
Month: 2023-05


錢泓瑞 19:33:39
@d11944017 has joined the channel


Lucky 21:21:18
AE theme: Who Owns The Truth?
Hackathon main topic: If everything is a citizen
A three-day inclusive unconference hackathon with ritual performances about the topic as everyday opening and closing.
• ritual performance is a way to embody the spirit of the main topic, also a way for all participants to co-create the collective bodies
Four sub-topics
1. Truth hack(essence)
2. Body hack(body)
3. Ownership hack(right)
4. Singularity hack(tech)
• due to the abstractness of the theme, we would like to choose four practitioners that could share their hands-on project to embody the spirit of each sub-topic on Day 1
• we would like to design a truth chatbot (AI) as a participant and note-taker to engage the truth deliberation for each hacking group
Participants registration, Project / Pecha-kucha registration
Day 1. Opening ritual performance, Check-in, Sharing, Project pitch, Participants self-intro, Group hacking (team up and hack), food night
Day 2. Opening ritual performance, Iteration (inspirational pecha-kucha, re-team up, keep hacking) , DJ Live
Day 3. Opening ritual performance, Iteration (keep hacking, sign up for project demo, project demo, quadratic voting, award) , Closing ritual performance

To be discussed
Is g0v also responsible for marketing, website design, and documentation (text, photo, footage)?
Will there be technical support, onsite crew, and other resources(projectors, tables, chairs...) from FIS?
Will there be Ars Electronica and Hakuhodo team for this hackathon?
✅ 3


n0ah 12:01:42
Dear <!channel> 今晚八點的會議會由 @f24931154 跟大家講一下目前擬出的計畫,林茲這邊目前還沒回應,但我們可以先簡單 catch up everyone,also 如果之前沒參與到的朋友也可以用這個會議跟上( @emiliehsuloves 💪 ),and thank you Lucky 💪 💪 💪
emiliehsuloves 2023-05-05 12:02:48
see u guys later!
🚀 3 2
n0ah 12:01:42
Dear <!channel> 今晚八點的會議會由 @f24931154 跟大家講一下目前擬出的計畫,林茲這邊目前還沒回應,但我們可以先簡單 catch up everyone,also 如果之前沒參與到的朋友也可以用這個會議跟上( @emiliehsuloves 💪 ),and thank you Lucky 💪 💪 💪
emiliehsuloves 2023-05-05 12:02:48
see u guys later!
Lucky 19:58:15
<!channel> 大家可以陸續進來囉~
要等 approve
@noah226 有看到嗎 ~
emiliehsuloves 2023-05-05 20:06:30
@noah226 麻煩惹~
emiliehsuloves 2023-05-05 20:12:49
QQ 是上面的連結嗎 一直沒進去
我開一個新的 @hcchien407 @emiliehsuloves
thanks 🙏 you rock 🪨 🎵 🕺
emiliehsuloves 2023-05-05 21:19:43
Lucky 19:58:15
<!channel> 大家可以陸續進來囉~



Real-time meetings by Google. Using your browser, share your video, desktop, and presentations with teammates and customers.

