一個帳號用 Android 手機、另一個帳號用 iOS 手機,IP 不同
ronnywang 13:49:27


台北 NPO 聚落防疫聲明表單 » SurveyCake

您好:為維護所有進出台北 NPO 聚落人員的安全,請協助填寫下列疫情調查表,並依據您的身份對應填寫問卷調查的時間:1. Hubber &amp; Maker 調查時間:每月 05 號至 08 號2. 場租者、場租工作人員調查時間:場租活動前 3 天 ※建議接種 3 劑疫苗,以確保工作人員、會員和參加者有更健康安全的場地環境3. 場租活動參與者調查時間:活動當天進入會場前 ※建議至少接種 2 劑疫苗,以確保工作人員、會員和參加者有更健康安全的場地環境4. 參訪活動參與者調查時間:活動當天進入會場前 ※建議至少接種 2 劑疫苗,以確保工作人員、會員和參加者有更健康安全的場地環境如您或同住親友過去 14 天內有出國旅遊史者、出現發燒、咳嗽、呼吸困難等症狀或您有收到政府通報之檢疫、自主健康管理等通知,請立刻就醫,並與我們聯繫。※ 透過本問卷所蒐集、處理及利用之個人資料類別包含您的識別類個人資料、聯絡電話、個人健康狀況、旅遊史及活動與接觸史等資料,除上述防疫目的外不另作他用。​若有任何問題,歡迎聯絡台北 NPO 聚落聯絡電話:02-2301-2160聯絡信箱

👍 1
cai 20:27:18
jserv 是那位大神嗎 😮


github2 11:42:43

<|#489 Bump next from 9.5.5 to 12.1.0>

Bumps <|next> from 9.5.5 to 12.1.0. Release notes _Sourced from <|next's releases>._ &gt; *v12.1.0* &gt; *Core Changes* &gt; &gt; • Relay Support in Rust Compiler: <|#33702> &gt; • fix eslint link-passhref rule: <|#33857> &gt; • update webpack: <|#33831> &gt; • Flush buffered vitals metrics on page mount: <|#33867> &gt; • fix problem with HMR when middleware and page reference the same node_module: <|#33873> &gt; • Refactor page component getter in web server: <|#33759> &gt; • update NextResponse default redirect status to 307 to match docs: <|#33505> &gt; • Bug fix: dynamic page should not be interpreted as predefined page: <|#33808> &gt; • Group streaming experimental apis: <|#33878> &gt; • Encapsulate routing and initial hydration: <|#33875> &gt; • Optimize offline condition judgment: <|#33238> &gt; • Ensure external beforeFiles rewrites are handled with next/link: <|#33888> &gt; • Fix parsing params for i18n optional route in minimal mode: <|#33896> &gt; • Ensure browserslist extends works properly: <|#33890> &gt; • Fix image cache race condition: <|#33883> &gt; • Add support for Relay projects without `artifactDirectory`: <|#33918> &gt; • fix: handle jsxspreadattribute in inline-script-id eslint rule: <|#32421> &gt; • feat(next-swc): Update swc: <|#33724> &gt; • Update to latest version of amphtml-validator: <|#33967> &gt; • Warn in dev mode when script tags are added with next/head: <|#33968> &gt; • Ensure optional chaining in swc matches babel: <|#33995> &gt; • Use `react-dom/server.browser` in Node.js: <|#33950> &gt; • Ensure external middleware rewrite is handled correctly: <|#33962> &gt; • Update Terser to v5.10.0, fix minification issues: <|#33045> &gt; • Warn in dev mode when stylesheets are added using next/head: <|#34004> &gt; • Use `ReadableStream` in `RenderResult`: <|#34005> &gt; • Fix suffix ordering while streaming: <|#34011> &gt; • Don't use yarn if a package-lock.json file is found: <|#31926> &gt; • Do not warn when application/ld+json scripts are used with next/head: <|#34021> &gt; • Babel &amp; next-swc: Fix exporting page config with AsExpression: <|#32702> &gt; • Detect per page runtime config for functions manifest: <|#33945> &gt; • Add JSDoc to config options: <|#32915> &gt; • Update font-stylesheet-gathering-plugin.ts: <|#30709> &gt; • Add decoratorMetadata flag if enabled by tsconfig: <|#32914> &gt; • fix: data url handling in css-loader: <|#34034> &gt; • Place 'charset' element at the top of : <|#28119> &gt; • Fix detection of anchor click events inside svg: <|#23272> &gt; • Allow passing nothing as custom jest config: <|#32328> &gt; • Fixes <|#31240>: Adding a recursive addPackagePath function in webpack-config: <|#31264> &gt; • Require component rendered as child of `Link` to pass event to `onClick` handler: <|#27723> &gt; • Allow scroll prevention on hash change: <|#31921> &gt; • Add support for async fn / promise in next.config.js/.mjs: <|#33662> &gt; • Fix `lazyRoot` functionality for `next/image`: <|#33933> &gt; • Change SWC minify from beta to release candidate: <|#34056> &gt; • Make `Router` state immutable: <|#33925> &gt; • Stop exposing internal `render` and `renderError` methods from `next/client`: <|#34069> &gt; • Add api-utils helper for testing: <|#34078> ... (truncated) Commits • <|`8545fd1`> v12.1.0 • <|`1605f30`> v12.0.11-canary.21 • <|`69aedbd`> Fix typo (<|#34480>) • <|`f0f322c`> Remove deprecation for relative URL usage in middlewares (<|#34461>) • <|`d4d79b2`> Fix chunk buffering for server components (<|#34474>) • <|`74fa4d4`> update webpack (<|#34477>) • <|`b70397e`> Revert "Allow reading request bodies in middlewares (<|#34294>)" (<|#34479>) • <|`4202011`> Update font-optimization test…

