
Month: 2024-07


Dong 15:59:37
@ay870527 has joined the channel
Dong 19:03:07
set the channel description: An Agenda Maker Based on Opass Schedule Format
一個將議程資料,轉換成好看議程表的小工具(使用 Opass 資料結構)


SeanGau 09:48:13
@sean076 has joined the channel
Juo Penguin (PPenguin) 09:48:48
@ms0223900165 has joined the channel
Yu Ting 09:50:50
@yutingchen7749 has joined the channel
SHAO 09:52:12
@junlin5525 has joined the channel
cai 09:59:36
@iacmai has joined the channel
chichi 16:13:12
@chichichen97 has joined the channel