
Month: 2023-04


Dante Povinelli 12:44:23
Hello, I am working with the "new safe ID" group to raise awareness of the October 2022 data breach. I am looking for any data on fraud in Taiwan, especially time-series and county level data if it is available. The National Police Agency’s (NPA) Criminal Investigation Bureau (CIB) has reported some statistics to a few news agencies, but I can't find the data itself. Can anyone help me find where this data is available in Taiwan?您好,我正在與「新安全身分識別」團隊合作,提高對於2022年10月資料外洩事件的認知。我正在尋找有關台灣詐騙的任何資料,尤其是時間序列和縣市層級的資料,如果有的話。國家警察局刑事警察局已向一些新聞機構報告了一些統計數據,但我找不到這些資料本身。有人能幫我找到這些資料在台灣的可用位置嗎?


chewei 22:13:52

分享 創新資料應用競賽 <>

chewei 22:13:52

分享 創新資料應用競賽 <>


eric 14:39:28
Hi, I was wondering if there was any (official ideally) public data on renting price for Taipei ?
👀 2
eric 14:39:28
Hi, I was wondering if there was any (official) public data on renting price for Taipei ?