
Month: 2023-04



hcchien 10:51:56
ael 10:52:08
Patty 12:21:52
n0ah 12:50:32
n0ah 12:51:05
我晚點來把部分 email 內容給大家看一下,這樣大家都有 context
n0ah 12:53:46
大家有空的話我們兩週後開個會 💪 💪 我晚點一起公怖,thank you <!channel> for being here 💪 💪 💪 💪
n0ah 14:49:08
部分 email 相關內容
Regarding the collaboration between the Future Innovators Summit and g0v, a copy of this letter has also been sent to Noah Yeh. Noah is currently a core contributor of g0v(government-zero)/da0(dao-zero), and he is available for discussions regarding the hackathon. Although I am also a g0v contributor, having a dual role may not be a good idea for further task force.
Again very happy to be here and reconnect,

To give you an overview of how this would proceed,
1. da0, the team I represent have already quickly discussed this and have gotten a potential person to lead this and work on this with me
2. We will discuss this with two other teams, jothon (https://jothon.g0v.tw/), who are usually in charge of local hackathons, and #intl, who is usually in charge of hackathons with Japan and Korea.
3. We will make this proposal on 4/8 local hackathon to build a team around this, and discuss how this should proceed.


我們先暫定 4/21 晚上八點做第一次線上 con call,如果誰時間有問題需要調整可以跟我說,另外需要日曆邀請的可以把 email 留在這或私訊我(標註藝術節)即可

Thank you all for being here! <!channel>





賴澤霖 00:25:48
@s10355186 has joined the channel



n0ah 15:41:33
Dear <!channel> 提醒一下今晚我們會開會,歡迎大家參與 kickoff 會議,之前有說要會議邀請的應該都已經寄出了,晚上見
n0ah 15:41:33
Dear <!channel> 提醒一下今晚我們會開會,歡迎大家參與 kickoff 會議,之前有說要會議邀請的應該都已經寄出了,晚上見
🙌 1 1
n0ah 17:26:54


林茲電子藝術節黑客松 - HackMD

# 林茲電子藝術節黑客松 主題:Ownership 時間:Sep. 6-10, 2023 地點:奧地利 Slack 頻道:#da0-g0v-ars-electronica <https://ar>



Real-time meetings by Google. Using your browser, share your video, desktop, and presentations with teammates and customers.

n0ah 20:00:47


林茲電子藝術節黑客松 - HackMD

# 林茲電子藝術節黑客松 主題:Ownership 時間:Sep. 6-10, 2023 地點:奧地利 Slack 頻道:#da0-g0v-ars-electronica <https://ar>



Real-time meetings by Google. Using your browser, share your video, desktop, and presentations with teammates and customers.

n0ah 20:05:39
@chewei 來嗎
n0ah 20:05:39
@chewei 來嗎
hcchien 20:12:40
原來真的是電話會議 XD
hcchien 20:12:40
原來真的是電話會議 XD
🤣 1
chewei 20:43:56
@chewei has joined the channel
n0ah 21:06:38

坑主更新為我跟 @f24931154 co-own 💯


林茲電子藝術節黑客松 - HackMD

# 林茲電子藝術節黑客松 主題:Ownership 時間:Sep. 6-10, 2023 地點:奧地利 Slack 頻道:#da0-g0v-ars-electronica <https://ar>

@noah226 昨天跟DML @fang @sylin 開完會,有一些基本的共識,會議記錄追加在文件末,整體的budget想與你再討論確認,你週六會去鳳甲volume DAO的開幕嗎? @fang 請在hackmd update與磺溪的討論~
謝謝🙏可以麻煩 @sylin 在hackmd update 與磺溪的討論嗎
@noah226 just booked a Sat morning meeting on calendy to catch up with u!
n0ah 21:06:38

坑主更新為我跟 @f24931154 co-own 💯
@noah226 昨天跟DML @fang @sylin 開完會,有一些基本的共識,會議記錄追加在文件末,整體的budget想與你再討論確認,你週六會去鳳甲volume DAO的開幕嗎? @fang 請在hackmd update與磺溪的討論~
謝謝🙏可以麻煩 @sylin 在hackmd update 與磺溪的討論嗎
@noah226 just booked a Sat morning meeting on calendy to catch up with u!


H. Bosco 00:03:16
@hjto0107 has joined the channel



n0ah 20:58:14
@f24931154 @fang from AE

Dear Noah,

hoping you are well! Please excuse the belated response due to the Prix Ars Electronica jury deliberations in the past days.

I’m glad to hear that you have defined the team on your end and I’m excited that the planning is moving forward. Can you please share your concept and hackathon suggestion with us as well as the required budget. We would need to receive the documents within this week as we’d like to internally discuss before joining next week’s meeting to make sure we can then move forward quickly.

