
Month: 2019-01


patcon 13:08:55
re: sharing g0v culture internationally (which I addressed briefly in my final report).

The above group coordinates exchange programs to bridge communities by soliciting donations of airmile/hotel reward points. This might be an interesting way to fund parts of an exchange program for sending g0v community members to visit and participate in international communities, in a very cheap bootstrappy way :slightly_smiling_face:

Last summer, I participated in organizing an event where we "billeted" lots of speakers for a week, and helped them stay for free with community members. Perhaps a similar effort could bring exchange program costs down even further

Coders Who Travel

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@null 15:28:57
`The prize money is about to enter the countdown stage. 有 There are ideas to make the proposal to step up! If you have time, but don't know what to do, you can go to the wishing pool to find inspiration! If you don't know what the bonus is, you can get it right away! 30 - 500,000 bonuses, consultant resources, let you open the first step of the project! <Https://>

<|source>: _`獎助金徵件就快要進入倒數階段嘍` 有想法想要提案要加緊腳步了! 如果有..._


@null 11:47:54
Ask a little rookie 👉👈 I have thought about whether it is an automatic check-in mechanism to identify the position of the seal and then identify the factors that make it invalid. Is this an interesting idea?

<|source>: _小菜鳥問一下:point_right::point_left: 我有想過能不能做個自動驗票的機制 辨識印章的位置 ��..._

First, there must be a ticket?
The government’s ticket is definitely not available, but the output of hundreds of thousands of copies should be barely okay.
@null 11:53:01
First, there must be a ticket?

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _首先要有票?_

@null 11:59:41
The government’s ticket is definitely not available, but the output of hundreds of thousands of copies should be barely okay.

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _政府的票是肯定弄不到的 但自己產出幾百千張應該勉強還行_

@null 20:52:47
I feel that I need to point out who can be asked questions.

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _覺得需要指出誰可以被問問題_

@null 20:52:56
Recently, few people wear vest XD

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _最近比較少人穿背心XD_

@null 20:54:38
@patcon I am staying in HK community’s member place to stay in HK in a cost down way lol

@null 20:57:38
I am attending the February hackathon preparatory meeting and found that they have to do a lot of things very quickly. Skill stickers, novice task cards, Code of Conduct, personal information collection statements, introductory videos, and brochures printed to participants. Sometimes I can't help but say that I don't have to think about doing so much a few times before, very tired.

<|source>: _正在參加 <> 二月份黑客松的籌備會,發現他們非常迅速地就要做很�..._

Someone (across chat bridge) 20:59:29
File from ael (jothon@g0vtw)
Image from iOS
@null 21:00:18
I feel that it is a good practice to put a proposal and how to participate in the registration to allow new participants to take it. It is clearer than the novice task.

<|source>: _我覺得把如何提案和如何參與印出來放在報到處讓新參與者可以拿,說不定�..._


@null 12:04:18
Is it the ticket for the ballot?

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _是說選票的驗票?_

@null 12:05:37
Throw into the scanner -> Invoice is done like this XD

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _丟進掃描機 -&gt; 開票完成 這樣嗎 XD_

@null 15:46:21
Can the version of the jothon business card be shared? I want to be a g0v business card

<|source>: _jothon 名片的版型可以分享嗎?我想做個 g0v 名片_

@null 17:42:58
@hlb The embarrassment of the pair is not clear, but it is probably as long as there is a camera to take the position of the seal and other dirty things that will make the ballot invalid. I need to add the blockchain. I guess the mechanism for returning to the country should be I hope that the ticket can be completed locally, but it actually increases the cost of the voters and the problem of insufficient administrative staff. If it can be automated, it should be a good thing.

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _<@U02G3TDSN> 對的 不好意思沒說清楚 但大概是只要有個camera去拍印章的位置與其他會..._

@null 17:44:05

@null 17:45:07
That version of the limited 揪 还是 还是 还是 还是 还是 还是 还是 还是 还是 还是 还是 还是 还是 还是 还是 还是 还是 还是 还是? @ipa

<|source>: _那個版型有限揪松還是參與者也可以拿來印,不印揪松團就好? <@U02L0C4KF> _

@null 17:47:56
@Shawn feels that it can only be used to teach "you see this strange stamp is a waste ticket", using the general camera is too slow. And the ballot papers will have various problems to be spread out. XD

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _@Shawn 覺得好像只能拿來教學「你看這種奇怪蓋章法是廢票」,用一般 camera �..._

@null 18:12:38
Public actually has a version

<|source>: _public 其實有一版_

@null 18:12:55
Yusong is based on that version.

<|source>: _揪松是用那一版為基礎做的_

@null 19:47:11
@hlb But in the process of invoicing, it is not someone who* spreads the ticket to everyone to see * the result of calling this ticket and then someone marked it on paper? Throw into the scanner -> Invoice completion can sound ah XD

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _<@U02G3TDSN> 但開票的過程中 不就是有人*攤開把票給大家看* 喊出這一票的結果 ��..._

@null 23:59:47
@pm5 public version

<|source>: _<@U0384RCFD> 公開版 <>


@null 08:27:56
Yes, but they are all spread out, and the identification is over now. At this time, the speed lost to the camera is probably not much faster.

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _對啊,但是都攤開了,當下也就辨識完了。這時候丟給相機速度大概不會快�..._

@null 08:29:48
The disadvantage of the scanner is that... if you lose 20 sheets, it is possible to scan only 19 sheets.

<;cid=C0385B90D|source>: _掃描機的缺點就是……丟了 20 張進去有可能只掃到 19 張,這時候就尷尬了 X..._

@null 19:33:28
`g0v Citizen Science and Technology Innovation Awards Proposal Countdown 4 Days` You can choose to get up a proposal, make a wish proposal, assist in publicity, or join the project to discuss open questions and find a way to participate in your own awards! <Https://>

<|source>: _`g0v 公民科技創新獎助金提案倒數 4 天` 你可以選擇起身提案、許願提案、��..._


@null 10:19:52
Today is the last day of the public grant proposal! Upload deadline: 1/13 23:59 Friends who are interested in participating can remember to grasp the time. If you can't finish writing, you should upload the proposal at least today. The uploaded proposal can be modified to 1/15, but you must upload it today! <Https://>

<|source>: _今天就是獎助金公開提案最後一天嘍! 上傳截止時間:1/13 23:59 有興趣參與..._