
Month: 2021-10


LU 15:36:28
@hypothesquerelle has joined the channel
LU 15:38:40
#general @lisa thank you. This is my project channel, feel free to add in.🙏
LU 15:46:09
set the channel description: This is the project channel of 社會安全網站. a project proposed by @hypothesquerelle. In order to motivate on creating a link through people and social network by worldwideweb.


LU 08:57:49
@hypothesquerelle archived the channel
LU 08:58:34
@hypothesquerelle has joined the channel
LU 08:58:34
@hypothesquerelle un-archived the channel
LU 08:58:42
@hypothesquerelle has left the channel
LU 08:58:53
@hypothesquerelle has joined the channel
LU 08:59:56
cleared channel description
LU 09:00:12
@hypothesquerelle has renamed the channel from "socialwelfarenetwork" to "s0c"
LU 09:00:16
@hypothesquerelle archived the channel
LU 09:01:14
@hypothesquerelle has joined the channel
LU 09:01:14
@hypothesquerelle un-archived the channel
LU 09:05:08
set the channel description: In this channel das ist und simple und die Geschichte auf Socialworke.
LU 09:07:08
set the channel description: Das ist und Workstation simple die Geschichte auf Socialworke.
LU 09:07:08
set the channel topic: Desirer et culturer d'une Future Ensemble.
LU 09:10:00
set the channel description: Das ist die Workstation simple die Geschichte auf Socialworke.
LU 09:10:21
@hypothesquerelle archived the channel
LU 09:10:42
@hypothesquerelle has joined the channel
LU 09:10:43
@hypothesquerelle un-archived the channel


LU 04:05:04
<script src=“https://g0v.hackpad.tw/xj1PCcXNiPS.js”></script><noscript><div>View <a href=“https://g0v.hackpad.tw/xj1PCcXNiPS”></a> on Hackpad.</div></noscript>
LU 04:09:54



On the path of truthness, tendency on finding the solution is, (radical? social- activism? ) a forward pavement?

LU 04:23:19
set the channel description: Das ist die Workstation simple die Geschichte auf Socialworke.
LU 06:30:38
set the channel description: Das ist die Workstation simple die Geschichte auf Socialworke und Philosophie.(我不知道我在幹嘛~)
LU 13:57:59
set the channel topic: Desirer et se cultiver une future ensemble.
LU 13:58:14
set the channel topic: Desirer et se cultiver pour une future ensemble.