A Day Magazine
快加入你的旅行清單:曼谷這個「銀光魚群」展覽,最近在 Instagram 上大受歡迎 - A Day Magazine
A Day Magazine
快加入你的旅行清單:曼谷這個「銀光魚群」展覽,最近在 Instagram 上大受歡迎 - A Day Magazine
財團法人台灣網路資訊中心部落格 | TWNIC Blog
2024年度TWNIC網路相關計畫徵選 / TWNIC Grants 2024 - 財團法人台灣網路資訊中心部落格 | TWNIC Blog
一、 目的 為增進國內網際網路全面性發展,本中心擬公開徵選網路相關提案計畫。 二、 徵選辦法 計畫提案項目: 可針對以下四項網路發 […]
The Ocean Foundation
再生旅遊催化劑補助計畫將為為期 10 個月的計畫提供約 15-12 筆補助。
Hi - I am visiting Taiwan from the 23rd September and would be really interested in meeting people with an interest in data stewardship and digital rights to understand more about work you are doing. I am also happy to share some information about the work we have been doing with the Liverpool Civic Data Cooperative (<http://civicdatacooperative.com|civicdatacooperative.com>) and our role at the moment in supporting our city government. I am mostly free on the Thursday 26th but have other time can be available. Thanks.
Hi - I am visiting Taiwan from the 23rd September and would be really interested in meeting people with an interest in data stewardship and digital rights to understand more about work you are doing. I am also happy to share some information about the work we have been doing with the Liverpool Civic Data Cooperative (<http://civicdatacooperative.com|civicdatacooperative.com>) and our role at the moment in supporting our city government. I am mostly free on the Thursday 26th but have other time can be available. Thanks.
立法委員 洪申翰 (@hello_sunhan) on Threads
鳳梨葉竟然能做衣服?! 目前農業部輔導屏東縣九如鄉農會 設置全台第一座 區域型鳳梨葉自動化取纖循環場 透過新的技術提取鳳梨葉的天然纖維 希望未來能夠提供紡織產業新的可能,有效利用農業廢棄物真的很重要。 加油啊。