
Month: 2025-02


chewei 03:07:18

January 31 / 9:00 - 18:00 CET EU Open Source Policy Summit 2025 What can Open Source do for Europe? <|>

chewei 03:07:18

January 31 / 9:00 - 18:00 CET EU Open Source Policy Summit 2025 What can Open Source do for Europe? <|>


chewei 07:45:05
轉貼: 2025歌德學院IKF國際共製基金徵件公告


:bulb: 徵件範圍:音樂、戲劇、舞蹈與表演藝術領域的跨國合作項目。
:spiral_calendar_pad: 預計2025年啟動的專案,申請截止日期為 2025年5月15日。
:warning: 請注意:申請必須在專案開始前至少三個月提交,並由非德國的製作方負責申請。

更多資訊及詳細申請方式,請見 :point_right:

歌德學院(台北)德國文化中心 Goethe-Institut Taipei

2025歌德學院IKF國際共製基金徵件公告:star-struck: :mega:跨國合製的計畫看過來! 如果您居住並工作於德國以外的地區,並與德國的藝術合作夥伴有計劃共同創作,歡迎申請國際共製基金補助! :bulb: 徵件範圍:音樂、戲劇、舞蹈與表演藝術領域的跨國合作項目。 :spiral_calendar_pad: 預計2025年啟動的專案,申請截止日期為 2025年5月15日。 :warning: 請注意:申請必須在專案開始前至少三個月提交,並由非德國的製作方負責申請。...

👍 2
chewei 07:45:05


💡 徵件範圍:音樂、戲劇、舞蹈與表演藝術領域的跨國合作項目。
🗓️ 預計2025年啟動的專案,申請截止日期為 2025年5月15日。
⚠️ 請注意:申請必須在專案開始前至少三個月提交,並由非德國的製作方負責申請。

更多資訊及詳細申請方式,請見 👉


chewei 11:52:56
Call for Application

We are pleased to inform you about the call for applications for the Alumni Workshop

#HackYourDistrict_2025: Open Data and Open Tools for a Net-Zero Urban Transport

Taking place in Berlin (Germany) from 18th to 22nd August 2025.

About the workshop
Given the immense volume of data generated by movements of people, goods, machines and metabolic processes in urban spaces, urban transport producing massive loads of data. This sector deeply influences our daily routines and is closely linked to personal behaviour and economic imperatives that can only be changed with significant effort and well-thought-out strategies. These tasks are often much more challenging than installing wind turbines or replacing heating or cooling systems. The complex nature of these challenges can be better analysed and understood using the advancements in different digital tools.

The #HackYourDistrict workshop series highlights the creation and utilization of data for designing low to zero carbon transportation and urban environments. This challenge resonates with participants from both the Global South and North, who deal with questions like: How can data be shared across providers and incorporated into an accessible pool (data fusion)? How do municipal administrations handle vast data inflows (data management)? What are the capabilities of AI in data analysis, and how can citizens maintain control over their personal information? How can traffic issues be rendered more visible and actionable?

This is already the fourth workshop in this series and in 2025 we will return to Berlin and the Research Campus Mobility2Grid, where we focus on fostering the simultaneous transition of energy and mobility sectors in cities. Like in previous years, HackYourDistrict 2025 will feature a mix of hands-on sessions, educational excursions and contributions from an international audience.

Workshop topics

• Data-driven Transport Planning
• Data collection and integration into planning
• Use of crowdsourced data for analytics and future transport planning
• Scenario development for zero carbon transition
• Introduction to MATSim
• DIY Sensor Workshop (1 ½ Days)
• Multidisciplinary teams of 2-4 people
• Own data collection and integration
• Excursions

The application deadline is 10th March 2025

Participation in previous workshops in this series is not a requirement for application.

You can find full details about the seminar, the program, funding, and how to apply at:

The workshop will be held at the Research Campus Mobility2Grid and the Technische Universität Berlin. The workshop language is English.
chewei 11:52:56
Call for Application

We are pleased to inform you about the call for applications for the Alumni Workshop

#HackYourDistrict_2025: Open Data and Open Tools for a Net-Zero Urban Transport

Taking place in Berlin (Germany) from 18th to 22nd August 2025.

About the workshop
Given the immense volume of data generated by movements of people, goods, machines and metabolic processes in urban spaces, urban transport producing massive loads of data. This sector deeply influences our daily routines and is closely linked to personal behaviour and economic imperatives that can only be changed with significant effort and well-thought-out strategies. These tasks are often much more challenging than installing wind turbines or replacing heating or cooling systems. The complex nature of these challenges can be better analysed and understood using the advancements in different digital tools.

The #HackYourDistrict workshop series highlights the creation and utilization of data for designing low to zero carbon transportation and urban environments. This challenge resonates with participants from both the Global South and North, who deal with questions like: How can data be shared across providers and incorporated into an accessible pool (data fusion)? How do municipal administrations handle vast data inflows (data management)? What are the capabilities of AI in data analysis, and how can citizens maintain control over their personal information? How can traffic issues be rendered more visible and actionable?

This is already the fourth workshop in this series and in 2025 we will return to Berlin and the Research Campus Mobility2Grid, where we focus on fostering the simultaneous transition of energy and mobility sectors in cities. Like in previous years, HackYourDistrict 2025 will feature a mix of hands-on sessions, educational excursions and contributions from an international audience.

Workshop topics

• Data-driven Transport Planning
• Data collection and integration into planning
• Use of crowdsourced data for analytics and future transport planning
• Scenario development for zero carbon transition
• Introduction to MATSim
• DIY Sensor Workshop (1 ½ Days)
• Multidisciplinary teams of 2-4 people
• Own data collection and integration
• Excursions

The application deadline is 10th March 2025

Participation in previous workshops in this series is not a requirement for application.

You can find full details about the seminar, the program, funding, and how to apply at:

The workshop will be held at the Research Campus Mobility2Grid and the Technische Universität Berlin. The workshop language is English.