
Month: 2018-11


kjcl 17:22:40
@kevinliao has joined the channel
kjcl 17:23:12
@kevinliao has renamed the channel from "2good3bad" to "marriage-equality"
kjcl 17:24:19
@kevinliao set the channel topic:
mrorz 17:35:41
@mrorz has joined the channel
👋 2
bess 18:14:16
@besslee has joined the channel
patcon 18:17:21
@patcon has joined the channel
bil 18:18:34
@bil has joined the channel
agameofprivacy 18:24:19
@agameofprivacy has joined the channel
kjcl 18:42:56
city picker is working. I pushed it before I took a nap.
kjcl 18:43:24
it’s very ugly though
agameofprivacy 2018-11-13 18:58:27
u sure about city picker working? is it on `ec/show-shifts`?
one second
agameofprivacy 2018-11-13 19:00:46
got the new <select> but still not working.
change it to yilan?
agameofprivacy 2018-11-13 19:01:05
what might i be doing wrong?
it should narrow things down.
are you on mobile
agameofprivacy 2018-11-13 19:01:10
agameofprivacy 2018-11-13 19:02:13
ugh gosh as if I didn’t know about console--
here’s the error:
agameofprivacy 2018-11-13 19:02:17
Warning: Failed prop type: You provided a `value` prop to a form field without an `onChange` handler. This will render a read-only field. If the field should be mutable use `defaultValue`. Otherwise, set either `onChange` or `readOnly`.
agameofprivacy 2018-11-13 19:02:45
would that be a showstopper?
agameofprivacy 2018-11-13 19:02:50
I’m on desktop Chrome
ooooh this might be a showstopper.
Working on it. Thanks!
Fix pushed.
agameofprivacy 2018-11-13 19:10:41
it’s perfect! 🙏
I want to add datepicker now.
agameofprivacy 2018-11-13 19:12:39
sounds good. I’ll do css when you’re done with all the search/filter stuff!
What would a good datepicker with only 11 days left look like?
from a UX perspective
agameofprivacy 2018-11-13 19:14:11
I’d do a simple select, perhaps remove dates in the past as we go?
agameofprivacy 2018-11-13 19:14:23
if that’s not too much trouble…
hm okay. I’ll just reuse someone’s datepicker.
kjcl 18:43:32
because I’m very bad at css 😞
agameofprivacy 2018-11-13 18:56:26
that’s ok. it’s much worse to be bad at js. 👈
kjcl 19:47:24
@agameofprivacy datepicker is now in the bar, but it does not filter. the frontend should not change. I just need to add a filter now. You can go ahead and style without breaking anything now. 🙂
agameofprivacy 19:47:46
thanks @kevinliao
kjcl 19:47:47
woops it’s on master
kjcl 19:47:50
I’ll rebase
agameofprivacy 19:48:12
kjcl 19:48:26
agameofprivacy 19:56:43
pushed a commit to support multiple CanvassType--works, but may be dirty.
kjcl 19:56:50
kjcl 19:56:53
kjcl 19:58:42
still looks like this
Screen Shot 2018-11-13 at 7.58.18 PM.png
agameofprivacy 19:59:48
yep, doing styles now!
agameofprivacy 19:59:59
gimme 10-15
kjcl 20:00:24
got it! my bad. take your time! 🙂
🙌 1
agameofprivacy 20:14:40
pushed--optimizing for mobile now.
kjcl 20:16:47
thanks! I’m working on getting that filter working. 🙂
💪 1
kjcl 20:25:39
kjcl 20:58:22
Datepicker is working!
kjcl 20:58:25
agameofprivacy 21:04:03
pushed to _not master_?
kjcl 21:09:34
Woops. To master.
kjcl 21:09:46
I keep pushing to master because I forget to chec back in after redeploy. :facepalm:
kjcl 21:09:49
kjcl 21:12:05
@agameofprivacy how do you rebuild sass?
kjcl 21:12:21
I’m writing one last little thing.
agameofprivacy 21:12:39
`sass --watch src/index.scss:src/index.css`
kjcl 21:12:47
thank you!
agameofprivacy 21:12:48
if you have sass installed
agameofprivacy 21:13:06
hold on… I just found out line url schemes don’t work anymore
agameofprivacy 21:13:20
need to replace with official button I think--gimme one sec
agameofprivacy 21:16:30
nvm, it doesn’t look like there’s an easy way. best workaround is probably copy lineID on button click?
agameofprivacy 21:16:39
any thoughts?
kjcl 21:28:12
I don’t have any experience with LineID 😛
kjcl 21:28:46
Added this!
Screen Shot 2018-11-13 at 9.28.12 PM.png
kjcl 21:29:35
Is there a way to make the search bar align with everything else?
kjcl 21:29:39
it feels weird how it sticks out like that.
agameofprivacy 21:32:14
agameofprivacy 21:32:18
ok I’ll work on that now
kjcl 21:46:27
@agameofprivacy what does do?
agameofprivacy 21:47:01
not sure, I think that probably resulted from the sass watch.
kjcl 21:47:09
okay. hm.
agameofprivacy 21:51:07
I ran into trouble with importing a react lib with typescript, help?
agameofprivacy 21:52:25
it’s in `Action.tsx`
agameofprivacy 21:52:46
the lines that are commented out.
kjcl 21:57:19
agameofprivacy 21:57:38
is that a library?
kjcl 21:57:42
Like what is the error?
kjcl 21:57:46
and what is the library?
agameofprivacy 21:57:46
agameofprivacy 21:57:53
kjcl 21:58:07
New dependency?
agameofprivacy 21:58:16
kjcl 21:58:43
okay what is the error?
kjcl 21:59:22
`import {CopyToClipboard} from 'react-copy-to-clipboard';`?
agameofprivacy 22:00:59
Screen Shot 2018-11-13 at 9.59.35 PM.png
kjcl 22:01:11
oh yeah
kjcl 22:01:12
kjcl 22:01:19
are you using npm or yarn
agameofprivacy 22:01:23
kjcl 22:01:39
run `yarn add -D @types/react-copy-to-clipboard`.
kjcl 22:01:41
See if that helps.
agameofprivacy 22:01:53
kjcl 22:02:07
That way TypeScript gets to know the types of the library so we get less errors 😉
kjcl 22:02:18
This is my first project programming with TS too 😉
👍 1
kjcl 22:05:19
Did it work?
agameofprivacy 22:05:45
it got less bad haha
kjcl 22:05:48
can I see?
kjcl 22:05:54
or do you have it under control ?
agameofprivacy 22:06:13
Screen Shot 2018-11-13 at 10.05.48 PM.png
agameofprivacy 22:06:24
nope I’m ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
agameofprivacy 22:09:08
yay got it to work
2 1
agameofprivacy 22:12:25
Just pushed to `ec/show-shifts`
agameofprivacy 22:12:45
Thanks for all the help. Gonna wrap for the night. Great work! 🙌
kjcl 22:13:13
kjcl 22:13:15
Thanks so much!!!!!
bess 22:14:40


