
Month: 2023-05


Ruth 01:49:18
newspeak is available?
Ruth 01:49:18
newspeak is available?
patcon 17:56:12
Ah yeah, saw your msgs! Tues, June 20th in the venue space, and June 13th on the terrace
patcon 17:56:12
Ah yeah, saw your msgs! Tues, June 20th in the venue space, and June 13th on the terrace
patcon 17:57:53
What are we feeling as the essentials for a hacknight space btw?
patcon 17:57:53
What are you thinking are the ideals for a hacknight space btw?
patcon 18:02:23
Projector, internet, food-able, other things?
patcon 18:02:23
Projector, internet, food-able, other things?