
Month: 2019-10


ronnywang 10:47:01
@ronnywang has joined the channel
tmonk 10:50:24
@felixtypingmonkey has joined the channel
ky 10:51:51
@lisa has joined the channel
eric525282 10:52:24
@eric525282 has joined the channel
York 11:00:51
@tcssh611503 has joined the channel
ronnywang 11:01:49

沈宜璇 | 開創奇蹟,舞動美好人生

保障全民基本收入-2020立委參選日記Day2 | 沈宜璇 | 開創奇蹟,舞動美好人生

文/舞動生命的奇蹟,2020大安區立委參選人沈宜璇 快速導覽 什麼是全民基本收入?疑!我有領過全民基本收入的生 […]

claire 11:02:00
@claire has joined the channel
YU CHAIO LIN 11:02:20
@linyuchiao1996 has joined the channel
superbil 11:07:16
@superbil has joined the channel
isabelhou 12:28:35
@isabelhou has joined the channel
lanf0n 12:39:08
@lanf0n has joined the channel
Cosmopolis 13:35:16
@ichdenketechne has joined the channel
yukai 13:36:39
@yukai has joined the channel
irvin 15:05:07
@irvin has joined the channel
irvin 15:06:14
台灣有人組 UBI 協會⋯⋯


UBI Taiwan 台灣無條件基本收入協會

UBI Taiwan 台灣無條件基本收入協會, 台北市。 1.3 萬個讚。 UBI Taiwan 致力於推動基本收入之研討會與相關活動 Promoting the Basic Income through conferences and research in Taiwan

chen.jiunhan 15:32:38
@chen.jiunhan has joined the channel
ronnywang 16:04:04
有個新政黨,是前台南縣長蘇煥智組的叫台灣維新,他們政黨也把 UBI 放進政黨理念中