
Month: 2023-09


frankhu 23:55:33
看到 @weitinglin66 又報名了今年鐵人賽 期待期待!
weiting Lin (我們的基因體時代) 2023-09-02 09:10:40
swiftevomatters 2023-09-12 22:37:48
@weitinglin66我可以分享你的連結到 DeSci Asia telegram group 嗎?
frankhu 23:55:33
看到 @weitinglin66 又報名了今年鐵人賽 期待期待!

iT 邦幫忙::一起幫忙解決難題,拯救 IT 人的一天

我們的基因體時代-Web3 X 去中心化科學DeSci-探索基建 :: 2023 iThome 鐵人賽


weiting Lin (我們的基因體時代) 2023-09-02 09:10:40
swiftevomatters 2023-09-12 22:37:48
@weitinglin66我可以分享你的連結到 DeSci Asia telegram group 嗎?



Zoey Tseng 15:18:15
@zoeytseng0904 has joined the channel
Zoey Tseng 15:18:23

Hi 大家下午好!希望颱風沒有影響到大家太多~ 提醒一下有參加 *FOSS &amp; open data playground* 的團隊今天下午已經把`入選通知`寄給報名人囉,再請各團隊注意一下相關資訊,同時我也把<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xXmtgby2QTQlQocHuww0E5lma9mD8OwAvPe5W4-jnkg/edit|文件連結>貼出來給大家參考這兩週需要大家一起完成的事情! 謝謝:blush:

weiting Lin (我們的基因體時代) 2023-09-07 18:42:57
這次有...推坑一位設計系老師和生醫領域的老師參與,希望能帶更多在傳統研究領域的人也進來,一個是DARTA,一個是Open Science Device的分享機制建立
Zoey Tseng 2023-09-18 20:27:59
期待明天的談話~ 想問一下@weitinglin66 有這陣子的討論文件我可以會前先閱讀嗎?
weiting Lin (我們的基因體時代) 2023-09-19 10:03:37
今天主要是Darta這組的學者會上線~Open sciece Device的夥伴還沒有太多進展
weiting Lin (我們的基因體時代) 2023-09-19 10:04:27
Darta再做一個生醫資料的market place我們主要想用hypercert來跟某一個licensing層級的概念結合
weiting Lin (我們的基因體時代) 2023-09-19 10:05:46
當他們願意用public domain license(a16z CBE)分享他們的資料時,就會mint一個hypercert,這個hypercert本身未來可以作為使用有用過他們資料訓練的machine learning model的non-exclusive 通行證
❤️ 1
Zoey Tseng 15:18:23

Hi 大家下午好!希望颱風沒有影響到大家太多~ 提醒一下有參加 *FOSS &amp; open data playground* 的團隊今天下午已經把`入選通知`寄給報名人囉,再請各團隊注意一下相關資訊,同時我也把<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xXmtgby2QTQlQocHuww0E5lma9mD8OwAvPe5W4-jnkg/edit|文件連結>貼出來給大家參考這兩週需要大家一起完成的事情! 謝謝:blush:

weiting Lin (我們的基因體時代) 2023-09-07 18:42:57
這次有...推坑一位設計系老師和生醫領域的老師參與,希望能帶更多在傳統研究領域的人也進來,一個是DARTA,一個是Open Science Device的分享機制建立
Zoey Tseng 2023-09-18 20:27:59
期待明天的談話~ 想問一下@weitinglin66 有這陣子的討論文件我可以會前先閱讀嗎?
weiting Lin (我們的基因體時代) 2023-09-19 10:03:37
今天主要是Darta這組的學者會上線~Open sciece Device的夥伴還沒有太多進展
weiting Lin (我們的基因體時代) 2023-09-19 10:04:27
Darta再做一個生醫資料的market place我們主要想用hypercert來跟某一個licensing層級的概念結合
weiting Lin (我們的基因體時代) 2023-09-19 10:05:46
當他們願意用public domain license(a16z CBE)分享他們的資料時,就會mint一個hypercert,這個hypercert本身未來可以作為使用有用過他們資料訓練的machine learning model的non-exclusive 通行證


Peter 01:37:41
感覺是個有趣的desci 應用場景
❤️ 2
Peter 01:37:41
感覺是個有趣的desci 應用場景
Peter 01:37:44


公視新聞網 PNN - :tada:台灣有望創全球根除的首例...

:tada:台灣有望創全球根除的首例 在草屯發現的外來種海蟾蜍,因為發現得早,學者號召上千人次志工移除,有機會創下全球首個根除的案例。 你知道台灣還有哪些外來入侵種嗎?...






