
Month: 2019-07


@null 18:44:17
Hey lovely people ❤️
Just a reminder - we have arranged a call on 3rd July 19:00 - 20:00 Taiwan time (GMT+8)
Join Skype Meeting ---> https://meet.deloitte.be/jechikson/BRRC751H


@null 18:57:56
we’re ready 😄

@null 19:29:55
https://meet.deloitte.be/jechikson/BRRC751H Welcome to join us online唷

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562153394077300|source>: _<https://meet.deloitte.be/jechikson/BRRC751H> 歡迎大家線上加入唷_

@null 20:08:53
Komatsu registration this week: Welcome to directly edit the pen ~ https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/events/be10c825 https://g0v.hackmd.io/EYgBQWzJR_KgTZYxjpsOdw

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562155730077600|source>: _本週小松報名: 歡迎直接編輯共筆~ <https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/events/be10c825> https://g..._

KKTIX vTaiwan小松,快來報名吧!



@null 20:09:47
The interview just ended and changed to this: https://meet.jit.si/vtaiwan

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562155787078100|source>: _剛剛的採訪結束了,改成這個: <https://meet.jit.si/vtaiwan_>

@null 21:35:40
Title: Can an electric skateboard be on the road? Polis:arrow_down: https://polis.pdis.nat.gov.tw/6nksxsdren I want to help with the briefing https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1xdSNRYK4Sgd82vHLrfNR-LHKzOZOvg38m7g8HUvNVHs/edit#slide=id.g3cf805809f_0_113

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562160938079400|source>: _標題:電動滑板可以上路嗎? Polis:arrow_down: <https://polis.pdis.nat.gov.tw/6nksxsdren> 想幫�..._

@null 22:56:09
Just seeing this, it seems that we should tag the project of g0v grant "Why do people say that there is no way to provide information when the people say that they need information?" https://www.facebook.com/thinking4public/photos/a. ? 915644798490732/2218176631570869 / type = 3 & __ xts __% 5B0% 5D = 68.ARBWjW3bCfW6hFlGbXz5q2565rGnws90KaRFzJfnfWyG9bZipCZyJ1XbAAAee7N0XDU9Vku9GWssjgiSohs3HwrAv6hB9ZhGymfyHSk9NvZs8c8F1HvtXu0-zK362F8ySdT_J-deMhQReNH66bRg3oEO8SCHLjYdsCak2v7ETMcfBRwAy00zhsYKD-a-SSRnJfqLXsuulXLfBz3gg-8PwSLah138Slob_fmU3ag33EFsRbJZucg1ErLB8R6wfqaR8C-vBVSa7OIZevNedZ_816eppi1iwJCgK3H4VPueCBIKWeRgyJ16PQ7N7gNI77LbgUXKK0UQRgdToO_OhQchTn-5LQ & __ tn __ = - R

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562165766081700|source>: _剛好看到這篇,好像應該 tag 一下 g0v grant 的那專案 「為什麼民間說需要資�..._

This is an interview with the application for a small helper.
Oh, it turns out. This is well written.
@null 23:13:00
This is an interview with the application for a small helper.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562166779082300?thread_ts=1562165766.081700&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _這篇就是資料申請小幫手的訪談。_


@null 07:46:56
Oh, it turns out. This is well written.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562197615082800?thread_ts=1562165766.081700&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _喔喔原來。這篇寫得好清楚 :+1:_

@null 18:23:51
Update the discussion that was held last night, Date: OK 7/22 Evening (tentative 6-8) Call today to ask the Ministry of Transportation's window, saying that we discussed yesterday, electric skateboard, Segway is determined to apply 32-1, mystery More than two or three rounds of slow licenses are mostly tricycles. Now only Kaohsiung and Changhua have plans for some similar rickshaws. The bicycles of the children's auxiliary wheels are often classified as toys and cannot be on the road (but not sure if they are considered pedestrians (???))

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562235830083400?thread_ts=1562160938.079400&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _更新一下昨天晚上後來的討論, 日期:確定 7/22 晚上 (暫定6-8) 今天打電�..._

@null 18:25:28
First, please help me to borrow the A3 venue & meal on the first floor of the social creation. If you decide you want to open the KKTIX to the relevant community first.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562235927083700?thread_ts=1562160938.079400&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _先請科法幫忙借用社創一樓A3場地&餐點,如果確定想先開KKTIX貼到相關社群_

@null 21:57:13
Lost a bunch of options to go to polis...