要等 approve
@noah226 有看到嗎 ~
emiliehsuloves 2023-05-05 20:06:30
@noah226 麻煩惹~
emiliehsuloves 2023-05-05 20:12:49
QQ 是上面的連結嗎 一直沒進去
我開一個新的 @hcchien407 @emiliehsuloves
thanks 🙏 you rock 🪨 🎵 🕺
emiliehsuloves 2023-05-05 21:19:43
❤️ 1
shoutout 21:06:56
@shoutout 不費~~今天準時開完,謝謝 @emiliehsuloves @mashbean @hcchien407 @girofu @sylin @d11944017 @s10355186 的參與,you guys rocks!Will keep everyone posted! by @f24931154 這句話來自這裡 Original message button 翻看成就背包 See the shoutouts button image1
shoutout 21:06:56
@shoutout 不費~~今天準時開完,謝謝 @emiliehsuloves @mashbean @hcchien407 @girofu @sylin @d11944017 @s10355186 的參與,you guys rocks!Will keep everyone posted! by @f24931154 這句話來自這裡 Original message button 翻看成就背包 See the shoutouts button image1
n0ah 23:26:51
@f24931154 thank you for being such a wonderful leader!!! @shoutout
n0ah 23:26:51
@f24931154 thank you for being such a wonderful leader!!! @shoutout
shoutout 23:26:52
@f24931154 thank you for being such a wonderful leader!!! @shoutout by @noah226 這句話來自這裡 Original message button 翻看成就背包 See the shoutouts button image1
wonderful leader be like above .gif 😂
shoutout 23:26:52
@f24931154 thank you for being such a wonderful leader!!! @shoutout by @noah226 這句話來自這裡 Original message button 翻看成就背包 See the shoutouts button image1
wonderful leader be like above .gif 😂


Peixing 17:01:11
@paigeliao1989 has joined the channel


chiatien 10:30:04
@chiatien has joined the channel


Lucky 08:27:54
<!channel> @fang @sylin

最後~林茲很認真有確定要邀請G0V~只是他們最近太忙來不及回,以及Christl看了目前的資料,覺得G0V提要做的事情好像規模有點太大 (但Christl也說可能是他一開始沒有說得太具體) 所以他下一封信會更具體說明希望G0V協作的部分是甚麼~

(林茲真心覺得G0V很猛) 就再麻煩你請跟Noah和Lucky說一下~請他們再等個幾天







如果是要邀請 g0v 社群而不是個人,希望聯絡和討論過程更開放透明。
另外,很謝謝來自林茲的肯定,但 g0v 本來就很猛 XD
又,在我跟 g0vers 相處的(有限)經驗裡,許多人根本不在意猛或不猛 XD(這句話只是閒聊)
謝謝 @isabelhou 細心提醒,我將共筆放在bookmark,如果 @noah226 @mashbean 有一些之前起頭的脈絡資訊也歡迎補進去
mashbean 豆泥 2023-05-17 10:40:18
mashbean 豆泥 2023-05-17 10:42:25
所以這個訊息是director 口頭跟文策院講的,我貼給lucky是轉達他們的口頭意象,在不確定的狀態下,我不是很想造成進度上的混亂,同時我也沒有同意公開這段話(雖然也沒有同意不公開XD
mashbean 豆泥 2023-05-17 10:46:57
最後就是,我也很明確的在最一開始就對AE他們說,從我這邊牽線,一定是牽到 da0 的坑,他們同意,後續也開過會順利對接。da0 目前由 Noah 開坑暫代,Lucky 主要執行,大松開過坑,會議定期公開討論,明確進度也都透明,我不認為 CoC 有何問題。

確實,謝謝 @mashbean 指出有無經過本人同意與授權的問題(抱歉抱歉),我也想再一次謝謝 @isabelhou @chihao 的提醒,和公開討論這些細節的機會,讓我能再次認識到開放資料與公共討論的重要性及相應的責任!
@mashbean 這不是CoC的問題啦。https://g0v.tw/intl/zh-TW/coc/
mashbean 豆泥 2023-05-17 12:26:10
再次重申,這個坑坑主目前是 @noah226 ,執行主導目前為 @f24931154 ,我最近的狀況很難穩定跟實際執行,只能定期討論持續參與而已,能貢獻的部分就是規劃與前期聯繫。請兩位幫忙看看要不要補上去囉。

然後現在的進度是工作坊/展覽/還是其他尚未定案,我僅就牽線人的立場去幫忙探聽詢問。前面也很明確的提到了 da0 與 g0v 的關係。這部分相信 Noah 也做了很多主動釐清與強調。