:white_check_mark: No checks have passed

github2 11:42:43

<|#489 Bump next from 9.5.5 to 12.1.0>

Bumps <|next> from 9.5.5 to 12.1.0. Release notes _Sourced from <|next's releases>._ &gt; *v12.1.0* &gt; *Core Changes* &gt; &gt; • Relay Support in Rust Compiler: <|#33702> &gt; • fix eslint link-passhref rule: <|#33857> &gt; • update webpack: <|#33831> &gt; • Flush buffered vitals metrics on page mount: <|#33867> &gt; • fix problem with HMR when middleware and page reference the same node_module: <|#33873> &gt; • Refactor page component getter in web server: <|#33759> &gt; • update NextResponse default redirect status to 307 to match docs: <|#33505> &gt; • Bug fix: dynamic page should not be interpreted as predefined page: <|#33808> &gt; • Group streaming experimental apis: <|#33878> &gt; • Encapsulate routing and initial hydration: <|#33875> &gt; • Optimize offline condition judgment: <|#33238> &gt; • Ensure external beforeFiles rewrites are handled with next/link: <|#33888> &gt; • Fix parsing params for i18n optional route in minimal mode: <|#33896> &gt; • Ensure browserslist extends works properly: <|#33890> &gt; • Fix image cache race condition: <|#33883> &gt; • Add support for Relay projects without `artifactDirectory`: <|#33918> &gt; • fix: handle jsxspreadattribute in inline-script-id eslint rule: <|#32421> &gt; • feat(next-swc): Update swc: <|#33724> &gt; • Update to latest version of amphtml-validator: <|#33967> &gt; • Warn in dev mode when script tags are added with next/head: <|#33968> &gt; • Ensure optional chaining in swc matches babel: <|#33995> &gt; • Use `react-dom/server.browser` in Node.js: <|#33950> &gt; • Ensure external middleware rewrite is handled correctly: <|#33962> &gt; • Update Terser to v5.10.0, fix minification issues: <|#33045> &gt; • Warn in dev mode when stylesheets are added using next/head: <|#34004> &gt; • Use `ReadableStream` in `RenderResult`: <|#34005> &gt; • Fix suffix ordering while streaming: <|#34011> &gt; • Don't use yarn if a package-lock.json file is found: <|#31926> &gt; • Do not warn when application/ld+json scripts are used with next/head: <|#34021> &gt; • Babel &amp; next-swc: Fix exporting page config with AsExpression: <|#32702> &gt; • Detect per page runtime config for functions manifest: <|#33945> &gt; • Add JSDoc to config options: <|#32915> &gt; • Update font-stylesheet-gathering-plugin.ts: <|#30709> &gt; • Add decoratorMetadata flag if enabled by tsconfig: <|#32914> &gt; • fix: data url handling in css-loader: <|#34034> &gt; • Place 'charset' element at the top of : <|#28119> &gt; • Fix detection of anchor click events inside svg: <|#23272> &gt; • Allow passing nothing as custom jest config: <|#32328> &gt; • Fixes <|#31240>: Adding a recursive addPackagePath function in webpack-config: <|#31264> &gt; • Require component rendered as child of `Link` to pass event to `onClick` handler: <|#27723> &gt; • Allow scroll prevention on hash change: <|#31921> &gt; • Add support for async fn / promise in next.config.js/.mjs: <|#33662> &gt; • Fix `lazyRoot` functionality for `next/image`: <|#33933> &gt; • Change SWC minify from beta to release candidate: <|#34056> &gt; • Make `Router` state immutable: <|#33925> &gt; • Stop exposing internal `render` and `renderError` methods from `next/client`: <|#34069> &gt; • Add api-utils helper for testing: <|#34078> ... (truncated) Commits • <|`8545fd1`> v12.1.0 • <|`1605f30`> v12.0.11-canary.21 • <|`69aedbd`> Fix typo (<|#34480>) • <|`f0f322c`> Remove deprecation for relative URL usage in middlewares (<|#34461>) • <|`d4d79b2`> Fix chunk buffering for server components (<|#34474>) • <|`74fa4d4`> update webpack (<|#34477>) • <|`b70397e`> Revert "Allow reading request bodies in middlewares (<|#34294>)" (<|#34479>) • <|`4202011`> Update font-optimization test…

