
Month: 2024-12


chewei 18:16:54

:dart: Students @AI Taipei - Join Taiwan's leading minds in AI &amp; Education! Join an inspiring afternoon featuring Taiwan's brightest voices in AI, digital democracy, and education! Learn from industry leaders, engage in meaningful discussions, and help shape the future of AI in learning. :date: When &amp; Where: Date: December 8th, 2024 Time: 2:00 PM - 7:00 PM Location: WeWork, No. 97, Songren Rd, Xinyi District, Taipei City :sparkles: Featured Speakers: Gisele Chou (Ministry of Digital Affairs &amp; Co-Author of Plurality) Zoey Tseng (Oddysey Labs &amp; g0v) Wen Shaw (Cooby) Joseph Telfer (TopSchool) Kai-Tse Lin (Belwether Industries) Leslie Y-P Tsai (Artificial Intelligence Foundation Taiwan) Flora Chang (AI Solly) Animesh Fatehpuria (Goodnotes) Jia-wei Cui (vTaiwan) Haishuo Lee (Wagor International School) Yen-Lin (mashbean) Huang (Web3 architect in Ministry of Digital Affairs &amp; DAO contributor) :spiral_calendar_pad: Agenda: 14:00 - Registration Opens 14:15 - Opening Kickoff 14:20 - Keynote: Taiwan's Journey to Digital Democracy 14:50 - Expert Panel: Future of Work and Education: What are we not talking about in AI? 15:50 - Food Break &amp; Networking 16:20 - AI Ready - Active Networking Roundtables 18:00 - Special Surprise Activity (Prizes $$$) 18:45 - Closing Remarks :mortar_board: About the Hosts: AI Consensus is a student organization at Minerva University, sponsored by the RT Youth Power Fund, Omidyar Network, and Archwell Foundation. We've hosted workshops for 150+ participants globally and developed AI policies with leading institutions. :mailbox: Contact: <|> Sign up: <|>

chewei 18:16:54

:dart: Students @AI Taipei - Join Taiwan's leading minds in AI &amp; Education! Join an inspiring afternoon featuring Taiwan's brightest voices in AI, digital democracy, and education! Learn from industry leaders, engage in meaningful discussions, and help shape the future of AI in learning. :date: When &amp; Where: Date: December 8th, 2024 Time: 2:00 PM - 7:00 PM Location: WeWork, No. 97, Songren Rd, Xinyi District, Taipei City :sparkles: Featured Speakers: Gisele Chou (Ministry of Digital Affairs &amp; Co-Author of Plurality) Zoey Tseng (Oddysey Labs &amp; g0v) Wen Shaw (Cooby) Joseph Telfer (TopSchool) Kai-Tse Lin (Belwether Industries) Leslie Y-P Tsai (Artificial Intelligence Foundation Taiwan) Flora Chang (AI Solly) Animesh Fatehpuria (Goodnotes) Jia-wei Cui (vTaiwan) Haishuo Lee (Wagor International School) Yen-Lin (mashbean) Huang (Web3 architect in Ministry of Digital Affairs &amp; DAO contributor) :spiral_calendar_pad: Agenda: 14:00 - Registration Opens 14:15 - Opening Kickoff 14:20 - Keynote: Taiwan's Journey to Digital Democracy 14:50 - Expert Panel: Future of Work and Education: What are we not talking about in AI? 15:50 - Food Break &amp; Networking 16:20 - AI Ready - Active Networking Roundtables 18:00 - Special Surprise Activity (Prizes $$$) 18:45 - Closing Remarks :mortar_board: About the Hosts: AI Consensus is a student organization at Minerva University, sponsored by the RT Youth Power Fund, Omidyar Network, and Archwell Foundation. We've hosted workshops for 150+ participants globally and developed AI policies with leading institutions. :mailbox: Contact: <|> Sign up: <|>




chewei 00:54:46
“AI in Elections in East and Southeast Asia: Opportunities, challenges, and ways forward for democrats and liberals”. The paper includes case studies from Indonesia, South Korea and Taiwan. Read the policy paper here:
chewei 00:54:46
“AI in Elections in East and Southeast Asia: Opportunities, challenges, and ways forward for democrats and liberals”. The paper includes case studies from Indonesia, South Korea and Taiwan. Read the policy paper here:


tofus 21:58:43
剛剛用 GitHub Copilot 寫完ㄌ w3c 工作坊的作業
tofus 21:58:43
剛剛用 GitHub Copilot 寫完ㄌ w3c 工作坊的作業


示範網頁 Demo site

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bestian 10:36:41
@be has joined the channel


Huanry(世和/世界和平) 16:29:07
@physics5372 has joined the channel