
Month: 2020-12


isabelhou 11:10:02
@isabelhou has joined the channel
pm5 11:53:08
@pm5 has joined the channel
pm5 11:55:04
Can we start (again) by explaining what governance means to you 'cause I feel there are a lot of things mixed into the discussion of this topic?
shunling 12:07:09
@shunling has joined the channel
isabelhou 12:08:46
clairecyliu 12:10:20
@clairecyliu has joined the channel
clairecyliu 12:10:45
tnstiger 12:11:52
@tnstiger has joined the channel
ky 12:12:09
@lisa has joined the channel
ky 12:12:24
ronnywang 12:13:47
@ronnywang has joined the channel
GrantHuang 12:16:07
@grantabc99 has joined the channel
hkazami 12:20:28
@mail.hkazami has joined the channel
bess 12:22:49
@besslee has joined the channel
caasi 12:25:47
@caasi has joined the channel
肥貓 12:34:08
@atsdtw has joined the channel
claire 12:35:49
@claire has joined the channel
claire 12:36:07
Chloe 12:36:25
@chloeweidepei has joined the channel
delightfullychaotic 12:37:29
@delightfullychaotic has joined the channel
delightfullychaotic 12:38:19
筱翎 Sherry 12:39:01
@hsiaoling.sherry has joined the channel
@taiwanbear723 has joined the channel
isabelhou 12:44:39
@isabelhou set the channel topic: 社群治理流程綜合討論 https://g0v.hackmd.io/s/rJ8s5zSwQ 在 HackMD 文件加入 #g0vernance 標籤方便搜尋
JerryLin 12:44:46
@kc50047 has joined the channel
ivc 12:53:59
@ivychang.147 has joined the channel
ckxpress 12:59:39
@kin has joined the channel
chihao 13:09:11
tumi 13:12:20
@tumi729 has joined the channel
tumi 13:12:50
第 25 個
cuemoya 13:31:18
@cuemoya has joined the channel
mrorz 13:37:10
@mrorz has joined the channel
Helene Chien 13:46:03
@yihuai0816 has joined the channel
Peace 13:50:48
@achemistd has joined the channel
poga 13:54:38
@poga has joined the channel
ddio 14:02:05
@ddio has joined the channel
ael 14:03:51
@aelcenganda has joined the channel
ael 14:04:15
31 簽到
Tiff 14:22:50
@yiting.lin has joined the channel
Vivian Chen 14:41:50
@viviantp6 has joined the channel
阿昇同學 14:52:47
@ldsfish0307 has joined the channel
Yang Yang 14:56:49
@ss880309 has joined the channel
Alban 15:20:01
@albanrpy has joined the channel
HuangFu 15:36:45
@aoisoranoko has joined the channel
X Lin 16:25:11
@xinrooforwork has joined the channel
twhjchen 16:56:04
@twhjchen has joined the channel
栗子南瓜 17:51:24
@joann.shen has joined the channel
ginger 19:01:37
@ginger has joined the channel
Tony 19:08:43
@jingwang.cs08g has joined the channel
ipa 19:11:17
@ipa has joined the channel
Tim Schütz 20:02:20
@tschuetz has joined the channel
施奕丞 20:17:00
@yhnu02021 has joined the channel
wildjcrt 20:35:19
@wildjcrt has joined the channel
mengting 21:14:05
@mengting has joined the channel
Zito 21:38:43
@zitotw has joined the channel
QMO Lee 21:45:13
@yudgrayman has joined the channel
Jeremy 22:47:18
@qwe0123xd has joined the channel
Shupo 23:04:55
@sbdong0227 has joined the channel
Shupo 23:05:09
chris_wang 23:10:01
@chris_wang has joined the channel
秉宇 / PCC 23:24:26
@pcchou has joined the channel


jingwen 00:10:30
@nico550g has joined the channel
jingwen 00:11:24
jingwen 00:11:45
🙌 55.
Pei4 01:44:04
@pei4.cats has joined the channel
Pei4 01:45:08
chewei 02:26:52
@chewei has joined the channel
Ariel Chang 02:57:16
@juiwen.chang has joined the channel
Ariel Chang 03:09:02
Hello大家好 俗稱打鐵要趁熱 我是Summit speaker主講是"你付出的房租值得嗎?談空間分析框架下的居住正義──以德國漢堡市為例" 我們CSL有開發一個Git專案走開源GIS圖台 目前Openc City Toolkit在談後續專案 已經確定會推到巴基斯坦 所以想再推到台灣縣市政府 或者城市永續發展學術研究單位 不知道各位有沒有專案聯絡人信箱或者聯繫窗口可以引介? 謝謝 影片下載 密碼: kFeddKaA
👍 1
mehmetoguzderin 04:42:27
@mehmetoguzderin has joined the channel
Jimmy Chen 09:44:19
@jimmychen260 has joined the channel
ldp4120 11:03:18
@ldp4120 has joined the channel
zoee 12:46:03
@zoee has joined the channel
ronnywang 13:15:30
更新了治理文件裡面關於 HackMD 的段落,今年四月起從 ocf 的 azure 搬移到了揪松的 AWS,資金來源是四月時 AWS 贊助了揪松 3000USD 一年份的 credit
👍 6
oyster 13:43:08
@jenhausu has joined the channel
peiychen 15:39:21
@peiychen has joined the channel
tkirby 16:03:27
@tkirby has joined the channel
Shin 21:13:19
@mbiistscther has joined the channel
Kelly Koh 23:04:25
@kelly885 has joined the channel


kingman 00:12:16
@joy has joined the channel
chris_wang 07:30:45
想請問,在 g0v 一開始。如何維護讓這樣去中心化的管理方式的社群不會讓社群消失。
chris_wang 2020-12-15 17:39:23
@isabelhou 共筆像這樣嗎?
@chris_wang 是。
栗子南瓜 21:36:52
關於組織治理,我正在學習全員參與制(Sociocracy ),有一本非常棒的操作手冊我覺得非常值得拿來用,我也很想翻譯但礙於時間有限有點困難,不知道有沒有人有興趣一起翻 https://www.sociocracyforall.org/book/


Many Voices, One Song. Shared power with sociocracy

A 300-page manual about sociocracy, the governance method that combines inclusive decision making, trusted groups, a clear and flexible organizational structure. Written by the founders of Sociocracy For All.

chiao yu 22:38:26
@winterlovery has joined the channel


Edward 23:25:47
@edoo has joined the channel


hugo 04:54:45
@hugo has joined the channel



chiahua 09:38:02
@joyce52057 has joined the channel
wenyi 10:03:13
@ayw255 has joined the channel


pm5 14:00:20
Summit 的期間我正好在參加 Code for All 的 Equity & Inclusion 工作坊。跟 g0v 有關的部份,我有幾個問題想拿回來跟大家討論。歡迎追加。 https://g0v.hackmd.io/Uj1riABTRrmq2gn5lTNPRg?view


Code for All Equity & Inclusion Project 後記與討論 - HackMD

pm5 14:06:17
我印象中很開始 g0v 在談社群治理的時候,其實是 do-ocracy 吧?例如 http://logbot.g0v.tw/channel/g0v.tw/2013-09-27/34