
Serpentine Arts Technologies on Notion
Open Call: New Models for Interdependence and Ownership in Art and Culture | Built with Notion
Receive £3000 to collaboratively develop your idea, get it published by RadicalxChange and Serpentine Arts Technologies, and present it at future Beyond Cultures of Ownership: Emerging Strategies for Interdependence events.
We are a community of activists, artists, entrepreneurs, and scholars committed to using mechanism design to inspire radical social change.
Beyond Cultures of Ownership 2023 Recap
We are a community of activists, artists, entrepreneurs, and scholars committed to using mechanism design to inspire radical social change.
其實滿剛好的 這個主題很適合 impact markets 我也一直很想為 impact markets 寫個類似 white paper 的文章 (目前有 <https://hackmd.io/@audsssy/SyA2GEuQ6|gg19> 版本, <https://hackmd.io/@audsssy/H1loik-k6|brain dump> 版本,還有 <https://hackmd.io/@audsssy/BkDh4D0H6|g0v summit> 版 :joy:)所以有興趣的人幫我上面按個 :man_dancing: 把
其實滿剛好的 這個主題很適合 impact markets 我也一直很想為 impact markets 寫個類似 white paper 的文章 (目前有 <https://hackmd.io/@audsssy/SyA2GEuQ6|gg19> 版本, <https://hackmd.io/@audsssy/H1loik-k6|brain dump> 版本,還有 <https://hackmd.io/@audsssy/BkDh4D0H6|g0v summit> 版 :joy:)所以有興趣的人幫我上面按個 :man_dancing: 把
Bauwens: New Digital Coordination: Cosmo-Local Production and Network Nations via Digital Ecosystems