github2 13:35:41

<|#490 Feature/media article>

Make site able to show image and reply *Snapshots* <|Screen Shot 2022-05-16 at 13 25 27> <|Screen Shot 2022-05-16 at 13 25 01> <|Screen Shot 2022-05-16 at 13 26 03> <|Screen Shot 2022-05-16 at 13 26 44>

github2 13:35:41

<|#490 Make website able to show image and can be replied>

Fix <|#483> ☑︎ Messages (Article List) ☑︎ Replies (Reply List) ☑︎ For you ☑︎ Search reply *Snapshots* <|Screen Shot 2022-05-16 at 13 25 27> <|Screen Shot 2022-05-16 at 13 25 01> <|Screen Shot 2022-05-16 at 13 26 03> <|Screen Shot 2022-05-16 at 13 26 44>

:white_check_mark: All checks have passed

github2 13:37:13

<|Comment on #490 Feature/media article>

<|Coverage Status> Coverage increased (+0.03%) to 75.561% when pulling *<|cc1906d> on feature/media-article* into *<|47818e1> on master*.

github2 13:37:13

<|Comment on #490 Feature/media article>

<|Coverage Status> Coverage increased (+0.03%) to 75.561% when pulling *<|cc1906d> on feature/media-article* into *<|47818e1> on master*.

github2 21:47:42

Review on #71 Create

這次被檢舉的兩位都在 10 多分鐘內貼了 40 多篇
我看了一下 `replyrequest` 的 `appId` ,是正常的 `WEBSITE` (代表有用 cookie 登入)
我猜是寫了 sikuli 或 selenium 這類的 e2e script 做的
github2 21:47:42

Review on #71 Create

這次被檢舉的兩位都在 10 多分鐘內貼了 40 多篇
我看了一下 `replyrequest` 的 `appId` ,是正常的 `WEBSITE` (代表有用 cookie 登入)
我猜是寫了 sikuli 或 selenium 這類的 e2e script 做的
mrorz 22:46:45
這次被檢舉的兩位都在 10 多分鐘內貼了 40 多篇
我看了一下 `replyrequest` 的 `appId` ,是正常的 `WEBSITE` (代表有用 cookie 登入)
我猜是寫了 sikuli 或 selenium 這類的 e2e script 做的
😮 1
mrorz 23:01:47
新被回報的另外兩位我就不 code review 囉
mrorz 23:01:47
另外兩位我就不 code review 囉
cai 23:05:58
註解 2022-05-16 230346.jpg
這四個 upvote 的帳號都是 Google 登入
也都是 5/6 上午註冊
現在查 IP 好麻煩,之後想辦法簡化好了 QQ
回應者與按讚者 5 人的 IP 均不同
cai 23:10:44
添加 category 後需要自己 refresh 的 bug 似乎依然存在
👍 1
cai 23:10:44
添加 category 後需要自己 refresh 的 bug 似乎依然存在


