
Month: 2020-04


lizbarry 23:04:55
hi folx, how is everyone in these times?


lizbarry 01:47:46
Hi everyone, *tonight at 6pm* one of the teams i've been helping to grow is presenting a pile of case studies and inspiring arguments for a Citizens Assembly in New York City. Extinction Rebellion's 3rd & 4th Demand hand-in-hand. Would love to see you all there:


How Citizens’ Assemblies Can Reinvent Democracy

As coronavirus sends shockwaves through our society, American democracy is at stake. This crisis highlights how “politics as usual” is not up to the task. Embedding participatory democracy into the fabric of society is crucial if we are to successfully create a more just, sustainable, and livable world. Please join this online teach-in to learn about CITIZENS’ ASSEMBLIES, and how we can take back our democracy. It’s time for People Power.


thebestsophist 04:40:54
sorry to miss this. i am neck deep in covid-19 work these days