
Month: 2020-12


gj 18:59:54
@gj has joined the channel
ichieh 19:07:57
@gj I'm ichieh, the staff of Jothon, Thank you for helping the translation. Null's session will be 12/4 (Fri.) 15:30 GMT+8.
Please *join the online meeting room at 15:15* for pre-test, thank you!!!

Jitsi Meet

Join a WebRTC video conference powered by the Jitsi Videobridge

Hello, ichieh! No worries!
Please share any info or slides on Null’s session, then I can grasp a bit more of what I should translate. ;)
Thank yo @gj Q_Q
Thank you @gj! It's great to have you with us during the g0v summit.
@besslee @isabelhou Hey, you lovely people! Miss you all T-T
I’m upset that I wasn’t able to participate enough! But glad to say hello to you!
hi @gj, I host this session. Huge thanks for your help! so sweet!
I will cue GJ when video finish. And maybe show slido on the screen. It will be easier for you and SL to answer Q&A.
@wildjcrt hello Jerry! great to see you again!
okay, in the Q&A, SL talks first in KR, and then i translate in ENG. right?
Me too!
Talking about the QA flow.
In my imagination, you may have to translate the top slido question using Korean for SL in case he could't understand. How do you think?
okay, i’ll make sure whether he understands and then he will give some answers
👍 2
bess 19:58:26
如果你還沒買票,請在凌晨 00:00 前買票,不然邀請碼就要過期囉,到時候報到組只會認票不認人,進不來就會很麻煩,請大家注意時間 :warning: If you have any invitation code for Summit’s ticket, please use it before 00:00 (GMT+8), we need some time to send the ID & password of Webex to everyone.



bess 10:59:54
@yiting.lin @kiwi072400.lin @mengting @kahou @chiabinbin @liao.jason2 @felixtypingmonkey @tintincai @wildjcrt 請盡快交出你們的簡報!翻譯需要先看簡報喔!
@yiting.lin @kiwi072400.lin @felixtypingmonkey @chiabinbin @liao.jason2 簡報做完請放上面這個連結
liao.jason2 2020-12-03 14:47:48
可是我們會做 Live Demo
但可以live demo更好
@liao.jason2 不要 Live Demo
liao.jason2 2020-12-03 14:55:07
Demo 機晚點會接新的,不然我直接用 Demo 機解釋
liao.jason2 2020-12-03 14:55:26
liao.jason2 2020-12-03 14:55:40
抱歉我以為我們的夥伴已經送出投影片了,我剛剛用用訊息傳了我們的 google slides 投影片網址給 @besslee 。 bess 會比較希望我直接把內容貼到上面的網址裡嗎?
我們新版有上線了 但也不行對吧qq
已更新至共用投影片檔案,如果有需要調整的地方還請再和我說,感謝 🙏
liao.jason2 2020-12-03 15:01:45
2 🙏 2
bess 11:01:02
@mami.takesada @mee We need your presentation video!
Really Sorry to late. I will shoot video afternoon, than deliver soon.
Miley_c4jpn 2020-12-03 12:13:53
sorry...Me also... I will send you soon!
It is like a student who didn't homework. sorry to wait for you all.
Miley_c4jpn 2020-12-03 13:03:14
the last day of summer vacation...
Hui Ju 14:17:55
@besslee 週二有上傳到google drive!!!!有看到嗎?
Chang meng yi 14:44:12
@mychangtn has joined the channel
Chang meng yi 14:48:33
Chang meng yi 2020-12-03 14:53:38
台灣第一個NGO自營社會住宅經驗分享, 上星期五已寄出了
這裡是揪松軌的講者頻道~跟你聯絡的人是?我先 cue 議程組 @mail.hkazami
Chang meng yi 2020-12-03 15:01:55
不好意思, 因為剛收到皮皮來信, 請我加入這頻道, 誤以為是用此頻道確認
Chang meng yi 2020-12-03 16:08:16
對不起, 原來是我加錯了, 謝謝告知哦
freddylim 15:58:44
@freddy has joined the channel
Chang meng yi 16:08:33
@mychangtn has left the channel
ichieh 16:23:50
bess 17:50:16
jothon track caption testing



zoee 21:22:14
@zoee has joined the channel
Ting-Ni Wu 21:43:11
@hihidia2175 has joined the channel
Ting-Ni Wu 21:44:08
@hihidia2175 has left the channel
Mayumi Kamio 23:04:12
I'm so sorry, ,,,,,, I had to leave at 15:15 ...
Therefore, is it possible to have the following timeline?

① Live pitch (Bess, Mayumi, Airi) 10min
② Video 10 min
③ Q & A (Bess, Airi) 10min

I wrote the script. I also wrote a line that I would like Beth to support, so can you see it?
It will be 14:15 at TW Time?
Yes I can see the script.
Mayumi Kamio 2020-12-04 09:34:23
Yes , 14:15 at TW Time.
Mayumi Kamio 2020-12-04 09:34:52
(15:15 is JP time)
Mayumi Kamio 2020-12-04 09:47:57
Thank you very much, Your color is green in the script.Let me confirm it together at the time of the rehearsal.
Mayumi Kamio 2020-12-04 10:05:38
At our event, we have a lot of opportunities for moderators to speak, so I tried to make a manuscript like this, but if this is not the case at this event, we will only proceed with our speech.