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562248631084500?thread_ts=1562160938.079400&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _丟了一堆選項進去 polis..._

@null 21:58:30
The popularity of Xiaomi balance car is relatively high. I think this topic will be more resonating with the public than the electric skateboard.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562248709084700?thread_ts=1562160938.079400&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _小米平衡車普及度比較高,我覺得這個議題用平衡車會比電動滑板更容易讓�..._

@null 23:19:21
The balance car is good, change it tomorrow.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562253560085300?thread_ts=1562160938.079400&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _平衡車不錯耶,明天來改_


@null 15:45:28
揪松 here to push the pit, vtaiwan community interested in claiming 7/20 Dasong's host bar XD main project has 1. Matsumae Hara host 2. Dasong novice teaching 3. Big release field 4. Dasong results report. As for the short talk in the afternoon, because there is a mid-term report on the grant period, it is still a short talk in the afternoon.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562312727087800|source>: _揪松這邊來推坑一下, vtaiwan 社群有興趣認領 7/20 大松的主持棒嗎 XD 主要項..._

@null 19:02:17
I host super dry but can help XD

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562324536088200?thread_ts=1562312727.087800&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _我主持超乾但是可以幫忙XD_


@null 12:17:36
I don't know if I count as a vTaiwan community, but I can help.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562473055090300?thread_ts=1562312727.087800&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _我不知道我算不算 vTaiwan 社群啦,但我可以幫忙_


@null 00:19:49
In short, I first wrote a description of the copy of the text in this and separately sorted out the issue manual (to be strengthened), and everyone is welcome to help (especially the part of foreign law I quoted the news to check the details), and po.lis I finally Can log in but now there is no way to update the update error error QQ has written trouble trouble urakagi sang help, I hope that tomorrow I can complete the briefing & can start posting to the player's community to https://g0v.hackmd.io/c/ByfhnyMbB /https%3A%2F%2Fvtaiwan.tw%2Fhow-to-use https://vtaiwan.tw/topic/EPAMD

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562689187095700|source>: _總之先寫了一段說明文案更新在這&另外整理了議題手冊(待補強中),都�..._

咦The issue page seems to be unable to connect directly from the vtaiwan official website home page. https://vtaiwan.tw/
@null 00:24:38
咦The issue page seems to be unable to connect directly from the vtaiwan official website home page. https://vtaiwan.tw/

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562689476095900?thread_ts=1562689187.095700&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _咦議題頁面好像不能直連⋯⋯從vtaiwan官網首頁點進去的話可以 <https://vtaiwan.t>..._

@null 00:33:37
In addition, some people want to take the opportunity to play some other tools other than po.lis?

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562690017096800|source>: _另外有人想要趁機玩一些什麼其他po.lis以外的工具嗎_

I want to participate but there are other things tonight ˊ _ ˋ I see this in other channels: https://ch.arguman.org/
@null 02:10:50
Hi everyone. I’d like to introduce you to @katielam. We met at PDF this year. She is a Taiwanese American civic tech and privacy policy enthusiast living in New York City

@null 02:56:08
Hello everyone~ Nice to meet folks!!

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562698567099800|source>: _大家好~ Nice to meet folks!!_

@null 13:41:13
I want to participate but there are other things tonight ˊ _ ˋ I see this in other channels: https://ch.arguman.org/

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562737272102300?thread_ts=1562690017.096800&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _想參與但是今晚有其他事情ˊ_ˋ 是說在別的channel 看到這個東西: <https://ch.ar>..._

tmonk 15:03:41
@felixtypingmonkey has left the channel
@null 18:38:00
Recently https://imi.pdis.tw/ just released the available version, but also borrowed some development experience before the sense, maybe you can refer to

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562755079102700?thread_ts=1562690017.096800&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _最近 <https://imi.pdis.tw/> 剛釋出可用版本,也借鑒了 sense 之前的一些開發經驗��..._

@null 19:53:44
@au 7/22's online consultation meeting PDIS is it possible to help live broadcast?