@isabelhou 補上2023 AE, @noah226 可以在「被邀請參展機制」補上脈絡,謝謝~!
我有感受到 @mashbean 不舒服的情緒 – 但如果我誤讀的話,抱歉啊 XD – 所以我也來澄清一下好了。我只是(持續)覺得在這些 `機構<>社群` 對話的時候總會出現一些有趣的詞,站在機構的角度看起來很正常,站在社群參與者的角度看起來就會有一些(一直存在)的衝突,我在這裡發言的預設是覺得在這裡的貢獻者都多少充分且長期理解這些衝突,所以想把像「核心」這種詞當成 inside joke 點出來跟大家建立一下共感這樣 XD(inside 這個字也⋯)
至於後面關於 猛不猛 的發言,一部分也來自在社群跟台灣(數位)藝術圈(界?)的互動經驗,但那都是好幾年前的事了,現在就是個純聊天,也(還)沒有認為這次 g0v/da0 參加 Ars Electronica 有什麼社群治理上的問題 – @isabelhou ++ 這不是 CoC(底層)的問題
做事最大 / 社群治理的衝突是一直存在的,每個 case 都會經由不同的貢獻者資源組合發展出不同的路徑,然後做出不同的結果,2015、2018、今年,對我來說都是有趣的 case
而每個 case 都有一定程度的不透明 – such as life – 而我也同意(我自己也會這麼做)永遠都有更透明公開的做法,讓機構(窗口)理解社群的價值,對我來說是這些「參展」最重要的事,畢竟,是機構覺得社群「很猛」不是嗎?所以趁機把社群的價值滲透過去,好像也不錯嘛
好,我目前想到這 XD
啊!還有!我自己開 `社群治理目錄` 的動機是「覺得有些做事方法嚴重違反社群精神」,而我選擇的做法(之一)是用社群既有的協作機制紀錄這些事,也覺得這幾年來有更多貢獻者一起紀錄是一件很甘心(台語)的事,也希望這次 g0v/da0<>AE 能為社群治理的相關討論留下紀錄(也對願意紀錄的貢獻者心存感謝),把某些事推進一些些 \o/
mashbean 豆泥 2023-05-17 13:02:55

@mashbean 作為常被成為社群對外窗口的我,「希望聯絡和討論過程更開放透明」很大部分也是自我喊話,這是開放社群最深水最麻煩的實踐,所以就講出來了。真心沒有指責任何人的意思。謝謝豆泥坦率回應。
抱歉早上在上課現在才跟上,我跟 @f24931154 @mashbean 還有現有的參與者會繼續做幾件事
• 會議記錄開放所有人觀看
• 每場會議都開放所有人參與

@shoutout to @f24931154 for leadership in communication
@shoutout to @mashbean for the doors you continue to open for g0v and da0
@shoutout to @isabelhou and @chihao for keeping us all on track

Lucky 08:27:54
info from @mashbean 最後~林茲很認真有確定要邀請G0V~只是他們最近太忙來不及回,以及Christl看了目前的資料,覺得G0V提要做的事情好像規模有點太大 (但Christl也說可能是他一開始沒有說得太具體) 所以他下一封信會更具體說明希望G0V協作的部分是甚麼~

(林茲真心覺得G0V很猛) 就再麻煩你請跟Noah和Lucky說一下~請他們再等個幾天



如果是要邀請 g0v 社群而不是個人,希望聯絡和討論過程更開放透明。
另外,很謝謝來自林茲的肯定,但 g0v 本來就很猛 XD
又,在我跟 g0vers 相處的(有限)經驗裡,許多人根本不在意猛或不猛 XD(這句話只是閒聊)
謝謝 @isabelhou 細心提醒,我將共筆放在bookmark,如果 @noah226 @mashbean 有一些之前起頭的脈絡資訊也歡迎補進去
mashbean 豆泥 2023-05-17 10:40:18
mashbean 豆泥 2023-05-17 10:42:25
所以這個訊息是director 口頭跟文策院講的,我貼給lucky是轉達他們的口頭意象,在不確定的狀態下,我不是很想造成進度上的混亂,同時我也沒有同意公開這段話(雖然也沒有同意不公開XD
mashbean 豆泥 2023-05-17 10:46:57
最後就是,我也很明確的在最一開始就對AE他們說,從我這邊牽線,一定是牽到 da0 的坑,他們同意,後續也開過會順利對接。da0 目前由 Noah 開坑暫代,Lucky 主要執行,大松開過坑,會議定期公開討論,明確進度也都透明,我不認為 CoC 有何問題。