github2 13:39:41

<|Comment on #490 Make website able to show image and can be replied>

I think instead of changing individual requests, we can • use env variable in `rumors-api` to determine if APIs should return all `articleTypes` • staging API shows all `articleTypes`; production API only returns `TEXT` by default before we finish implementation • `rumors-site` does not specify `articleTypes`

github2 13:39:41

<|Comment on #490 Make website able to show image and can be replied>

I think instead of changing individual requests, we can • use env variable in `rumors-api` to determine if APIs should return all `articleTypes` • staging API shows all `articleTypes`; production API only returns `TEXT` by default before we finish implementation • `rumors-site` does not specify `articleTypes`

github2 13:39:41

Review on #490 Make website able to show image and can be replied

Thanks for the commit! I have some comments to discuss.

github2 13:39:41

Review on #490 Make website able to show image and can be replied

Thanks for the commit! I have some comments to discuss.

github2 13:39:41

<|Comment on #490 Make website able to show image and can be replied>

Same as above. I think `bannerImage` is a bit too wide (100% width) on desktop. I think we can set `max-width` &amp; `max-height` on them, and use `&lt;a&gt;` to link to the original image instead. Suggested change

github2 13:39:41

<|Comment on #490 Make website able to show image and can be replied>

Same as above. I think `bannerImage` is a bit too wide (100% width) on desktop. I think we can set `max-width` &amp; `max-height` on them, and use `&lt;a&gt;` to link to the original image instead. Suggested change

github2 13:39:42

<|Comment on #490 Make website able to show image and can be replied>

nit: since we may add text for images in the future, suggest we do this instead: Suggested change

github2 13:39:42

<|Comment on #490 Make website able to show image and can be replied>

nit: since we may add text for images in the future, suggest we do this instead: Suggested change

mrorz 23:04:55
添加 category 後需要自己 refresh 的 bug 似乎依然存在

<|#481 Category label is not updated after adding one category>

After adding a category, currently there is no any visual feedback that tells the user that the category is added. <|no-response> Current workaround: refresh the whole page Expected: UI should show that the category is added immediately (or shortly after API response)


github2 00:11:38

<|#282 Add MEDIA_ARTICLE_SUPPORT env to switch default articleTypes filter>

Add MEDIA_ARTICLE_SUPPORT env to switch default articleTypes filter as discuss in <|cofacts/rumors-site#490>

:white_check_mark: No checks have passed

github2 00:11:38

<|#282 Add MEDIA_ARTICLE_SUPPORT env to switch default articleTypes filter>

Add MEDIA_ARTICLE_SUPPORT env to switch default articleTypes filter as discuss in <|cofacts/rumors-site#490>

github2 01:10:29

<|Comment on #282 Add MEDIA_ARTICLE_SUPPORT env to switch default articleTypes filter>

<|Coverage Status> Coverage remained the same at 87.473% when pulling *<|0ca74bd> on feature/env-media-article-support* into *<|271bc9b> on master*.

github2 01:10:29

<|Comment on #282 Add MEDIA_ARTICLE_SUPPORT env to switch default articleTypes filter>

<|Coverage Status> Coverage remained the same at 87.473% when pulling *<|0ca74bd> on feature/env-media-article-support* into *<|271bc9b> on master*.

github2 11:24:56

Review on #282 Add MEDIA_ARTICLE_SUPPORT env to switch default articleTypes filter

LGTM, let's ship it <|:shipit:>

github2 11:24:56

Review on #282 Add MEDIA_ARTICLE_SUPPORT env to switch default articleTypes filter

LGTM, let's ship it <|:shipit:>

github2 13:55:28

Review on #490 Make website able to show image and can be replied

Thanks for the timely update! I have deployed the current branch to staging: <|> and have some comments on the current status.

github2 13:55:28

Review on #490 Make website able to show image and can be replied

Thanks for the timely update! I have deployed the current branch to staging: <|> and have some comments on the current status. (Staging API also updated to <|cofacts/rumors-api#282> and has `MEDIA_ARTICLE_SUPPORT` toggled on.)

