
Month: 2019-03


@null 12:50:58
I came to the eve of Dasong, so I have to come to the door to help the small door helper XD. I have to help everyone who has come to Dasong. I hope I can help you to claim two time periods at a time~ Work is to confirm at the counter at the information office. No suspicious persons or assistance in guiding the route, for a total of six time periods ~ 0900-1030 A (wildjcrt 1030-1200 B (wildjcrt 1200-1330 C (agameofprivacy 1330-1500 D (agameofprivacy 1500-1630 E 1630-1800 F

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _又來到了大松前夕,所以又要來找門口的顧門小幫手了XD,要麻煩有來大松��..._

A&B, let me go~ But I should go to the stage to talk about the proposal and I will need a short cover.
it is good!
@null 12:51:27
0w0 doorway friends continue to look for ///

<|source>: _0w0門口小夥伴持續尋找中//_

@null 13:49:23
A&B, let me go~ But I should go to the stage to talk about the proposal and I will need a short cover.

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _A&amp;B 我來吧~ 不過我應該會上台講提案,會需要短暫的 cover。_

@null 13:51:19
it is good!

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _好!_

@null 17:02:22
This time, the host of Matsumae Hara is @ael 3/8. Welcome to Harrah at night~

<|source>: _這次松前哈拉的主持人是 @ael 3/8 晚上歡迎一起上線哈拉一下~ <https://beta.hackfo>..._

@null 21:44:08
Please come and join us.

<|source>: _請大家到時候踴躍參加啊_

妳 Connected in Guangzhou. Want to overturn the wall? XDDD
Yes, every day is turning
@null 22:06:14
妳 Connected in Guangzhou. Want to overturn the wall? XDDD

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _妳在廣州連線喔。要翻牆嗎XDDD _

@null 22:10:29
Yes, every day is turning

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _要啊,每天都在翻_


@null 12:34:20
@yutin and @macpaul are here on Saturday~

<|source>: _<@U03B2AB13> 跟 <@U02QD0S9M> 這周六都能到嗎~_

@null 12:34:31
@reveno415066 The rest will give you a bit 喽~

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _<@UGAFWMF7U> 剩下就給你補位嘍~_

@null 12:34:47

Will Da Lai come? 🤣
@null 12:35:04

@null 12:37:27
@ daisuke liked

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _<@U0TKSE36J>好_

@null 12:38:02
@wildjcrt Have you filled out the proposal form~

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _<@U039165F5> 你填好提案表了嗎~_

@null 12:38:18
I came to the eve of Dasong, so I have to come to the door to help the small door helper XD. I have to help everyone who has come to Dasong. I hope I can help you to claim two time periods at a time~ Work is to confirm at the counter at the information office. No suspicious persons or assistance in guiding the route, for a total of six time periods ~ 0900-1030 A (wildjcrt 1030-1200 B (wildjcrt 1200-1330 C (agameofprivacy 1330-1500 D (agameofprivacy 1500-1630 E (Axuan 1630-1800 F (Axuan

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _又來到了大松前夕,所以又要來找門口的顧門小幫手了XD,要麻煩有來大松��..._

not yet
Please fill in the time after filling out, please @reveno415066 Help OWO//
@wildjcrt @agameofprivacy @reveno415066 The day is the time to help at the counter at the information office, and pay attention to whether there are any unknown people~ I am in trouble.
@null 12:39:32
not yet

@null 12:39:50
Please fill in the time after filling out, please @reveno415066 Help OWO//

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _你填完以後需要補位的時間請 <@UGAFWMF7U> 幫忙OWO//_

@null 12:39:51
Will Da Lai come? 🤣

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _大嬸會來嗎? :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:_

@null 15:58:53
Would you like to ask someone who is willing to be a novice village guide? XD If you are willing, you can go to the following hacker ambassador's message +1 ~

<|source>: _想問問有人願意當新手村指導嗎XD 有意願的話可以到共筆下面的黑客松大使�..._

There is also a pit for the novice village! I hope there is a fixed point that can grow over there XD
@null 16:00:45
@wildjcrt @agameofprivacy @reveno415066 The day is the time to help at the counter at the information office, and pay attention to whether there are any unknown people~ I am in trouble.