patcon 15:41:13
is there a live demo site on heroku?
agameofprivacy 2018-11-14 15:57:51
It’s running on github pages here: :pray:
cool! thanks! May I humbly suggest adding that to the URL of the repo, as that's often a quick place people look 🙂
Okay I’ll do that
HuangFu 15:42:26
@aoisoranoko has joined the channel
kjcl 21:18:34
add og:meta data so sharing on facebook is prettier.
bess 21:22:24 台灣零時政府

平權讓更多人有機會選擇如何去愛。   擅長前端的 g0v 貢獻者寫出網站,串接婚姻平權大平台搜集全台上百個發文宣、掃街或對話的志工開團資訊,可以用區域、日期尋找開團資訊,讓資訊更容易閱讀。   公民科技也讓更多人有機會選擇如何行動。   :heartbeat: 「兩好三壞,全台開團資訊」網站 <> :heartbeat: 網站資料來源...

❤️ 3 🌈 3
chihao 22:52:55
@chihao has joined the channel
HuangFu 23:29:40
感謝製作網站,請問資料從 google spreadsheets 到網頁是靠工人智慧嗎?目前這兩處資訊不完全同步,是不是把 `(11/?? 更新)` 加回去標題比較好呢?
agameofprivacy 2018-11-15 13:15:01
agameofprivacy 2018-11-15 13:16:36
@kevinliao here’s the pr:

if you’ve got some time, perhaps we could look into as @patcon recommended? :pray:
agameofprivacy 2018-11-15 13:19:18
And here’s the dup spreadsheet I used to 工人智慧 line and phone info:

@aoisoranoko 請問您有編輯原始資料google sheet的權限嗎?謝謝!
agameofprivacy 2018-11-15 13:28:02


mrorz 10:35:37
看起來不是動態抓的 QQ



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kjcl 12:30:03
Is not.
kjcl 12:30:10
Take google sheet export to cab
kjcl 12:30:13
kjcl 12:30:16
And readd
kjcl 12:30:24
Do I need to readd data?
kjcl 12:30:29
I am on mrt right now.
agameofprivacy 13:19:18
And here’s the dup spreadsheet I used to 工人智慧 line and phone info:

