
Month: 2018-05


llchen.lilian 09:34:20
@llchen.lilian has joined the channel
llchen.lilian 09:39:09
@g0ver add 議題, R, 科學
ronnywang 09:50:02
ycheng 09:53:10
@ycheng has joined the channel
ycheng 09:54:26
@g0ver add python
Hypnos 09:57:45
@perpetual_nil has joined the channel
Ray Yuan 09:58:56
@louis383 has joined the channel
Hypnos 09:59:44
@g0ver add 前端, js, java, 生命科學
Ray Yuan 09:59:51
@g0ver add Android, 環保, 生物
JoJo 10:00:16
@jocelyn81616 has joined the channel
JoJo 10:02:30
@g0vers add 景觀,策略規劃,地圖資訊
JoJo 10:02:55
@g0ver add 景觀,策略規劃,地圖資訊


changs 16:43:59
@changs has joined the channel


Yi-Hua 09:25:31
@yihua1218 has joined the channel
Yi-Hua 09:26:26
@g0ver add 全端,js
g0ver 09:26:26
done it, add 全端,js.
ricelin 09:46:55
g0ver 有 bug 是回報在這裡嗎?@@
新增技能 “iOS” 但是 search 不到
感謝!!! 我近期將安排時間 fix
do 14:15:23
@hsuehtu has joined the channel
do 14:18:38
@g0ver add event, commercial
Hi, we did not receive any confirmation after the submission over the googleform. Is there a way to contact the event orga ?
g0ver 14:18:38
done it, add event, commercial.
Hi, we did not receive any confirmation after the submission over the googleform. Is there a way to contact the event orga ?