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _<@U039165F5> <@U343BGCP6> <@UGAFWMF7U> 當天就是時間到了在資訊所門口的櫃台協助顧..._

@null 16:02:18
There is also a pit for the novice village! I hope there is a fixed point that can grow over there XD

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _還有跳新手村的坑!希望有個固定點可以長在那邊XD_

@null 16:02:33
@grass Does the grass food section need assistance?

<|source>: _<@U02P0AVGJ> 小草食物部分有需要協助嗎?_


@null 10:56:15
If my briefing is done, I will follow Harah Hahahaha.

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _如果我簡報做完了就跟妳哈拉哈哈哈哈_

@null 11:07:12
[Ask] Hello, everyone, I am one of the sponsors. Lilian has a team member who can't sign up. Just told me that kktix didn't have a ticket. Do you have the opportunity to apply for an invitation ticket? Or can you only remind her to call early next time?

<|source>: _[詢問] 大家好我是這次提案人之一 Lilian 有一個我們的團隊成員來不及報名��..._

I will send a letter today to remind people who are not coming to cancel~
There should still be a chance
Yeah~~~ Thank you @bess!!
@null 11:53:24
I will send a letter today to remind people who are not coming to cancel~

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _今天會寄信提醒不來的人要取消~_

@null 11:53:34
There should still be a chance

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _應該還是有機會_

@null 16:06:06
Yeah~~~ Thank you @bess!!

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _耶~~~ 謝謝 @bess!!_

Someone (across chat bridge) 16:49:18
File from Relax (jothon@g0vtw)with comment: 剛剛測試sign in功能,結果選項都不能用,是不是我這段期間錯過了什麼?XDDD
圖片 2084
@null 19:10:03
Doing a briefing to keep up with the line is not conflicting.

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _做簡報跟上線是不互相衝突的_

@null 22:51:02
Although I don't know how, but it can be yeah~~~ so amazing! How can I print directly before printing? XDDD

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _雖然不知道怎麼了,但可以了耶~~~好神奇啊! 怎麼有印像以前是就直接登陸��..._


@null 11:51:36
@ yutin ~

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _<@U03B2AB13>~_

@null 11:51:53
no problem

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _沒問題_

@null 12:23:15
Thanks owo //

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _感謝owo//_

@null 12:23:25
magic (X

@null 15:53:12
With! Thank you

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _有了! :boogie-penguin:謝謝_

@null 18:52:35
Message from the food group, please ask everyone to help, mainly to @reveno415066 ㄌ9:30 will be sent to Yuhuaxing early, 10:00 will leave to drink + breakfast, 12:00 will have Wang Ji At this time, the manufacturer will directly send in, to help arrange the table + put the afternoon snack in the side of the chair area 12:00 also requires about 6 people to go to the side door to take Napoli, about 16:30 ~ 17:00 There will be manufacturers to recycle the plate. When there is an empty plate, the table will be cleaned first. The empty plate will be stacked under the table and the tableware of the disposable tableware should be counseled to stack in the garbage area!

<|source>: _來自食物組的訊息 再請大家協助一下了 主要就交給 <@UGAFWMF7U> ㄌ 9:30會有��..._

@grass has a need to call Axuan (欸
@null 19:25:34
@grass has a need to call Axuan (欸

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _<@U02P0AVGJ> 有需要就使喚阿軒(欸_


@null 10:46:47
Tomorrow's novice teaching at 9:20 will require someone to take over urgently. Can someone play? The cast is available:

<|source>: _明天大松 9:20 的新手教學因故需要人緊急接手,有人可以上場嗎?投影片有�..._

I have to look at the door in the morning.
Help tag people jump? XD
@null 10:48:17
@wildjcrt @allenlinli @kcliu I don't know who signed up for XD.

<|source>: _<@U039165F5> <@U2DEV3LDR> <@U04HU4MT5> 不知道誰有報名亂點一下 XD_

I have no way to participate in QQ this time.
@null 10:48:55
I have to look at the door in the morning.

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _我早上要顧門口_

@null 10:49:51
Help tag people jump? XD

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _幫忙 tag 人跳坑?XD_

@null 10:50:43
@bil @billy3321?