@aoisoranoko 請問您有編輯原始資料google sheet的權限嗎?謝謝!
agameofprivacy 13:29:00
@kevinliao starting a new branch `live-data-first` to work on pulling in live data by using _get-sheet-done_. will forego Line and Call buttons in favor of raw contact info text for now.
agameofprivacy 2018-11-15 14:11:43
Sorry got pulled into work stuff. Have to work on this later.. :(
agameofprivacy 2018-11-15 21:40:36
@kevinliao it’s mostly done. could you take a look? since we don’t have edit access to the master spreadsheet, I had to use a copy still:
agameofprivacy 2018-11-15 21:40:54
I will be home soon and look!
@agameofprivacy so right now, it pulls from your spreadsheet copy or from their spreadsheet?
agameofprivacy 2018-11-15 23:37:04
My spreadsheet copy of their 11/15 version.
agameofprivacy 2018-11-15 23:38:05
In order to pull from theirs we’d need to hit “publish for web” on their spreadsheet, which requires edit permissions.
agameofprivacy 2018-11-15 23:39:01
GetSheetDone also doesn’t seem to support blank rows out of the box, so I had to edit them out of my copy. :(
Is hitting ‘publish for web’ something we only need to do once
I can talk to them.
agameofprivacy 2018-11-15 23:47:39
I think so. Once they do it, we need to get the document key from the shareable url.
agameofprivacy 2018-11-15 23:48:26
And replace the key that’s currently in `app.tsx` or `index.tsx`
agameofprivacy 2018-11-15 23:49:14
And figure out how to get GetSheetDone to handle empty rows that currently exist on their spreadsheet.
agameofprivacy 2018-11-15 23:49:46
The key should be a 44-char string
I can just tell them to get rid of empty rows. 😛
agameofprivacy 2018-11-15 23:50:47
Hahahahaha or that. ;)
I pushed. I will talk to


WeiLee 02:01:12
@whus6207 has joined the channel
agameofprivacy 20:41:51
@kevinliao finished the nearby features and added some more polish--along with updating sheet with latest info from master. Let me know if I could help get this up on gh-pages!
Screen Shot 2018-11-16 at 8.40.11 PM.png
kjcl 20:42:21
kjcl 20:42:29
I’ll deploy in a second.
agameofprivacy 2018-11-16 21:06:10
hmm I think I should update the color used in location labels…
agameofprivacy 2018-11-16 21:06:34
now it’s a bit close to the other side’s theme color.
🙏 2
kjcl 20:42:34
What else is there to work on?
agameofprivacy 20:45:16
just hoping to get closer collab with equallove on their sheet so I can stop manually syncing across sheets for nearby. 😉
agameofprivacy 20:45:25
do you have time to reach out?
I’m reaching out right now.
agameofprivacy 20:45:39
I imagine more and more canvasses will be posted in the coming week.
agameofprivacy 20:49:43
anything else you’d like to work on? after the referendum I wanna look into making this more reusable so folks can street-organize more rapidly..
kjcl 21:07:13
I was thinking if we could find a way to easily share individual canvasses
kjcl 21:07:33
so an organizer could share a link and say “hey everyone I’m going to be canvassing on this ‘date’“.
2 💯 1
kjcl 21:07:36
This would be an interesting problem.
kjcl 21:07:45
But we will probably have to use a static site generator, or React-Router for this.
kjcl 21:07:49
And I hate react-router.
agameofprivacy 21:09:32
kjcl 21:10:03
Also, we would have to make sure the links persist after each time we refresh.
Md5 Hash of several combined-unique and unchanging fields?
To give them permalinks, that is?
agameofprivacy 21:16:40
agameofprivacy 21:17:52
the ever changing info on the sheet might cause some issues also?
patcon 21:39:46
Feature request, a link to "database" spreadsheet (in the footer, maybe). Let's not hide the raw data we rely on, as maybe some student might have an even more clever idea :) yay for always making the open data that drives things discoverable


agameofprivacy 06:39:52
@kevinliao thanks for merging! Perhaps we should update `gh-pages`? 🙌
agameofprivacy 2018-11-17 10:49:25
Thanks for deploying! 😄 lemme know if there’s anything else I could help with. 💪


kjcl 02:51:03
waiting for response from they say they are working on giving me access and removing empty lines.
🐳 2 1
agameofprivacy 21:30:42
Wow how come I never saw this before? Pretty cool:


