
Month: 2019-08


@null 19:34:18
It is Onishi (@ o.shota) of <!channel> Code for Japan intern. Currently, we are organizing channels that are not being used. This Channel is not currently used and will be archived. If you want to continue using it, please contact Onishi (@ o.shota) with mention by 8/31 (Sat). Thank you for your cooperation!

source: _<!channel> Code for Japanインターンの大西(@o.shota)です。 現在、活用されていない..._

@null 19:34:20
It is Onishi (@ o.shota) of <!channel> Code for Japan intern. Currently, we are organizing channels that are not being used. This Channel is not currently used and will be archived. If you want to continue using it, please contact Onishi (@ o.shota) with mention by 8/31 (Sat). Thank you for your cooperation!

source: _<!channel> Code for Japanインターンの大西(@o.shota)です。 現在、活用されていない..._