確實,謝謝 @mashbean 指出有無經過本人同意與授權的問題(抱歉抱歉),我也想再一次謝謝 @isabelhou @chihao 的提醒,和公開討論這些細節的機會,讓我能再次認識到開放資料與公共討論的重要性及相應的責任!
@mashbean 這不是CoC的問題啦。https://g0v.tw/intl/zh-TW/coc/
mashbean 豆泥 2023-05-17 12:26:10
再次重申,這個坑坑主目前是 @noah226 ,執行主導目前為 @f24931154 ,我最近的狀況很難穩定跟實際執行,只能定期討論持續參與而已,能貢獻的部分就是規劃與前期聯繫。請兩位幫忙看看要不要補上去囉。

然後現在的進度是工作坊/展覽/還是其他尚未定案,我僅就牽線人的立場去幫忙探聽詢問。前面也很明確的提到了 da0 與 g0v 的關係。這部分相信 Noah 也做了很多主動釐清與強調。

@isabelhou 補上2023 AE, @noah226 可以在「被邀請參展機制」補上脈絡,謝謝~!
我有感受到 @mashbean 不舒服的情緒 – 但如果我誤讀的話,抱歉啊 XD – 所以我也來澄清一下好了。我只是(持續)覺得在這些 `機構<>社群` 對話的時候總會出現一些有趣的詞,站在機構的角度看起來很正常,站在社群參與者的角度看起來就會有一些(一直存在)的衝突,我在這裡發言的預設是覺得在這裡的貢獻者都多少充分且長期理解這些衝突,所以想把像「核心」這種詞當成 inside joke 點出來跟大家建立一下共感這樣 XD(inside 這個字也⋯)
至於後面關於 猛不猛 的發言,一部分也來自在社群跟台灣(數位)藝術圈(界?)的互動經驗,但那都是好幾年前的事了,現在就是個純聊天,也(還)沒有認為這次 g0v/da0 參加 Ars Electronica 有什麼社群治理上的問題 – @isabelhou ++ 這不是 CoC(底層)的問題
做事最大 / 社群治理的衝突是一直存在的,每個 case 都會經由不同的貢獻者資源組合發展出不同的路徑,然後做出不同的結果,2015、2018、今年,對我來說都是有趣的 case
而每個 case 都有一定程度的不透明 – such as life – 而我也同意(我自己也會這麼做)永遠都有更透明公開的做法,讓機構(窗口)理解社群的價值,對我來說是這些「參展」最重要的事,畢竟,是機構覺得社群「很猛」不是嗎?所以趁機把社群的價值滲透過去,好像也不錯嘛
好,我目前想到這 XD
啊!還有!我自己開 `社群治理目錄` 的動機是「覺得有些做事方法嚴重違反社群精神」,而我選擇的做法(之一)是用社群既有的協作機制紀錄這些事,也覺得這幾年來有更多貢獻者一起紀錄是一件很甘心(台語)的事,也希望這次 g0v/da0<>AE 能為社群治理的相關討論留下紀錄(也對願意紀錄的貢獻者心存感謝),把某些事推進一些些 \o/
mashbean 豆泥 2023-05-17 13:02:55

@mashbean 作為常被成為社群對外窗口的我,「希望聯絡和討論過程更開放透明」很大部分也是自我喊話,這是開放社群最深水最麻煩的實踐,所以就講出來了。真心沒有指責任何人的意思。謝謝豆泥坦率回應。
抱歉早上在上課現在才跟上,我跟 @f24931154 @mashbean 還有現有的參與者會繼續做幾件事
• 會議記錄開放所有人觀看
• 每場會議都開放所有人參與