Zoey Tseng 19:55:29
@weitinglin66 提醒一下!請問上次提到的提案請問有準備嗎~ 我可以幫忙給在新創的朋友看看是否可以一起聊聊 biomarker 的研究喔!
weiting Lin (我們的基因體時代) 2023-09-24 23:46:48
Zoey Tseng 2023-09-25 10:20:19
Zoey Tseng 19:55:29
@weitinglin66 提醒一下!請問上次提到的提案請問有準備嗎~ 我可以幫忙給在新創的朋友看看是否可以一起聊聊 biomarker 的研究喔!
weiting Lin (我們的基因體時代) 2023-09-24 23:46:48
Zoey Tseng 2023-09-25 10:20:19


swiftevomatters 18:16:01
👋👋 大家好,我是 DeSci Asia 的 Co founder Shift 😂

DeSci Asia 正在籌備 泰國清邁,10月3日至13日期間,於 4seas的MTV場地舉行一場小小的DeSci Talk

目前場地,講者和題目已初步確定了。所以想先做一下前期宣傳,也希望可以透過 DeSci Asia 把對DeSci 感興趣的亞洲朋友聯繫起來

weiting Lin (我們的基因體時代) 2023-09-25 10:47:05
swiftevomatters 18:16:01
👋👋 大家好,我是 DeSci Asia 的 Co founder Shift 😂

DeSci Asia 正在籌備 泰國清邁,10月3日至13日期間,於 4seas的MTV場地舉行一場小小的DeSci Talk

目前場地,講者和題目已初步確定了。所以想先做一下前期宣傳,也希望可以透過 DeSci Asia 把對DeSci 感興趣的亞洲朋友聯繫起來



Shiftshift in DeSci Asia

DeSci Asia connects, educates and supports the local DeSci community development in Asia.

weiting Lin (我們的基因體時代) 2023-09-25 10:47:05




swiftevomatters 02:49:16
Hi All,

DeSci world founder Josh 剛進入了 DeSci Asia tg group

他快來台北,想看有哪些台灣的 DeSci 朋友可以聚會。


如果哪位台灣朋友知道有 DeSci 感興趣的,可以加入上方的tg group 看能否有機會聚上一聚


DeSci Asia

DeSci Asia connects, educates and supports the local DeSci community development in Asia.

swiftevomatters 02:49:16
Hi All,

DeSci world founder Josh 剛進入了 DeSci Asia tg group

他快來台北,想看有哪些台灣的 DeSci 朋友可以聚會。


如果哪位台灣朋友知道有 DeSci 感興趣的,可以加入上方的tg group 看能否有機會聚上一聚
Shady El Damaty 23:54:38
@shady087 has joined the channel
Shady El Damaty 23:55:04
This message contains interactive elements.

Hi all, I am a co-founder of Holonym, a zero knowledge identity start up working on sybil resistance and secure key custody for distributed networks. We started off helping Andrew Yang launch Lobby3, a political advocacy DAO, and meet campaign finance requirements using zero knowledge proofs of residency. This year we will be attending Taipei Blockchain Week and are planning to organize a workshop(s) on digital identity, zero knowledge proofs, security considerations for key custody, and applications to decentralized science and civic advocacy. We'd love to connect wires where we can and collaborate with others in this community along these topics.

Shady El Damaty 23:55:04
This message contains interactive elements.

Hi all, I am a co-founder of Holonym, a zero knowledge identity start up working on sybil resistance and secure key custody for distributed networks. We started off helping Andrew Yang launch Lobby3, a political advocacy DAO, and meet campaign finance requirements using zero knowledge proofs of residency. This year we will be attending Taipei Blockchain Week and are planning to organize a workshop(s) on digital identity, zero knowledge proofs, security considerations for key custody, and applications to decentralized science and civic advocacy. We'd love to connect wires where we can and collaborate with others in this community along these topics.


n0ah 15:37:31
@weitinglin66 we might run an experiment with Puja, do let me know if you want to be involved


How to fund Breakthrough Innovations in Science

weiting Lin (我們的基因體時代) 2023-10-01 21:14:46
cool! how people can join this experiment?
Let me know when you’ll be able to chat, happy to provide more context
Vivian Chen 2023-10-02 12:33:55
I would also love to be a part of this chat! I'm also planning to do some desci work on data collection with puja with my partner. Let's see if we can better leverage all of our resources.
Vivian Chen 2023-10-02 12:34:05
cc @c
yea let me arrange a time with her and see what’s proper
swiftevomatters 2023-10-05 16:20:45
May I sit in to learn? No sure if the connection of DeSci Asia would be helpful for the experiment 🙂
weiting Lin (我們的基因體時代) 2023-10-05 18:37:27
Let’s do it together! And see how it go
swiftevomatters 2023-10-05 20:44:23
👀 1 ❤️ 1
n0ah 15:37:31
@weitinglin66 we might run an experiment with Puja, do let me know if you want to be involved
weiting Lin (我們的基因體時代) 2023-10-01 21:14:46
cool! how people can join this experiment?
Let me know when you’ll be able to chat, happy to provide more context
Vivian Chen 2023-10-02 12:33:55
I would also love to be a part of this chat! I'm also planning to do some desci work on data collection with puja with my partner. Let's see if we can better leverage all of our resources.
Vivian Chen 2023-10-02 12:34:05
cc @c
yea let me arrange a time with her and see what’s proper
swiftevomatters 2023-10-05 16:20:45
May I sit in to learn? No sure if the connection of DeSci Asia would be helpful for the experiment 🙂
weiting Lin (我們的基因體時代) 2023-10-05 18:37:27
Let’s do it together! And see how it go
swiftevomatters 2023-10-05 20:44:23