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562759623104100|source>: _<@U02L29KSW> 7/22 的線上諮詢會議 PDIS 有可能幫忙直播嗎_

@null 19:54:43
Where is the location? If you create a social creation, you should be able to ask Ye Ning to ask

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562759682104900|source>: _地點在哪裡?社創的話,應該可以請葉寧問看看_

@null 21:30:12
Komatsu live was interrupted... it should be squid disconnected QQ

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562765411105200|source>: _小松live被斷訊了...應該是仔魚disconnect 了QQ_

Still finished
It’s not over yet, but someone just left, and then found that the larva phone has no power to shut down, it turned off the XD.
@null 21:31:19
Still finished

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562765476105300?thread_ts=1562765411.105200&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _還是已經結束了_

@null 21:36:00
It’s not over yet, but someone just left, and then found that the larva phone has no power to shut down, it turned off the XD.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562765759105500?thread_ts=1562765411.105200&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _還沒結束,不過剛剛有人陸續離開,然後發現仔魚手機沒電關機了,就關掉�..._

@null 23:39:18
The people who have just stayed changed the version of the newsletter. Let’s see if there are any problems. I will supplement the foreign law section https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1xdSNRYK4Sgd82vHLrfNR-LHKzOZOvg38m7g8HUvNVvs/edit#slide=id .g3cf805809f_0_113

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562773156106800?thread_ts=1562773156.106800&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _剛剛留下來的人們改了一版簡報,大家先看看有沒有問題,外國法的部分我�..._

I have more time to rest, hard work.
@null 23:42:37
In addition, there is another list of interested parties to be invited to fill out the questionnaire today. Because there is a telephone email, it is not open first. Friends who want to collaborate with me will tell me that I have stopped an electric scooter and went home. I met another one, I feel really a lot of aunts.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562773356109300|source>: _另外今天有另外列了一份待邀請填問卷的利害關係人表,因為有電話email所��..._


@null 00:02:53
I have more time to rest, hard work.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562774572110200?thread_ts=1562773156.106800&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _有空多休息耶,辛苦了_

@null 00:12:21
Komatsu registration this week: Welcome to directly edit the pen ~ https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/events/cf335c3c https://g0v.hackmd.io/saTcDPnSRquaRytR8ZJtgg

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562775134110800|source>: _本週小松報名: 歡迎直接編輯共筆~ <https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/events/cf335c3c> https://g..._

KKTIX vTaiwan小松,快來報名吧!



@null 15:15:13
Because the teachers are mostly out of the office during the summer vacation, I would like to ask everyone to help me see if there is any adjustment to the invitation.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562829312112500|source>: _因為現在正值暑假期間 老師們大多不在辦公室內 所以想請大家幫忙看一下��..._

@null 15:15:33
If OK, I will send the letter out at noon on Monday.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562829332113100|source>: _如果OK 我週一中午就會把信發送出去_

@null 15:15:50
I put it at the bottom

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562829350113600|source>: _我放在最下面_

@null 20:02:20
Also changed a part, ask everyone to help spread http://sc.piee.pw/EC958

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562846539114500|source>: _又改了一部分,求大家幫擴散 <http://sc.piee.pw/EC958_>


@null 00:37:39
AIT also uses polis

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562949459115900|source>: _AIT 也用 polis_

so cool! !
@null 09:25:13
so cool! !

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562981112116400?thread_ts=1562949459.115900&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _太酷了!!_

@null 14:14:52
The following picture has not been able to grow because the number of people who voted is not enough or bad to provoke QQ https://polis.pdis.nat.gov.tw/6nksxsdren

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1562998491117400|source>: _下面的圖一直長不出來是因為投的人不夠多還是壞掉惹QQ <https://polis.pdis.nat.go>..._

I remember that the background is to enable a setting?
I have opened
@null 14:57:50
I remember that the background is to enable a setting?

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563001069118200?thread_ts=1562998491.117400&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _我記得是後台要enable 一個設定?_

@null 15:02:29
I have opened

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563001348118400?thread_ts=1562998491.117400&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _我有開_

@null 22:58:18
@Romulus Help open polisMath?

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563029896118800?thread_ts=1562998491.117400&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _@Romulus 幫忙開一下 polisMath?_


@null 12:02:35
It seems that there are less than seven people who voted, but how can they be so much orz?

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563163354119300?thread_ts=1562998491.117400&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _好像是不到七個人投⋯⋯但明明滿多留言的怎麼會這樣orz_

@null 12:06:20
Or because there are too many messages, everyone doesn't want to finish it.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563163579119600?thread_ts=1562998491.117400&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _還是因為留言太多了大家都不想做完_


@null 22:58:46
I just realized that there might be a typhoon tomorrow: magiccarp:

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563289124120400|source>: _剛剛才知道原來明天可能有颱風:magickarp:_

Where is the XD of the squid king?
@null 22:59:44
Komatsu is in accordance with the standards of the Personnel Administration Bureau...? Or do you go home far away as Harrahon?