github2 13:55:28

<|Comment on #490 Make website able to show image and can be replied>

Seems that 800 is a bit too high, vertical images can hit max-height first XD <|image> Suggest we `max-width` can be around 400, and we can remove `max-height` so that image height can be completely determined by image's apsect ratio.

github2 13:55:28

<|Comment on #490 Make website able to show image and can be replied>

Seems that 800 is a bit too high, vertical images can hit max-height first XD <|image> Suggest we `max-width` can be around 400, and we can remove `max-height` so that image height can be completely determined by image's apsect ratio.

github2 13:55:28

<|Comment on #490 Make website able to show image and can be replied>

Suggest that we can put a placeholder image so that the image shows up in Storybook, which helps development &amp; maintenance in the future. Suggested change <|image>

github2 13:55:28

<|Comment on #490 Make website able to show image and can be replied>

Suggest that we can put a placeholder image so that the image shows up in Storybook, which helps development &amp; maintenance in the future. Suggested change <|image>

github2 14:04:28

<|Comment on #277 [Image-M1] Wrap image management / dedup mechanism into library>

Currently opened <|> • main branch: bootstrapped with <|tsdx> • [WIP] MediaManager class implementation <|>

github2 14:04:28

<|Comment on #277 [Image-M1] Wrap image management / dedup mechanism into library>

Currently opened <|> • main branch: bootstrapped with <|tsdx> • [WIP] MediaManager class implementation <|>

mrorz 14:45:06


Cofacts 會議記錄 - HackMD

# Cofacts 會議記錄 ## 2022 - [20220518 會議記錄](/_HXxDu6OQPaK08WFwOshtg) - [20220511 會議記錄](/R_cEiQ8eRDmQ


cai 00:39:45 短網址這系列的line詐騙 個人顯示好像都是 XX語安
cai 00:39:45 短網址這系列的line詐騙 個人顯示好像都是 XX語安


mrorz 01:34:01
API 疑似卡住,原因不明
server load 沒有很高,一切正常
nginx 針對 api 回傳 504

真的假的 API <|> - <|>

Your site went down! *Code:* 0 - *Reason:* Timeout / Connection Refused

進 api 的 docker image 裡面下
喔好吧外面也是 31
CPU 先是 User 高一波
後面變成 system + wait
看起來像是進入 memory thrashing
先來 restart elasticsearch
看來是 rumors-site memory leak 老問題
mrorz 01:34:01
API 疑似卡住,原因不明
server load 沒有很高,一切正常
nginx 針對 api 回傳 504

真的假的 API <|> - <|>

Your site went down! *Code:* 0 - *Reason:* Timeout / Connection Refused

進 api 的 docker image 裡面下
喔好吧外面也是 31
CPU 先是 User 高一波
後面變成 system + wait
看起來像是進入 memory thrashing
先來 restart elasticsearch
看來是 rumors-site memory leak 老問題


ziaosen 15:15:59
@johnson9294 has joined the channel


Huanry(世和/世界和平) 00:37:08
@physics5372 has joined the channel
mrorz 15:01:55
Jest 跟我抱怨 node-fetch 語法他看不懂
即使我設定 jest config 開啟 transform,jest 還是沒在動

不知道 @acerxp511 之前寫 rumors-api 有沒有遇過 QQ
mrorz 15:01:55
Jest 跟我抱怨 node-fetch 語法他看不懂
即使我設定 jest config 開啟 transform,jest 還是沒在動

不知道 @acerxp511 之前寫 rumors-api 有沒有遇過 QQ
tw0517tw 15:57:10
因為 node-fetch 改成 es module 了?
tw0517tw 15:57:10
因為 node-fetch 改成 es module 了?
mrorz 16:02:04
對耶 rumors-api 的 node-fetch 是 v2
mrorz 16:02:04
對耶 rumors-api 的 node-fetch 是 v2
mrorz 16:03:44
不過 media-manager 用的 tsdx
理論上遇到這種檔案應該要用 babel-jest 來 transform
babel 應該要認得才對
我回家弄一下 babel 設定好了
tsdx 的 config 藏在裡面有時候也是滿惱人的哀
mrorz 16:03:44
不過 media-manager 用的 tsdx
理論上遇到這種檔案應該要用 babel-jest 來 transform
babel 應該要認得才對
我回家弄一下 babel 設定好了
tsdx 的 config 藏在裡面有時候也是滿惱人的哀


cai 17:33:49
媒體都沒報導 ❌
媒體都有報導,只是你沒看到 ⭕
cai 17:33:49
媒體都沒報導 ❌
媒體都有報導,只是你沒看到 ⭕


mrorz 10:29:12
我第一時間在 FB 撈到的那個影片,看來跟在 LINE 上面傳的影片不同⋯⋯
加上之前這個 case

還是要設計之前提到的 article group
mrorz 10:29:12
我第一時間在 FB 撈到的那個影片,看來跟在 LINE 上面傳的影片不同⋯⋯
加上之前這個 case