Hey, I have to get 12 o'clock to get to QQ.
@bil Help the tag people push a pit?
@null 10:52:01
@chewei @poga

@null 10:52:41
@Relax want to try it, 飒爽回XD

<|source>: _@Relax要嘗試看看嗎,颯爽回歸XD_

@null 11:02:06
I have no way to participate in QQ this time.

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _我這次大松有事沒辦法參加 QQ_

@null 11:14:40
Hey, I have to get 12 o'clock to get to QQ.

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _嗚嗚我得12點才能到QQ_

@null 11:21:40
@bil Help the tag people push a pit?

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _<@U1HJ8FJJJ> 幫忙tag人推個坑?_

@null 14:09:12
Novice teaching✋

<|source>: _新手教學 :hand:_

God rescue
It’s so easy to cast a film.
Secretly updated in the morning
Reading; feel great
I feel that knowing will silently adjust color or typesetting (mistakes)
Nothing wrong.
@null 14:17:03
God rescue

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _神救援_

@null 14:17:37
It’s so easy to cast a film.

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _投影片都做好了我好輕鬆啊 :revolving_hearts:_

@null 14:35:21
Secretly updated in the morning

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _早上偷偷幫更新了_

@null 14:35:38
Reading; feel great

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _正在讀;覺得棒_

@null 14:39:20
Matsumae Hara is in trouble this evening @ael 喽~

<|source>: _今天晚上的松前哈拉就麻煩 @ael 嘍~_

@null 14:43:21
<Https://> Matsumae Hara, whether you have signed up for Dasong, you can join 喔// Welcome to chat~

<|source>: _<> 松前哈拉,不管有沒有報名大松..._

@null 15:35:56
I feel that knowing will silently adjust color or typesetting (mistakes)

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _感覺知澔會默默調配色或是排版之類的(誤)_

@null 15:36:50
Nothing wrong.

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _無誤。_

@null 16:49:33
I will be in trouble tomorrow @yutin and @macpaul!

<|source>: _明天也麻煩 <@U03B2AB13> 跟 <@U02QD0S9M>了!_

@null 17:56:04
@daisuke 松前哈啦的hackMD No login, no way to see

<|source>: _<@U0TKSE36J> 松前哈啦的 hackMD 沒有登入沒辦法看_

@null 17:56:22
Wait for me, I will confirm

<|source>: _等我一下喔,我確定一下_

@null 17:57:49
Help me make sure

<|source>: _幫我確定一下_

@null 17:58:54
It should be alright

<|source>: _應該好了_


@null 00:34:09
Dasong has four tickets.

<|source>: _大松還有四張票ㄛ_

@null 02:44:36
<!here> Didn't want to share this direct in main channel where he'd maybe see it as soon as arriving, but fyi this guy is aspiring to bring a *BBC film crew* to Taiwan. They know about vTaiwan, but *need a second tech-related story* to sell the piece.

I feel it's prob worth putting some thought into getting a g0v-community angle on his radar ❤️

Just sharing here so that he maybe doesn't stumble directly into this msg if he signs up :)
@null 02:45:30
Just sharing here so that he maybe doesn't stumble directly into this msg if he signs up :)

@null 09:11:58
@reveno415066 My proposal registration time is 9:55, the former one is Michael_LI. I have to trouble you during this time to help me look at the door~

<|source>: _<@UGAFWMF7U> 我的提案登記時間是 9:55,前一位是 Michael_LI。 這段時間要麻煩你..._

@null 09:28:23
Yu Cang started teaching novices

<|source>: _雨蒼開始新手教學了_

@null 09:29:16
Everyone is sorry, I didn’t ring the alarm clock in the morning, just got on the taxi.

<|source>: _大家抱歉⋯我早上鬧鐘沒響,剛上計程車 :weary:_

@null 09:51:04
@wildjcrt Ok

<|source>: _<@U039165F5> 好的_

@null 10:06:01
Ah, forgot to tell everyone, in the morning, at the door, so please come to the door to find me XD.