選前最後衝刺! :secret:秘密武器介紹:secret: 這個秘密武器就是兩好三壞陣營的官方 line@ 不但不會一直打擾你,還有智慧型(?)選單讓你依自己的需要拿到新鮮+正確的素材。 這些素材,可以讓你在謠言四竄的各大群組颯爽登場自在洗版喔! 手刀加入官方 line@ ID:@2yes3no (要加@小老鼠喔) 或點擊連結:<>

kjcl 22:27:15
@agameofprivacy i have removed the empty rows. how do i give read/write access to the app
kjcl 22:37:23
agameofprivacy 22:42:20
oh cool, thanks!
agameofprivacy 22:42:30
could I help with adding in GPS coords?
agameofprivacy 22:44:20
also, I think my stupid :hover css is blocking text selection on iOS (and perhaps android), making it hard to copy contact info...:man-facepalming: I’ll work on a fix now--could you deploy to gh-pages when ready? :pray:
kjcl 22:49:17
Yeah. But what is the Google Sheets ID I should use to get the real-time data working? I’m trying to find it but it’s not working on my end.
kjcl 22:49:27
kjcl 22:49:28
kjcl 22:49:30
kjcl 22:50:31
wait it’s worknig…. but nothin gis displaying for some reason.
agameofprivacy 22:50:42
agameofprivacy 22:50:54
we need to add a column named “經緯度”
agameofprivacy 22:51:21
it has to look like this…
kjcl 22:51:29
Hmmm… Okay.
agameofprivacy 22:51:39
I can transfer the coords over
agameofprivacy 22:51:49
as long as you add the column name the page should render tho
agameofprivacy 22:52:20
by default everything is 9999km away and distance label won’t show.
agameofprivacy 22:52:39
as I transfer coords over they’ll start showing.
kjcl 22:53:34
How do you generate the coords?
kjcl 22:55:14
I can deploy now. It’s working on my end.
agameofprivacy 22:55:57
let me push the commit to remove hover
kjcl 22:56:33
agameofprivacy 22:57:08
I manually looked up the coords :shame:
kjcl 22:57:20
😮 WOW that’s dedication 😮
agameofprivacy 22:57:35
yeah anything for marriage equality.
agameofprivacy 22:57:37
kjcl 22:57:46
Hm. I think before we deploy:
agameofprivacy 22:57:48
but that does create the need to maintain.
kjcl 22:57:55
We should have a graceful behaviour for if something has no location.
kjcl 22:57:59
Because right now it just explodes.
kjcl 22:58:10
And what if they add a new shift but don’t give it a location
kjcl 22:58:13
then our site will go down.
kjcl 22:58:23
If there is no location, what should we do?
kjcl 22:58:28
Like no coordinates.
agameofprivacy 22:58:52
really? I thought it would just hide the location label?
agameofprivacy 22:59:00
i must be mistaken.
agameofprivacy 22:59:23
shifts without given location should be assigned 9999
agameofprivacy 22:59:42
hover removal at `ec/fix-hover` could you merge into master?
agameofprivacy 22:59:45
agameofprivacy 23:01:11
do the coords match up 100% with the latest master sheet? I last updated them this morning.
kjcl 23:12:34
I don’t know I just copy and pasted them >.< I go check now.
kjcl 23:13:21
Looks good to me.
agameofprivacy 23:15:11
yep, thanks a lot!!
agameofprivacy 23:16:49
@kevinliao you’re probably already on it, but like you said, we might wanna make the default value assignment here safer: `line 70` in `App.tsx`
agameofprivacy 23:18:12
agameofprivacy 23:19:20
oh and don’t forget to update the footer url to the master sheet’s.
agameofprivacy 23:21:49
anyway we could make this dynamic? `<G0vbar width="1137px" />`?
kjcl 23:33:33
Could make it max-width
kjcl 23:34:25
I’d have to republish to npm and yarn update here though, so I will do that later. Low priority, I guess.
agameofprivacy 23:37:47
sounds good. or maybe we could pass auto to the width prop?
agameofprivacy 23:38:05
it’s making mobile funny haha, but absolutely no rush!
kjcl 23:41:10
do you have a mobile screenshot?
kjcl 23:51:00
Latest version deployed. I’ll write what we talked about here into Github issues.
agameofprivacy 23:51:47
Sounds good! go get some sleep
agameofprivacy 23:54:43
what do you need in the mobile ss?


