
Month: 2023-01


patcon 04:32:56
@patcon has joined the channel
ael 04:33:22
@aelcenganda has joined the channel
Mario 04:33:22
@mario.morvan has joined the channel
Ula Rodakowska 04:34:56
@ularodakowska has joined the channel
Maurice Banerjee Palmer 04:35:09
@mbanerjeepalmer_hackt has joined the channel
Maurice Banerjee Palmer 04:35:13
Maurice Banerjee Palmer 04:35:13
patcon 04:35:19
patcon 04:35:19
yeowww 04:35:30 has joined the channel
patcon 04:35:54
hacknight collab notes: (moving to own doc soon)
patcon 04:35:54
hacknight collab notes: (moving to own doc soon)

Google Docs collab notes

civic hacknight collab notes :red_circle:You are here: <> 10 JAN 10 2023 Who are taking the note? Hitomi Opening Welcome Deck <> Speaker sharing Bill Thompson...

David Blood 04:36:45
@davidcblood has joined the channel
Elinor Clark 04:40:16
@elinor.s.clark7 has joined the channel
Ula Rodakowska 05:03:54

Migration data portal

Global Migration Data Portal

The Portal aims to serve as a single access point to timely, comprehensive migration statistics and reliable information about migration data globally. The site is designed for policy makers, national statistics officers, journalists and the general publi

patcon 05:03:55 github org that we can use!

A north american community of practice, aspiring to operate according to the values of the <|> community.

patcon 05:03:55 github org that we can use!
patcon 05:04:01
when we want it
patcon 05:04:01
when we want it
David Blood 05:05:22
@patcon could you add me to that org, please? gh username @davidbjourno
Sure! Sent invite!
Anyone else want to be added to the g0v GitHub org? If so, drop a username 2023-01-12 07:27:56
Me! @jcyling
David Blood 05:05:22
@patcon could you add me to that org, please? gh username @davidbjourno
Sure! Sent invite!
Anyone else want to be added to the g0v GitHub org? If so, drop a username 2023-01-12 07:27:56
Me! @jcyling
✅ 1
patcon 05:06:37
set the channel topic: Hover for details… :point_down:🏾👇🏼👇🏿👇🏽👇🏻
📝 Docs:
Ula Rodakowska 05:09:09

Migration data portal

Irregular migration

The Portal aims to serve as a single access point to timely, comprehensive migration statistics and reliable information about migration data globally. The site is designed for policy makers, national statistics officers, journalists and the general publi

Maurice Banerjee Palmer 06:57:50
Great to meet everyone this evening. I won't be around for the next hack night on the 16th but will watch out for what comes next. As a guide, anything starting 'Investigate' or in the 'Projects' section is ripe for work next time.

Thanks @patcon for adding the doc to the description:

Google Docs Immigration Vis

:open_file_folder: GDrive | :globe_with_meridians: | :memo: Hacknight collab notes Project: Immigration Vis :red_circle:You are HERE: <> What is this? The purpose of this resource is to be a PUBLIC editable document for “Immigration Vis”, a project of the g0v civic hacknight. The inten... 2023-01-12 07:20:44
Thanks @mbanerjeepalmer_hackt for the comprehensive write-up and @patcon for note-taking and doc writing!
💯 1
Maurice Banerjee Palmer 06:57:50
Great to meet everyone this evening. I won't be around for the next hack night on the 16th but will watch out for what comes next. As a guide, anything starting 'Investigate' or in the 'Projects' section is ripe for work next time.

Thanks @patcon for adding the doc to the description: 2023-01-12 07:20:44
Thanks @mbanerjeepalmer_hackt for the comprehensive write-up and @patcon for note-taking and doc writing!
patcon 09:46:24
Thanks so much for the documentation energy @mbanerjeepalmer_hackt!
Pls do come back if you have time!
even if your curiosity lures you into other projects, it was nice working with you and your "action" oriented energy near the end
(we talked about it at the table at the bar afterwards, noting that on a community projects, ppl can bring different aspects of project management and it doesn't have to be all one person)
patcon 09:46:24
Thanks so much for the documentation energy @mbanerjeepalmer_hackt!
Pls do come back if you have time!
even if your curiosity lures you into other projects, it was nice working with you and your "action" oriented energy near the end
(we talked about it at the table at the bar afterwards, noting that on a community projects, ppl can bring different aspects of project management and it doesn't have to be all one person)
❤️ 1
patcon 09:52:32
Anyone else want to be added to the g0v GitHub org? If so, drop a username
patcon 23:53:39
a song came into my spotify rotation that made me think of this project, and i got thinking of other songs that might be on a project playlist 🙂
patcon 23:53:39
heh a song came into my spotify rotation that made me think of this project, and i got thinking of other songs that might be on a project playlist 🙂