May 1st is a holiday in Austria therefore we suggest meeting either on Tue, May 2nd or on Thu, May 4th at 8:30 CET. Would this work for you?


我們這有個版本可以先給他們嗎?要不要把你們也加入 email 中
@noah226 我今天有空時感覺一下XD
mashbean 豆泥 2023-04-27 17:22:03
@noah226 @sylin @fang @mashbean just email Linz team about our proposed concept and hackathon suggestion

also updated here in the hackmd
@shoutout @f24931154 thank you for taking the initiative!
AE theme: Who Owns The Truth?
Hackathon main topic: If everything is a citizen
A three-day inclusive unconference hackathon with ritual performances about the topic as everyday opening and closing.
• ritual performance is a way to embody the spirit of the main topic, also a way for all participants to co-create the collective bodies
Four sub-topics
1. Truth hack(essence)
2. Body hack(body)
3. Ownership hack(right)
4. Singularity hack(tech)
• due to the abstractness of the theme, we would like to choose four practitioners that could share their hands-on project to embody the spirit of each sub-topic on Day 1
• we would like to design a truth chatbot (AI) as a participant and note-taker to engage the truth deliberation for each hacking group
Participants registration, Project / Pecha-kucha registration
Day 1. Opening ritual performance, Check-in, Sharing, Project pitch, Participants self-intro, Group hacking (team up and hack), food night
Day 2. Opening ritual performance, Iteration (inspirational pecha-kucha, re-team up, keep hacking) , DJ Live
Day 3. Opening ritual performance, Iteration (keep hacking, sign up for project demo, project demo, quadratic voting, award) , Closing ritual performance

To be discussed
Is g0v also responsible for marketing, website design, and documentation (text, photo, footage)?
Will there be technical support, onsite crew, and other resources(projectors, tables, chairs...) from FIS?
Will there be Ars Electronica and Hakuhodo team for this hackathon?
n0ah 20:58:14
@f24931154 @fang from AE

Dear Noah,

hoping you are well! Please excuse the belated response due to the Prix Ars Electronica jury deliberations in the past days.

I’m glad to hear that you have defined the team on your end and I’m excited that the planning is moving forward. Can you please share your concept and hackathon suggestion with us as well as the required budget. We would need to receive the documents within this week as we’d like to internally discuss before joining next week’s meeting to make sure we can then move forward quickly.

May 1st is a holiday in Austria therefore we suggest meeting either on Tue, May 2nd or on Thu, May 4th at 8:30 CET. Would this work for you?


我們這有個版本可以先給他們嗎?要不要把你們也加入 email 中
@noah226 我今天有空時感覺一下XD
mashbean 豆泥 2023-04-27 17:22:03
@noah226 @sylin @fang @mashbean just email Linz team about our proposed concept and hackathon suggestion

also updated here in the hackmd
@shoutout @f24931154 thank you for taking the initiative!
AE theme: Who Owns The Truth?
Hackathon main topic: If everything is a citizen
A three-day inclusive unconference hackathon with ritual performances about the topic as everyday opening and closing.
• ritual performance is a way to embody the spirit of the main topic, also a way for all participants to co-create the collective bodies
Four sub-topics
1. Truth hack(essence)
2. Body hack(body)
3. Ownership hack(right)
4. Singularity hack(tech)
• due to the abstractness of the theme, we would like to choose four practitioners that could share their hands-on project to embody the spirit of each sub-topic on Day 1
• we would like to design a truth chatbot (AI) as a participant and note-taker to engage the truth deliberation for each hacking group
Participants registration, Project / Pecha-kucha registration
Day 1. Opening ritual performance, Check-in, Sharing, Project pitch, Participants self-intro, Group hacking (team up and hack), food night
Day 2. Opening ritual performance, Iteration (inspirational pecha-kucha, re-team up, keep hacking) , DJ Live
Day 3. Opening ritual performance, Iteration (keep hacking, sign up for project demo, project demo, quadratic voting, award) , Closing ritual performance

To be discussed
Is g0v also responsible for marketing, website design, and documentation (text, photo, footage)?
Will there be technical support, onsite crew, and other resources(projectors, tables, chairs...) from FIS?
Will there be Ars Electronica and Hakuhodo team for this hackathon?



Aiwen Yin 00:16:13
@yinaiwen.info has joined the channel


shoutout 00:20:17
@shoutout has joined the channel
shoutout 00:20:19
@shoutout @f24931154 thank you for taking the initiative! by @noah226 這句話來自這裡 Original message button 翻看成就背包 See the shoutouts button image1
shoutout 00:20:19
@shoutout @f24931154 thank you for taking the initiative! by @noah226 這句話來自這裡 Original message button 翻看成就背包 See the shoutouts button image1