Diff parser and pretty html generator.
專案簡介 *將任何政府網站的 domain <http://gov.tw|gov.tw> 的 "o" 改成 0 都可以連到一個 shadow website *系統會自動分析原始的網站的關鍵字,並立刻建立一個頁面: *訂閱此網頁功能: *每天/小時會把更新寄給訂閱者 *連結所有政府 / 民間相關的 Open Data *使用者可以增加自己在爬的相關資料 *增加 Kimono-like 的功能,使用者可以用 web tool 直接抓取該頁面的資料,成為新的 api 並加入到 shadow site *ref: <https://wrapapi.com/> *ref: <https://scrapinghub>.
sitediff - SiteDiff makes it easy to see differences between two versions of a website.
Website checker, website change detection, monitoring and alerts
Visualping is the easiest to use website checker, webpage change monitoring, website change detector and website change alert software of the web. Contrary to other website change monitoring software like ChangeDetector, Versionista and Page Monitor, we track and detect visual webpage changes and send alerts via email or Slack team notification for competitive monitoring
Monitor and Get Notified on Website Changes - Versionista
We provide enterprise-grade website monitoring to track and alert you to web page changes.