[ This event is part of the series of 5 events around the theme of beyond property and ownership.]
Dark Matter Labs 線上研討會
邀請排灣族的語言學家 Giyu Tjauvaljian 從語言、知識系統、世界觀,來重新思考我們與土地、河流、房子等公共財/非人公民的關係。
Giyu TjauvaljianPh.D. Candidate, Institute of Education, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan; Lecturer, Studies of Indigenous Cultural Development, National Pingtung University
Fang-Jui Chang /
Responsible Innovation Lead, Dark Matter Labs
Yu-Chieh Wu /
Linguist, PhD candidate at the University of Hawaiʻi
Language is a critical part of how we see, understand, and consequently shape and inhabit the world. Many indigenous languages speak in stories that act as a foundation for holistic and experiential learning, passing down teachings across generations.
Indigenous languages, like Anishinaabemowin, are 80% verb-based, which similarly highlights the importance of relationships, acting together, and the plurality of being in this world. In contrast, noun-based languages, like English, tend to emphasise categorisations, dualisms, and classifications. These tendencies end up creating a scaffolding for a static worldview that erases the flows of life.
原住民語言「Anishinaabemowin」80% 是基於動詞,同樣強調關係、共同行動和生命多樣性的重要性。相比之下,名詞為基礎的語言,如英語,傾向於強調分類、二元對立和分類。這些傾向最終會創造出一個靜態世界觀的架構,抹去了生命的流動。