
Month: 2018-12


kjcl 10:30:53
@agameofprivacy @mrorz I signed up to do a 報告 at 大松 on this experience. do any of you think this is a good idea and if so, would any of you want to present with me? 🙂
🐳 2 💯 2 👍 2
mrorz 10:49:02
i wont be a the hackathon QQ
agameofprivacy 11:16:27
I’ll be at the hackathon but too shy to speak. Rock on!
haha totally legit. what if someone brought a piece of paper with your profile photo up to the mic? 🙂
haha i guess that's even worse in terms of making attention happen...! "hey, it's that guy from the picture who hates attention!"


agameofprivacy 14:52:41
@kevinliao thinking about making `for-marriage-equality` more reusable through better documentation and potentially a UI for geopoint entry, thoughts?
agameofprivacy 2018-12-05 14:59:14
This Saturday at the hackathon I mean...
yesssss! i feel strongly that the whole strategy has a ton of merit as a kit or something 🙂
💯 1
kjcl 14:54:28
Was thinking of doing it but I’m going to the PRC tomorrow and I leave Taiwan on Sunday so I’m pretty busy right now! I’ll happily jump on anything you work on. I was thinking of making a better backend too and getting rid of google sheets. Maybe with something like scala play or Ruby on Rails.
😢 2
agameofprivacy 15:01:07
Oh interesting. I kinda sorta love how google sheets makes “backend” accessible. Will give it more thought on Saturday. Lemme know if I could help with the talk on Saturday (other than speaking).
patcon 15:02:33
oh yeah, google sheets is totally the secret sauce imho...! i know i'm a fly on the wall, but that's what makes the whole website so interesting -- that it meets activists where they already are, and can be layered on gradually
kjcl 15:02:49
Google sheets is accessible but I feel like it’s so malleable and explodes really easily lol
kjcl 15:03:16
Hm I totally agree
patcon 15:03:32
what about having validation at the spreadsheet layer? maybe even as custom functions in google app scripts, which have been pretty useful to me in the past
patcon 15:04:35
like spreadsheet formulas are kinda unweildy, but maybe it could be more powerful with custom app script functions. and if there are any edge-cases, people can just go right back to regular sheet functions, and not get accidentally blocked out (by complex tech) of helping themselves
patcon 15:07:19
perhaps _most_ importantly: without the "sheet", all the good puns for the toolkit would go away :laughing:
🤣 1
kjcl 16:12:12
kjcl 16:12:26
What if we included some sort of on-call functionality
kjcl 16:12:48
where if parsing of the data didn’t succeed, it would page/e-mail a volunteer?
patcon 16:16:54
that is genius
patcon 16:16:55

Create and manage custom alerts - Analytics Help

Create, edit, and delete custom alerts.When you create a custom alert, that alert is visible only to you in your current reporting view and in any other views to which you apply the alert. In this art


patcon 01:31:25
haha I found someone crazier than y'all while exploring the russian facebook for civic tech stuff 🙂

*Publishing websites from excel.*

Страх и ненависть на сервере, или Можно ли написать сайт в Excel

patcon 01:34:14
Also, someone else should join the g0vtw community on vkontakt. its lonely 😕
patcon 01:35:59
we can use it to find and reshare russian civic tech stuff! and maybe figure out ways to work with them or lure them to taiwan...? i dunno, i just want to be friends with russian people i guess


mitsunchieh 16:31:51
@mitsunchieh has joined the channel