<|source>: _啊啊,忘了跟大家講,早上都在顧門口,所以請來門口找我 XD_

@null 10:25:35
As a result, my slack has not been updated since I updated it.

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _ 結果我的slack更新過後再也沒跳過通知了(與世隔絕_

@null 10:53:47
Thank you @billy3321 Big cover 😢

<|source>: _謝謝 <@U039K9UR5> 大大的 cover :cry:_

@null 20:48:42
Sorry... I found out that I accidentally took a pit main armband home orz. Is it OK to take it next time? Or I can take OCF for a day.

<|source>: _Sorry… 發現我不小心把一個坑主臂章帶回家了 orz 下次大松再帶去還可以嗎��..._

One to five 9 - 18 OCF working hours are theoretically there, people directly take the big loose things, please accept them owo or you will get OCF if you have free tomorrow (Sunday) 18-21 I~
Ok, let me see the time~
Before you come, you can ask if anyone is in owo//
XDD is good
@null 20:49:16
One-day pit master life pit master

<|source>: _一日坑主終身坑主_

@null 20:54:28
One to five 9 - 18 OCF working hours are theoretically there, people directly take the big loose things, please accept them owo or you will get OCF if you have free tomorrow (Sunday) 18-21 I~

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _一到五 9 - 18 OCF 上班時間理論上都有人在,直接拿上去說大松的東西請他們�..._

@null 20:55:39
Ok, let me see the time~

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _好,我再看看時間~_

@null 20:56:16
Before you come, you can ask if anyone is in owo//

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _來之前可以先問一下有沒有人在owo//_

@null 21:00:22
XDD is good

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _XDD 好_


@null 14:38:54
Since you fall into the pit, don't want to climb out!

<|source>: _既然掉進坑了,就不要想爬出來!_

@null 14:40:30
Directly go to Dasong bar XD directly on the arm in May.

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _直接五月大松時就帶在手臂上直接去大松吧 XD_

@null 16:26:43
I originally thought XD like this.

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _我本來也是這樣想 XD_

@null 16:47:07
Can be XD

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _都可以XD_


@null 01:18:28
Next time, Matsusaka 5/18?5/25? 😆

<|source>: _下次大松 5/18?5/25?:laughing:_

@null 13:34:43
Say a secret: The alarm clock is set every 10~20 minutes, then set 3~4 alarms (?) XD

<|source>: _說個秘訣: 鬧鐘每隔10~20分鐘設一個,然後設定3~4個鬧鐘 (?) XD_

He is am set to pm XDDD
So I will always use the 24-hour XD
@null 14:21:33
He is am set to pm XDDD

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _他是 am 設成 pm XDDD_

@null 14:23:02
Do you have a preference? At present, it should not be co-organized with other units.

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _大家有偏好嗎?目前應該不會跟其他單位合辦,就看這邊大家時間_

@null 14:25:26

@null 14:29:47
Wish 5/18, 5/25 I should not go XD

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _許願 5/18,5/25 我應該去不了 XD_

@null 14:30:07
So I will always use the 24-hour XD

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _所以我永遠都用 24 時制 XD_

Someone (across chat bridge) 17:38:16
File from daisuke (jothon@g0vtw)with comment: 大松當天有人掉了一條格子條紋的黑色圍巾嗎~
IMG 20190311 173707
@null 18:20:34
There are currently no preferences. 5/18 is a Gwangju incident (?)

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _目前沒有偏好。5/18 是光州事件(?)_


@null 15:21:01
It turned out that I woke up in the afternoon and naturally found that the alarm clock was not called. XD

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _原來是睡到下午自然醒才發現鬧鐘還沒叫的方法啊 XD_


@null 20:15:16
Is the time of May Dasong determined?

<|source>: _5 月大松時間確定了嗎_

@null 21:34:44
Today, because I went to discuss with C-lab about their activities at the end of May, I was surprised to think that it would be possible to pull Dasong back to the air. If it is, it should be 5/25. This Friday, the Songsong Group will discuss it carefully. @ael 5/18 25 Can you?

<|source>: _今天因為去跟C-lab 討論他們五月底的活動,意外想到把大松再拉去空總的可�..._

@null 21:36:14
If you need more details, please ask you again.

