Real-time meetings by Google. Using your browser, share your video, desktop, and presentations with teammates and customers.
我們想要匯集來自 Slack、HackMD、GitHub、社群媒體等 g0v 協作場域的所有紀錄,打造一個 g0v 虛擬記者,以不定時或每日等短時間推播即時資訊。希望能不僅降低資訊落差和協作門檻,也能讓多中心社群彼此接觸和協助,更加提升、活絡 g0v 社群的行動力。
`<|b0194f91>` - Revert "Initial commit" `<|8dc2a97a>` - chore(.gitignore): add gitignore file `<|17a419ec>` - chore(LICENSE): add apache license `<|4d7d840f>` - chore( add readme file `<|8972f2fe>` - chore(package.json): initialize node.js project `<|6d8bec66>` - chore: add base dependencies
`<|b0194f91>` - Revert "Initial commit" `<|8dc2a97a>` - chore(.gitignore): add gitignore file `<|17a419ec>` - chore(LICENSE): add apache license `<|4d7d840f>` - chore( add readme file `<|8972f2fe>` - chore(package.json): initialize node.js project `<|6d8bec66>` - chore: add base dependencies
`<|c031e995>` - revert(typescript): change back to vanilla javascript
`<|c031e995>` - revert(typescript): change back to vanilla javascript
`<|9084f492>` - feat: change to typescript `<|fdf25183>` - feat(utils/logger.ts): add logger `<|ff6a7d70>` - chore: add logger deps `<|cec6241c>` - chore(tsconfig.json): add tsconfig `<|e63524bf>` - feat(email/index.ts): add email sender `<|f2d0b8a3>` - feat(index.ts): add temp test script
`<|9084f492>` - feat: change to typescript `<|fdf25183>` - feat(utils/logger.ts): add logger `<|ff6a7d70>` - chore: add logger deps `<|cec6241c>` - chore(tsconfig.json): add tsconfig `<|e63524bf>` - feat(email/index.ts): add email sender `<|f2d0b8a3>` - feat(index.ts): add temp test script
`<|7ca8c353>` - feat(parser/index.ts): markdown article parser
`<|7ca8c353>` - feat(parser/index.ts): markdown article parser
`<|5185f740>` - fix(parser/index.ts): fix incorrect avatar when multiple post is given `<|2a745740>` - chore(index.ts): add some sample script
`<|5185f740>` - fix(parser/index.ts): fix incorrect avatar when multiple post is given `<|2a745740>` - chore(index.ts): add some sample script
`<|acd50455>` - refactor(parser/index.ts): rename function
`<|acd50455>` - refactor(parser/index.ts): rename function
Real-time meetings by Google. Using your browser, share your video, desktop, and presentations with teammates and customers.
# 第貳次 Rep0rter 專案開會