Indivisible Guide
Introduction to the Indivisible Guide
Written by former congressional staffers, the Indivisible Guide empowers Americans to stand against the Trump agenda. Together, we will win.

Indivisible Guide
Introduction to the Indivisible Guide
Written by former congressional staffers, the Indivisible Guide empowers Americans to stand against the Trump agenda. Together, we will win.
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New Dædalus Issue on "The Prospects & Limits of Deliberative Democracy"
"Democracy is under siege." So begins the Summer 2017 issue of Dædalus on "The Prospects & Limits of Deliberative Democracy." In their introduction to the issue, editors James S. Fishkin (Director of the Center for Deliberative
jose ramos | University of the Sunshine Coast -
jose ramos, University of the Sunshine Coast, FAB Department, Faculty Member. Studies Commons (Political Science), Action Research, and Futures Studies and Foresight. I specialise in strategic foresight (futures studies / research), action learning /
Sci-Hub: устраняя преграды на пути распространения знаний
Первый в мире пиратский ресурс, который открыл массовый доступ к десяткам миллионов научных статей
Democracy from the future: Taiwan
Our Urban Future symposium 2017 in Grinnell College, Iowa
Indivisible: FLIP NC Work in Progress. Learn More
CommonWealth Magazine
Taiwan’s Democratic Innovation ‘Connector’|International|2016-06-23|CommonWealth Magazine
Audrey Tang will soon become Taiwan’s youngest Cabinet minister when she starts as minister without portfolio on Oct. 1 to lead open government initiatives. Describing herself as a “connector,” she is uniquely qualified to play this role. Here’s her story.
McKinsey & Company
Tackling the world’s affordable housing challenge
A third of urban dwellers--1.6 billion people--could struggle to secure decent housing by 2025. Here are four approaches that could help.
General Will 2.0: Rousseau, Freud, Google
Stay informed. Talk about the issues. Always be engaged. Liberal societies have encouraged their members to take part—or at least interest—in politics. Yet, even in developed nations where it is said to work, the democratic process as we know it routinely fails to give voice, on the o...
NY Daily News
A government office to get you involved
Two weeks ago, fewer than 15% of registered voters bothered to show up at the polls for New York City’s primary election.