
Month: 2023-04


patcon 18:46:10

Hey y'all <!here> ! I'm heading to a cafe to work on stuff related to this project this afternoon, if anyone wants to join :)

patcon 19:56:57

Heading to Gecko Coffeehouse! Gecko Coffeehouse <|>


patcon 21:19:51
📣 📅 Oh hey, this is perf! Found this event and added it to !

🎯 What? *Democracy Co-working Day* (The Democracy Network)
📅 When? *Fri, Apr 14* @ 9:30am-5pm
:house_with_garden: Where? *Demos HQ*, Whitehall
:raising_hand: RSVP


zf 17:04:23
@zf has joined the channel
Amir 17:55:34
@amir1jab has joined the channel
Joseph 18:56:55 has joined the channel


patcon 18:41:42

Was thinking about heading down to a cafe nearby anyhow, just to see if they'd accept ppl at the door :) will prob settle at the Starbucks under the Shard in an hour or so, if anyone wants to come cowork there!

patcon 18:41:42

Was thinking about heading down to a cafe nearby anyhow, just to see if they'd accept ppl at the door :) will prob settle at the Starbucks under the Shard in an hour or so, if anyone wants to come cowork there!