@shoutout to @f24931154 for leadership in communication
@shoutout to @mashbean for the doors you continue to open for g0v and da0
@shoutout to @isabelhou and @chihao for keeping us all on track

Lucky 09:24:25
謝謝 @isabelhou 細心提醒,我將共筆放在bookmark,如果 @noah226 @mashbean 有一些之前起頭的脈絡資訊也歡迎補進去
❤️ 2
Lucky 09:29:23
<!channel> dear all今天週三,這週五又來到兩週一次的例會。林茲還沒正式回信,但進一步的資訊是林茲蠻確定想跟g0v合作,週五晚上8點我還是會上線,有任何想提出討論的都歡迎上來~(meet連結也在bookmark)
❤️ 1
Lucky 09:29:23
<!channel> dear all今天週三,這週五又來到兩週一次的例會。林茲還沒正式回信,但進一步的資訊是林茲蠻確定想跟g0v合作,週五晚上8點我還是會上線,有任何想提出討論的都歡迎上來~(meet連結也在bookmark)
Ya-wei Chou 09:50:13
@yawei.chou has joined the channel
yanyiyi 14:28:31
@yanyiyi has joined the channel
Peter 15:22:36
@sdfghj1001 has joined the channel


shuyang 01:15:56
shuyang 01:15:56
Vivian Chen 12:11:53
@vivian.chen has joined the channel


Lucky 17:41:53
<!channel> 目前AE還沒回信所以沒有新的資訊,這邊先確認一下晚上8點有沒有人會上線想聊聊,如果有的請回一下,有人回我就會上線~
@f24931154 我想今天應該沒有要開,宣布一下?
Lucky 17:41:53
<!channel> 目前AE還沒回信所以沒有新的資訊,這邊先確認一下晚上8點有沒有人會上線想聊聊,如果有的請回一下,有人回我就會上線~
@f24931154 我想今天應該沒有要開,宣布一下?
Lucky 19:54:11
<!channel> 大家~我們今天的雙週會取消囉!
❤️ 4
Lucky 19:54:11
<!channel> 大家~我們今天的雙週會取消囉!


孫竹均 05:47:15
@skepchun has joined the channel


n0ah 01:20:30
Dear Noah, dear Lucky,

Hoping you are doing well and please excuse my belated response as we are currently working on a rather huge project that takes up all time and resources.

Thanks so much your proposal, it sounds extremely compelling!

In the meantime, we’ve further developed the Digital Deal Summit (working title):

Time & Location: September 7th to 10th, in Linz, POSTCITY (main festival venue)

Workshop time: 3x2h sessions, accompanied by daily joint lunches, guided tours through the festival program and other activities within the program of the festival.

Structure: 4 groups – 4 facilitators – 24 participants

Workshop goal: develop 5-10 Creative Questions and discuss how the workshop theme could inspire artists and creatives to explore the topics further in artistic development residencies.

A “wishlist” to policymakers including suggestions.

Presentation: On the final day there is a public presentation where each group presents their creative questions and outcomes of the workshop.

Your involvement:

We want to invite you to host and facilitate one workshop group with 6 participants throughout the full workshop time, dedicated to the topic of “Open Government Data and Citizen Participation”.

The Digital Deal Summit will take place in the frame of the European Digital Deal Program, hosted by Ars Electronica.

It would be great if you could suggest one facilitator that can host and moderate the workshop while being able to present and share your expertise on the topic: Open Government Data and Citizen Participation.


We will be able to cover flight and accommodation for one person as well as a fee of €2000,- for your time and efforts.

What do you think? Does this sound interesting to you?

I’m afraid this is much smaller than you have proposed, but we need to make sure that it fits into the existing festival and project frame.

