
Month: 2025-01


chewei 09:19:23

Hi all! I'm Adi Meira, a *Master's Student from Harvard Graduate School of Design*. My research focuses on the intersection of participatory design, advanced technology, activism, and public policy. Taiwan is one of my key case studies. I'll be in Taipei *from January 15 to January 27, 2025* and would love the opportunity to talk with you about g0v, vTaiwan, Join, MODA &amp; related! In the mean time, I'd deeply appreciate if you could answer <|this online survey> abou *citizen engagement in Taiwan*

chewei 09:19:23

Hi all! I'm Adi Meira, a *Master's Student from Harvard Graduate School of Design*. My research focuses on the intersection of participatory design, advanced technology, activism, and public policy. Taiwan is one of my key case studies. I'll be in Taipei *from January 15 to January 27, 2025* and would love the opportunity to talk with you about g0v, vTaiwan, Join, MODA &amp; related! In the mean time, I'd deeply appreciate if you could answer <|this online survey> abou *citizen engagement in Taiwan*


chewei 13:54:19

想問一下 Peter 以及 vTaiwan 朋友的經驗 請問在辯論的時候,有什麼工具可以幫助將論點結構化呢? 像 argdown 或 Kialo 這種將論點結構化的格式是不是有幫助呀? <> <> 或者有什麼工具有幫助呢?

chewei 13:54:19

想問一下 Peter 以及 vTaiwan 朋友的經驗 請問在辯論的時候,有什麼工具可以幫助將論點結構化呢? 像 argdown 或 Kialo 這種將論點結構化的格式是不是有幫助呀? <> <> 或者有什麼工具有幫助呢?