還是要設計之前提到的 article group
mrorz 10:52:02
為啥最近三篇檢舉都是檢舉那些已經被 block 的人呀
理論上只有被 block 的人看得到這些內容耶
mrorz 10:52:02
為啥最近三篇檢舉都是檢舉那些已經被 block 的人呀
也是被 block 的人捏
nonumpa 12:30:02
😂 1
mrorz 18:52:37
mrorz 18:52:37
cai 20:47:00



github2 15:44:11

<|Comment on #104 Code quality refactor items>

Storybook is <|online>, no actions left

github2 15:44:11

<|Comment on #104 Code quality refactor items>

Storybook is <|online>, no actions left

github2 15:47:10

<|#491 Ask the user to login first when anonymous users press "comment">

*As-is* A form with anonymous avatar is shown. However, the user will be asked to login afterwards, and the submitted text will be cleared. <|圖片> *To-be* Replace the form to something as simple as a string, like what we did for "write reply" <|圖片>

github2 15:47:10

<|#491 Ask the user to login first when anonymous users press "comment">

*As-is* A form with anonymous avatar is shown. However, the user will be asked to login afterwards, and the submitted text will be cleared. <|圖片> *To-be* Replace the form to something as simple as a string, like what we did for "write reply" <|圖片>

github2 16:11:19

Review on #490 Make website able to show image and can be replied

LGTM, let's ship it <|:shipit:>

github2 16:11:19

Review on #490 Make website able to show image and can be replied

LGTM, let's ship it <|:shipit:>

mrorz 18:49:02
@acerxp511 關於檔案的 URL 呀,我在想或許 elasticsearch 的 articles index 裡面只要記 file ID 就好,需要 URL 的時候再去呼叫 `mediaManager.getInfo()` 來拿 URL,不要存一個永久的 public URL。
主要有兩個 concern
1. 我們未來可能會修改檔案存法,會改到 URL — 我在想未來可能要針對圖片增加縮圖、影片製作縮圖等等,所以現在設計的檔名可能會換,但 file ID 不變
2. 我不希望 URL 被存在其他第三方,讓大家無限期存取,但流量都算在我們頭上。如果是要用的時候才產生 URL,我們可以把檔案通通設成 private,然後給 signed URL 出去,該 URL 5 分鐘後就過期之類的。
mrorz 18:49:02
@acerxp511 關於檔案的 URL 呀,我在想或許 elasticsearch 的 articles index 裡面只要記 file ID 就好,需要 URL 的時候再去呼叫 `mediaManager.getInfo()` 來拿 URL,不要存一個永久的 public URL。
主要有兩個 concern
1. 我們未來可能會修改檔案存法,會改到 URL — 我在想未來可能要針對圖片增加縮圖、影片製作縮圖等等,所以現在設計的檔名可能會換,但 file ID 不變
2. 我不希望 URL 被存在其他第三方,讓大家無限期存取,但流量都算在我們頭上。如果是要用的時候才產生 URL,我們可以把檔案通通設成 private,然後給 signed URL 出去,該 URL 5 分鐘後就過期之類的。

Google Cloud

Signed URLs  |  Cloud Storage  |  Google Cloud

🤔 1 1


github2 15:02:54

<|#59 Analytics &amp; contribution>

• Fixes <|#57> • Fixes <|#58> • Add automated test on the validity of the schema

:white_check_mark: 1 other check has passed

github2 15:02:54

<|#59 Analytics &amp; contribution>

• Fixes <|#57> • Fixes <|#58> • Add automated test on the validity of the schema


Alice Herait 16:19:46
@a.herait has joined the channel
YC 19:23:23
@yachu.chung has joined the channel


mrorz 20:55:23

mrorz 20:55:23

😆 3