kjcl 00:07:47
oh don’t wory about that
kjcl 00:07:55
i was curious to see what g0vbar was breaking on mobile
kjcl 00:08:58
oh I see
kjcl 00:09:10
I got it
kjcl 00:09:17
okay lol I’ll fix it tomorrow
agameofprivacy 00:10:13
Thanks!! Get some 💤
agameofprivacy 00:11:18
I’ll write an issue tomorrow detailing the text selection bug on mobile too. Text selection seems disabled (at least on iOS) after date picker set.
agameofprivacy 07:00:44
@kevinliao looks like someone updated the spreadsheet, adding back empty rows and removing the 經緯度 column. the site has exploded. 😞
agameofprivacy 2018-11-19 07:20:32
I reached out to them on fb.. let me know if I could be of any help today!
Gsheets has a robust QUERY formula. We could create our own spreadsheet that sanitize theirs (and protects the site) through a few layers of our own sheets
agameofprivacy 2018-11-19 07:48:39
@patcon 🆒 we should definitely do that, but I’m terrible at sheets (:help:). Given how we’re so down to the wire now, I’m down to whichever approach, including manually maintain a separate spreadsheet with a 5-10mins delay. @kevinliao lemme know!
I'm on mobile, but this sheet uses QUERY and should demo how it works (top left cell is the one with the range formula that populates rest of sheet)
Wish I could do more right now, but I'll check in later
agameofprivacy 2018-11-19 07:58:42
Great, I’ll take a good at it! 🙏
kjcl 12:59:12
What if we just wrote our own backend
mrorz 13:01:29
i think the problem is keeping the spreadsheet and the UI in sync. It is the synchronization that breaks stuff, but the sync is essential (since all of us need the latest info for the following days)
If their changing spreadsheet breaks UI when UI directly pulls data from spreadsheet,
it will break our backend as well if we implement our backend.
agameofprivacy 13:03:48
@kevinliao @mrorz I’m terrible at spreadsheets but here’s something @patcon was suggesting:
mrorz 13:05:13
Hmm I think using QUERY is a great idea
agameofprivacy 13:05:13
OurOwn pulls from the other two sheets.
agameofprivacy 13:05:29
we should read from OurOwn
mrorz 13:05:43
but remember to change the share setting of the spreadsheet so that UI can read
agameofprivacy 13:06:22
yeah we will need to move OurOwn into equallove’s worksheet so 開團資訊 will always be updated.
agameofprivacy 13:07:10
there are also two to-dos I don’t know how to do: 1) remove empty rows from `OurOwn` 2) keeping only unique locations in `開團地點資訊`
mrorz 13:07:44
may i ask what is `OurOwn`?
agameofprivacy 13:08:03
it’s the name of the second sheet.
mrorz 13:08:29
螢幕快照 2018-11-19 下午1.07.50.png
agameofprivacy 13:08:35
oh dang
agameofprivacy 13:08:36
patcon 13:08:38
Heh we can't see it yet @agameofprivacy (needs sharing perms changed)
agameofprivacy 13:10:38
patcon 13:10:43
Also, ignore blanks with `where C = ''` in query
patcon 13:11:52
Or any column we know will be blank not just "C"
🙏 1
kjcl 13:14:29
Hi sorry I was working on cofacts. I'm online now.
🙌 1 🙏 1 🐳 1
kjcl 13:15:43
Okay. I think we need to:
kjcl 13:15:49
1. Implement a more graceful failure for location
kjcl 13:16:30
Currently the constructor for Canvass probably throws an error when we parse location if location is not there.
mrorz 13:17:46
So that I think if we put `=IMPORTRANGE("","開團資訊!A:L")` into @agameofprivacy’s spreadsheet ( ) then we can get a always-updated OurOwn?
kjcl 13:19:27
@mrorz you should be able to test that without breaking anything given we are using equallove's spreadsheet right now.
agameofprivacy 13:19:52
@mrorz I can’t seem to get `importrange` to work inside `query`.
mrorz 13:20:04
yeah so let’s do it separately
mrorz 13:20:14
in sheet “開團資訊” i put importrange
mrorz 13:20:21
then in OurOwn we use data from “開團資訊”
agameofprivacy 13:20:24
K! sounds good 🙌
kjcl 13:20:35
I’ll fix the constructor to handle null location more gracefully.
👍 2
mrorz 13:20:40
I already edited “開團資訊”
agameofprivacy 13:20:45
thanks, @kevinliao!
mrorz 13:21:30
seems that it’s working. If you delete any cell content other than A1 in 開團資訊 it will be re-filled immediately. That means `importrange` in A1 works.
agameofprivacy 13:21:54
mrorz 13:22:22
I think what’s left is connecting the UI to `OurOwn` ?
agameofprivacy 13:22:43
mrorz 13:22:55
agameofprivacy 13:23:04
just published OurOwn @kevinliao should be this doc ID: `131ImXHRXARx8j8t9esNCJhrLUfZQG347L1k3GsJ1m1Q`
agameofprivacy 13:23:09
gonna test locally now
kjcl 13:23:25
if it does work let me know I’ll deploy right away.
mrorz 13:24:28
The last concern is that in 開團資訊 the last row is empty except A column. (離島外海)
mrorz 13:24:38
does that break UI?
agameofprivacy 13:26:43
oh maybe we should do check on date also?
mrorz 13:27:39
worth a try
mrorz 13:27:59
I am currently looking at issue of lack of 經緯度 for “捷運七張站1出口”
mrorz 13:28:16
vlookup should work, but it’s empty
mrorz 13:28:19
mrorz 13:29:22
oh I’m silly
mrorz 13:29:38
it’s an issue of 捷運七張站1出口 v.s. 捷運七張站1出口
mrorz 13:30:05
Fixing “開團地點資訊”
agameofprivacy 13:30:14
agameofprivacy 13:30:25
I’m working to get GetSheetDone to read the right sheet.
mrorz 13:34:31
sometimes 集合地 and 地點 are different. No idea how we should support this. Using 地點 is fine i think
agameofprivacy 13:35:07
yeah I used 地點 to get the rough coordinates
agameofprivacy 13:37:28
can’t get GSD to read sheetNum = 2
agameofprivacy 13:37:29