If you are interested and would like to take over responsibility within the proposed frame, it would be wonderful if you could send me a workshop description outline, focusing on the thematic approaches and themes that you’d like to explore in the 6h of the workshop as well as providing a short paragraph on how g0v in working in this field.

Very much looking forward to your response.

Warm greetings,


4 3 💪 3 3
n0ah 01:20:30
Dear Noah, dear Lucky,

Hoping you are doing well and please excuse my belated response as we are currently working on a rather huge project that takes up all time and resources.

Thanks so much your proposal, it sounds extremely compelling!

In the meantime, we’ve further developed the Digital Deal Summit (working title):

Time & Location: September 7th to 10th, in Linz, POSTCITY (main festival venue)

Workshop time: 3x2h sessions, accompanied by daily joint lunches, guided tours through the festival program and other activities within the program of the festival.

Structure: 4 groups – 4 facilitators – 24 participants

Workshop goal: develop 5-10 Creative Questions and discuss how the workshop theme could inspire artists and creatives to explore the topics further in artistic development residencies.

A “wishlist” to policymakers including suggestions.

Presentation: On the final day there is a public presentation where each group presents their creative questions and outcomes of the workshop.

Your involvement:

We want to invite you to host and facilitate one workshop group with 6 participants throughout the full workshop time, dedicated to the topic of “Open Government Data and Citizen Participation”.

The Digital Deal Summit will take place in the frame of the European Digital Deal Program, hosted by Ars Electronica.

It would be great if you could suggest one facilitator that can host and moderate the workshop while being able to present and share your expertise on the topic: Open Government Data and Citizen Participation.


We will be able to cover flight and accommodation for one person as well as a fee of €2000,- for your time and efforts.

What do you think? Does this sound interesting to you?

I’m afraid this is much smaller than you have proposed, but we need to make sure that it fits into the existing festival and project frame.

If you are interested and would like to take over responsibility within the proposed frame, it would be wonderful if you could send me a workshop description outline, focusing on the thematic approaches and themes that you’d like to explore in the 6h of the workshop as well as providing a short paragraph on how g0v in working in this field.

Very much looking forward to your response.

Warm greetings,


n0ah 12:23:22
1. Does anyone have questions?
2. Who would like to be that one person? I don’t want this opportunity because many of you are much smarter than I am, but do let me know if anyone wants to step up to take this
3. If some of you want to tag along I don’t see why that would be a problem, but of course like they said it wouldn’t be compensated
Vivian Chen 2023-05-23 12:41:11
I'm interested! But would like to see if someone else wants it, since rotation is important for communities (as we mentioned last week at the bookclub 🙂 )
Vivian Chen 2023-05-23 12:41:39
consider me a backup i would say lol
Thx @vivian.chen !
Interested in too, I happen to have a similar project relating to the topic XD

(this article shows a part of the project not whole)
Wonderful 💪
@aelcenganda @fang do u have any thoughts that we could amplify the influence
@f24931154 which one? 開放文化資料還是林茲的活動?
@aelcenganda inz~~
n0ah 12:23:22
1. Does anyone have questions?
2. Who would like to be that one person? I don’t want this opportunity because many of you are much smarter than I am, but do let me know if anyone wants to step up to take this
3. If some of you want to tag along I don’t see why that would be a problem, but of course like they said it wouldn’t be compensated
Vivian Chen 2023-05-23 12:41:11
I'm interested! But would like to see if someone else wants it, since rotation is important for communities (as we mentioned last week at the bookclub 🙂 )
Vivian Chen 2023-05-23 12:41:39
consider me a backup i would say lol
Thx @vivian.chen !
Interested in too, I happen to have a similar project relating to the topic XD

(this article shows a part of the project not whole)
Wonderful 💪
@aelcenganda @fang do u have any thoughts that we could amplify the influence
@f24931154 which one? 開放文化資料還是林茲的活動?
@aelcenganda inz~~



fly 13:43:33
@leo424y has joined the channel