平權讓更多人有機會選擇如何去愛。 擅長前端的 g0v 貢獻者寫出網站,串接婚姻平權大平台搜集全台上百個發文宣、掃街或對話的志工開團資訊,可以用區域、日期尋找開團資訊,讓資訊更容易閱讀。 公民科技也讓更多人有機會選擇如何行動。 :heartbeat: 「兩好三壞,全台開團資訊」網站 <https://g0v.github.io/for-marriage-equality/> :heartbeat: 網站資料來源...
Contribute to g0v/for-marriage-equality development by creating an account on GitHub.
Restore last updated date to navbar by agameofprivacy · Pull Request #4 · g0v/for-marriage-equality
since we aren't pulling in live data (yet), we need this.
Pull data from google spreadsheets. Contribute to giladaya/get-sheet-done development by creating an account on GitHub.
這是一個暫時性的社團,新加入的夥伴請先查看社團公告。 社團設立目的為方便大家自行開團、宣傳正確性平教育與婚平知識,以及互相支援。擴大群眾瞭解2018年底11/24公投項目,支持平權2公投,投下反同/反性平3公投不同意票。 跑攤過程有任何問題也可於社團內討論。 #請先閱讀社團置頂文公告 #歡迎加入志同道合的夥伴
選前最後衝刺! :secret:秘密武器介紹:secret: 這個秘密武器就是兩好三壞陣營的官方 line@ 不但不會一直打擾你,還有智慧型(?)選單讓你依自己的需要拿到新鮮+正確的素材。 這些素材,可以讓你在謠言四竄的各大群組颯爽登場自在洗版喔! 手刀加入官方 line@ ID:@2yes3no (要加@小老鼠喔) 或點擊連結:<https://goo.gl/E1iVtq>
Pull data from google spreadsheets. Contribute to giladaya/get-sheet-done development by creating an account on GitHub.
Map view by MrOrz · Pull Request #6 · g0v/for-marriage-equality
Major changes Adds a state: view to <App> and a <Selector> for user to choose from &quot;卡片&quot; or &quot;地圖&quot;. Add <Map> component. Once mounted, its DOM is manipulated by ...
Google Developers
Info Windows | Maps JavaScript API | Google Developers
Stack Overflow
How to install Typescript typings for google maps
How can it be done - I've tried combinations of typings install [googlemaps | google.maps] [--ambient] --save and end up with variations on this error typings ERR! message Unable to find "goog...
Google Developers
Overview | Maps JavaScript API | Google Developers
Get started with the Google Maps JavaScript API. View a simple example, learn the concepts, and create custom maps for your site.
Adding a Sass Stylesheet · Create React App
> Note: this feature is available with `react-scripts@2.0.0` and higher.
Map view by MrOrz · Pull Request #6 · g0v/for-marriage-equality
Major changes Adds a state: view to <App> and a <Selector> for user to choose from &quot;卡片&quot; or &quot;地圖&quot;. Add <Map> component. Once mounted, its DOM is manipulated by ...
Google Developers
Error Messages | Maps JavaScript API | Google Developers
Stack Overflow
Google Maps JavaScript API RefererNotAllowedMapError
We're trying to develop an geoplacement app for one of our clients, and we want first to test it in out own domain. We have signed for Google Maps JavaScript API, and we have a valid browser key a...
Adds TSLint and refactor a lot! by kevinjcliao · Pull Request #8 · g0v/for-marriage-equality
I added TSLint and decided to use AirBnB JS standards to lint our code. It now looks a lot more consistent.
We no longer need last updated date. Two-decimal distance labels caused layout imperfections.