Pull data from google spreadsheets. Contribute to giladaya/get-sheet-done development by creating an account on GitHub.

kjcl 13:41:57
I’ve deployed null constructor and it’s working again
kjcl 13:41:59



kjcl 13:42:00
kjcl 13:42:03
a lot of data is not showing
kjcl 13:42:25
I think that’s the GSD issue.
mrorz 13:52:05
`OurOwn` table
mrorz 13:52:42
the original one (131ImXHRXARx8j8t9esNCJhrLUfZQG347L1k3GsJ1m1Q) contains empty rows, that’s probably why
kjcl 13:55:15
Okay one moment.
agameofprivacy 13:56:31
thanks folks, sorry got pulled away. 😞
kjcl 13:56:48
Using this ID still only not a lot of shifts
kjcl 13:57:39
only 14 showing up
kjcl 13:58:19
Only the 14 on Monday.
mrorz 14:01:19
As for geolocation visualization, google fusiontable offers some visualization. However, the data does not update by iteslf 😞
kjcl 14:02:11
I’m very confused to why GSD is only pulling the first 14…
kjcl 14:03:50
wait hang on derp.
kjcl 14:05:47
I saved sheetNum to 2 it’s working onw.
kjcl 14:05:51
Deploying. I think it’s saved.
mrorz 14:06:00
kjcl 14:06:44
Good work everyone! 🌈
kjcl 14:07:29
Will think about how this can be more resilient. 😛
mrorz 14:07:35
is it still deploying?
kjcl 14:07:55
working on my end.
kjcl 14:08:00
Just deployed. Try refreshing.
agameofprivacy 14:10:56
kjcl 14:11:17
Good work!!! Let’s go!!!! ❤️
🚀 4 🐳 1 🐈 1 2 🐄 1
mrorz 14:30:41
是說大家是不是只更新 gh-pages 沒上 master branch 呀 @@
mrorz 14:44:21
tried pulling down master branch, cannot run cuz of constructor issue
kjcl 14:48:07
One moment
kjcl 14:48:09
What is error
kjcl 14:48:15
I think I deployed from master.
kjcl 14:49:25
Sorry! I deployed from local branch! I just merged to master. Try again @mrorz1
kjcl 14:49:27
mrorz 14:51:57
patcon 16:07:47
patcon 16:11:48
I think I really like this way of using layers of Google spreadsheets to process 🙂 I feel like maybe it's a good pattern, for a couple reasons:

1. keeps the regular people from getting yelled at for breaking things, which is nice
2. allows the app to "protect" itself through a gsheet layer
3. working on gsheet layer is accessible to non-programmers, so don't need coding skills to help improve the app or fix an accidental breakage
mrorz 16:44:51
Hi I added a map view, please review

The popup of markers (`InfoWindoow`) can be changed in the future. It do support lots of customizations:


Map view by MrOrz · Pull Request #6 · g0v/for-marriage-equality

Major changes Adds a state: view to &lt;App&gt; and a &lt;Selector&gt; for user to choose from &amp;quot;卡片&amp;quot; or &amp;quot;地圖&amp;quot;. Add &lt;Map&gt; component. Once mounted, its DOM is manipulated by ...