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563289183121500|source>: _小松就依人事行政局標準…?還是大家回家遠距當哈拉松?_

@null 23:01:43
The typhoon is just said to be formed.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563289301121800|source>: _颱風也是剛剛才說要形成的_

@null 23:01:49
The typhoon has an impact like Thursday

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563289307122000|source>: _颱風有影響好像是週四_

@null 23:02:01
I am planning to work XD on Thursday.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563289321122700|source>: _我是打算週四遠端工作XD_

@null 23:02:09
And the probability of landing in Taitung is relatively high, and the impact on Taipei should not be so fast.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563289328122900|source>: _而且台東登陸的機率比較高,對台北的影響應該沒那麼快_

@null 23:08:03
Where is the XD of the squid king?

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563289682123000?thread_ts=1563289124.120400&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _這個鯉魚王哪來的XD_

@null 23:25:40
Ok, everyone is careful.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563290739123400|source>: _好哦大家小心_


@null 00:13:35
It should be the biggest impact from Thursday to Friday morning. It is about 90 degrees northeast in the northeast of Luzon Island in the Philippines. The impact on the north depends on whether it is going east or west.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563293614126000|source>: _應該是星期四~星期五凌晨影響最大, 目前在菲律賓呂宋島東北即將90度北轉, ..._

@null 00:26:20
Tomorrow, the north will be a hot sunny day.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563294379126300|source>: _明天北部會是超熱大晴天吧_

@null 00:32:24
Cloudless, slightly windy Komatsu Day

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563294743127000|source>: _無雲晴朗稍微有風的小松日_

@null 08:34:01
Professional 孜孜

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563323640127400|source>: _專業的孜孜_

@null 12:45:16

@null 20:17:03
@ky Hello World

@null 20:17:18
@ky Hello World 2


@null 00:11:41
In other words, the body of the typhoon was attracted by another low pressure in the Pacific Ocean, and now it is going further east.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563379900130200|source>: _話說, 颱風的身體被太平洋上的另一個低壓吸引, 現在又更往東走了_

@null 00:13:31
But the clothes left, growing into another low pressure in the southwestern part of Taiwan, will lead the south on Friday.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563380010131700|source>: _但留下的衣服, 在台灣西南方長成另一個低壓, 星期五會引響南部_

@null 15:51:40
My friends said that they don’t understand how polis is doing XDD.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563436299132300|source>: _我朋友們說搞不懂polis在幹嘛怎麼用XDD_

@null 15:52:33
I feel that many people will use polis as the imagination of the questionnaire to use him and then get lost.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563436352133100|source>: _感覺很多人會帶著polis是問卷的想像去用他 然後就迷失_

@null 20:53:51

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563454431133500|source>: _QQ_

@null 20:54:35
Polis is more suitable for questionnaire designers XD who are not clear about the topic.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563454474134300|source>: _Polis 比較適合連題目都不太清楚的問卷設計者XD_

@null 20:55:23
In the close friend group, it’s not bad when everyone doesn’t know much about the issue.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563454522135300|source>: _在大家對議題都還不太了解的時候在 close friend group 來一輪 polis 還不錯_

@null 20:57:13
Then select the person who speaks more and design the questionnaire together. You can use typeform or survey monkey.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563454633135900|source>: _然後再挑發言多的人一起設計問卷 可以用 typeform or survey monkey_


@null 13:20:27
Grow it up!

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563513627136600?thread_ts=1563506340.136500&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _長出來了!_


@null 15:15:37
@ronnywang @allenlinli @Scott I would like to ask everyone who signed up, I just sent a letter before the letter was received?

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563693336005500|source>: _<@U038DCDRC> <@U2DEV3LDR> @Scott 請問有報名的大家,剛剛我有發一封行前信有人收到�..._

Received 嚕
Roger that.
@null 15:15:57
I did not receive it

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563693357005700|source>: _我沒收到_

@null 15:16:08
Ok, then I will come back again.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563693367005900|source>: _好喔那我重來一次_

@null 15:22:27
Received 嚕

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563693747006300?thread_ts=1563693336.005500&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _收到嚕_

@null 15:22:35

@null 15:22:46
Received slip

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563693764006900|source>: _收到溜_

@null 15:49:59
Komatsu registration this week: Welcome to edit directly ~ https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/events/8d46da66 https://g0v.hackmd.io/8jLSN2jaTuyrENd-mTcFZQ

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563695396007200|source>: _本週小松報名: 歡迎直接編輯共筆~ <https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/events/8d46da66> https://g..._

KKTIX vTaiwan小松,快來報名吧!