Of course,please don't hesitate to tell me.
It’s okay for me
Mayumi Kamio 2020-12-04 10:08:19
Thank you!
bess 23:41:49
Hey guys, we sent the livestream links of Day 1 to you all, let’s enjoy the first day of g0v Summit 2020 😎
btw we have official playlist 🤘


g0v Summit 2020

Miley_c4jpn 2020-12-04 09:13:42
send by e-mail?
Miley_c4jpn 2020-12-04 09:16:05
i found it !! thank you
👍 3 3 👀 3 🙌 3 🤟 1


Clement TRICOT 01:55:40
@tricot.clement has joined the channel 08:00:04 has joined the channel 08:06:16

Sorry, from 2pm to 5pm Japan time I have to attend school classes. I'll be out of class for the show, but I won't be able to go to the connection check. Would that be OK?

Civichatチームの見解としては、一応全部ビデオなので問題ないと。そして質疑応答だけであれば ga
Kota Yatagai 2020-12-04 08:19:08
Does our pre-test starts from 14:15 Japan Time (GMT+9) and the session starts from 14:30 right?
そうですね、ただリハーサルが14時15分からで本番のセッションが14:30~15:50なので接続確認してそのまま本番という流れなのですが、直前15分抜けるのはきびしいですか? 2020-12-04 08:22:29
If the teacher is nice, I can leave the class, but at this point I don't know.

Kota Yatagai 2020-12-04 08:23:09
Miley_c4jpn 2020-12-04 08:44:25
@kouta.giants0706 加油!@besslee Thank you for your support😭
Miley_c4jpn 2020-12-04 08:46:05 ビデオがあるなら大丈夫かと! 2020-12-04 08:46:52
@kouta.giants0706 @mami.takesada
Miley_c4jpn 2020-12-04 08:50:55
👀 2 🙌 1
0505keitan 08:22:22
@0505keitan has joined the channel
班與唐 10:00:59
@pamelaqwer12 has joined the channel
ichieh 10:14:30
@mami.takesada @mee Good Morning!! Please join the meeting room after 5 minutes!!
10:20 GMT+8

Jitsi Meet

Join a WebRTC video conference powered by the Jitsi Videobridge

thank you ichieh! sorry to sent video late for you all. especially session host staff and translation staff. 🙏
( i was watching you in youtube 🙌)
Miley_c4jpn 2020-12-04 10:34:11
Thank you so much!!!!
Miley_c4jpn 2020-12-04 13:06:34
@chiehg0v @besslee Thank you so much.
👍 2
deeper 11:37:38
@cstsai has joined the channel
ichieh 13:07:28
@kouta.giants0706 @mayu3.181 Good afternoon! Please join the meeting room after 10 minutes.
13:15 GMT+8

Jitsi Meet

Join a WebRTC video conference powered by the Jitsi Videobridge

🙌 2 ✅ 1 👀 2
Miley_c4jpn 13:57:32
@besslee some of the civichat members are go to N-school(Digital high school)
Miley_c4jpn 2020-12-04 13:58:41
Yuki is the N-school student and also was the member of Mitou
🙇‍♂️ 3 👍 2
ichieh 14:11:19
@tintincai, @foolfitz 14:30 就換你們現場發表囉!
lexifdev 14:41:24
(My time is an hour away. I’m a little nervous..)
@sl I will wave hand and say “hi SL” to you. And then you can (maybe Korean) say a hi. Is that ok?
I tried to answer in english.
I’ll ask some hard sentences
thank you for everyone!
💪 2 💜 1 🚀 1
ichieh 15:07:17
@sl @gj Good afternoon! Please join the meeting room after 8 minutes.
15:15 GMT+8

Jitsi Meet

Join a WebRTC video conference powered by the Jitsi Videobridge

👌 2 😰 1
bess 15:27:07
g0v jothon
Image from iOS
Mayumi Kamio 2020-12-04 15:36:34
Thank you for all !!
Thank you♥️
9 💜 5 ❤️ 8 👍 5 5 4 3 3 3 3
bess 21:47:27
And our soooooo coooool translation volunteers
too cool to be true
Image from iOS
Oh thanks alot🙏
4 ❤️ 4 🙏 7 4 1
Hui Ju 23:19:59
thank you all!!


xji6fu6 09:35:44
@xji6fu6 has joined the channel
xji6fu6 09:35:58
@xji6fu6 has left the channel


wildjcrt 19:54:17
@wildjcrt has left the channel


bess 21:24:46
All sessions’ video of #jothon track at #g0vSummit2020 had uploaded by @felixtypingmonkey.


g0v summit 2020 - Day1 - A

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