Google Developers

Info Windows  |  Maps JavaScript API  |  Google Developers

mrorz 16:48:46
Rooms of improvements (that I won’t have time to implement)
- Better popup (`InfoWindow`)
- Better markers (ex: color-coding according to 開團形式)
- Automatic zooming by selection
- Give Map view a link so that users can open map views directly
agameofprivacy 2018-11-19 17:19:07
agameofprivacy 2018-11-19 17:49:41
I’ll take a look once I get home!
🐳 2 ❤️ 2
kjcl 19:55:04
I’ll go take a look!
kjcl 20:08:24
@mrorz I am working on using a toggle button to switch states rather than a dropdown, which I think is more intuitive.
Screen Shot 2018-11-19 at 8.07.58 PM.png
💎 2
kjcl 21:11:15
@mrorz You appear to have committed an API Key. Is this intentional? Should I purge it?
kjcl 21:16:00
The toggle is setting state correctly, but the maps API is silently failing…
kjcl 21:20:24
I’ve found typescript types for the Maps API. I’m going to add them to the PR so that we are never unsafe without TypeScript.
🙌 1
kjcl 21:21:41

Stack Overflow

How to install Typescript typings for google maps

How can it be done - I've tried combinations of typings install [googlemaps | google.maps] [--ambient] --save and end up with variations on this error typings ERR! message Unable to find "goog...

kjcl 21:59:11
Maps is throwing an error and I really can’t figure out why.
kjcl 21:59:25
The latest version of Map.tsx is now in TypeScript and requires doing a yarn install to add the typings fro Google maps.
kjcl 21:59:35
That aside, I have not changed any of the code and I’m really unsure why it’s failing without an error message.
kjcl 21:59:46
It was working earlier, but just stopped working and I really don’t know why.
kjcl 22:04:01
The toggle component is fully working so if any of us can figure out why maps is breaking i can merge.
kjcl 22:04:13
I added a filter to remove any components without proper latitude and longitude
kjcl 22:04:23
so it should not break if equallove is doing something silly with their data again.
🙏 1
kjcl 22:19:19
Okay I can’t figure it out. I’m going to give up on maps and wait for mrorz
kjcl 22:19:20
kjcl 22:20:28
in the mean time, get excited for the toggle to look like this
Screen Shot 2018-11-19 at 10.20.06 PM.png
agameofprivacy 22:21:35
I’ll leave the difficult engineering to you folks. in the meantime, I filled in all the blank coordinates. haha 🌐
agameofprivacy 22:22:40
could I move the toggle to right and bottom for visuals/ux?
agameofprivacy 22:22:59
I’ll work on mobile styling for the toggles.
agameofprivacy 22:23:22
any chance we could update the g0vbar component to at least be width auto?
agameofprivacy 22:30:23
toggles on the right.
Screen Shot 2018-11-19 at 10.29.21 PM.png
agameofprivacy 22:31:21
toggles on mobile
Screen Shot 2018-11-19 at 10.30.23 PM.png
agameofprivacy 22:34:43
I wonder how well map view works on mobile?


mrorz 00:16:02
API key is public
mrorz 00:16:50
it’s meant to be public

Google Developers

Overview  |  Maps JavaScript API  |  Google Developers

Get started with the Google Maps JavaScript API. View a simple example, learn the concepts, and create custom maps for your site.

mrorz 00:17:25
I have added http referral restriction so that the key only works on localhost and
mrorz 00:38:00
Sorry that in my initial PR the code added style to index.css, but i did not notice that it’s generated from index.scss.
This causes `.map__root`’s style to disappear, which actually contains a style that gives .map__root a decent height
mrorz 00:38:34
Another thing is that, actually create-react-app supports scss (see webpack config), it just need node-sass to work (see: )

Adding a Sass Stylesheet · Create React App

&gt; Note: this feature is available with `react-scripts@2.0.0` and higher.

mrorz 00:38:40
I am wrapping up and update the PR now
mrorz 00:44:47
On the mobile, the 1137px-wide `<G0vbar>` is generating a horizontal scroll. I have no idea why we should set it to 1137px wide…
mrorz 01:02:51
PR updated


Map view by MrOrz · Pull Request #6 · g0v/for-marriage-equality

Major changes Adds a state: view to &lt;App&gt; and a &lt;Selector&gt; for user to choose from &amp;quot;卡片&amp;quot; or &amp;quot;地圖&amp;quot;. Add &lt;Map&gt; component. Once mounted, its DOM is manipulated by ...

kjcl 01:21:52
Yeah. I’ll update g0v-banner now.
kjcl 01:28:03
Simple fix. Sorry I was so lazy. Pushing.
kjcl 01:37:29
g0vbar fix pushed to npm. do a git pull and yarn install to fix. Fix has been deployed to gh-pages.
kjcl 01:37:53
@mrorz with latest commit, maps is still not working for me.
kjcl 01:39:26
nevermind i’m running pull again something is better now
kjcl 01:53:45
Google Maps JavaScript API error: RefererNotAllowedMapError
Your site URL to be authorized: js:51:50

Google Developers

Error Messages  |  Maps JavaScript API  |  Google Developers



kjcl 01:57:27
It’s deployed. Just waiting for the domain authorization and we should be good to go!!!!
kjcl 01:57:34
Thank you so much @mrorz for all of your hard work on this!
mrorz 03:02:10
i am checking my config on google api console
mrorz 03:08:24
okay google api key’s “referrers” don’t accept URL with paths.

so when I set to `` it errors, but if I set to `*` it works.