<|source>: _空總那場細節需要的話再問你_

@null 21:40:05
Actually, I asked @Holok_Pearls of Hong Kong.

<|source>: _其實是幫香港的 @Holok_Pearls 問的_

@null 21:40:54
The air is now changing units. From the Ministry of Economy to the Ministry of Culture, the process may be different.

<|source>: _空總現在換單位了,從經濟部換到文化部,流程可能不一樣了_

@null 21:44:33
Yes, the hardware is empty.

<|source>: _沒錯,硬體都被清空空了_

@null 22:43:44
\bess/ \bess/ \bess/

@null 22:43:53
\bess/ \bess/ \bess/

@null 22:44:01
I know a lot of people inside, should I be okay?

<|source>: _裡面有滿多人我認識,應該還好?_

@null 22:44:11
\bess/ \bess/ \bess/

@null 22:44:13
\+1/ \+2/ \Jiashan/

<|source>: _\+1/ \+2/ \佳珊/_

@null 22:44:30
\+4/ \+5/ (being smashed)

<|source>: _\+4/ \+5/(被揍)_

@null 22:47:01
+3 mighty

<|source>: _+3威武_

@null 22:56:16
升 ~ 堂 堂 ~

<|source>: _升~~~堂~~~_

@null 23:18:32
Ipa: "We really need more people like Jiashan... +4 +5, etc. If you can't find it, +1 or +2 will do."

<|source>: _ipa:「我們真的很需要更多像佳珊那樣的人…… +4 +5 之類的,找不到的話 +1..._


@null 15:55:16
There is no problem with Bess~~~

<|source>: _有 Bess 在沒問題啦~~~_


@null 15:56:43
What hardware is not handed over together? The Ministry of Culture is not very troublesome if you want to reinstall the hardware. XDDD

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _什麼硬體沒有一起移交喔 文化部如果要重新裝硬體不是很麻煩 XDDD_

@null 15:57:29
Is certified one to three with XDDD

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _被認證一個抵三個用 XDDD_

@null 15:58:42
If the empty hardware is emptied, then the circuit line network broadcasts what I am afraid to plan early (fear)

<|source>: _如果空總硬體被清空,那電路線路網路直播什麼的恐怕要及早規劃 (怕)_

Air Total Culture Laboratory High Voltage Power Improvement Turnkey Project <== Google found the case of Q4 opening last year. Looks like you can expect (?) XD
The last time it seems to be holding China Telecom Optical Fiber, the first day I took it first, if I had to do it, I would handle it. Power is said to be a bit orz to see again
@null 16:01:37
Air Total Culture Laboratory High Voltage Power Improvement Turnkey Project <== Google found the case of Q4 opening last year. Looks like you can expect (?) XD

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _空總文化實驗室高壓電力改善統包工程 &lt;== google就查到去年Q4開標的案子。看..._

@null 16:49:14
The last time it seems to be holding China Telecom Optical Fiber, the first day I took it first, if I had to do it, I would handle it. Power is said to be a bit orz to see again

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _上次好像是牽中華電信光纖,前一天先牽好,如果要辦會比照辦理。電力據�..._


@null 19:50:42
I gave it to ipa today.

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _今天拿給 ipa 了_


@null 19:49:35
But still want to ask if you have any documents, budget and equipment files?

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _不過還是想問你有沒有文件,預算跟設備文件?_


@null 21:33:44
The nominated card position is now the hackathon of the Ministry of Culture (X)

<|source>: _提名卡位 空總現在是文化部的黑客松 (X)_

@null 22:11:27
Card: hacking again, always loose

<|source>: _卡:再黑客,一直松_

@null 22:11:56
They said that there should be no problem, let's see?

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _他們說應該沒問題,let’s see?_

@null 22:12:40
It sounds like there is a handover part

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _聽起來好像有移交部分_

@null 22:12:45
Air conditioning and the like

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _冷氣之類_


@null 00:04:10
Congratulations on determining the shampoo (?)