@null 16:35:38
When I interviewed the participants yesterday, one of the operators said that there were people who had taken the initiative to ask them to make a proposal to make this thing legal, but they would have to receive 2.5 million afterwards. I don’t know if it’s true or not.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563698137009100|source>: _昨天電訪參加者的時候,有個業者說曾經有民代主動找他們說可以提案讓這�..._

Awesome XD policy adjustments should be used as a protection network for public services, not as a tool for specific people.
The premise is that there is really this thing⋯⋯
So we can collect money afterwards (big mistakes)
Make a fortune! ! (what
@null 16:38:54

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563698334009200?thread_ts=1563698137.009100&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _(抖…_

@null 17:02:43
Awesome XD policy adjustments should be used as a protection network for public services, not as a tool for specific people.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563699761009400?thread_ts=1563698137.009100&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _還蠻可惡的XD 政策調整應作為為了公眾服務的保護網,而非圖利特定人士的�..._

@null 17:05:44
The premise is that there is really this thing⋯⋯

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563699944009600?thread_ts=1563698137.009100&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _前提是真的有這件事情⋯⋯_

@null 17:07:31
Roger that.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563700051009800?thread_ts=1563693336.005500&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _收到。_

@null 17:38:36
Silently turned into 3 groups of XD

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563701916010100?thread_ts=1563506340.136500&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _默默地變成了3群了XD_

@null 18:24:47
So we can collect money afterwards (big mistakes)

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563704687010800?thread_ts=1563698137.009100&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _所以我們事後也可以收錢 (大誤_

@null 20:10:25
Make a fortune! ! (what

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563711025011100?thread_ts=1563698137.009100&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _發大財!!(咦_

@null 20:10:37
Yes, it broke silently.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563711037011500?thread_ts=1563506340.136500&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _對啊默默地斷裂了_

@null 21:07:13


@null 01:22:18
<system> file 平衡車、電動滑板,台灣上路可以嗎?.pdf too big to download (10013520 > allowed size: 1000000)

@null 01:22:18
Tomorrow's briefing

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563729737012600|source>: _明天的簡報_

@null 01:23:33
The foreign law is relatively thin, and I look forward to the report of the Transportation Research Institute of the Ministry of Communications (欸) << a little give up

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563729811013300|source>: _外國法比較單薄一點,期待交通部運研所的報告出爐(欸)&lt;&lt;有點放棄_

@null 11:49:55
Today's article revision https://pse.is/0722

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563767392014400|source>: _本日共筆 <https://pse.is/0722_>

Someone (across chat bridge) 11:55:31
File from ky (vtaiwan@g0vtw)with comment: 就在剛剛又變成兩群了XDDD
@null 17:46:13
Will the people who will attend later have to buy something to eat? I will wait for the convenience store to buy it.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563788771017700|source>: _等下會出席的人有要買東西吃嗎 我等下路過便利商店可以幫買_

@null 17:48:35
I bought a radish cake and two welcome everyone to take xD

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563788912018500|source>: _我買了蘿蔔絲餅兩個 歡迎大家取用xD_

@null 18:35:13
I bought salted chicken

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563791713019000|source>: _我買了鹽水雞_

@null 18:50:15
Come on ㄅ~

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563792614019400|source>: _快來ㄅ~_

@null 18:54:18
I am five minutes more

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563792857019800|source>: _我再五分鐘_

@null 19:36:22
Laupe fans meet online

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563795380021000|source>: _仔魚粉絲線上見面會_


@null 00:52:46
Everyone has worked hard!

