
Month: 2021-03


brianchou452 23:34:21
@brianchou452 has joined the channel


tofus 20:49:19 set the channel purpose: 一個協助其他學生青創團隊發展的組織:susa:


tofus 18:32:58 set the channel description: 一個致力於讓更多學生出來Hacking的組織:susa:
tofus 18:33:41 set the channel topic: :susa:
tofus 18:34:01 set the channel topic: :susa:
tofus 18:34:10 set the channel topic: :susa:
tofus 18:34:32 set the channel topic: :susa:
tofus 18:34:39 set the channel topic: :susa:
tofus 18:34:44 set the channel topic: :susa:
tofus 18:34:48 set the channel topic: :susa:
tofus 18:34:58 set the channel topic: :susa:
tofus 18:35:04 set the channel topic: :susa:
tofus 18:35:09 set the channel topic: :susa:
tofus 18:35:41 set the channel topic: :susa:S U S A
tofus 18:35:49 set the channel topic: :susa: S U S A
tofus 18:36:31 set the channel description: :susa: S U S A


Guo-Jim 23:26:25
@guo-jim has joined the channel