<|source>: _恭喜確定洗頭(?)_

@null 00:04:17
Also come to the card: after the experiment, the community universe cross-domain super-digit hackathon

<|source>: _也來卡:再實驗後社群宇宙跨域超數位在地黑客松_


@null 09:56:54
Can jothon be like a concept? For example, the theme of local creation is following the current policy to brainstorm and solve this huge Taiwan problem and the manpower demand derived. At present, there are related articles written by social enterprises.

<|source>: _請問jothon可以像是一種概念嗎?如地方創生為主題跟著目前政策走來集思廣益..._

@null 10:11:56
Local creation, contemporary culture experiment, community building, citizen technology, community regeneration, xxx for social good, feel that you can come together? XD Because 揪松 is everyone who comes to hackathon, who shouts what (?!)

<|source>: _地方創生、當代文化實驗、社區總體營造、公民科技、社群再生、xxx for socia..._

@null 10:17:57
It’s a big piece of Ah.

<|source>: _是阿這好大一塊阿_

@null 10:19:34
Local economic analysis system, providing intelligence information and community services

<|source>: _地方經濟分析系統,提供情報資訊與社群服務_

@null 10:20:08
Local Creative Internship System website

<|source>: _地方創生實習制度網站_

@null 10:21:35
Financial support, including local creation grants, corporate version of hometown taxation, and strengthening local taxation system<<===This may be severely shot

<|source>: _財政支援,包括地方創生交付金,企業版故鄉納稅,以及強化地方據點稅制&lt;..._


@null 23:13:50
I don't know if anyone has done it. "Who is it, let the mansion and the factory be directly in the field?"

<|source>: _不知道有沒有人做過,"到底是誰,讓豪宅、工廠可以直接中在田地上的?"_

@null 23:15:25
I don't know if anyone has done it. "How much is the foreign population moving in Tainan?"

<|source>: _不知道有沒有人做過,"台南的外國人口內移有多少呢?"_


@null 19:30:04
Does anyone want to evolve into someone?

<|source>: _沒有人要進化成 有沒有人 了嗎_

@null 23:36:13
The ratio of Tainanese to foreign workers is more than 100:3. A few days ago, I was so angry that even simple mathematics would not be counted~~~Helping~~~

<|source>: _台南人跟外勞比率100:3多,前幾天,我居然氣到,連簡單數學都不會算了~~~��..._


@null 12:10:04
Why is this topic in jothon? 😂

<|source>: _這個話題為什麼是在 jothon?:joy:_

@null 14:09:05
Hey! I hope I can find a good way to count the real foreign immigrants who come to Taiwan to do business and work! So using this to hold Komatsu, many government issues are too big! I have to subdivide them one by one.

<|source>: _喔!希望可以找到好方法來統計,真實來台經商和打工的外地移民! 所以用這�..._

@null 14:15:32
How to use Komatsu to ferment issues and discuss any possibilities for solving problems or coexisting effectively

<|source>: _如何透過小松發酵議題和討論出如何解決問題或有效共存的任何可能性_

@null 14:56:29
Last time Dasong’s photo came out, please take it if you need it.// Thanks @falcon.lee1011 @moontai0724 Help take pictures and continue to come next time (O Page1

<|source>: _上次大松的照片出來ㄌ,有需要請自取喔// 感謝 <@UGBQ1FMDM> <@UGC11LE0N> 幫忙�..._

@null 18:35:31
@Relax #jothon Channel people are only 229 people, the general topic is more than 4,561 people in the #general seminar.

<|source>: _@Relax <#C0385B90D|jothon> 頻道人比較少只有 229 人, 一般性話題在 <#C02G2SXKX|general> 討論會比較多迴�..._

Thanks greatly~~~~🤣


@null 01:14:44
Thanks greatly~~~~🤣

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _感謝大大~~~~:rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:_

@null 13:07:43
@ipa Sorry, I can see it now. If I am in Japan, I can participate in qq.

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _<@U02L0C4KF> 抱歉現在才看到, 辦在日本的話我可以參加 qq_

@null 13:19:47
Next time International Komatsu is really in Japan, 6/8-9 Okinawa, you are working in Japan now.

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _下次國際小松真的在日本耶 6/8-9 沖繩 你現在在日本工作啊_

@null 14:19:12
Yes, in Tokyo.

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _對呀 在東京_