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563814366022600|source>: _大家辛苦了!_

@null 07:06:44
Yesterday quilt fish ring powder

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563836803023700|source>: _昨天被子魚圈粉_

@null 20:45:30
The knight store manager took a look after the meeting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URLWWneog2w&fbclid=IwAR113tYE_GnAuMU1wib25zi--8DfQZ4ynVkvRn-oQdvERt8O_qZkB9HQmuo

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563885929025500|source>: _騎士店長拍了會後感想耶 <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URLWWneog2w&amp;fbclid=IwAR113tYE_GnAu..._>


Someone (across chat bridge) 09:11:04
File from ky (vtaiwan@g0vtw)with comment: 又變資策會走路工了…XD
Screenshot 20190724-090914
Someone (across chat bridge) 09:11:09
File from ky (vtaiwan@g0vtw)
Screenshot 20190724-090923
Someone (across chat bridge) 09:11:14
File from ky (vtaiwan@g0vtw)
Screenshot 20190724-090929
@null 09:11:29
I have seen hahahaha

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563930645028600|source>: _我有看到哈哈哈哈_

@null 10:03:56
In this way, there is no suicide statement, no one in g0v will have to put a suicide statement on his body (eyes are dead)

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563933835031900|source>: _這樣就要不自殺聲明, 那g0v的沒有人不就都要把不自殺聲明刺青在身上了(眼�..._

@null 10:34:44
Next time, Komatsu can send a tattoo sticker without a suicide statement (?

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563935683033000|source>: _下次大松可以發不自殺聲明的紋身貼紙(?_

Next big pine proposal
@null 10:35:41
The disappointment of netizens I think I can understand. Would it be better to add a history to the site? https://www.c-chair.com.tw/Intro.aspx (The following is a mysterious demonstration)

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563935740033300?thread_ts=1563930614.027700&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _網友失望的情緒我想我可以理解。 如果在網站上加入歷史沿革會比較好嗎?..._

@null 10:37:44
Next big pine proposal

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563935864033900?thread_ts=1563935683.033000&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _下次大松提案_

@null 10:37:48
After all, the average user has no chance to know the existence of the pen.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563935867034100?thread_ts=1563930614.027700&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _畢竟一般網友查資料沒什麼機會知道共筆的存在_

@null 11:19:27
But strictly speaking, this netizen has 70% of "guess right", only vTaiwan is a subordinate organization of the policy committee (the main argument) is "guessing" wrong.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563938366034500?thread_ts=1563930614.027700&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _但嚴格來說, 這網友有"猜對" 70%, 只有vTaiwan是資策會從屬組織這點(主要論點)..._

@null 12:01:32
~ 子鱼在线粉丝会~ (?) Want to send an FB post? To push the pit, write a small summary to write

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563940890035700|source>: _~子魚線上粉絲會~ (?) 要發個 FB 貼文嗎?來推坑一下,共筆來寫個小摘要就��..._

@null 12:17:09
Well, in the end, think about how to explain it!

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563941828035800?thread_ts=1563930614.027700&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _嗯嗯,總之想想看要怎麼說明囉!_

@null 14:12:18
About au 18:45-19:00 discussion follow-up, interested in discussing together

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563948736036700|source>: _約au 18:45-19:00討論後續,有興趣討論的一起來_

Will try to be on time to ~
@null 14:16:44
Will try to be on time to ~

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1563949002036900?thread_ts=1563948736.036700&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _會盡量準時到~_


@null 21:23:06
This Komatsu registration: Welcome to directly edit the pen ~ https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/events/2aa5375c https://g0v.hackmd.io/RaF5FECLTDuX6saxFVRffg

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1564147381038100|source>: _本次小松報名: 歡迎直接編輯共筆~ <https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/events/2aa5375c> https://g..._

KKTIX vTaiwan小松,快來報名吧!




@null 21:01:42
Thanksgiving @tmonk

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1564578099038900|source>: _感恩 @tmonk_

Thanksgiving @tmonk
Thanksgiving @tmonk
Thanksgiving @tmonk
Thanksgiving @tmonk
@null 21:03:51
Thanksgiving @tmonk

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1564578231039000?thread_ts=1564578099.038900&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _感恩 @tmonk_

@null 21:04:05
Thanksgiving @tmonk

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1564578244039200?thread_ts=1564578099.038900&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _感恩@tmonk_

@null 21:56:08
Thanksgiving @tmonk

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1564581368039700?thread_ts=1564578099.038900&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _感恩 @tmonk_

@null 21:56:28
Thanksgiving @tmonk

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1564581388039900?thread_ts=1564578099.038900&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _感恩@tmonk_

@null 22:39:00
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=430261884243255&id=163417270927719 Subtle

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1564583939040200|source>: _<https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=430261884243255&amp;id=163417270927719> 微妙_


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