
Month: 2018-05


dzn 02:54:11
@darshana has joined the channel
ttcat 02:54:11
@ttcat has joined the channel
dzn 02:54:11
@darshana set the channel purpose: planning for pdf
ipa 02:54:11
@ipa has joined the channel
lizbarry 02:54:11
@lizbarry has joined the channel
shuyang 02:54:12
@sylin has joined the channel
Fang 02:54:12
@fang has joined the channel
dzn 02:54:30
@darshana set the channel purpose: planning for pdf
dzn 02:58:24
Hi everyone. We are all going to be in the workshop that Pia Mancini is chairing at PDF 🙂 The working title is ‘New Approaches to Democracy in the Digital Age’. Let’s start planning!!
dzn 03:08:19
The description we have so far is in the doc. Please add your comments and thoughts.
dzn 03:10:15
The plan is to have each group give a 5-7min description of their work and then break into subgroups.
dzn 03:10:34
It’s is not written in stone though so let’s decide the framework together based on what you have in mind.
dzn 03:11:07
@lizbarry what would you like to do? 🙂


ttcat 11:58:33
need access to the google doc @darshana
fixed it!


dzn 03:55:38
Hi everyone. PDF is coming up soon.
dzn 03:56:16
Let me know what you are most interested in conveying to the PDF community and we will craft a worshop around those things.
dzn 04:15:06
my priorities..
- the audience gets a sense of the really cool work you are doing (if some of this can be interactive, that will be excellent)
- that we get a good discussion going on what we would like communities, organizations, governments, even society, to look like.