WorkLife with Adam Grant: The problem with all-stars
The Butler Bulldogs have a habit of shocking college basketball fans by beating top teams with far more talent. How do they do it? Adam Grant joins the team to talk about why stars are overrated and role players are underrated -- and how humility can go hand in hand with confidence. Also featuring "Moneyball" author Michael Lewis and Brad Stevens, coach of the Boston Celtics. (Audio only)
Zoom Video
Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting now
Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as executive offices and classrooms. Founded in 2011, Zoom helps businesses and organizations bring their teams together in a frictionless environment to get more done. Zoom is a private company headquartered in San Jose, CA.
Zoom Video
Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting now
Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as executive offices and classrooms. Founded in 2011, Zoom helps businesses and organizations bring their teams together in a frictionless environment to get more done. Zoom is a private company headquartered in San Jose, CA.
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Hacker Noon
Centralization vs. Decentralization: The Best (and worst) of Both Worlds
Since its inception in 2008, blockchain continues to be a source of groundbreaking solutions and possibilities. The concept of a…
Hacker Noon
When Your Organizational Structure Does Not Work…
Merging adaptability, collaboration and decentralization with a defined management structure.
Top 10 Pros and Cons of Decentralized Human Resources - WiseStep
Decentralized human resources is a process where all the authority of decision making takes place.You can learn 10 pros and cons of decentralized HR here.
Hacker Noon
When Your Organizational Structure Does Not Work…
Merging adaptability, collaboration and decentralization with a defined management structure.
Top 10 Pros and Cons of Decentralized Human Resources - WiseStep
Decentralized human resources is a process where all the authority of decision making takes place.You can learn 10 pros and cons of decentralized HR here.
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社企流 Social Enterprise Insights
【:bulb: 社創卡關特效藥 - 社企流 iLab 「孵化器」徵件倒數 5 天!】 :point_right: 即刻卡位「孵化器」 <> #陪伴團隊錨定方向穩健前進 社企流 iLab 秉持「到最缺乏資源的地方紮根」的精神,一路走來,已經是第 6 年、第三屆的育成計畫。 ▍先讓我們談談資源 「資源」不只是金錢,因此 iLab...
WeTrustSpring - Raising Crypto for the Greater Good
Spring is a community curated crypto donation platform where anyone can discover, engage and inspire.
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Aragon Developer Portal · What you need to get started building with Aragon
What you need to get started building with Aragon
Build unstoppable organizations on Ethereum
開始想念那個鬼靈精怪、總能斬人於無形的「艾莉亞.史塔克」了嗎?以《權力遊戲》走紅的英國明星Maisie Williams現在成了創業家,為那些找不到機會的創作者們建立舞台。
不論是科技業新創或是小企業,創辦新公司對所有創業者來說都是非贏即輸的挑戰。根據哈佛商學院管理實踐(Management Practice)教授Shikhar Ghosh調查指出,在美國有75%的新創公司失敗。然而近幾年興起一種方法論——精實創業,能夠讓創業家在開創事業的過程中減少風險。這個方法論非常新,許多商學院與新創
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從黑客社群演變而來的開源文化,提倡資訊透明及開放授權,讓人民取得政府資料以監督施政;透過網路串聯,人們能跨越時空隔閡交流,以社群為管道發聲,再搭配協作工具將零碎的貢獻整合為具體的產出。開源文化與社群協作機制,不僅提高公民的自主性,也降低參與政治的門檻。有鑑於此,本研究以「零時政府」(g0v)為研究個案,以參與觀察、深度訪談等方式深入社群,探討開源協作式的公民黑客社群,如何推動公民參與。本研究參照Clay Shirky的社群行動及Weeks的審議民主要素,建構出「分享-合作-集體行動」三個階段的社群行動架構及其蘊含的公民參與意涵。透過參與者分享資訊、合作將共識實作為專案、集體行動去實踐專案目標,g0v參與者將公共議題轉譯成易於理解與傳播的開放資料,提高公民關注公共事務的意願。與網路審議模式相比,本研究發現g0v同樣具備多元、廣泛之參與者的基礎,公共論述的空間也容納不同聲音平等討論,但g0v專案在商議過程嚴謹度、參與者代表性等方面品質不一,無法確保成果絕對在政治及實務上可行。與過往的公民參與方式相較,g0v開放授權的規定讓全民都能共享集體智慧,加速整體社會改善的進程;去中心化賦予g0v參與者高度的自主性,讓參與者能以熱情為驅動力參與;協作機制則降低參與公共事務的門檻,擴大參與規模。不過,g0v社群的參
Zoom Video
Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting now
Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as executive offices and classrooms. Founded in 2011, Zoom helps businesses and organizations bring their teams together in a frictionless environment to get more done. Zoom is a publicly traded company headquartered in San Jose, CA.
SmartM 新網路科技
新書搶先看》以消費者為中心的C2B,才是新零售發展的最終模式 | SmartM 新網路科技
1995年,是電子商務發展史上非常值得紀念的一年。那年,美國柯林頓總統開放網際網路的商業應用,三月份Yahoo成立,從此線上分類廣告改變了企業與消費者溝通的傳播模式。七月份貝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)<http://成立了|>,之後我們有了專營B2C(Business to Consumer)的電商網站。九月份eBay 成立, 帶動C2C(Consumer to Consumer) 電商模式盛行至今。從1995年開始,人類的商業活動,等於經歷了第一次「從線下到線上」的大遷徙。 其後陸續成立...
"新零售" 催生 "去中心化" - [第94期] 2018大會專刊台北國際物流暨物聯網展 - 物流技術與戰略雜誌社
物流技術與戰略雜誌是台灣物流業最專業之媒體,主要業務為:出版物流及AUTO-ID 相關之雜誌及叢書、國外物流考察、國際物流、物流顧問、承辦國內外物流及AUTO論壇及展覽。
Presentation of the Libre Money Ğ1 (Duniter Blockchain) at OpenUBI meeting in Berlin 28/01/2019