I would definitely call it a bug lol

Stack Overflow

Google Maps JavaScript API RefererNotAllowedMapError

We're trying to develop an geoplacement app for one of our clients, and we want first to test it in out own domain. We have signed for Google Maps JavaScript API, and we have a valid browser key a...

mrorz 03:08:33
anyway the map works now!
agameofprivacy 07:05:26
🌈 🌈 🌈
agameofprivacy 12:20:34
whenever you’ve got some time--here’s a one-line PR to prevent toggles from obstructing the date picker’s popper:
agameofprivacy 12:20:40
kjcl 12:49:20
kjcl 12:49:45
I’m going to spend some more time cleaning up the code and moving more things from App.tsx into components
agameofprivacy 12:55:27
Thank you!!! I’ll clean up `index.scss` when I get a chance.
kjcl 14:53:34
I’ve added TSLint to our code and my god we have a lot to fix hahaha
😄 2
kjcl 15:13:28


Adds TSLint and refactor a lot! by kevinjcliao · Pull Request #8 · g0v/for-marriage-equality

I added TSLint and decided to use AirBnB JS standards to lint our code. It now looks a lot more consistent.

kjcl 15:13:31
Changed everything hahaha
1 🐳 1
kjcl 15:22:35
You should yarn install to install tslint

then run TSLint on all your files before you commit. I can add an npm script to do that.


agameofprivacy 14:09:31
@kevinliao @mrorz just sent edit permissions for the spreadsheets to your emails. wanted to lock down public edit access to prevent foul-play. ✊
👍 2
kjcl 14:27:23
kjcl 14:28:51
Hi everyone! I went out canvassing today and all the volunteers showed up because they saw our website. WE ARE MAKING A BIG DIFFERENCE.
wow! it’s great to know that!
holy shit, that's such amazing feedback
is it possible to message the leads to have them all ask similar sorts of questions? maybe make a quick google form to them to get the data back
I think they’re swamped enough
as is
i don’t want to bother them
true true say
ok, maybe this is crazy, but what about something like this:
- bitly link
- email lead, and ask them to just delegate to one volunteer with a phone
- the link quickly gives the volunteer the info they need to get analytics on the group

tl;dr - design for delegation?
the volunteers are gathering a lot of data already
i would really like this data too
haha but this is like obama campaign sorta strategies. maybe data isn't something that could be benefit for organizers
but i want to make this about them and not us
i think it’s too late to implement at this sstage.
as in, even if we implemented it now, it would be too late for them to pivot anyways
gotcha. wasn;t thinking this was about the app, but more about helping organizers understand where people came from and what worked
but yes, tough timelines
(and i don't want to assume they're not collecting their own information 🙂 )
honestly, a lot of the organizers are a little frustrated. that it took our frontend to drive a lot of volunteers in the last week lead-up. they’ve been canvassing for months and only after the website, a lot of people suddenly are showing up.

it goes to show the importance of this work, but we definitely should move a lot faster in the future.
Hmm I was one of the members canvassing pedestrians to sign up for the referendum petition. The number also suddenly goes up for the last week. Maybe it’s not all because we are late to put up the site, but the audiences won’t do anything before the last week lol
we also don’t have 護家盟 money
correlation and causation: HOW DOES THEY WORK?
🙌 3 2 🐳 2
kjcl 16:46:01
honestly, a lot of the organizers are a little frustrated. that it took our frontend to drive a lot of volunteers in the last week lead-up. they’ve been canvassing for months and only after the website, a lot of people suddenly are showing up.

it goes to show the importance of this work, but we definitely should move a lot faster in the future.
🖖 1
kjcl 16:46:38
a conversation today went something like “Why is it that I’ve only heard about this in the last week? Have you not been doing anything?” “We have, for months. But it took the new website for people to pay attention.”
> Have you not been doing anything?

oof. that would be hard to hear
Yeah. That’s why people are upset.
in my opinion, before the website established, the canvassing are more around a closing group, it isn’t opend for public, that’s why even someone would like to help but in vain.
I agree.
I tried to look for ways to help but I didn't know where.


agameofprivacy 08:09:20
@kevinliao perhaps we could remove the last updated date from 兩好三壞,全台開團資訊(11月16日更新)to avoid further confusion? 😉
Sorry I went out to volunteer these last few days and didn’t check slack.
agameofprivacy 2018-11-24 22:44:08
No worries! We’ll keep fighting. 🌈


kjcl 22:26:36
❤️ 4 3


pmewolf 11:29:56
@pmewolf has joined the channel